Java tutorial
package com.hp.avmon.kpigetconfig.service; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import net.sf.json.JSONArray; import net.sf.json.JSONException; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.BatchPreparedStatementSetter; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import org.springframework.transaction.TransactionStatus; import; import; import; import com.hp.avmon.common.jackjson.JackJson; import com.hp.avmon.config.bean.AmpPolicyBean; import com.hp.avmon.deploy.service.DeployService; import com.hp.avmon.equipmentCenter.service.EquipmentCenterService; import com.hp.avmon.home.service.LicenseService; import com.hp.avmon.utils.DBUtils; import com.hp.avmon.utils.MyFunc; import com.hp.avmon.utils.SqlManager; import com.hp.avmon.utils.TreeObject; import com.hp.avmonserver.api.AvmonServer; import com.hp.avmonserver.entity.MO; /** * Created with IntelliJ IDEA. * User: shiw * Date: 3/13/13 * Time: 5:24 PM * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. */ @Service public class KpigetconfigAgentManageService { private static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(KpigetconfigAgentManageService.class); @Autowired private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate; @Autowired private LicenseService licenseService; @Autowired private AvmonServer avmonServer; @Autowired private DeployService deployService; @Autowired private EquipmentCenterService equipmentCenterService; /** * ?Agent grid ? * @param request * @return * @throws Exception */ public Map findAgentGridInfo(HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception { Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); //?? String agentId = request.getParameter("agentId") == null ? "" : request.getParameter("agentId"); String ip = request.getParameter("ip") == null ? "" : request.getParameter("ip"); // add by mark start String osArry = request.getParameter("os") == null ? "" : request.getParameter("os"); if ("604674602".equals(osArry)) { osArry = "null"; } //"666656" // add by mark start String limit = request.getParameter("limit"); String start = request.getParameter("start"); // String page = request.getParameter("page"); // System.out.println("page is >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>:"+page); String where = "where 1=1 "; if (agentId.length() > 0) { where = where + " and ag.AGENT_ID LIKE '%" + agentId + "%' "; } if (ip.length() > 0) { where = where + " and ag.ip LIKE '%" + ip + "%' "; } // add by mark start String businessType = null; String os = null; if (!"null".equals(osArry) && osArry.length() > 0) { if (osArry.indexOf("*") > 0) { os = osArry.split("\\*")[0]; os = deployService.getMoCaptionById(os); if ("Solaris".equals(os)) { os = "SunOS"; } where = where + " and ag.os LIKE '%" + os + "%' "; if (null != osArry.split("\\*")[1] && !"666656".equals(osArry.split("\\*")[1])) { businessType = osArry.split("\\*")[1]; //businessType = AgentTypes.BIZMAP.get(businessType); businessType = equipmentCenterService.getBusinessNameById(businessType); where = where + " and systemtb.value LIKE '%" + businessType + "%' "; } else if ("666656".equals(osArry.split("\\*")[1])) { where += " and not exists (select mo_id from td_avmon_mo_info_attribute where name = 'businessSystem' and mo_id = ag.mo_id) "; } } else if (!"666656".equals(osArry)) { //businessType = AgentTypes.BIZMAP.get(osArry); businessType = equipmentCenterService.getBusinessNameById(osArry); where = where + " and systemtb.value LIKE '%" + businessType + "%' "; } else if ("666656".equals(osArry)) { where += " and not exists (select mo_id from td_avmon_mo_info_attribute where name = 'businessSystem' and mo_id = ag.mo_id) "; } } // add by mark end String orderBy = ""; String sortBy = request.getParameter("sort"); if (sortBy != null) { JSONArray jsonArr = JSONArray.fromObject(sortBy); String sort = jsonArr.getJSONObject(0).get("property").toString(); if ("ampCount".equalsIgnoreCase(sort) || "ampCount1".equalsIgnoreCase(sort)) { sort = "amp.