Java tutorial
/* * (c) Copyright 2015-2016 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.hpe.caf.util.rabbitmq; import com.rabbitmq.client.Channel; import com.rabbitmq.client.Connection; import net.jodah.lyra.ConnectionOptions; import net.jodah.lyra.Connections; import net.jodah.lyra.config.Config; import net.jodah.lyra.config.RecoveryPolicy; import net.jodah.lyra.config.RetryPolicy; import net.jodah.lyra.util.Duration; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException; /** * Utility wrapper methods for interacting with RabbitMQ. * @since 1.0 */ public final class RabbitUtil { private RabbitUtil() { } /** * Create a new Lyra managed RabbitMQ connection with a default Lyra configuration. * @param host the host or IP running RabbitMQ * @param port the port that the RabbitMQ server is exposed on * @param user the username to use when authenticating with RabbitMQ * @param pass the password to use when autenticating with RabbitMQ * @return a valid connection to RabbitMQ, managed by Lyra * @throws IOException if the connection fails to establish * @throws TimeoutException if the connection fails to establish */ public static Connection createRabbitConnection(String host, int port, String user, String pass) throws IOException, TimeoutException { return createRabbitConnection(createLyraConnectionOptions(host, port, user, pass), createLyraConfig(1, 30, 20)); } /** * Create a new Lyra managed RabbitMQ connection with custom settings. * @param opts the Lyra ConnectionOptions * @param config the Lyra Config * @return a valid connection to RabbitMQ, managed by Lyra * @throws IOException if the connection fails to establish * @throws TimeoutException if the connection fails to establish */ public static Connection createRabbitConnection(ConnectionOptions opts, Config config) throws IOException, TimeoutException { return Connections.create(opts, config); } /** * Generate a pre-populated Lyra ConnectionOptions object which can be used together with a * Lyra Config object to establish a RabbitMQ connection. If you wish to use defaults, just * call the createRabbitConnection(RabbitConfiguration) method. * @param host the host or IP running RabbitMQ * @param port the port that the RabbitMQ server is exposed on * @param user the username to use when authenticating with RabbitMQ * @param pass the password to use when autenticating with RabbitMQ * @return a Lyra ConnectionOptions object with settings configured from the RabbitConfiguration specified */ public static ConnectionOptions createLyraConnectionOptions(String host, int port, String user, String pass) { return new ConnectionOptions().withHost(host).withPort(port).withUsername(user).withPassword(pass); } /** * Generate a pre-populated Lyra Config object which can be used together with a Lyra * ConnectionOptions object to establish a RabbitMQ connection. If you wish to use defaults, just * call the createRabbitConnection(RabbitConfiguration) method. * @param backoffInterval the initial interval, in seconds, between re-attempts upon failed RabbitMQ operations * @param maxBackoffInterval the maximum interval, in seconds, between re-attempts upon failed RabbitMQ operations * @param maxAttempts the maximum number of attempts to retry failed RabbitMQ operations, -1 is unlimited * @return a Lyra Config object with settings configured from the RabbitConfiguration specified */ public static Config createLyraConfig(int backoffInterval, int maxBackoffInterval, int maxAttempts) { RecoveryPolicy recoveryPolicy = new RecoveryPolicy().withBackoff(Duration.seconds(backoffInterval), Duration.seconds(maxBackoffInterval)); RetryPolicy retryPolicy = new RetryPolicy() .withBackoff(Duration.seconds(backoffInterval), Duration.seconds(maxBackoffInterval)) .withMaxAttempts(maxAttempts); return new Config().withRetryPolicy(retryPolicy) .withRecoveryPolicy(recoveryPolicy.withMaxAttempts(maxAttempts)); } /** * Ensure a queue for a worker has been declared. Both a consumer *and* a publisher should call this before they * attempt to use a worker queue for the first time. * @param channel the channel to use to declare the queue * @param queueName the name of the worker queue * @throws IOException if the queue is not valid and cannot be used, this is likely NOT retryable */ public static void declareWorkerQueue(Channel channel, String queueName) throws IOException { declareQueue(channel, queueName, Durability.DURABLE, Exclusivity.NON_EXCLUSIVE, EmptyAction.LEAVE_EMPTY); } /** * Declare a queue with arbitrary parameters and default queue properties. * @param channel the channel to use to declare the queue * @param queueName the name of the queue * @param dur the durability setting of the queue * @param excl the exclusivity setting of the queue * @param act the empty action setting of the queue * @throws IOException if the queue already exists AND the parameter settings do not match the existing queue */ public static void declareQueue(Channel channel, String queueName, Durability dur, Exclusivity excl, EmptyAction act) throws IOException { declareQueue(channel, queueName, dur, excl, act, Collections.emptyMap()); } /** * Declare a queue with arbitrary parameters and properties. * @param channel the channel to use to declare the queue * @param queueName the name of the queue * @param dur the durability setting of the queue * @param excl the exclusivity setting of the queue * @param act the empty action setting of the queue * @param queueProps the queue properties map * @throws IOException if the queue already exists AND the parameter settings do not match the existing queue * @since 2.0 */ public static void declareQueue(Channel channel, String queueName, Durability dur, Exclusivity excl, EmptyAction act, Map<String, Object> queueProps) throws IOException { Objects.requireNonNull(queueName); Objects.requireNonNull(dur); Objects.requireNonNull(excl); Objects.requireNonNull(act); Objects.requireNonNull(queueProps); channel.queueDeclare(queueName, dur == Durability.DURABLE, excl == Exclusivity.EXCLUSIVE, act == EmptyAction.AUTO_REMOVE, queueProps); } }