Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2013 EntIT Software LLC * Certain versions of software and/or documents (Material?) accessible here may contain branding from * Hewlett-Packard Company (now HP Inc.) and Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company. As of September 1, 2017, * the Material is now offered by Micro Focus, a separately owned and operated company. Any reference to the HP * and Hewlett Packard Enterprise/HPE marks is historical in nature, and the HP and Hewlett Packard Enterprise/HPE * marks are the property of their respective owners. * __________________________________________________________________ * MIT License * * Copyright (c) 2018 Micro Focus Company, L.P. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. * ___________________________________________________________________ * */ package; import com.hp.octane.integrations.dto.DTOFactory; import com.hp.octane.integrations.dto.tests.Property; import com.hp.octane.integrations.dto.tests.TestSuite; import; import; import; import hudson.FilePath; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; /** * JUnit result parser and enricher according to HPRunnerType */ public class JUnitXmlIterator extends AbstractXmlIterator<JUnitTestResult> { private static final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(JUnitXmlIterator.class); public static final String DASHBOARD_URL = "dashboardUrl"; private final FilePath workspace; private final long buildStarted; private final String buildId; private final String jobName; private final HPRunnerType hpRunnerType; private boolean stripPackageAndClass; private String moduleName; private String packageName; private String id; private String className; private String testName; private long duration; private TestResultStatus status; private String stackTraceStr; private String errorType; private String errorMsg; private String externalURL; private List<ModuleDetection> moduleDetection; private String jenkinsRootUrl; private String sharedCheckOutDirectory; private Object additionalContext; public JUnitXmlIterator(InputStream read, List<ModuleDetection> moduleDetection, FilePath workspace, String sharedCheckOutDirectory, String jobName, String buildId, long buildStarted, boolean stripPackageAndClass, HPRunnerType hpRunnerType, String jenkinsRootUrl, Object additionalContext) throws XMLStreamException { super(read); this.stripPackageAndClass = stripPackageAndClass; this.moduleDetection = moduleDetection; this.workspace = workspace; this.sharedCheckOutDirectory = sharedCheckOutDirectory; this.buildId = buildId; this.jobName = jobName; this.buildStarted = buildStarted; this.hpRunnerType = hpRunnerType; this.jenkinsRootUrl = jenkinsRootUrl; this.additionalContext = additionalContext; } private static long parseTime(String timeString) { String time = timeString.replace(",", ""); try { float seconds = Float.parseFloat(time); return (long) (seconds * 1000); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { try { return new DecimalFormat().parse(time).longValue(); } catch (ParseException ex) { logger.debug("Unable to parse test duration: " + timeString); } } return 0; } private String getStormRunnerURL(String path) { String srUrl = null; File srReport = new File(path); if (srReport.exists()) { TestSuite testSuite = DTOFactory.getInstance().dtoFromXmlFile(srReport, TestSuite.class); for (Property property : testSuite.getProperties()) { if (property.getPropertyName().equals(DASHBOARD_URL)) { srUrl = property.getPropertyValue(); break; } } } return srUrl; } @Override protected void onEvent(XMLEvent event) throws XMLStreamException, IOException, InterruptedException { if (event instanceof StartElement) { StartElement element = (StartElement) event; String localName = element.getName().getLocalPart(); if ("file".equals(localName)) { // NON-NLS String path = readNextValue(); for (ModuleDetection detection : moduleDetection) { moduleName = detection.getModule(new FilePath(new File(path))); if (moduleName != null) { break; } } if (hpRunnerType.equals(HPRunnerType.StormRunnerLoad)) { logger.error("HPE Runner: " + hpRunnerType); externalURL = getStormRunnerURL(path); } } else if ("id".equals(localName)) { id = readNextValue(); } else if ("case".equals(localName)) { // NON-NLS packageName = ""; className = ""; testName = ""; duration = 0; status = TestResultStatus.PASSED; stackTraceStr = ""; errorType = ""; errorMsg = ""; } else if ("className".equals(localName)) { // NON-NLS String fqn = readNextValue(); int p = fqn.lastIndexOf('.'); className = fqn.substring(p + 1); if (p > 0) { packageName = fqn.substring(0, p); } else { packageName = ""; } } else if ("testName".equals(localName)) { // NON-NLS testName = readNextValue(); if (hpRunnerType.equals(HPRunnerType.UFT)) { String myPackageName = packageName; String myClassName = className; String myTestName = testName; packageName = ""; className = ""; if (testName.startsWith(workspace.getRemote())) { // if workspace is prefix of the method name, cut it off // currently this handling is needed for UFT tests int testStartIndex = workspace.getRemote().length() + (sharedCheckOutDirectory == null ? 