\"ampCount\""; } else if ("hostName".endsWith(sort)) { sort = "host.value"; } else if ("agentId".endsWith(sort)) { sort = "ag.AGENT_ID"; } else if ("agentVersion".endsWith(sort)) { sort = "ag.agent_version"; } else if ("agentStatus".endsWith(sort)) { sort = "round((sysdate - ag.last_heartbeat_time) * 24 * 60)"; if (DBUtils.isPostgreSql()) sort = "round((EXTRACT(EPOCH from CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) - EXTRACT(EPOCH from ag.last_heartbeat_time)) / 60)"; } else if ("lastHeartbeatTime".endsWith(sort)) { sort = "ag.last_heartbeat_time"; } else if ("osVersion".endsWith(sort)) { sort = "ag.os_version"; } else if ("moId".endsWith(sort)) { sort = "ag.mo_id"; } else if ("agentCollectFlag".endsWith(sort)) { sort = "ag.AGENT_COLLECT_FLAG"; } else if ("status".endsWith(sort)) { sort = "ag.agentStatus"; } orderBy = " order by " + sort + " " + jsonArr.getJSONObject(0).get("direction"); } //String where = " WHERE ag.AGENT_ID LIKE '%"+agentId+"%' and ag.ip LIKE '%"+ip+"%'"; String listSql = null; String countSql = null; if (!"666656".equals(businessType)) { listSql = SqlManager.getSql(KpigetconfigAgentManageService.class, "getBizAgentGridInfo"); countSql = SqlManager.getSql(KpigetconfigAgentManageService.class, "getAgentGridInfoCount"); if (null != businessType) { //businessType = AgentTypes.BIZMAP.get(businessType); businessType = equipmentCenterService.getBusinessNameById(businessType); listSql = String.format(listSql, businessType); } } else { listSql = SqlManager.getSql(KpigetconfigAgentManageService.class, "getBizAgentGridInfo_other"); countSql = SqlManager.getSql(KpigetconfigAgentManageService.class, "getAgentGridInfoCount_other"); } String finSql = generatPageSql(listSql + where + orderBy, limit, start); //String countSql = SqlManager.getSql(AgentManageService.class, "getAgentGridInfoCount")+where; //? //logger.debug(countSql); int rowCount = jdbcTemplate.queryForInt(countSql + where); //? //logger.debug(finSql); List<Map<String, Object>> list = jdbcTemplate.queryForList(finSql); map.put("activeTotal", rowCount); //map.put("page", start); map.put("root", list); return map; } /** * Agentamp? * @param request * @return */ public Map findAgentAmp(HttpServletRequest request) { Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); //?? String agentId = request.getParameter("agentId"); String limit = request.getParameter("limit"); String start = request.getParameter("start"); String where = String.format(" WHERE ag.AGENT_ID = '%s'", agentId); String listSql = SqlManager.getSql(KpigetconfigAgentManageService.class, "findAgentAmpList"); String finSql = generatPageSql(listSql + where, limit, start); String countSql = SqlManager.getSql(KpigetconfigAgentManageService.class, "findAgentAmpListCount") + where; //? //logger.debug(countSql); int rowCount = jdbcTemplate.queryForInt(countSql); //? //logger.debug(finSql); List<Map<String, Object>> list = jdbcTemplate.queryForList(finSql); map.put("activeTotal", rowCount); map.put("root", list); return map; } /** * ??AMP ? * @return */ public Map getAMPTypeInfo() { Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); String sql = "SELECT AMP_ID AS \"value\",CAPTION AS \"name\",TYPE AS \"type\" FROM TD_AVMON_AMP "; List<Map<String, Object>> list = jdbcTemplate.queryForList(sql); map.put("root", list); return map; } // add by mark start /** * ??AMP ? * @return */ public Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>> getAMPTypeInfo(String targetOs) { Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>> map = new HashMap<String, List<Map<String, String>>>(); String sql = null; if ("SunOS".equals(targetOs)) { targetOs = "SOLARIS"; } if ("null".equals(targetOs)) { sql = "SELECT AMP_ID AS \"value\",CAPTION AS \"name\",TYPE AS \"type\" FROM TD_AVMON_AMP WHERE TARGET_OS IS NULL"; } else { sql = "SELECT AMP_ID AS \"value\",CAPTION AS \"name\",TYPE AS \"type\" FROM TD_AVMON_AMP WHERE TARGET_OS LIKE '%" + targetOs.toUpperCase() + "%'"; } List<Map<String, String>> list = jdbcTemplate.queryForList(sql); map.put("root", list); return map; } // add by mark end /** * ?Agent * @param request00:success 01:Agent? 02:Agent 03:? 99: * @return * @throws Exception */ public String startAgent(HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception { //Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); String status = request.getParameter("status"); String agentId = request.getParameter("agentId"); int agentCollectFlag = 1; String json = ""; String result = avmonServer.startAgent(agentId); Locale locale = request.getLocale(); ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("messages", locale); if (result.startsWith("00")) { agentCollectFlag = 0; this.updateAgentStatusByAgentId(status, agentId, agentCollectFlag); json = "{success:true,msg:'" + bundle.getString("agentStartSuccess") + "'}"; } else { this.updateAgentStatusByAgentId(status, agentId, agentCollectFlag); json = "{success:false,msg:'" + result + "'}"; } return json; } /** * ?Agent * @param request * @return * @throws Exception */ public String stopAgent(HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception { String status = request.getParameter("status"); String agentId = request.getParameter("agentId"); String result = avmonServer.stopAgent(agentId); int agentCollectFlag = 0; String updateStatus = ""; Locale locale = request.getLocale(); ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("messages", locale); if (result.startsWith("00")) { agentCollectFlag = 1; this.updateAgentStatusByAgentId(status, agentId, agentCollectFlag); updateStatus = "{success:true,msg:'" + bundle.getString("agentStopSuccess") + "'}"; } else { this.updateAgentStatusByAgentId(status, agentId, agentCollectFlag); updateStatus = "{success:false,msg:'" + result + "'}"; } return updateStatus; } /** * ?AMP? * @param request * @return * @throws Exception */ public Map saveAgentAmp(HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception { Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); map.put("success", true); String ampId = request.getParameter("ampId"); String ampInstId = request.getParameter("ampInstId"); String ampName = request.getParameter("ampName"); String status = request.getParameter("status"); String agentId = request.getParameter("agentId"); String ampType = request.getParameter("ampType"); List<String> sqlList = new ArrayList<String>(); //?AMP? String insertSql = String.format( "insert into TD_AVMON_AMP_INST(AMP_ID,AMP_INST_ID,AMP_VERSION,ENABLE_FLAG,SCHEDULE,AGENT_ID,CAPTION,STATUS,LAST_ACTIVE_TIME)\n" + " values ('%s','%s',(select version from TD_AVMON_AMP where amp_id='%s' ),\n" + " '%d',(select default_schedule from TD_AVMON_AMP where amp_id='%s' ),'%s','%s','0',null)", ampId, ampInstId, ampId, Integer.parseInt(status), ampId, agentId, ampName); //jdbcTemplate.execute(insertSql); sqlList.add(insertSql); if (!"vm".equalsIgnoreCase(ampType) && !"ilo".equalsIgnoreCase(ampType)) { //?AMP?KPI?POLICY ?amp?copy? //?API? String apiSql = String.format( "select AMP_ID as \"ampId\" ,KPI_CODE as \"kpiCode\",SCHEDULE as \"schedule\",KPI_GROUP as \"kpiGroup\" from TD_AVMON_AMP_KPI where AMP_ID = '%s'", ampId); List<Map<String, Object>> apiList = jdbcTemplate.queryForList(apiSql); for (Map<String, Object> kpi : apiList) { String insertApiPolicySql = "INSERT INTO TD_AVMON_AMP_POLICY(KPI_CODE,KPI_GROUP,SCHEDULE,AGENT_ID,AMP_INST_ID,NODE_KEY)" + "VALUES('%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','NA')"; insertApiPolicySql = String.format(insertApiPolicySql, kpi.get("kpiCode").toString(), kpi.get("kpiGroup") != null ? kpi.get("kpiGroup").toString() : "", kpi.get("schedule") != null ? kpi.get("schedule").toString() : "", agentId, ampInstId); sqlList.add(insertApiPolicySql); } } //?AMP?ATTR?INST_ATTR //?ATTR? String attrSql = String.format( "select name as \"name\" ,default_value as \"value\" from td_avmon_amp_attr where AMP_ID = '%s'", ampId); List<Map<String, Object>> attrList = jdbcTemplate.queryForList(attrSql); for (Map<String, Object> attr : attrList) { String insertInstAttrSql = "INSERT INTO td_avmon_amp_inst_attr(NAME,VALUE,AGENT_ID,AMP_INST_ID)" + "VALUES('%s','%s','%s','%s')"; insertInstAttrSql = String.format(insertInstAttrSql, attr.get("name").toString(), attr.get("value") != null ? attr.get("value").toString() : "", agentId, ampInstId); sqlList.add(insertInstAttrSql); } String batchSql[] = sqlList.toArray(new String[sqlList.size()]); // jdbcTemplate.batchUpdate(batchSql); try { String returnString = transfer1(batchSql); if ("1".equals(returnString)) { throw new Exception(this.getClass().getName() + "saveAgentAmp transfer error!"); } else if ("ORA-00001".equals(returnString)) { throw new Exception(this.getClass().getName() + "saveAgentAmp ORA-00001 error!"); } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); logger.error(this.getClass().getName() + " saveAgentAmp()", e); throw e; // map.put("success",false); // return map; } return map; } /** * ?AMP? * @param request * @return */ public Map getNormalAmpAttrList(HttpServletRequest request) { Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); String ampId = request.getParameter("ampId"); String sql = String.format(SqlManager.getSql(KpigetconfigAgentManageService.class, "getNormalAmpAttrList") + " where a1.AMP_ID = '%s' order by a1.ORDER_INDEX asc", ampId); logger.debug("sql: " + sql); List<Map<String, Object>> list = jdbcTemplate.queryForList(sql); List<Map<String, Object>> mapList = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(); // Map<String, Object> propertyViewMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); // Map<String, Object> propertyNullMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); // name-value