Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2013 EntIT Software LLC * Certain versions of software and/or documents (Material?) accessible here may contain branding from * Hewlett-Packard Company (now HP Inc.) and Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company. As of September 1, 2017, * the Material is now offered by Micro Focus, a separately owned and operated company. Any reference to the HP * and Hewlett Packard Enterprise/HPE marks is historical in nature, and the HP and Hewlett Packard Enterprise/HPE * marks are the property of their respective owners. * __________________________________________________________________ * MIT License * * Copyright (c) 2018 Micro Focus Company, L.P. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. * ___________________________________________________________________ * */ package; import antlr.ANTLRException; import com.hp.octane.integrations.dto.executor.DiscoveryInfo; import com.hp.octane.integrations.dto.executor.TestExecutionInfo; import com.hp.octane.integrations.dto.executor.TestSuiteExecutionInfo; import com.hp.octane.integrations.dto.executor.impl.TestingToolType; import com.hp.octane.integrations.dto.scm.SCMRepository; import; import; import; import; import; import; import hudson.model.*; import hudson.tasks.LogRotator; import hudson.triggers.SCMTrigger; import jenkins.model.BuildDiscarder; import jenkins.model.Jenkins; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import javax.xml.transform.OutputKeys; import javax.xml.transform.Transformer; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory; import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource; import; import; import; import java.util.*; /** * This service is responsible to create jobs (discovery and execution) for execution process. */ public class TestExecutionJobCreatorService { private static final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(TestExecutionJobCreatorService.class); /** * Create (if needed) and run test execution * * @param suiteExecutionInfo */ public static void runTestSuiteExecution(TestSuiteExecutionInfo suiteExecutionInfo) { /* { "tests": [{ "testName": "GUITest2", "packageName": "GUITests" }, { "testName": "GUITest3", "packageName": "GUITests" } ], "scmRepository": { "type": "git", "url": "" }, "executorId": "1", "workspaceId": "1002", "suiteId": "6", "testingToolType": "uft" } */ FreeStyleProject proj = getExecutionJob(suiteExecutionInfo); //start job if (proj != null) { ParameterValue suiteRunIdParam = new StringParameterValue(UftConstants.SUITE_RUN_ID_PARAMETER_NAME, suiteExecutionInfo.getSuiteRunId()); ParameterValue suiteIdParam = new StringParameterValue(UftConstants.SUITE_ID_PARAMETER_NAME, suiteExecutionInfo.getSuiteId()); ParametersAction parameters = new ParametersAction(suiteRunIdParam, suiteIdParam); Cause cause = StringUtils.isNotEmpty(suiteExecutionInfo.getSuiteRunId()) ? TriggeredBySuiteRunCause.create(suiteExecutionInfo.getSuiteRunId()) : new Cause.UserIdCause(); CauseAction causeAction = new CauseAction(cause); proj.scheduleBuild2(0, parameters, causeAction); } } private static FreeStyleProject getExecutionJob(TestSuiteExecutionInfo suiteExecutionInfo) { try { String projectName = String.format("%s %s %s", suiteExecutionInfo.getTestingToolType().toString(), UftConstants.EXECUTION_JOB_MIDDLE_NAME, suiteExecutionInfo.getSuiteId()); //validate creation of job FreeStyleProject proj = (FreeStyleProject) Jenkins.getInstance().getItem(projectName); if (proj == null) { proj = Jenkins.getInstance().createProject(FreeStyleProject.class, projectName); proj.setDescription(String.format( "This job was created by the HPE Application Automation Tools plugin for running %s tests. It is associated with ALM Octane test suite #%s.", suiteExecutionInfo.getTestingToolType().toString(), suiteExecutionInfo.getSuiteId())); } setScmRepository(suiteExecutionInfo.getScmRepository(), suiteExecutionInfo.getScmRepositoryCredentialsId(), proj, true); setBuildDiscarder(proj, 40); addConstantParameter(proj, UftConstants.SUITE_ID_PARAMETER_NAME, suiteExecutionInfo.getSuiteId(), "ALM Octane test suite ID"); addStringParameter(proj, UftConstants.SUITE_RUN_ID_PARAMETER_NAME, "", "The ID of the ALM Octane test suite run to associate with the test run results. Provided by ALM Octane when running a planned suite run.