Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2016 Hurence ( * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.hurence.logisland.processor.webAnalytics; import com.hurence.logisland.annotation.documentation.CapabilityDescription; import com.hurence.logisland.annotation.documentation.Tags; import com.hurence.logisland.classloading.PluginProxy; import com.hurence.logisland.component.PropertyDescriptor; import com.hurence.logisland.processor.AbstractProcessor; import com.hurence.logisland.processor.ProcessContext; import com.hurence.logisland.record.Field; import com.hurence.logisland.record.FieldType; import com.hurence.logisland.record.Record; import com.hurence.logisland.service.cache.CacheService; import com.hurence.logisland.service.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchClientService; import com.hurence.logisland.service.elasticsearch.multiGet.InvalidMultiGetQueryRecordException; import com.hurence.logisland.service.elasticsearch.multiGet.MultiGetQueryRecord; import com.hurence.logisland.service.elasticsearch.multiGet.MultiGetQueryRecordBuilder; import com.hurence.logisland.service.elasticsearch.multiGet.MultiGetResponseRecord; import com.hurence.logisland.validator.StandardValidators; import; import; import*; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import static com.hurence.logisland.processor.webAnalytics.setSourceOfTraffic.*; @Tags({ "session", "traffic", "source", "web", "analytics" }) @CapabilityDescription("Compute the source of traffic of a web session. Users arrive at a website or application through a variety of sources, \n" + "including advertising/paying campaigns, search engines, social networks, referring sites or direct access. \n" + "When analysing user experience on a webshop, it is crucial to collect, process, and report the campaign and traffic-source data. \n" + "To compute the source of traffic of a web session, the user has to provide the utm_* related properties if available\n" + "i-e: **" + PROP_UTM_SOURCE + "**, **" + PROP_UTM_MEDIUM + "**, **" + PROP_UTM_CAMPAIGN + "**, **" + PROP_UTM_CONTENT + "**, **" + PROP_UTM_TERM + "**)\n" + ", the referer (**" + PROP_REFERER + "** property) and the first visited page of the session (**" + PROP_FIRST_VISITED_PAGE + "** property).\n" + "By default the source of traffic information are placed in a flat structure (specified by the **" + PROP_SOURCE_OF_TRAFFIC_SUFFIX + "** property\n" + " with a default value of " + SOURCE_OF_TRAFFIC_SUFFIX_NAME + "_). To work properly the setSourceOfTraffic processor needs to have access to an \n" + "Elasticsearch index containing a list of the most popular search engines and social networks. The ES index (specified by the **" + PROP_ES_INDEX + "** property) " + "should be structured such that the _id of an ES document MUST be the name of the domain. If the domain is a search engine, the related ES doc MUST have a boolean field " + "(default being " + SEARCH_ENGINE_SITE + ") specified by the property **" + PROP_ES_SEARCH_ENGINE + "** with a value set to true. If the domain is a social network " + ", the related ES doc MUST have a boolean field (default being " + SOCIAL_NETWORK_SITE + ") specified by the property **" + PROP_ES_SOCIAL_NETWORK + "** with a value set to true. ") public class setSourceOfTraffic extends AbstractProcessor { protected static final String PROP_ES_INDEX = "es.index"; private static final String PROP_ES_TYPE = "es.type"; protected static final String PROP_ES_SEARCH_ENGINE = "es.search_engine.field"; protected static final String PROP_ES_SOCIAL_NETWORK = "es.social_network.field"; private static final String PROP_HIERARCHICAL = "source_of_traffic.hierarchical"; protected static final String PROP_CACHE_SERVICE = "cache.service"; protected static final String PROP_CACHE_VALIDITY_TIMEOUT = "cache.validity.timeout"; protected static final String PROP_UTM_SOURCE = "utm_source.field"; protected static final String PROP_UTM_CAMPAIGN = "utm_campaign.field"; protected static final String PROP_UTM_MEDIUM = "utm_medium.field"; protected