Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


package com.hygenics.parser;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import javax.annotation.Resource;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Required;

import com.hygenics.distance.Levenshtein;
import com.hygenics.exceptions.SQLMalformedException;
import com.hygenics.sort.Quicksort;

 * Takes in a Map
 * <table,list of columns>
 * and adds columns that don't exist. Will attempt to correct column names if
 * Lev distances are short and stated to do so. 80% of errors are one deletion,
 * insertion, or replacement away. (Lev. is better where a ton of abbr. and _
 * exist)
 * This will add missing columns to conform with a certain schema. Provide a
 * select, then provide a list of columns. It will output the overall table to a
 * new table of your choice. The dirty way to do this is to create a full outer
 * join on a schema table with a null row using obviously not matching columns
 * but the id columns will be included without tedious spec.
* @author Andrew Evans
* Copyright 2016
* License Free BSD
public class ForceConformityWithReference {

    private boolean fuzzy = false;
    private Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MainApp.class);
    private Map<String, List<String>> schema_columns;

    private boolean insensitive = false;

    private String baseschema;

    private List<String> exclude;
    private boolean correct = false;
    private int levcutoff = 1;

    private getDAOTemplate template;

    public ForceConformityWithReference() {


    public String getBaseschema() {
        return baseschema;

    public void setBaseschema(String baseschema) {
        this.baseschema = baseschema;

    public boolean isInsensitive() {
        return insensitive;

    public void setInsensitive(boolean insensitive) {
        this.insensitive = insensitive;

    public boolean isFuzzy() {
        return fuzzy;

    public void setFuzzy(boolean fuzzy) {
        this.fuzzy = fuzzy;

    public boolean isCorrect() {
        return correct;

    public void setCorrect(boolean correct) {
        this.correct = correct;

    public int getLevcutoff() {
        return levcutoff;

    public void setLevcutoff(int levcutoff) {
        this.levcutoff = levcutoff;

    public List<String> getExclude() {
        return exclude;

    public void setExclude(List<String> exclude) {
        this.exclude = exclude;

    public Map<String, List<String>> getSchema_columns() {
        return schema_columns;

    public void setSchema_columns(Map<String, List<String>> schema_columns) {
        this.schema_columns = schema_columns;

    public getDAOTemplate getTemplate() {
        return template;

    @Resource(name = "getDAOTemplate")
    public void setTemplate(getDAOTemplate template) {
        this.template = template;

    private void iter() {"Starting Enforcement @ " + Calendar.getInstance().getTime().toString() + " | UTC "
                + Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis());

        String sql;
        boolean add = true;
        ArrayList<String> columns = null;
        ArrayList<String> tablecolumns = null;
        Quicksort<String> qs = new Quicksort<String>();
        Levenshtein lev = new Levenshtein();

        // iterate through each table
        for (String table : schema_columns.keySet()) {

  "Checking for Table Existance " + table);
            String schema = this.baseschema;

  "Checking  table: " + table + "&& schema: " + schema);

            if (template.checkTable(this.baseschema + "." + table, schema)) {

      "Conforming: " + table);
                // get the arraylist
                tablecolumns = template.getColumns(this.baseschema + "." + table);

                if (insensitive == true) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < tablecolumns.size(); i++) {
                        tablecolumns.set(i, tablecolumns.get(i).toLowerCase());

                columns = (ArrayList<String>) schema_columns.get(table);

                if (insensitive == true) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < columns.size(); i++) {
                        columns.set(i, columns.get(i).toLowerCase());

                if (exclude != null) {
                    // remove unmatchable columns
                    if (exclude.size() > 0) {
                        for (String col : exclude) {

                // sort each arraylist
                columns = qs.sort();

                tablecolumns = qs.sort();

                // check each remaining column
                for (int i = 0; i < columns.size(); i++) {

                    if (tablecolumns.contains(columns.get(i).trim()) == false || (insensitive == true
                            && tablecolumns.contains(columns.get(i).toLowerCase().trim()) == false)) {

                        if (correct) {
                            int dist = Levenshtein.getLevenshteinDistance(tablecolumns.get(i), columns.get(i));
                            add = false;
                  "Distance was " + dist + " Cutoff is " + levcutoff);

                            // check lev. distances if requested and ensure some
                            // match with fuzzy (use at your own risk)
                            if (levcutoff > -1 & dist <= levcutoff) {

                      "Approximate Match: Correcting Column");

                                // if distance is within 1 or specified
                                // distances, correct it
                                sql = "ALTER TABLE " + this.baseschema + "." + table + " RENAME COLUMN "
                                        + tablecolumns.get(i) + " TO " + columns.get(i);

                                // get the table columns
                                tablecolumns = template.getColumns(this.baseschema + "." + table);
                                tablecolumns = qs.sort();

                        } else {
                            add = true;

                        if (add) {
                            // add column if necessary
                            sql = "Alter Table " + this.baseschema + "." + table + " ADD COLUMN " + columns.get(i)
                                    + " text";

                            // get the table columns again and resort them
                            tablecolumns = template.getColumns(this.baseschema + "." + table);

                            if (exclude != null) {
                                if (exclude.size() > 0) {
                                    for (String ex : exclude) {

                            tablecolumns = qs.sort();
                        // iterate backward so that the integrety is assured
            } else {
                try {
                    throw new SQLMalformedException("WARNING: Table " + table + " is missing");
                } catch (SQLMalformedException e) {

        }"Finishing Enforcement @ " + Calendar.getInstance().getTime().toString() + " | UTC "
                + Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis());


    public void run() {"Number of Tables: " + schema_columns.size());