for (Map<String, Object> mapDetail : list) { propertyViewMap.put(mapDetail.get("name").toString(), mapDetail.get("ampInstValue") == null ? "" : mapDetail.get("ampInstValue")); propertyNullMap.put(mapDetail.get("name").toString(), mapDetail.get("nullAble") == null ? "" : mapDetail.get("nullAble")); } mapList.add(propertyViewMap); mapList.add(propertyNullMap); map.put("root", mapList); return map; } /** * ?amp? * @param request * @return */ public Map saveNormalAmpAttr(HttpServletRequest request) { Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); final String agentId = request.getParameter("agentId"); final String ampInstId = request.getParameter("ampInstId"); String ampAttrJson = request.getParameter("ampAttr"); Map<String, String> jsonMap = JackJson.fromJsonToObject(ampAttrJson, Map.class); List<String> nameList = new LinkedList<String>(); List<String> valueLis = new LinkedList<String>(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> tempMap : jsonMap.entrySet()) { nameList.add(tempMap.getKey()); valueLis.add(tempMap.getValue().equals("") ? "" : tempMap.getValue()); } //? String delSql = "DELETE FROM TD_AVMON_AMP_INST_ATTR WHERE AMP_INST_ID = ? AND AGENT_ID = ?"; Object[] delParams = new Object[] { ampInstId, agentId }; int delCout = jdbcTemplate.update(delSql, delParams); //?? String newAttrSql = "INSERT INTO TD_AVMON_AMP_INST_ATTR(AMP_INST_ID,AGENT_ID,NAME,VALUE)VALUES(?,?,?,?)"; final List<String> nameListF = nameList; final List<String> valueLisF = valueLis; BatchPreparedStatementSetter batchPreparedStatementSetter = new BatchPreparedStatementSetter() { @Override public void setValues(PreparedStatement preparedStatement, int i) throws SQLException { preparedStatement.setString(1, ampInstId); preparedStatement.setString(2, agentId); preparedStatement.setString(3, nameListF.get(i)); preparedStatement.setString(4, valueLisF.get(i)); } @Override public int getBatchSize() { return nameListF.size(); //To change body of implemented methods use File | Settings | File Templates. } }; int[] newCount = jdbcTemplate.batchUpdate(newAttrSql, batchPreparedStatementSetter); logger.debug("del count: " + delCout); logger.debug("insert count:" + newCount.length); map.put("success", true); return map; } /** * ?+????AMP??? * // modify by mark start //???AMP? --?? // modify by mark end * @param request ?--muzh * @return */ public Map pushAgentAmpScript(HttpServletRequest request) { Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); //???AMPList final List<Map<String, String>> ampListMapF = getListMapByJsonArrayString( request.getParameter("agentAmpInfo")); StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer(); String msg = ""; Locale locale = request.getLocale(); ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("messages", locale); for (Map<String, String> ampMap : ampListMapF) { String ampInstId = ampMap.get("ampInstId"); String agentId = ampMap.get("agentId"); String ampId = ampMap.get("ampId"); String result = avmonServer.deployAmpPackage(agentId, ampInstId); buff.append(ampInstId); if (result.startsWith("00")) { // modify by mark start //???AMP? --?? String updateAmpStatusSql = String.format( "UPDATE TD_AVMON_AMP_INST SET STATUS = 1,LAST_AMP_UPDATE_TIME = sysdate WHERE AMP_INST_ID ='%s' AND AMP_ID ='%s' AND AGENT_ID ='%s'", ampInstId, ampId, agentId); // modify by mark start jdbcTemplate.update(updateAmpStatusSql); buff.append(bundle.getString("scriptIssuedSuccess")); } else { buff.append(bundle.getString("scriptIssuedFail")); } buff.append("<br/>"); map.put("msg", buff.toString()); } // if(pushFlag){ // flag = updateNormalAMPStatus(ampListMapF,ConfigConstant.AMP_STATUS_DISABLED); // } map.put("success", true); return map; } /** * ?? * @param request * @return */ public Map pushAgentAmpConfig(HttpServletRequest request) { Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); String agentId = request.getParameter("agentId"); List<Map<String, String>> ampListMapF = getListMapByJsonArrayString(request.getParameter("agentAmpInfo")); boolean flag = false; Locale locale = request.getLocale(); ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("messages", locale); //TODO ??? for (Map<String, String> ampMap : ampListMapF) { String ampInstId = ampMap.get("ampInstId"); //String moId = ampMap.get("moId"); //String kpiCode = ampMap.get("kpiCode"); //String schedule = ampMap.get("schedule"); String result = avmonServer.deployAmpConfig(agentId, ampInstId); //String result = avmonServer.deployAmpSchedule(agentId, ampInstId,moId,kpiCode,null,schedule); if (result.startsWith("00")) { map.put("success", true); map.put("msg", bundle.getString("configIssuedSuccess")); String sql = String.format( "UPDATE TD_AVMON_AMP_INST SET LAST_CONFIG_UPDATE_TIME = sysdate WHERE AMP_INST_ID ='%s' AND AGENT_ID ='%s'", ampInstId, agentId); jdbcTemplate.execute(sql); } else { map.put("success", false); map.put("msg", result); } } return map; } /** * ?AMP * @param request * @return */ public Map pauseNormalAmp(HttpServletRequest request) { Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); //TODO ?AMP ??AMP? final List<Map<String, String>> ampListMapF = getListMapByJsonArrayString( request.getParameter("agentAmpInfo")); boolean flag = false; for (Map<String, String> ampMap : ampListMapF) { String ampInstId = ampMap.get("ampInstId"); String agentId = ampMap.get("agentId"); String ampId = ampMap.get("ampId"); Locale locale = request.getLocale(); ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("messages", locale); String result = avmonServer.stopAmp(agentId, ampInstId); if (result.startsWith("00")) { String updateAmpStatusSql = String.format( "UPDATE TD_AVMON_AMP_INST SET STATUS = 2 WHERE AMP_INST_ID ='%s' AND AMP_ID ='%s' AND AGENT_ID ='%s'", ampInstId, ampId, agentId); jdbcTemplate.update(updateAmpStatusSql); flag = true; map.put("errorMsg", bundle.getString("stopNormalAMPSuccess")); } else { map.put("errorMsg", result); } } //updateNormalAMPStatus(ampListMapF,ConfigConstant.AMP_STATUS_DISABLED); if (flag) { map.put("success", true); } else { map.put("success", false); } return map; } /** * ?AMP * @param request * @return */ public Map startNormalAmp(HttpServletRequest request) { Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); //TODO ?AMP ??AMP? final List<Map<String, String>> ampListMapF = getListMapByJsonArrayString( request.getParameter("agentAmpInfo")); boolean flag = false; Locale locale = request.getLocale(); ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("messages", locale); for (Map<String, String> ampMap : ampListMapF) { String ampInstId = ampMap.get("ampInstId"); String agentId = ampMap.get("agentId"); String ampId = ampMap.get("ampId"); String result = avmonServer.startAmp(agentId, ampInstId); if (result.startsWith("00")) { String updateAmpStatusSql = String.format( "UPDATE TD_AVMON_AMP_INST SET STATUS = 1 WHERE AMP_INST_ID ='%s' AND AMP_ID ='%s' AND AGENT_ID ='%s'", ampInstId, ampId, agentId); jdbcTemplate.update(updateAmpStatusSql); flag = true; map.put("errorMsg", bundle.getString("startNormalAMPSuccess")); } else { map.put("errorMsg", result); } } //boolean flag = updateNormalAMPStatus(ampListMapF, ConfigConstant.AMP_STATUS_ACTIVITY); if (flag) { map.put("success", true); } else { map.put("success", false); } return map; } /** * ?AMP * @param request * @return */ public Map getNormalAmpSchedule(HttpServletRequest request) { Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); String agentId = request.getParameter("agentId"); String ampInstId = request.getParameter("ampInstId"); //?KPI String sql = SqlManager.getSql(this, "updateNormalAmpSchedule"); sql = sql.replaceAll("\\{AGENT_ID\\}", agentId); sql = sql.replaceAll("\\{AMP_INST_ID\\}", ampInstId); System.out.println(">>>" + sql); jdbcTemplate.execute(sql); // sql = SqlManager.getSql(KpigetconfigAgentManageService.class, "getNormalAmpSchedule"); List<Map<String, Object>> mapList = jdbcTemplate.queryForList(sql, new Object[] { agentId, ampInstId }); map.put("root", mapList); return map; } /** * ? * @param request * @return */ public Map pushAmpSchedule(HttpServletRequest request) { Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); String scheduleJsonAttr = request.getParameter("agentAmpInfo"); String agentId = request.getParameter("agentId"); List<Map<String, String>> mapList = getListMapByJsonArrayString(scheduleJsonAttr); //TODO ???? /** agentId Agent ID ampInstId Amp Instance Id nodeKey - moId kpiCode KPI Code instance ? schedule */ boolean flag = false; Locale locale = request.getLocale(); ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("messages", locale); for (Map<String, String> ampMap : mapList) { String ampInstId = ampMap.get("ampInstId"); String nodeKey = ampMap.get("nodeKey"); String kpiCode = ampMap.get("kpiCode"); String schedule = ampMap.get("schedule"); String result = avmonServer.deployAmpSchedule(agentId, ampInstId, nodeKey, kpiCode, null, schedule); if (result.startsWith("00")) { flag = true; map.put("errorMsg", bundle.getString("dispatchIssuedSuccess")); } else { map.put("errorMsg", bundle.getString("dispatchIssuedFail")); } } map.put("success", flag); return map; } /** * ?AMP AMP? * @param request * @return */ public Map findIssuedAmpSchedule(HttpServletRequest request) { Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); String scheduleJsonAttr = request.getParameter("agentAmpInfo"); String agentId = request.getParameter("agentId"); List<Map<String, String>> mapList = getListMapByJsonArrayString(scheduleJsonAttr); Locale locale = request.getLocale(); ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("messages", locale); //TODO ???? map.put("success", false); map.put("errorMsg", bundle.getString("cannotBeIssuedPolicyInformation")); return map; } /** * ?? * @param request * @return */ public Map saveAgentSchedue(HttpServletRequest request) { Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); String scheduleJsonAttr = request.getParameter("scheduleAttr"); String agentId = request.getParameter("agentId"); Map<String, String> jsonMap = JackJson.fromJsonToObject(scheduleJsonAttr, Map.class); //KPI Code?????KPI code if (jsonMap.get("kpiGroup") == null || jsonMap.get("kpiGroup").equals("")) { String sql = "update TD_AVMON_AMP_POLICY set SCHEDULE = ? where KPI_CODE = ? and AGENT_ID = ? and AMP_INST_ID = ? and KPI_GROUP is null and node_key='NA'"; jdbcTemplate.update(sql, new Object[] { jsonMap.get("schedule"), jsonMap.get("kpiCode"), jsonMap.get("agentId"), jsonMap.get("ampInstId") }); } else { String sql = "update TD_AVMON_AMP_POLICY set SCHEDULE = ? where KPI_GROUP = ? and AGENT_ID = ? and AMP_INST_ID = ? and node_key='NA'"; jdbcTemplate.update(sql, new Object[] { jsonMap.get("schedule"), jsonMap.get("kpiGroup"), jsonMap.get("agentId"), jsonMap.get("ampInstId") }); } map.put("success", true); return map; } /** * ?AMP? * @param request * @return */ public Map uinstallNormalAmp(HttpServletRequest request) { Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); String ampListJson = request.getParameter("agentAmpInfoList"); String agentId = request.getParameter("agentId"); List<Map<String, String>> mapList = getListMapByJsonArrayString(ampListJson); //TODO ???AMP? map.put("success", true); return map; } /** * JSONListMap? * @param jsonString * @return */ private List<Map<String, String>> getListMapByJsonArrayString(String jsonString) { List<Map<String, String>> ampListMap = new ArrayList<Map<String, String>>(); JSONArray jsonArray = null; try { jsonArray = JSONArray.fromObject(jsonString);//new JSONArray(jsonString); for (int s = 0; s < jsonArray.size(); s++) {//.length();s++){ Map<String, String> entityMap = JackJson.fromJsonToObject(jsonArray.get(s).toString(), Map.class); ampListMap.add(entityMap); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); //To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File Templates. } return ampListMap; } /** * ?AMP? * @param ampListMapF * @param status * @return */ private boolean updateNormalAMPStatus(final List<Map<String, String>> ampListMapF, final int status) { String updateSql = "UPDATE TD_AVMON_AMP_INST SET STATUS = ? WHERE AMP_INST_ID = ? AND AMP_ID = ? AND AGENT_ID = ?"; int[] updateCount = jdbcTemplate.batchUpdate(updateSql, new BatchPreparedStatementSetter() { @Override public void setValues(PreparedStatement preparedStatement, int i) throws SQLException { Map<String, String> stringMap = ampListMapF.get(i); preparedStatement.setInt(1, status); preparedStatement.setString(2, stringMap.get("ampInstId")); preparedStatement.setString(3, stringMap.get("ampId")); preparedStatement.setString(4, stringMap.get("agentId")); } @Override public int getBatchSize() { return ampListMapF.size(); //To change body of implemented methods use File | Settings | File Templates. } }); if (updateCount.length == ampListMapF.size()) return true; return false; } /** * ?AgentIdagent? * @param status * @param agentId * @return */ private String updateAgentStatusByAgentId(String status, String agentId, int agentCollectFlag) { // modify by mark start // agent?? String updateSql = String.format( "update td_avmon_agent set agent_status = '%s',AGENT_COLLECT_FLAG = %s where AGENT_ID = '%s'", status, agentCollectFlag, agentId); // modify by mark end jdbcTemplate.execute(updateSql); return "success"; } private String generatPageSql(String sql, String limit, String start) { Integer limitL = Integer.valueOf(limit); Integer startL = Integer.valueOf(start);//+1; //oracle?? /*StringBuffer paginationSQL = new StringBuffer(" SELECT * FROM ( "); paginationSQL.append(" SELECT temp.