static final String PROP_UTM_CONTENT = "utm_content.field"; protected static final String PROP_UTM_TERM = "utm_term.field"; protected static final String PROP_REFERER = "referer.field"; protected static final String PROP_FIRST_VISITED_PAGE = ""; protected static final String PROP_SOURCE_OF_TRAFFIC_SUFFIX = "source_of_traffic.suffix"; protected static final String PROP_DEBUG = "debug"; protected static final String DEFAULT_CACHE_VALIDITY_PERIOD = "0"; protected static final String SOURCE_OF_TRAFFIC_SUFFIX_NAME = "source_of_traffic"; protected static final String SOCIAL_NETWORK_SITE = "social_network"; protected static final String SEARCH_ENGINE_SITE = "search_engine"; private static final String REFERRING_SITE = "referral"; private static final String DIRECT_TRAFFIC = "direct"; protected CacheService<String, CacheEntry> cacheService; static final String DEBUG_FROM_CACHE_SUFFIX = "_from_cache"; private static final String GOOGLE = "google"; private static final String CPC = "cpc"; private static final String ADWORDS = "adwords"; private static final String DOUBLECLICK = "DoubleClick"; protected boolean debug = false; public static final PropertyDescriptor ELASTICSEARCH_CLIENT_SERVICE = new PropertyDescriptor.Builder() .name("elasticsearch.client.service") .description("The instance of the Controller Service to use for accessing Elasticsearch.") .required(true).identifiesControllerService(ElasticsearchClientService.class).build(); public static final PropertyDescriptor ES_INDEX_FIELD = new PropertyDescriptor.Builder().name(PROP_ES_INDEX) .description("Name of the ES index containing the list of search engines and social network. ") .required(true).addValidator(StandardValidators.NON_EMPTY_VALIDATOR).build(); public static final PropertyDescriptor ES_TYPE_FIELD = new PropertyDescriptor.Builder().name(PROP_ES_TYPE) .description("Name of the ES type to use.").required(false).defaultValue("default").build(); public static final PropertyDescriptor ES_SEARCH_ENGINE_FIELD = new PropertyDescriptor.Builder() .name(PROP_ES_SEARCH_ENGINE) .description("Name of the ES field used to specify that the domain is a search engine.").required(false) .defaultValue(SEARCH_ENGINE_SITE).build(); public static final PropertyDescriptor ES_SOCIAL_NETWORK_FIELD = new PropertyDescriptor.Builder() .name(PROP_ES_SOCIAL_NETWORK) .description("Name of the ES field used to specify that the domain is a social network.") .required(false).defaultValue(SOCIAL_NETWORK_SITE).build(); public static final PropertyDescriptor CONFIG_CACHE_SERVICE = new PropertyDescriptor.Builder() .name(PROP_CACHE_SERVICE).description("Name of the cache service to use.").required(true) .identifiesControllerService(CacheService.class).build(); public static final PropertyDescriptor CONFIG_CACHE_VALIDITY_TIMEOUT = new PropertyDescriptor.Builder() .name(PROP_CACHE_VALIDITY_TIMEOUT) .description("Timeout validity (in seconds) of an entry in the cache.").required(false) .defaultValue(DEFAULT_CACHE_VALIDITY_PERIOD).addValidator(StandardValidators.LONG_VALIDATOR).build(); public static final PropertyDescriptor CONFIG_DEBUG = new PropertyDescriptor.Builder().name(PROP_DEBUG) .description("If true, an additional debug field is added. If the source info fields prefix is X," + " a debug field named X" + DEBUG_FROM_CACHE_SUFFIX + " contains a boolean value" + " to indicate the origin of the source fields. The default value for this property is false (debug is disabled).") .required(false).defaultValue("false").addValidator(StandardValidators.BOOLEAN_VALIDATOR).build(); private static final PropertyDescriptor REFERER_FIELD = new PropertyDescriptor.Builder().name(PROP_REFERER) .description("Name of the field containing the referer value in the session").required(false) .defaultValue("referer").addValidator(StandardValidators.NON_EMPTY_VALIDATOR).build(); private static final PropertyDescriptor FIRST_VISITED_PAGE_FIELD = new PropertyDescriptor.Builder() .name(PROP_FIRST_VISITED_PAGE) .description("Name of the field containing the