Source code

Java tutorial


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 * [y] hybris Platform
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 * All rights reserved.
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import android.content.Context;


import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;

 * Helper for url operations
public class UrlHelper {

     * Return the webservice Http Address that take into account the catalog + the method path to call
     * @param context               Application-specific resources
     * @param configuration         URL settings
     * @param pathUrlStringResource Webservice path
     * @param formatArgs            Values to replace on the final returned String   @return Formatted String Url for WebService
    public static String getWebserviceCatalogUrl(Context context, Configuration configuration,
            int pathUrlStringResource, Object... formatArgs) {
        if (configuration == null || StringUtils.isBlank(configuration.getBackendUrl())) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();

        return buildWebserviceUrl(context, configuration, pathUrlStringResource, formatArgs);

     * Return the webservice Http Address for token calls
     * @param context Application-specific resources
     * @return Formatted String Url for WebService
    public static String getWebserviceTokenUrl(Context context, Configuration configuration) {
        if (configuration == null || StringUtils.isBlank(configuration.getBackendUrl())) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();

        return configuration.getBackendUrl() + context.getString(R.string.path_token);

     * Build the webservice Http Address
     * @param context               Application-specific resources
     * @param configuration         URL settings
     * @param pathUrlStringResource Webservice path
     * @param formatArgs            Values to replace on the final returned String
     * @return Formatted String Url for WebService
    private static String buildWebserviceUrl(Context context, Configuration configuration,
            int pathUrlStringResource, Object... formatArgs) {
        if (configuration == null || StringUtils.isBlank(configuration.getBackendUrl())
                || StringUtils.isBlank(configuration.getCatalog())) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();

        String url = configuration.getBackendUrl() + context.getString(R.string.path_webservice)
                + configuration.getCatalog();

        if (formatArgs != null && formatArgs.length > 0) {
            return url + context.getString(pathUrlStringResource, formatArgs);
        } else {
            return url + context.getString(pathUrlStringResource);

     * Return the image Http Address
     * @param configuration URL settings
     * @param pathUrl       Url path of the image  @return Formatted String Url for Image
    public static String getImageUrl(Configuration configuration, String pathUrl) {
        if (configuration == null || StringUtils.isBlank(configuration.getBackendUrl())) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();

        return configuration.getBackendUrl() + pathUrl;