* ,ROWNUM num FROM ( "); paginationSQL.append(sql); paginationSQL.append(" ) temp where ROWNUM <= " + (startL-1+limitL));//limitL*((startL-1)/10+1));//limitL*startL); paginationSQL.append(" ) WHERE num > " + (startL-1)); return paginationSQL.toString();*/ return DBUtils.pagination(sql, startL, limitL); } /** * ??? * @param request * @return */ public List<Map<String, Object>> findAmpInstAttrGridInfo(HttpServletRequest request) { String agentId = request.getParameter("agentId"); String ampInstId = request.getParameter("ampInstId"); String listSql = SqlManager.getSql(KpigetconfigAgentManageService.class, "findAmpInstAttrList"); listSql = String.format(listSql, ampInstId, agentId); List<Map<String, Object>> list = jdbcTemplate.queryForList(listSql); return list; } /** * ?? * @param agentId * @param ampInstId * @param attrs * @return * @throws Exception */ public Map saveAmpInstAttr(String agentId, String ampInstId, String attrs) throws Exception { List<String> sqlList = new ArrayList<String>(); String[] attrss = attrs.split(","); for (String attr : attrss) { String[] tmp = attr.split("="); if (tmp.length == 2) { String attrName = tmp[0]; String attrValue = tmp[1]; String updateAmpInstAttrSql = "update td_avmon_amp_inst_attr set value='%s'" + " where agent_id='%s' and amp_inst_id='%s' and name='%s'"; updateAmpInstAttrSql = String.format(updateAmpInstAttrSql, attrValue, agentId, ampInstId, attrName); sqlList.add(updateAmpInstAttrSql); //jdbcTemplate.execute(updateAmpInstAttrSql); } } String[] sqlArray = sqlList.toArray(new String[sqlList.size()]); try { transfer(sqlArray); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); logger.error(this.getClass().getName() + " saveAmpInstAttr()", e); } return null; } /** * ? * @param agentId * @param ampInstId * @param schedule */ public Map saveVmSchedule(String agentId, String ampInstId, String schedule) { String updateAmpInstScheduleSql = "update td_avmon_amp_inst set schedule='%s'" + " where agent_id='%s' and amp_inst_id='%s'"; updateAmpInstScheduleSql = String.format(updateAmpInstScheduleSql, schedule, agentId, ampInstId); jdbcTemplate.execute(updateAmpInstScheduleSql); //?? Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); boolean flag = false; String result = avmonServer.deployAmpSchedule(agentId, ampInstId); if (result.startsWith("00")) { flag = true; map.put("msg", "?!"); } else { map.put("msg", result); } map.put("success", flag); return map; } /** * ? * @param newObj * @param agentId * @param ampInstId */ public void saveVmHost(TreeObject newObj, String agentId, String ampInstId) { //modify by mark start 2013-9-12 String insertVmHostSql = "insert into td_avmon_amp_vm_host(ip,hostname,host_status,enable_flag,obj_id,obj_name,obj_parent,agent_id,amp_inst_id,obj_type) " + "values('%s','%s','%s',0,'%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s')"; //modify by mark end 2013-9-12 insertVmHostSql = String.format(insertVmHostSql, newObj.getHostIp(), newObj.getHostName(), newObj.getHostStatus(), newObj.getId(), newObj.getText(), newObj.getPid(), agentId, ampInstId, newObj.getObjType()); jdbcTemplate.execute(insertVmHostSql); } /** * ? * @param agentId * @param ampInstId * @param flag * @param objIds * @throws Exception */ public void updateVmMonitorStatus(String agentId, String ampInstId, String flag, String objIds) throws Exception { String objIdArray[] = objIds.split(","); String addMoId = ""; List<String> addSql = new ArrayList(); if ("start".equalsIgnoreCase(flag)) {//??MO? for (String objId : objIdArray) { String moId = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); String selectVmInfoSql = String.format( "select ip as \"ip\",hostname as \"hostName\" " + "from td_avmon_amp_vm_host " + "where agent_id='%s' and amp_inst_id='%s' and obj_id='%s'", agentId, ampInstId, objId); Map<String, String> vmMap = jdbcTemplate.queryForMap(selectVmInfoSql); Map<String, String> attrMap = new HashMap(); attrMap.put("ip", vmMap != null ? vmMap.get("ip") : null); attrMap.put("hostname", vmMap != null ? vmMap.get("hostName") : null); String addReslult = this.addMo(moId, "VMHOST", objId, null, objId, agentId, attrMap); if (addReslult.startsWith("00")) { addMoId = addMoId + "'" + moId + "',"; // modify by mark start 2013-9-26 String updateVmEnableFlagSql = "update td_avmon_amp_vm_host set enable_flag=%d ,mo_id='%s'" + "where agent_id='%s' and amp_inst_id='%s' and obj_id = '%s'"; // modify by mark end 2013-9-26 updateVmEnableFlagSql = String.format(updateVmEnableFlagSql, 1, moId, agentId, ampInstId, objId); addSql.add(updateVmEnableFlagSql); } else if ("1".equalsIgnoreCase(addReslult)) { throw new Exception("license