first visited page in the session").required(false) .defaultValue("firstVisitedPage").addValidator(StandardValidators.NON_EMPTY_VALIDATOR).build(); private static final PropertyDescriptor UTM_SOURCE_FIELD = new PropertyDescriptor.Builder() .name(PROP_UTM_SOURCE).description("Name of the field containing the utm_source value in the session") .required(false).defaultValue("utm_source").addValidator(StandardValidators.NON_EMPTY_VALIDATOR) .build(); private static final PropertyDescriptor UTM_CAMPAIGN_FIELD = new PropertyDescriptor.Builder() .name(PROP_UTM_CAMPAIGN) .description("Name of the field containing the utm_campaign value in the session").required(false) .defaultValue("utm_campaign").addValidator(StandardValidators.NON_EMPTY_VALIDATOR).build(); private static final PropertyDescriptor UTM_MEDIUM_FIELD = new PropertyDescriptor.Builder() .name(PROP_UTM_MEDIUM).description("Name of the field containing the utm_medium value in the session") .required(false).defaultValue("utm_medium").addValidator(StandardValidators.NON_EMPTY_VALIDATOR) .build(); private static final PropertyDescriptor UTM_CONTENT_FIELD = new PropertyDescriptor.Builder() .name(PROP_UTM_CONTENT).description("Name of the field containing the utm_content value in the session") .required(false).defaultValue("utm_content").addValidator(StandardValidators.NON_EMPTY_VALIDATOR) .build(); private static final PropertyDescriptor UTM_TERM_FIELD = new PropertyDescriptor.Builder().name(PROP_UTM_TERM) .description("Name of the field containing the utm_term value in the session").required(false) .defaultValue("utm_term").addValidator(StandardValidators.NON_EMPTY_VALIDATOR).build(); private static final PropertyDescriptor SOURCE_OF_TRAFFIC_SUFFIX_FIELD = new PropertyDescriptor.Builder() .name(PROP_SOURCE_OF_TRAFFIC_SUFFIX).description("Suffix for the source of the traffic related fields") .required(false).defaultValue(SOURCE_OF_TRAFFIC_SUFFIX_NAME) .addValidator(StandardValidators.NON_EMPTY_VALIDATOR).build(); public static final PropertyDescriptor HIERARCHICAL = new PropertyDescriptor.Builder().name(PROP_HIERARCHICAL) .description( "Should the additional source of trafic information fields be added under a hierarchical father field or not.") .required(false).addValidator(StandardValidators.BOOLEAN_VALIDATOR).defaultValue("false").build(); /** * The source identified for the web session */ public static final String SOURCE_OF_TRAFIC_FIELD_SOURCE = "source"; /** * The medium identified for the web session */ public static final String SOURCE_OF_TRAFIC_FIELD_MEDIUM = "medium"; /** * The campaign identified for the web session */ public static final String SOURCE_OF_TRAFIC_FIELD_CAMPAIGN = "campaign"; /** * The content identified for the web session */ public static final String SOURCE_OF_TRAFIC_FIELD_CONTENT = "content"; /** * The term/keyword identified for the web session */ public static final String SOURCE_OF_TRAFIC_FIELD_KEYWORD = "keyword"; /** * Whether source of trafic is an organic search or not for the web session */ public static final String SOURCE_OF_TRAFIC_FIELD_ORGANIC_SEARCHES = "organic_search"; /** * The referral path identified for the web session */ public static final String SOURCE_OF_TRAFIC_FIELD_REFERRAL_PATH = "referral_path"; // Supported field names. Key: source field name, Value: the field type to use static Map<String, FieldType> supportedSourceOfTrafficFieldNames = new HashMap<String, FieldType>() { { put(SOURCE_OF_TRAFIC_FIELD_SOURCE, FieldType.STRING); put(SOURCE_OF_TRAFIC_FIELD_MEDIUM, FieldType.STRING); put(SOURCE_OF_TRAFIC_FIELD_CAMPAIGN, FieldType.STRING); put(SOURCE_OF_TRAFIC_FIELD_CONTENT, FieldType.STRING); put(SOURCE_OF_TRAFIC_FIELD_KEYWORD, FieldType.STRING); put(SOURCE_OF_TRAFIC_FIELD_ORGANIC_SEARCHES, FieldType.BOOLEAN); put(SOURCE_OF_TRAFIC_FIELD_REFERRAL_PATH, FieldType.STRING); } }; @Override public List<PropertyDescriptor> getSupportedPropertyDescriptors() { final List<PropertyDescriptor> descriptors = new