Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2013 EntIT Software LLC * Certain versions of software and/or documents (Material?) accessible here may contain branding from * Hewlett-Packard Company (now HP Inc.) and Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company. As of September 1, 2017, * the Material is now offered by Micro Focus, a separately owned and operated company. Any reference to the HP * and Hewlett Packard Enterprise/HPE marks is historical in nature, and the HP and Hewlett Packard Enterprise/HPE * marks are the property of their respective owners. * __________________________________________________________________ * MIT License * * Copyright (c) 2018 Micro Focus Company, L.P. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. * ___________________________________________________________________ * */ package; import; import; import; import; import*; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.hp.mqm.client.MqmRestClient; import com.hp.mqm.client.QueryHelper; import com.hp.mqm.client.exception.RequestErrorException; import com.hp.mqm.client.model.Entity; import com.hp.mqm.client.model.ListItem; import com.hp.mqm.client.model.PagedList; import; import; import; import hudson.Extension; import hudson.FilePath; import hudson.model.FreeStyleProject; import hudson.model.Job; import hudson.model.Run; import hudson.model.TaskListener; import hudson.util.TimeUnit2; import jenkins.model.Jenkins; import net.sf.json.JSONArray; import net.sf.json.JSONObject; import net.sf.json.JsonConfig; import net.sf.json.processors.PropertyNameProcessor; import net.sf.json.util.PropertyFilter; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import; import; import java.util.*; /** * This class is responsible to send discovered uft tests to Octane. * Class uses file-based queue so if octane or jenkins will be down before sending, * after connection is up - this dispatcher will send tests to Octane. * <p> * Actually list of discovered tests are persisted in job run directory. Queue contains only reference to that job run. */ @Extension public class UftTestDiscoveryDispatcher extends AbstractSafeLoggingAsyncPeriodWork { private final static Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(UftTestDiscoveryDispatcher.class); private final static String DUPLICATE_ERROR_CODE = "platform.duplicate_entity_error"; private final static int POST_BULK_SIZE = 100; private final static int MAX_DISPATCH_TRIALS = 5; private UftTestDiscoveryQueue queue; public UftTestDiscoveryDispatcher() { super("Uft Test Discovery Dispatcher"); } @Override protected void doExecute(TaskListener listener) throws IOException, InterruptedException { if (queue.peekFirst() == null) { return; } logger.warn("Queue size " + queue.size()); ServerConfiguration serverConfiguration = ConfigurationService.getServerConfiguration(); MqmRestClient client = ConfigurationService.createClient(serverConfiguration); if (client == null) { logger.warn( "There are pending discovered UFT tests, but MQM server configuration is not valid, results can't be submitted"); return; } ResultQueue.QueueItem item = null; try { while ((item = queue.peekFirst()) != null) { Job project = (Job) Jenkins.getInstance().getItemByFullName(item.getProjectName()); if (project == null) { logger.warn("Project [" + item.getProjectName() + "] no longer exists, pending discovered tests can't be submitted"); queue.remove(); continue; } Run build = project.getBuildByNumber(item.getBuildNumber()); if (build == null) { logger.warn("Build [" + item.getProjectName() + "#" + item.getBuildNumber() + "] no longer exists, pending discovered tests can't be submitted"); queue.remove(); continue; } UFTTestDetectionResult result = UFTTestDetectionService.readDetectionResults(build); if (result == null) { logger.warn("Build [" + item.getProjectName() + "#" + item.getBuildNumber() + "] no longer contains valid detection result file"); queue.remove(); continue; } logger.warn("Persistence [" + item.getProjectName() + "#" + item.getBuildNumber() + "]"); dispatchDetectionResults(item, client, result); queue.remove(); } } catch (Exception e) { if (item != null) { item.incrementFailCount(); if (item.incrementFailCount() > MAX_DISPATCH_TRIALS) { queue.remove(); logger.warn("Failed to persist discovery of [" + item.getProjectName() + "#" + item.getBuildNumber() + "] after " + MAX_DISPATCH_TRIALS + " trials"); } } } } private static void dispatchDetectionResults(ResultQueue.QueueItem item, MqmRestClient client, UFTTestDetectionResult result) { //Check if there is diff in discovery and server status //for example : discovery found new test , but it already exist in server , instead of create new tests we will do update test if (result.isFullScan()) { validateTestDiscoveryForFullDetection(client, result); validateDataTablesDiscoveryForFullDetection(client, result); } else { validateTestDiscoveryAndCompleteTestIdsForScmChangeDetection(client, result); //no need to add validation for dataTables, because there is no DTs update and there is no special delete strategy } //publish final results FreeStyleProject project = (FreeStyleProject) Jenkins.getInstance() .getItemByFullName(item.getProjectName()); FilePath subWorkspace = project.getWorkspace().child("_Final_Detection_Results"); try { if (!subWorkspace.exists()) { subWorkspace.mkdirs(); } File reportXmlFile = new File(subWorkspace.getRemote(), "final_detection_result_build_" + item.getBuildNumber() + ".xml"); UFTTestDetectionService.publishDetectionResults(reportXmlFile, null, result); } catch (IOException | InterruptedException e) { logger.error("Failed to write final_detection_result file :" + e.getMessage()); } //post new tests if (!result.getNewTests().isEmpty()) { boolean posted = postTests(client, result.getNewTests(), result.getWorkspaceId(), result.getScmRepositoryId()); logger.warn("Persistence [" + item.getProjectName() + "#" + item.getBuildNumber() + "] : " + result.getNewTests().size() + " new tests posted successfully = " + posted); } //post test updated if (!result.getUpdatedTests().isEmpty()) { boolean updated = updateTests(client, result.getUpdatedTests(), result.getWorkspaceId()); logger.warn("Persistence [" + item.getProjectName() + "#" + item.getBuildNumber() + "] : " + result.getUpdatedTests().size() + " updated tests posted successfully = " + updated); } //post test deleted if (!result.getDeletedTests().isEmpty()) { boolean updated = updateTests(client, result.getDeletedTests(), result.getWorkspaceId()); logger.warn("Persistence [" + item.getProjectName() + "#" + item.getBuildNumber() + "] : " + result.getDeletedTests().size() + " deleted tests set as not executable successfully = " + updated); } //post scm resources if (!result.getNewScmResourceFiles().isEmpty()) { boolean posted = postScmResources(client, result.getNewScmResourceFiles(), result.getWorkspaceId(), result.getScmRepositoryId()); logger.warn("Persistence [" + item.getProjectName() + "#" + item.getBuildNumber() + "] : " + result.getNewScmResourceFiles().size() + " new scmResources posted successfully = " + posted); } //delete scm resources if (!result.getDeletedScmResourceFiles().isEmpty()) { boolean posted = deleteScmResources(client, result.getDeletedScmResourceFiles(), result.getWorkspaceId(), result.getScmRepositoryId()); logger.warn("Persistence [" + item.getProjectName() + "#" + item.getBuildNumber() + "] : " + result.getDeletedScmResourceFiles().size() + " scmResources deleted successfully = " + posted); } } /** * This method try to find ids of updated and deleted tests for scm change detection * if test is found on server - update id of discovered test * if test is not found and test is marked for update - move it to new tests (possibly test was deleted on server) * * @return true if there were changes comparing to discoverede results */ private static boolean validateTestDiscoveryAndCompleteTestIdsForScmChangeDetection(MqmRestClient client, UFTTestDetectionResult result) { boolean hasDiff = false; List<AutomatedTest> allTests = new ArrayList<>(); allTests.addAll(result.getUpdatedTests()); allTests.addAll(result.getDeletedTests()); Set<String> allTestNames = new HashSet<>(); for (AutomatedTest test : allTests) { allTestNames.add(test.getName()); } //GET TESTS FROM OCTANE Map<String, Entity> octaneTestsMapByKey = getTestsFromServer(client, Long.parseLong(result.getWorkspaceId()), Long.parseLong(result.getScmRepositoryId()), allTestNames); //MATCHING for (AutomatedTest test : allTests) { String key = createKey(test.getPackage(), test.getName()); Entity octaneTest = octaneTestsMapByKey.get(key); if (octaneTest != null) { test.setId(octaneTest.getId()); } else {//no match{ hasDiff = true; if (result.getUpdatedTests().remove(test)) { result.getNewTests().add(test); } else { //test that is marked to be deleted - doesn't exist in Octane - do nothing result.getDeletedTests().remove(test); } } } return hasDiff; } /** * This method check whether discovered test are already exist on server, and instead of creation - those tests will be updated * Go over discovered and octane tests * 1.if test doesn't exist on octane - this is new test * 2.if test exist * 2.1 if test different from discovered - this is test for update * 2.2 if tests are equal - skip test * 3. all tests that are found in Octane but not discovered - those deleted tests and they will be turned to not executable * * @return true if there were changes comparing to discoverede results */ private static boolean validateTestDiscoveryForFullDetection(MqmRestClient client, UFTTestDetectionResult detectionResult) { boolean hasDiff = false; Map<String, Entity> octaneTestsMap = getTestsFromServer(client, Long.parseLong(detectionResult.getWorkspaceId()), Long.parseLong(detectionResult.getScmRepositoryId()), null); List<AutomatedTest> discoveredTests = new ArrayList(detectionResult.getNewTests()); detectionResult.getNewTests().clear(); for (AutomatedTest discoveredTest : discoveredTests) { String key = createKey(discoveredTest.getPackage(), discoveredTest.getName()); Entity octaneTest = octaneTestsMap.remove(key); if (octaneTest == null) { detectionResult.getNewTests().add(discoveredTest); } else { hasDiff = true;//if we get here - there is diff with discovered tests //the only fields that might be different is description and executable boolean octaneExecutable = octaneTest.getBooleanValue(OctaneConstants.Tests.EXECUTABLE_FIELD); String octaneDescription = octaneTest.getStringValue(OctaneConstants.Tests.DESCRIPTION_FIELD); boolean descriptionEquals = ((StringUtils.isEmpty(octaneDescription) || "null".equals(octaneDescription)) && discoveredTest.getDescription() == null) || octaneDescription.contains(discoveredTest.getDescription()); boolean testsEqual = (octaneExecutable && descriptionEquals); if (!testsEqual) { //if equal - skip discoveredTest.setId(octaneTest.getId()); detectionResult.getUpdatedTests().add(discoveredTest); } } } //go over executable tests that exist in Octane but not discovered and disable them for (Entity octaneTest : octaneTestsMap.values()) { hasDiff = true;//if some test exist - there is diff with discovered tests boolean octaneExecutable = octaneTest.getBooleanValue(OctaneConstants.Tests.EXECUTABLE_FIELD); if (octaneExecutable) { AutomatedTest test = new AutomatedTest(); test.setId(octaneTest.getId()); test.setExecutable(false); test.setName(octaneTest.getName()); test.setPackage(octaneTest.getStringValue(OctaneConstants.Tests.PACKAGE_FIELD)); detectionResult.getDeletedTests().add(test); } } return hasDiff; } /** * Go over discovered and octane data tables * 1.if DT doesn't exist on octane - this is new DT * 2. all DTs that are found in Octane but not discovered - delete those DTs from server */ private static boolean validateDataTablesDiscoveryForFullDetection(MqmRestClient client, UFTTestDetectionResult detectionResult) { boolean hasDiff = false; List<ScmResourceFile> discoveredDataTables = new ArrayList(detectionResult.getNewScmResourceFiles()); detectionResult.getNewScmResourceFiles().clear(); Map<String, Entity> octaneDataTablesMap = getDataTablesFromServer(client, Long.parseLong(detectionResult.getWorkspaceId()), Long.parseLong(detectionResult.getScmRepositoryId())); for (ScmResourceFile dataTable : discoveredDataTables) { Entity octaneDataTable = octaneDataTablesMap.remove(dataTable.getRelativePath()); if (octaneDataTable == null) { detectionResult.getNewScmResourceFiles().add(dataTable); } else { hasDiff = true; } } //go over DT that exist in Octane but not discovered for (Entity octaneDataTable : octaneDataTablesMap.values()) { hasDiff = true; ScmResourceFile dt = new ScmResourceFile(); dt.setId(octaneDataTable.getId()); dt.setName(octaneDataTable.getName()); dt.setRelativePath(octaneDataTable.getStringValue(OctaneConstants.DataTables.RELATIVE_PATH_FIELD)); detectionResult.getDeletedScmResourceFiles().add(dt); } return hasDiff; } private static Map<String, Entity> getTestsFromServer(MqmRestClient client, long workspaceId, long scmRepositoryId, Set<String> allTestNames) { List<String> conditions = new ArrayList<>(); if (allTestNames != null && !allTestNames.isEmpty()) { String byNameCondition = QueryHelper.conditionIn(OctaneConstants.Tests.NAME_FIELD, allTestNames, false); int byNameConditionSizeThreshold = 3000; //Query string is part of UR, some servers limit request size by 4K, //Here we limit nameCondition by 3K, if it exceed, we will fetch all tests if (byNameCondition.length() < byNameConditionSizeThreshold) { conditions.add(byNameCondition); } } conditions.add(QueryHelper.conditionRef(OctaneConstants.Tests.SCM_REPOSITORY_FIELD, scmRepositoryId)); Collection<String> fields = Arrays.asList(OctaneConstants.Tests.ID_FIELD, OctaneConstants.Tests.NAME_FIELD, OctaneConstants.Tests.PACKAGE_FIELD, OctaneConstants.Tests.EXECUTABLE_FIELD, OctaneConstants.Tests.DESCRIPTION_FIELD); List<Entity> octaneTests = client.getEntities(workspaceId, OctaneConstants.Tests.COLLECTION_NAME, conditions, fields); Map<String, Entity> octaneTestsMapByKey = new HashedMap(); for (Entity octaneTest : octaneTests) { String key = createKey(octaneTest.getStringValue(OctaneConstants.Tests.PACKAGE_FIELD), octaneTest.getName()); octaneTestsMapByKey.put(key, octaneTest); } return octaneTestsMapByKey; } private static Map<String, Entity> getDataTablesFromServer(MqmRestClient client, long workspaceId, long scmRepositoryId) { List<String> conditionByScmRepository = Arrays .asList(QueryHelper.conditionRef(OctaneConstants.DataTables.SCM_REPOSITORY_FIELD, scmRepositoryId)); List<String> dataTablesFields = Arrays.asList(OctaneConstants.DataTables.ID_FIELD, OctaneConstants.DataTables.NAME_FIELD, OctaneConstants.DataTables.RELATIVE_PATH_FIELD); List<Entity> octaneDataTables = client.getEntities(workspaceId, OctaneConstants.DataTables.COLLECTION_NAME, conditionByScmRepository, dataTablesFields); Map<String, Entity> octaneDataTablesMap = new HashedMap(); for (Entity dataTable : octaneDataTables) { octaneDataTablesMap.put(dataTable.getStringValue(OctaneConstants.DataTables.RELATIVE_PATH_FIELD), dataTable); } return octaneDataTablesMap; } private static String createKey(String... values) { for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { if (values[i] == null || "null".equals(values[i])) { values[i] = ""; } } return StringUtils.join(values, "#"); } private static boolean postTests(MqmRestClient client, List<AutomatedTest> tests, String workspaceId, String scmRepositoryId) { if (!tests.isEmpty()) { try { completeTestProperties(client, Long.parseLong(workspaceId), tests, scmRepositoryId); } catch (RequestErrorException e) { logger.error("Failed to completeTestProperties : " + e.getMessage()); return false; } for (int i = 0; i < tests.size(); i += POST_BULK_SIZE) { try { AutomatedTests data = AutomatedTests .createWithTests(tests.subList(i, Math.min(i + POST_BULK_SIZE, tests.size()))); String uftTestJson = convertToJsonString(data); client.postEntities(Long.parseLong(workspaceId), OctaneConstants.Tests.COLLECTION_NAME, uftTestJson); } catch (RequestErrorException e) { return checkIfExceptionCanBeIgnoredInPOST(e, "Failed to post tests"); } } } return true; } private static boolean postScmResources(MqmRestClient client, List<ScmResourceFile> resources, String workspaceId, String scmResourceId) { if (!resources.isEmpty()) { try { completeScmResourceProperties(resources, scmResourceId); } catch (RequestErrorException e) { logger.error("Failed to completeScmResourceProperties : " + e.getMessage()); return false; } for (int i = 0; i < resources.size(); i += POST_BULK_SIZE) try { ScmResources data = ScmResources .createWithItems(resources.subList(i, Math.min(i + POST_BULK_SIZE, resources.size()))); String uftTestJson = convertToJsonString(data); client.postEntities(Long.parseLong(workspaceId), OctaneConstants.DataTables.COLLECTION_NAME, uftTestJson); } catch (RequestErrorException e) { return checkIfExceptionCanBeIgnoredInPOST(e, "Failed to post scm resource files"); } } return true; } /** * Entities might be posted while they already exist in Octane, such POST request will fail with general error code will be 409. * The same error code might be received on other validation error. * In this method we check whether exist other exception than duplicate * * @param e * @param errorPrefix * @return */ private static boolean checkIfExceptionCanBeIgnoredInPOST(RequestErrorException e, String errorPrefix) { if (e.