\nOtherwise, leave this parameter empty. ALM Octane creates a new test suite run for the new results."); addAssignedNode(proj); //add build action String fsTestsData = prepareMtbxData(suiteExecutionInfo.getTests()); List<RunFromFileBuilder> builders = proj.getBuildersList().getAll(RunFromFileBuilder.class); if (builders != null && !builders.isEmpty()) { builders.get(0).setFsTests(fsTestsData); } else { proj.getBuildersList().add(new RunFromFileBuilder(fsTestsData)); } //add post-build action - publisher RunResultRecorder runResultRecorder = null; List publishers = proj.getPublishersList();//.add(new RunResultRecorder(ResultsPublisherModel.alwaysArchiveResults.getValue())); for (Object publisher : publishers) { if (publisher instanceof RunResultRecorder) { runResultRecorder = (RunResultRecorder) publisher; } } if (runResultRecorder == null) { runResultRecorder = new RunResultRecorder(ResultsPublisherModel.alwaysArchiveResults.getValue()); publishers.add(runResultRecorder); } return proj; } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("Failed to create ExecutionJob : " + e.getMessage()); return null; } } private static void setScmRepository(SCMRepository scmRepository, String scmRepositoryCredentialsId, FreeStyleProject proj, boolean executorJob) { ScmPluginHandler scmPluginHandler = ScmPluginFactory.getScmHandler(scmRepository.getType()); try { scmPluginHandler.setScmRepositoryInJob(scmRepository, scmRepositoryCredentialsId, proj, executorJob); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed to set SCM repository : " + e.getMessage()); } } private static String prepareMtbxData(List<TestExecutionInfo> tests) throws IOException { /*<Mtbx> <Test name="test1" path="${WORKSPACE}\${CHECKOUT_SUBDIR}\APITest1"> <Parameter name="A" value="abc" type="string"/> <DataTable path="${WORKSPACE}\aa\bbb.xslx"/> . </Test> <Test name="test2" path="${WORKSPACE}\${CHECKOUT_SUBDIR}\test2"> <Parameter name="p1" value="123" type="int"/> <Parameter name="p4" value="123.4" type="float"/> . </Test> </Mtbx>*/ try { DocumentBuilderFactory docFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder docBuilder = docFactory.newDocumentBuilder(); Document doc = docBuilder.newDocument(); Element rootElement = doc.createElement("Mtbx"); doc.appendChild(rootElement); for (TestExecutionInfo test : tests) { Element testElement = doc.createElement("Test"); String packageAndTestName = (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(test.getPackageName()) ? test.getPackageName() + "\\" : "") + test.getTestName(); testElement.setAttribute("name", packageAndTestName); String path = "${WORKSPACE}\\${CHECKOUT_SUBDIR}" + (StringUtils.isEmpty(test.getPackageName()) ? "" : OctaneConstants.General.WINDOWS_PATH_SPLITTER + test.getPackageName()) + OctaneConstants.General.WINDOWS_PATH_SPLITTER + test.getTestName(); testElement.setAttribute("path", path); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(test.getDataTable())) { Element dataTableElement = doc.createElement("DataTable"); dataTableElement.setAttribute("path", "${WORKSPACE}\\${CHECKOUT_SUBDIR}" + OctaneConstants.General.WINDOWS_PATH_SPLITTER + test.getDataTable()); testElement.appendChild(dataTableElement); } rootElement.appendChild(testElement); } TransformerFactory tf = TransformerFactory.newInstance(); Transformer transformer = tf.newTransformer(); transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.OMIT_XML_DECLARATION, "yes"); transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes"); transformer.setOutputProperty("{}indent-amount", "2"); StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); transformer.transform(new DOMSource(doc), new StreamResult(writer)); return writer.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IOException("Failed to build MTBX content : " + e.getMessage()); } } /** * Create (if needed) and run test discovery * * @param discoveryInfo */ public static void runTestDiscovery(DiscoveryInfo discoveryInfo) { /* { "scmRepository": { "type": "git", "url": "" }, "executorId": "1", "executorLogialName": "ABC", "workspaceId": "1002", "testingToolType": "uft", "forceFullDiscovery": true } */ FreeStyleProject proj = getDiscoveryJob(discoveryInfo); //start job if (proj != null) { ParameterValue executorIdParam = new StringParameterValue(UftConstants.EXECUTOR_ID_PARAMETER_NAME, discoveryInfo.getExecutorId()); ParameterValue fullScanParam = new BooleanParameterValue(UftConstants.FULL_SCAN_PARAMETER_NAME, discoveryInfo.isForceFullDiscovery()); ParametersAction parameters = new ParametersAction(executorIdParam, fullScanParam); Cause cause = new Cause.UserIdCause(); CauseAction causeAction = new CauseAction(cause); proj.scheduleBuild2(0, parameters, causeAction); } } private static FreeStyleProject getDiscoveryJob(DiscoveryInfo discoveryInfo) { try { String discoveryJobName = buildDiscoveryJobName(discoveryInfo.getTestingToolType(), discoveryInfo.getExecutorId(), discoveryInfo.getExecutorLogicalName()); //validate creation of job FreeStyleProject proj = (FreeStyleProject) Jenkins.getInstance().getItem(discoveryJobName); if (proj == null) { proj = Jenkins.getInstance().createProject(FreeStyleProject.class, discoveryJobName); proj.setDescription(String.format( "This job was created by the HPE Application Automation Tools plugin for discovery of %s tests. It is associated with ALM Octane testing tool connection #%s.", discoveryInfo.getTestingToolType().toString(), discoveryInfo.getExecutorId())); } setScmRepository(discoveryInfo.getScmRepository(), discoveryInfo.getScmRepositoryCredentialsId(), proj, false); setBuildDiscarder(proj, 