0 : (sharedCheckOutDirectory.length() + 1)); String path = testName.substring(testStartIndex); path = path.replace(OctaneConstants.General.LINUX_PATH_SPLITTER, OctaneConstants.General.WINDOWS_PATH_SPLITTER); path = StringUtils.strip(path, OctaneConstants.General.WINDOWS_PATH_SPLITTER); //split path to package and and name fields if (path.contains(OctaneConstants.General.WINDOWS_PATH_SPLITTER)) { int testNameStartIndex = path .lastIndexOf(OctaneConstants.General.WINDOWS_PATH_SPLITTER); testName = path.substring(testNameStartIndex + 1); packageName = path.substring(0, testNameStartIndex); } else { testName = path; } } String cleanedTestName = cleanTestName(testName); boolean testReportCreated = true; if (additionalContext != null && additionalContext instanceof Set) { Set createdTests = (Set) additionalContext; testReportCreated = createdTests.contains(cleanedTestName); } workspace.createTextTempFile("build" + buildId + "." + cleanTestName(testName) + ".", "", "Created " + testReportCreated); if (testReportCreated) { externalURL = jenkinsRootUrl + "job/" + jobName + "/" + buildId + "/artifact/UFTReport/" + cleanTestName(testName) + "/run_results.html"; } else { //if UFT didn't created test results page - add reference to Jenkins test results page externalURL = jenkinsRootUrl + "job/" + jobName + "/" + buildId + "/testReport/" + myPackageName + "/" + jenkinsTestClassFormat(myClassName) + "/" + jenkinsTestNameFormat(myTestName) + "/"; } } else if (hpRunnerType.equals(HPRunnerType.PerformanceCenter)) { externalURL = jenkinsRootUrl + "job/" + jobName + "/" + buildId + "/artifact/performanceTestsReports/pcRun/Report.html"; } else if (hpRunnerType.equals(HPRunnerType.StormRunnerFunctional)) { if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(id) && additionalContext != null && additionalContext instanceof Map) { Map<String, String> testId2Url = (Map) additionalContext; if (testId2Url.containsKey(id)) externalURL = testId2Url.get(id); } } else if (hpRunnerType.equals(HPRunnerType.StormRunnerLoad)) { //console contains link to report //link start with "View Report:" String VIEW_REPORT_PREFIX = "View Report: "; if (additionalContext != null && additionalContext instanceof Collection) { for (Object str : (Collection) additionalContext) { if (str != null && str instanceof String && ((String) str).startsWith(VIEW_REPORT_PREFIX)) { externalURL = str.toString().replace(VIEW_REPORT_PREFIX, ""); } } } } } else if ("duration".equals(localName)) { // NON-NLS duration = parseTime(readNextValue()); } else if ("skipped".equals(localName)) { // NON-NLS if ("true".equals(readNextValue())) { // NON-NLS status = TestResultStatus.SKIPPED; } } else if ("failedSince".equals(localName)) { // NON-NLS if (!"0".equals(readNextValue()) && !TestResultStatus.SKIPPED.equals(status)) { status = TestResultStatus.FAILED; } } else if ("errorStackTrace".equals(localName)) { // NON-NLS status = TestResultStatus.FAILED; stackTraceStr = ""; if (peek() instanceof Characters) { stackTraceStr = readNextValue(); int index = stackTraceStr.indexOf("at "); if (index >= 0) { errorType = stackTraceStr.substring(0, index); } } } else if ("errorDetails".equals(localName)) { // NON-NLS status = TestResultStatus.FAILED; errorMsg = readNextValue(); int index = stackTraceStr.indexOf(':'); if (index >= 0) { errorType = stackTraceStr.substring(0, index); } } } else if (event instanceof EndElement) { EndElement element = (EndElement) event; String localName = element.getName().getLocalPart(); if ("case".equals(localName)) { // NON-NLS TestError testError = new TestError(stackTraceStr, errorType, errorMsg); if (stripPackageAndClass) { //workaround only for UFT - we do not want packageName="All-Tests" and className="<None>" as it comes from JUnit report addItem(new JUnitTestResult(moduleName, "", "", testName, status, duration, buildStarted, testError, externalURL)); } else { addItem(new JUnitTestResult(moduleName, packageName, className, testName, status, duration, buildStarted, testError, externalURL)); } } } } private String cleanTestName(String testName) { // subfolder\testname if (testName.contains("\\")) { return testName.substring(testName.lastIndexOf('\\') + 1); } if (testName.contains("/")) { return testName.substring(testName.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); } return testName; } private String jenkinsTestNameFormat(String testName) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(testName)) { return testName; } return testName.trim().replaceAll("[-:\\ ,()/\\[\\]]", "_").replace('#', '_').replace('\\', '_') .replace('.', '_'); } private String jenkinsTestClassFormat(String className) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(className)) { return className; } return className.trim().replaceAll("[:/<>]", "_").replace("\\", "_").replace(" ", "%20"); } }