ArrayList<>(); descriptors.add(REFERER_FIELD); descriptors.add(FIRST_VISITED_PAGE_FIELD); descriptors.add(UTM_SOURCE_FIELD); descriptors.add(UTM_MEDIUM_FIELD); descriptors.add(UTM_CAMPAIGN_FIELD); descriptors.add(UTM_CONTENT_FIELD); descriptors.add(UTM_TERM_FIELD); descriptors.add(SOURCE_OF_TRAFFIC_SUFFIX_FIELD); descriptors.add(HIERARCHICAL); descriptors.add(ELASTICSEARCH_CLIENT_SERVICE); descriptors.add(CONFIG_CACHE_SERVICE); descriptors.add(CONFIG_CACHE_VALIDITY_TIMEOUT); descriptors.add(CONFIG_DEBUG); descriptors.add(ES_INDEX_FIELD); descriptors.add(ES_TYPE_FIELD); descriptors.add(ES_SEARCH_ENGINE_FIELD); descriptors.add(ES_SOCIAL_NETWORK_FIELD); return Collections.unmodifiableList(descriptors); } protected ElasticsearchClientService elasticsearchClientService; @Override public boolean hasControllerService() { return true; } @Override public void init(final ProcessContext context) { super.init(context); debug = context.getPropertyValue(CONFIG_DEBUG).asBoolean(); elasticsearchClientService = PluginProxy .rewrap(context.getPropertyValue(ELASTICSEARCH_CLIENT_SERVICE).asControllerService()); if (elasticsearchClientService == null) { getLogger().error("Elasticsearch client service is not initialized!"); } cacheService = PluginProxy.rewrap(context.getPropertyValue(CONFIG_CACHE_SERVICE).asControllerService()); if (cacheService == null) { getLogger().error("Cache service is not initialized!"); } } /** * The regular expressions for matching the parameter ?gclid= (adwords) or ?gclsrc= (DoubleClick). */ private static final Pattern ADWORDS_RE = Pattern.compile(".*[\\&\\?]gclid=\\s*([^\\&\\?]+)\\&?.*"); private static final Pattern DOUBLECLICK_RE = Pattern.compile(".*[\\&\\?]gclsrc=\\s*([^\\&\\?]+)\\&?.*"); /** * Returns {@code true} if the specified location contains an adwords or doubleclick parameter; {@code false} * otherwise. If adwords/doubleclick is detected then the provided source of traffic instance is set * accordingly. * * @param location the location to check for adwords/doubleclick presence. * @param sourceOfTraffic the source of traffic object to set if needed. * * @return {@code true} if the specified location contains an adwords or doubleclick parameter; * {@code false} otherwise. */ private boolean adwords(final String location, final SourceOfTrafficMap sourceOfTraffic) { boolean processed = false; final boolean adwords = location != null && ADWORDS_RE.matcher(location).matches(); if (adwords || (location != null && DOUBLECLICK_RE.matcher(location).matches())) { processed = true; sourceOfTraffic.setSource(GOOGLE); sourceOfTraffic.setMedium(CPC); sourceOfTraffic.setCampaign(adwords ? ADWORDS : DOUBLECLICK); sourceOfTraffic.setContent(adwords ? ADWORDS : DOUBLECLICK); sourceOfTraffic.setKeyword(adwords ? ADWORDS : DOUBLECLICK); try { String[] params = new URI(location).getQuery().split("&"); for (String param : params) { String[] token = param.split("campaign="); if (token.length == 2) { sourceOfTraffic.setCampaign(token[1]); } } } catch (URISyntaxException e) { getLogger().error("URISyntaxException", e); } } return processed; } public void processSession(ProcessContext context, Record record) { final String utm_source_field = context.getPropertyValue(UTM_SOURCE_FIELD).asString(); final String utm_medium_field = context.getPropertyValue(UTM_MEDIUM_FIELD).asString(); final String utm_campaign_field = context.getPropertyValue(UTM_CAMPAIGN_FIELD).asString(); final String utm_content_field = context.getPropertyValue(UTM_CONTENT_FIELD).asString(); final String utm_term_field = context.getPropertyValue(UTM_TERM_FIELD).asString(); final String first_visited_page_field = context.getPropertyValue(FIRST_VISITED_PAGE_FIELD).asString(); final String SOURCE_OF_TRAFFIC_SUFFIX = context.getPropertyValue(SOURCE_OF_TRAFFIC_SUFFIX_FIELD).asString(); final String FLAT_SEPARATOR = "_"; final String referer_field = context.getPropertyValue(REFERER_FIELD).asString(); final boolean hierarchical = context.getPropertyValue(HIERARCHICAL).asBoolean(); SourceOfTrafficMap sourceOfTraffic = new SourceOfTrafficMap(); // Check if location contains the parameter ?gclid= (adwords) or ?gclsrc= (DoubleClick). final Field locationField = record.getField(first_visited_page_field); final String location = locationField != null ? locationField.asString() : null; final Field referenceField = record.getField(referer_field); final String referer = referenceField != null ? referenceField.asString() : null; if (adwords(location, sourceOfTraffic) || adwords(referer, sourceOfTraffic)) { // Already processed. } // Check if this is a custom campaign else if (record.getField(utm_source_field) != null) { String utm_source = null; try { utm_source = URLDecoder.decode(record.getField(utm_source_field).asString(), "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { getLogger().error("UnsupportedEncodingException", e); utm_source = record.getField(utm_source_field).asString(); } sourceOfTraffic.setSource(utm_source); if (record.getField(utm_campaign_field) != null) { String utm_campaign = null; try { utm_campaign = URLDecoder.decode(record.getField(utm_campaign_field).asString(), "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { getLogger().error("UnsupportedEncodingException", e); utm_campaign = record.getField(utm_campaign_field).asString(); } sourceOfTraffic.setCampaign(utm_campaign); } if (record.getField(utm_medium_field) != null) { String utm_medium = null; try { utm_medium = URLDecoder.decode(record.getField(utm_medium_field).asString(), "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { getLogger().error("UnsupportedEncodingException", e); utm_medium = record.getField(utm_medium_field).asString(); } sourceOfTraffic.setMedium(utm_medium); } if (record.getField(utm_content_field) != null) { String utm_content = null; try { utm_content = URLDecoder.decode(record.getField(utm_content_field).asString(), "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { getLogger().error("UnsupportedEncodingException", e); utm_content = record.getField(utm_content_field).asString(); } sourceOfTraffic.setContent(utm_content); } if (record.getField(utm_term_field) != null) { String utm_term = null; try { utm_term = URLDecoder.decode(record.getField(utm_term_field).asString(), "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { getLogger().error("UnsupportedEncodingException", e); utm_term = record.getField(utm_term_field).asString(); } sourceOfTraffic.setKeyword(utm_term); } } else if (referer != null) { String hostname; try { hostname = new URL(referer).getHost(); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { // Avoid error in logs in case scheme is android-app. try { if ("android-app".equals(new URI(referer).getScheme())) { return; } } catch (URISyntaxException e2) { getLogger().error("URISyntaxException for referer", e2); return; } getLogger().error("MalformedURLException for referer", e); return; } String[] hostname_splitted = hostname.split("\\."); String domain = null; if (hostname_splitted.length > 1) { domain = hostname_splitted[hostname_splitted.length - 2]; } else if (hostname_splitted.length == 1) { domain = hostname_splitted[0]; } else { return; } // Is referer under the webshop domain ? if (is_refer_under_site_domain(domain, context, record)) { // This is a direct access sourceOfTraffic.setSource(DIRECT_TRAFFIC); sourceOfTraffic.setMedium(""); sourceOfTraffic.setCampaign(DIRECT_TRAFFIC); } else { // Is the referer a known search engine ? if (is_search_engine(domain, context, record)) { // This is an organic search engine sourceOfTraffic.setSource(domain); sourceOfTraffic.setMedium(SEARCH_ENGINE_SITE); sourceOfTraffic.setOrganic_searches(Boolean.TRUE); } else if (is_social_network(domain, context, record)) { // This is social network sourceOfTraffic.setSource(domain); sourceOfTraffic.setMedium(SOCIAL_NETWORK_SITE); } else { // If the referer is not in the website domain, neither a search engine nor a social network, // then it is a referring site sourceOfTraffic.setSource(domain); sourceOfTraffic.setMedium(REFERRING_SITE); String referral_path = null; try { referral_path = URLDecoder.decode(referer, "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { getLogger().error("UnsupportedEncodingException", e); referral_path = referer; } sourceOfTraffic.setReferral_path(referral_path); } } } else { // Direct access sourceOfTraffic.setSource(DIRECT_TRAFFIC); sourceOfTraffic.setMedium(""); sourceOfTraffic.setCampaign(DIRECT_TRAFFIC); } if (hierarchical) { record.setField(SOURCE_OF_TRAFFIC_SUFFIX, FieldType.MAP, sourceOfTraffic.getSourceOfTrafficMap()); } else { Map<String, Object> sot = sourceOfTraffic.getSourceOfTrafficMap(); sot.forEach((k, v) -> { record.setField(SOURCE_OF_TRAFFIC_SUFFIX + FLAT_SEPARATOR + k, supportedSourceOfTrafficFieldNames.get(k), v); }); } } private boolean is_refer_under_site_domain(String domain, ProcessContext context, Record record) { boolean res = false; String first_visited_page_field = context.getPropertyValue(FIRST_VISITED_PAGE_FIELD).asString(); if (record.hasField(first_visited_page_field)) { String first_page = record.getField(first_visited_page_field).asString(); URL first_page_url = null; try { first_page_url = new URL(first_page); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { getLogger().error("MalformedURLException", e); return res; } String host = first_page_url.getHost(); String[] host_array = host.split("\\."); String first_visited_page_domain; if (host_array.length > 1) { first_visited_page_domain = host_array[host_array.length - 2]; } else if (host_array.length == 1) { first_visited_page_domain = host_array[0]; } else { return res; } if (domain.equals(first_visited_page_domain)) { res = true; } else { res = false; } } return res; } @Override public Collection<Record> process(ProcessContext context, Collection<Record> records) { for (Record record : records) { processSession(context, record); } return records; } /* * Returns true if the domain is a known social network website, false otherwise. * To figure out whether the domain is a known social network, we first lookup the domain in our local cache. * If the domain is present, then we pick up the info from here; otherwise we lookup the info from Elasticsearch. */ private boolean is_social_network(String domain, ProcessContext context, Record record) { String es_social_network_field = context.getPropertyValue(ES_SOCIAL_NETWORK_FIELD).asString(); return has_domain_flag(domain, es_social_network_field, context, record); } /* * Returns true if the domain is a known search engine, false otherwise. * To figure out whether the domain is a known search engine, we first lookup the domain in our local cache. * If the domain is present, then we pick up the info from here; otherwise we lookup the info from Elasticsearch. */ private boolean is_search_engine(String domain, ProcessContext context, Record record) { String es_search_engine_field = context.getPropertyValue(ES_SEARCH_ENGINE_FIELD).asString(); return has_domain_flag(domain, es_search_engine_field, context, record); } private boolean has_domain_flag(String domain, String flag, ProcessContext context, Record record) { final String source_of_traffic_suffix = context.getPropertyValue(SOURCE_OF_TRAFFIC_SUFFIX_FIELD).asString(); final long cacheValidityPeriodSec = context.getPropertyValue(CONFIG_CACHE_VALIDITY_TIMEOUT).asLong(); boolean has_flag = false; /** * Attempt to find domain related info from the cache */ setSourceOfTraffic.CacheEntry cacheEntry = null; try { cacheEntry = cacheService.get(domain); } catch (Exception e) { getLogger().trace("Could not use cache!"); } /** * If something in the cache, get it and be sure it is not obsolete */ Map<String, Object> sourceInfo = null; boolean fromCache = true; if (cacheEntry != null) { // Something in the cache? sourceInfo = cacheEntry.getSourceInfo(); if (cacheValidityPeriodSec > 0) { // Cache validity period enabled? long cacheTime = cacheEntry.getTime(); long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); long cacheAge = now - cacheTime; if (cacheAge > (cacheValidityPeriodSec * 1000L)) { // Cache entry older than allowed max age? sourceInfo = null; // Cache entry expired, force triggering a