20); addConstantParameter(proj, UftConstants.EXECUTOR_ID_PARAMETER_NAME, discoveryInfo.getExecutorId(), "ALM Octane testing tool connection ID"); addConstantParameter(proj, UftConstants.EXECUTOR_LOGICAL_NAME_PARAMETER_NAME, discoveryInfo.getExecutorLogicalName(), "ALM Octane testing tool connection logical name"); addBooleanParameter(proj, UftConstants.FULL_SCAN_PARAMETER_NAME, false, "Specify whether to synchronize the set of tests on ALM Octane with the whole SCM repository or to update the set of tests on ALM Octane based on the latest commits."); //set polling once in two minutes SCMTrigger scmTrigger = new SCMTrigger("H/2 * * * *");//H/2 * * * * : once in two minutes proj.addTrigger(scmTrigger); delayPollingStart(proj, scmTrigger); //add post-build action - publisher UFTTestDetectionPublisher uftTestDetectionPublisher = null; List publishers = proj.getPublishersList(); for (Object publisher : publishers) { if (publisher instanceof UFTTestDetectionPublisher) { uftTestDetectionPublisher = (UFTTestDetectionPublisher) publisher; } } if (uftTestDetectionPublisher == null) { uftTestDetectionPublisher = new UFTTestDetectionPublisher(discoveryInfo.getWorkspaceId(), discoveryInfo.getScmRepositoryId()); publishers.add(uftTestDetectionPublisher); } return proj; } catch (IOException | ANTLRException e) { logger.error("Failed to create DiscoveryJob : " + e.getMessage()); return null; } } private static String buildDiscoveryJobName(TestingToolType testingToolType, String executorId, String executorLogicalName) { String name = String.format("%s %s %s (%s)", testingToolType.toString(), UftConstants.DISCOVERY_JOB_MIDDLE_NAME, executorId, executorLogicalName); return name; } private static void setBuildDiscarder(FreeStyleProject proj, int numBuildsToKeep) throws IOException { int irrelevant = -1; BuildDiscarder bd = new LogRotator(irrelevant, numBuildsToKeep, irrelevant, irrelevant); proj.setBuildDiscarder(bd); } /** * Delay starting of polling by 5 minutes to allow original clone * * @param proj * @param scmTrigger */ private static void delayPollingStart(final FreeStyleProject proj, final SCMTrigger scmTrigger) { long delayStartPolling = 1000L * 60 * 5;//5 minute Timer timer = new Timer(); timer.schedule(new TimerTask() { @Override public void run() { scmTrigger.start(proj, false); } }, delayStartPolling); } private static ParametersDefinitionProperty getParametersDefinitions(FreeStyleProject proj) throws IOException { ParametersDefinitionProperty parameters = proj.getProperty(ParametersDefinitionProperty.class); if (parameters == null) { parameters = new ParametersDefinitionProperty(new ArrayList<ParameterDefinition>()); proj.addProperty(parameters); } return parameters; } private static void addConstantParameter(FreeStyleProject proj, String parameterName, String parameterValue, String desc) throws IOException { ParametersDefinitionProperty parameters = getParametersDefinitions(proj); if (parameters.getParameterDefinition(parameterName) == null) { ParameterDefinition param = new ChoiceParameterDefinition(parameterName, new String[] { parameterValue }, desc); parameters.getParameterDefinitions().add(param); } } private static void addStringParameter(FreeStyleProject proj, String parameterName, String defaultValue, String desc) throws IOException { ParametersDefinitionProperty parameters = getParametersDefinitions(proj); if (parameters.getParameterDefinition(parameterName) == null) { ParameterDefinition param = new StringParameterDefinition(parameterName, defaultValue, desc); parameters.getParameterDefinitions().add(param); } } private static void addBooleanParameter(FreeStyleProject proj, String parameterName, Boolean defaultValue, String desc) throws IOException { ParametersDefinitionProperty parameters = getParametersDefinitions(proj); if (parameters.getParameterDefinition(parameterName) == null) { ParameterDefinition param = new BooleanParameterDefinition(parameterName, defaultValue, desc); parameters.getParameterDefinitions().add(param); } } private static void addAssignedNode(FreeStyleProject proj) { Computer[] computers = Jenkins.getInstance().getComputers(); Set<String> labels = new HashSet(); //add existing String assigned = proj.getAssignedLabelString(); if (assigned != null) { String[] assignedArr = StringUtils.split(assigned, "||"); for (String item : assignedArr) { labels.add(item.trim()); } } //try to add new try { for (Computer computer : computers) { if (computer instanceof Jenkins.MasterComputer) { continue; } String label = "" + computer.getNode().getSelfLabel(); if (label.toLowerCase().contains("uft")) { label = label.trim(); if (label.contains(" ")) { label = "\"" + label + "\""; } labels.add(label); } } if (!labels.isEmpty()) { Label joinedLabel = Label.parseExpression(StringUtils.join(labels, "||")); proj.setAssignedLabel(joinedLabel); } } catch (IOException | ANTLRException e) { logger.error("Failed to set addAssignedNode : " + e.getMessage()); } } }