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.CONFLICT.getCode() && e.getJsonObject() != null && e.getJsonObject().containsKey("errors")) { JSONObject error = findFirstErrorDifferThan(e.getJsonObject().getJSONArray("errors"), DUPLICATE_ERROR_CODE); String errorMessage = null; if (error != null) { errorMessage = error.getString("description"); logger.error(errorPrefix + " : " + errorMessage); } return errorMessage == null; } logger.error(errorPrefix + " : " + e.getMessage()); return false; } /** * Search for error code that differ from supplied errorCode. */ private static JSONObject findFirstErrorDifferThan(JSONArray errors, String excludeErrorCode) { for (int errorIndex = 0; errorIndex < errors.size(); errorIndex++) { JSONObject error = errors.getJSONObject(errorIndex); String errorCode = error.getString("error_code"); if (errorCode.equals(excludeErrorCode)) { continue; } else { return error; } } return null; } private static String convertToJsonString(Object data) { JsonConfig config = getJsonConfig(); return JSONObject.fromObject(data, config).toString(); } private static JsonConfig getJsonConfig() { JsonConfig config = new JsonConfig(); //override field names config.registerJsonPropertyNameProcessor(AutomatedTest.class, new PropertyNameProcessor() { @Override public String processPropertyName(Class className, String fieldName) { String result = fieldName; switch (fieldName) { case "scmRepository": result = OctaneConstants.Tests.SCM_REPOSITORY_FIELD; break; case "testingToolType": result = OctaneConstants.Tests.TESTING_TOOL_TYPE_FIELD; break; case "testTypes": result = OctaneConstants.Tests.TEST_TYPE_FIELD; break; default: break; } return result; } }); config.registerJsonPropertyNameProcessor(ScmResourceFile.class, new PropertyNameProcessor() { @Override public String processPropertyName(Class className, String fieldName) { String result = fieldName; switch (fieldName) { case "relativePath": result = OctaneConstants.DataTables.RELATIVE_PATH_FIELD; break; case "scmRepository": result = OctaneConstants.DataTables.SCM_REPOSITORY_FIELD; break; default: break; } return result; } }); //filter empty fields PropertyFilter pf = new PropertyFilter() { public boolean apply(Object source, String name, Object value) { if (value != null) { return false; } return true; } }; config.setJsonPropertyFilter(pf); //skip fields config.registerPropertyExclusion(AutomatedTest.class, "uftTestType"); return config; } private static boolean updateTests(MqmRestClient client, Collection<AutomatedTest> tests, String workspaceId) { try { //build testsForUpdate List<AutomatedTest> testsForUpdate = new ArrayList<>(); for (AutomatedTest test : tests) { AutomatedTest testForUpdate = new AutomatedTest(); if (test.getDescription() != null) { testForUpdate.setDescription(test.getDescription()); } testForUpdate.setExecutable(test.getExecutable()); testForUpdate.setId(test.getId()); testsForUpdate.add(testForUpdate); } if (!testsForUpdate.isEmpty()) { for (int i = 0; i < tests.size(); i += POST_BULK_SIZE) { AutomatedTests data = AutomatedTests .createWithTests(testsForUpdate.subList(i, Math.min(i + POST_BULK_SIZE, tests.size()))); String uftTestJson = convertToJsonString(data); client.updateEntities(Long.parseLong(workspaceId), OctaneConstants.Tests.COLLECTION_NAME, uftTestJson); } } return true; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Failed to update tests : " + e.getMessage()); return false; } } private static Entity fetchDataTableFromOctane(MqmRestClient client, long workspaceIdAsLong, long scmRepositoryId, ScmResourceFile scmResource) { List<String> conditions = new ArrayList<>(); conditions.add(QueryHelper.condition(OctaneConstants.DataTables.RELATIVE_PATH_FIELD, scmResource.getRelativePath())); conditions.add(QueryHelper.conditionRef(OctaneConstants.DataTables.SCM_REPOSITORY_FIELD, scmRepositoryId)); List<Entity> entities = client.getEntities(workspaceIdAsLong, OctaneConstants.DataTables.COLLECTION_NAME, conditions, Arrays.asList("id, name")); return entities.size() == 1 ? entities.get(0) : null; } private static boolean deleteScmResources(MqmRestClient client, List<ScmResourceFile> deletedResourceFiles, String workspaceId, String scmRepositoryId) { long workspaceIdAsLong = Long.parseLong(workspaceId); long scmRepositoryIdAsLong = Long.parseLong(scmRepositoryId); Set<Long> deletedIds = new HashSet<>(); try { for (ScmResourceFile scmResource : deletedResourceFiles) { Entity found = fetchDataTableFromOctane(client, workspaceIdAsLong, scmRepositoryIdAsLong, scmResource); if (found != null) { deletedIds.add(found.getId()); } } client.deleteEntities(Long.parseLong(workspaceId), OctaneConstants.DataTables.COLLECTION_NAME, deletedIds); return true; } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } private static void completeTestProperties(MqmRestClient client, long workspaceId, Collection<AutomatedTest> tests, String scmRepositoryId) { ListNodeEntity uftTestingTool = getUftTestingTool(client, workspaceId); ListNodeEntity uftFramework = getUftFramework(client, workspaceId); ListNodeEntity guiTestType = hasTestsByType(tests, UftTestType.GUI) ? getGuiTestType(client, workspaceId) : null; ListNodeEntity apiTestType = hasTestsByType(tests, UftTestType.API) ? getApiTestType(client, workspaceId) : null; BaseRefEntity scmRepository = StringUtils.isEmpty(scmRepositoryId) ? null : BaseRefEntity.create(OctaneConstants.Tests.SCM_REPOSITORY_FIELD, scmRepositoryId); for (AutomatedTest test : tests) { test.setTestingToolType(uftTestingTool); test.setFramework(uftFramework); test.setScmRepository(scmRepository); ListNodeEntity testType = guiTestType; if (UftTestType.API.equals(test.getUftTestType())) { testType = apiTestType; } test.setTestTypes(ListNodeEntityCollection.create(testType)); } } private static void completeScmResourceProperties(List<ScmResourceFile> resources, String scmResourceId) { BaseRefEntity scmRepository = StringUtils.isEmpty(scmResourceId) ? null : BaseRefEntity.create(OctaneConstants.DataTables.SCM_REPOSITORY_FIELD, scmResourceId); for (ScmResourceFile resource : resources) { resource.setScmRepository(scmRepository); } } private static ListNodeEntity getUftTestingTool(MqmRestClient client, long workspaceId) { PagedList<ListItem> testingTools = client.queryListItems("list_node.testing_tool_type", null, workspaceId, 0, POST_BULK_SIZE); String uftTestingToolLogicalName = "list_node.testing_tool_type.uft"; for (ListItem item : testingTools.getItems()) { if (uftTestingToolLogicalName.equals(item.getLogicalName())) { return ListNodeEntity.create(item.getId()); } } return null; } private static ListNodeEntity getUftFramework(MqmRestClient client, long workspaceId) { PagedList<ListItem> testingTools = client.queryListItems("", null, workspaceId, 0, POST_BULK_SIZE); String uftTestingToolLogicalName = ""; for (ListItem item : testingTools.getItems()) { if (uftTestingToolLogicalName.equals(item.getLogicalName())) { return ListNodeEntity.create(item.getId()); } } return null; } private static ListNodeEntity getGuiTestType(MqmRestClient client, long workspaceId) { PagedList<ListItem> testingTools = client.queryListItems("list_node.test_type", null, workspaceId, 0, POST_BULK_SIZE); String guiLogicalName = "list_node.test_type.gui"; for (ListItem item : testingTools.getItems()) { if (guiLogicalName.equals(item.getLogicalName())) { return ListNodeEntity.create(item.getId()); } } return null; } private static ListNodeEntity getApiTestType(MqmRestClient client, long workspaceId) { PagedList<ListItem> testingTools = client.queryListItems("list_node.test_type", null, workspaceId, 0, POST_BULK_SIZE); String guiLogicalName = "list_node.test_type.api"; for (ListItem item : testingTools.getItems()) { if (guiLogicalName.equals(item.getLogicalName())) { return ListNodeEntity.create(item.getId()); } } return null; } @Override public long getRecurrencePeriod() { String value = System.getProperty("UftTestDiscoveryDispatcher.Period"); // let's us config the recurrence period. default is 60 seconds. if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(value)) { return Long.valueOf(value); } return TimeUnit2.SECONDS.toMillis(30); } @Inject public void setTestResultQueue(UftTestDiscoveryQueue queue) { this.queue = queue; } private static boolean hasTestsByType(Collection<AutomatedTest> tests, UftTestType uftTestType) { for (AutomatedTest test : tests) { if (uftTestType.equals(test.getUftTestType())) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Queue that current run contains discovered tests * * @param projectName * @param buildNumber */ public void enqueueResult(String projectName, int buildNumber) { queue.add(projectName, buildNumber); } }