new request } } } if (sourceInfo == null) { fromCache = false; /** * Not in the cache or cache entry expired * Call the elasticsearch service and fill responses as new fields */ String recordKeyName = domain; String indexName = context.getPropertyValue(ES_INDEX_FIELD).asString(); String typeName = context.getPropertyValue(ES_TYPE_FIELD).asString(); MultiGetQueryRecordBuilder mgqrBuilder = new MultiGetQueryRecordBuilder(); mgqrBuilder.add(indexName, typeName, null, recordKeyName); List<MultiGetResponseRecord> multiGetResponseRecords = null; try { List<MultiGetQueryRecord> mgqrs =; multiGetResponseRecords = elasticsearchClientService.multiGet(mgqrs); } catch (InvalidMultiGetQueryRecordException e) { getLogger().error("error while multiget", e); } if (multiGetResponseRecords == null || multiGetResponseRecords.isEmpty()) { // The domain is not known in the Elasticsearch special index // Therefore it is neither a search engine nor a social network sourceInfo = new HashMap(); sourceInfo.put(REFERRING_SITE, true); } else { Optional<MultiGetResponseRecord> mgrr =; MultiGetResponseRecord mgrr_record; if (mgrr.isPresent()) { mgrr_record = mgrr.get(); sourceInfo = new HashedMap(); Map[] sourceInfoArray = { sourceInfo }; if (mgrr_record.getRetrievedFields() != null) { mgrr_record.getRetrievedFields().forEach((k, v) -> { String fieldName = k.toString(); String fieldValue = v.toString(); // Initialize sourceInfo; i-e Map<String, Object> sourceInfoArray[0].put(fieldName, fieldValue); }); } else { // The domain is not known in the Elasticsearch special index // Therefore it is neither a search engine nor a social network sourceInfo = new HashMap(); sourceInfo.put(REFERRING_SITE, true); } } } try { // Store the sourceInfo into the cache cacheEntry = new CacheEntry(sourceInfo, System.currentTimeMillis()); cacheService.set(domain, cacheEntry); } catch (Exception e) { getLogger().trace("Could not put entry in the cache:" + e.getMessage()); } } if (sourceInfo != null) { if (sourceInfo.containsKey(flag)) { boolean val = Boolean.parseBoolean((String) sourceInfo.get(flag)); has_flag = val; } } if (debug) { // Add some debug fields record.setField(source_of_traffic_suffix + DEBUG_FROM_CACHE_SUFFIX, FieldType.BOOLEAN, fromCache); } return has_flag; } /** * Cached entity for search engine and social network sites */ private static class CacheEntry { // sourceInfo translated from the referer_hostname private Map<String, Object> sourceInfo = null; // Time at which this cache entry has been stored in the cache service private long time = 0L; public CacheEntry(Map<String, Object> sourceInfo, long time) { this.sourceInfo = sourceInfo; this.time = time; } public Map<String, Object> getSourceInfo() { return sourceInfo; } public long getTime() { return time; } } private static class SourceOfTrafficMap { // sourceInfo translated from the ip (or the ip if the sourceInfo could not be found) private Map<String, Object> sourceOfTrafficMap = new HashMap<>(); public Map<String, Object> getSourceOfTrafficMap() { return sourceOfTrafficMap; } public void setMedium(String medium) { this.sourceOfTrafficMap.put(SOURCE_OF_TRAFIC_FIELD_MEDIUM, medium); } public void setCampaign(String campaign) { this.sourceOfTrafficMap.put(SOURCE_OF_TRAFIC_FIELD_CAMPAIGN, campaign); } public void setContent(String content) { this.sourceOfTrafficMap.put(SOURCE_OF_TRAFIC_FIELD_CONTENT, content); } public void setKeyword(String keyword) { this.sourceOfTrafficMap.put(SOURCE_OF_TRAFIC_FIELD_KEYWORD, keyword); } public void setOrganic_searches(Boolean organic_searches) { this.sourceOfTrafficMap.put(SOURCE_OF_TRAFIC_FIELD_ORGANIC_SEARCHES, organic_searches); } public void setReferral_path(String referral_path) { this.sourceOfTrafficMap.put(SOURCE_OF_TRAFIC_FIELD_REFERRAL_PATH, referral_path); } public void setSource(String source) { this.sourceOfTrafficMap.put(SOURCE_OF_TRAFIC_FIELD_SOURCE, source); } public SourceOfTrafficMap() { setOrganic_searches(Boolean.FALSE); // By default we consider source of traffic to not be organic searches. } } }