Java tutorial
/* @(#) * * Project:spdb * * Modify Information: * ============================================================================= * Author Date Description * ------------ ---------- --------------------------------------------------- * PanShuang 2011-10-17 first release * * * Copyright Notice: * ============================================================================= * Copyright 2011 Huateng Software, Inc. All rights reserved. * * This software is the confidential and proprietary information of * Shanghai HUATENG Software Co., Ltd. ("Confidential Information"). * You shall not disclose such Confidential Information and shall use it * only in accordance with the terms of the license agreement you entered * into with Huateng. * * Warning: * ============================================================================= * */ package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import; import; import com.huateng.common.Constants; import com.huateng.common.ErrorCode; import com.huateng.common.Operator; import com.huateng.commquery.dao.ICommQueryDAO; import com.huateng.dao.iface.base.TblCompanyEmployeeDAO; import com.huateng.log.Log; import com.huateng.po.TblCompanyEmployee; import com.huateng.po.TblCompanyStepment; import com.huateng.po.TblOprInfo; import com.huateng.system.util.BeanUtils; import com.huateng.system.util.GenerateNextId; import com.huateng.system.util.JSONBean; /** * Title: * * Description: * * Copyright: Copyright (c) 2011-10-17 * * Company: Shanghai Huateng Software Systems Co., Ltd. * * @author PanShuang * * @version 1.0 */ public class T10601BOTarget implements T10601BO { private TblCompanyEmployeeDAO tblCompanyEmployeeDAO; private ICommQueryDAO commQueryDAO; private T10401BO t10401BO; public T10401BO getT10401BO() { return t10401BO; } public void setT10401BO(T10401BO t10401bo) { t10401BO = t10401bo; } public void setCommQueryDAO(ICommQueryDAO commQueryDAO) { this.commQueryDAO = commQueryDAO; } /** * @return the tblCompanyEmployeeDAO */ public TblCompanyEmployeeDAO getTblCompanyEmployeeDAO() { return tblCompanyEmployeeDAO; } /** * @param tblCompanyEmployeeDAO the tblCompanyEmployeeDAO to set */ public void setTblCompanyEmployeeDAO(TblCompanyEmployeeDAO tblCompanyEmployeeDAO) { this.tblCompanyEmployeeDAO = tblCompanyEmployeeDAO; } public String add(TblCompanyEmployee tblCompanyEmployee, Operator operator) { if (tblCompanyEmployee == null) return "?."; String empId = StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(tblCompanyEmployee.getEmployeeId()); //??? String sql = "select EMPLOYEE_NUM from TBL_COMPANY_EMPLOYEE where EMPLOYEE_ID= '" + empId + "'"; List list = commQueryDAO.findBySQLQuery(sql.toString()); if (list != null && list.size() > 0) { return "??"; } String employeeId = GenerateNextId.getNextSequence("TBL_COMPANY_EMPLOYEE"); if (employeeId == null) return "??."; tblCompanyEmployee.setEmployeeId(empId); tblCompanyEmployee.setId(employeeId);; Log.log("????" + operator.getOprId()); return Constants.SUCCESS_CODE; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public String delete(String id, Operator operator) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(id)) return "?."; id = StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(id); String sql = "select * from TBL_OPR_INFO where OPR_NAME= '" + id + "' "; List<Object[]> dataList = commQueryDAO.findBySQLQuery(sql); // ??? if (dataList.size() > 0) { return ErrorCode.T10601_01; } tblCompanyEmployeeDAO.delete(id); Log.log("????" + operator.getOprId()); return Constants.SUCCESS_CODE; } public String update(String companyEmployeeList, Operator operator) throws Exception { JSONBean jsonBean = new JSONBean(); jsonBean.parseJSONArrayData(companyEmployeeList); int len = jsonBean.getArray().size(); List<TblCompanyEmployee> tblCompanyEmployeeList = new ArrayList<TblCompanyEmployee>(); TblCompanyEmployee tblCompanyEmployee = null; List<TblOprInfo> tblOprInfoList = new ArrayList<TblOprInfo>(); List<TblOprInfo> oprList = new ArrayList<TblOprInfo>(); List<TblCompanyStepment> tblCompanyStepmentList = new ArrayList<TblCompanyStepment>(); String id; String oprHql = ""; String brhHql = ""; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { id = jsonBean.getJSONDataAt(i).getString("id"); tblCompanyEmployee = get(id); jsonBean.setObject(jsonBean.getJSONDataAt(i)); BeanUtils.setObjectWithPropertiesValue(tblCompanyEmployee, jsonBean, true); tblCompanyEmployeeList.add(tblCompanyEmployee); brhHql = "from com.huateng.po.TblCompanyStepment t where = " + tblCompanyEmployee.getStepment(); oprHql = "from com.huateng.po.TblOprInfo t where t.oprName = " + tblCompanyEmployee.getId(); tblCompanyStepmentList = commQueryDAO.findByHQLQuery(brhHql); oprList = commQueryDAO.findByHQLQuery(oprHql); for (TblOprInfo opr : oprList) { if (tblCompanyStepmentList.size() > 0) { opr.setBrhId(tblCompanyStepmentList.get(0).getBrhId()); } tblOprInfoList.add(opr); } } for (TblCompanyEmployee item : tblCompanyEmployeeList) { tblCompanyEmployeeDAO.update(item); } t10401BO.update(tblOprInfoList); Log.log("????" + operator.getOprId()); return Constants.SUCCESS_CODE; } public TblCompanyEmployee get(String id) { return tblCompanyEmployeeDAO.get(id); } }