count error!"); } else { throw new Exception(addReslult); } } if (addMoId.length() > 0) { addMoId = addMoId.substring(1, addMoId.length() - 2); } } if ("start".equalsIgnoreCase(flag)) { try { String[] sqlArray = addSql.toArray(new String[addSql.size()]); transfer(sqlArray); } catch (Exception e) { //??MO this.deleteMo(addMoId); e.printStackTrace(); logger.error(this.getClass().getName() + " updateVmMonitorStatus", e); } } else { int enableFlag = 0; String updateObjIds = objIds.replace(",", "','"); String updateVmEnableFlagSql = "update td_avmon_amp_vm_host set enable_flag=%d " + "where agent_id='%s' and amp_inst_id='%s' and obj_id in ('%s')"; updateVmEnableFlagSql = String.format(updateVmEnableFlagSql, enableFlag, agentId, ampInstId, updateObjIds); try { jdbcTemplate.execute(updateVmEnableFlagSql); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); logger.error(this.getClass().getName() + " updateVmMonitorStatus", e); } } } /** * * @param agentId * @param ampInstId * @param objIds * @throws Exception */ public void deleteVmHost(String agentId, String ampInstId, String objIds) throws Exception { //mo String deleteMoAttrSql = String.format( "delete from td_avmon_mo_info_attribute " + "where mo_id in (" + "select mo_id from td_avmon_amp_vm_host " + "where agent_id='%s' and amp_inst_id='%s' and obj_id in ('%s')" + ")", agentId, ampInstId, objIds.replace(",", "','")); String deleteMoSql = String.format( "delete from td_avmon_mo_info where mo_id in (" + "select mo_id from td_avmon_amp_vm_host " + "where agent_id='%s' and amp_inst_id='%s' and obj_id in ('%s')" + ")", agentId, ampInstId, objIds.replace(",", "','")); String deleteVmHostSql = "delete from td_avmon_amp_vm_host " + "where agent_id='%s' and amp_inst_id='%s' and obj_id in ('%s')"; deleteVmHostSql = String.format(deleteVmHostSql, agentId, ampInstId, objIds.replace(",", "','")); String[] deleteSql = { deleteMoAttrSql, deleteMoSql, deleteVmHostSql }; try { String result = transfer1(deleteSql); if ("1".equals(result)) { throw new Exception(this.getClass().getName() + " deleteVmHost transfer error!"); } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); logger.error(this.getClass().getName() + " deleteVmHost", e); throw e; } } /** * ?ilo? * @param request * @return */ public Map findAmpInstPolicyGridInfo(HttpServletRequest request) { Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); //?? String agentId = request.getParameter("agentId"); String ampInstId = request.getParameter("ampInstId"); String flag = request.getParameter("flag"); String nodeKey = request.getParameter("nodeKey"); String listSql = ""; if ("new".equalsIgnoreCase(flag)) { listSql = SqlManager.getSql(KpigetconfigAgentManageService.class, "findAmpKpiList"); listSql = String.format(listSql, agentId, ampInstId); } else { listSql = SqlManager.getSql(KpigetconfigAgentManageService.class, "findAmpInstPolicyList"); listSql = String.format(listSql, agentId, ampInstId, nodeKey); } List<Map<String, Object>> list = jdbcTemplate.queryForList(listSql); map.put("root", list); return map; } /** * ?ilo? * @param request * @return */ public Map findIloHostGridInfo(HttpServletRequest request) { Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); //?? String agentId = request.getParameter("agentId"); String ampInstId = request.getParameter("ampInstId"); String listSql = SqlManager.getSql(KpigetconfigAgentManageService.class, "findAmpIloHostList"); listSql = String.format(listSql, agentId, ampInstId); List<Map<String, Object>> list = jdbcTemplate.queryForList(listSql); map.put("root", list); return map; } /** * ?ilo * @param request * @return * @throws Exception */ public String saveIloHost(HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception { String agentId = request.getParameter("agentId"); String ampInstId = request.getParameter("ampInstId"); String ip = request.getParameter("ip"); String oldIp = request.getParameter("oldIp"); String hostName = request.getParameter("hostName"); String userName = request.getParameter("userName"); String password = request.getParameter("password"); String extParam1 = request.getParameter("extParam1"); String extParam2 = request.getParameter("extParam2"); String extParam3 = request.getParameter("extParam3"); String policys = request.getParameter("policys"); String flag = request.getParameter("flag"); String moId = request.getParameter("moId"); JSONArray json = JSONArray.fromObject(policys); List<AmpPolicyBean> policyList = (List<AmpPolicyBean>) JSONArray.toCollection(json, AmpPolicyBean.class); List<String> sqlList = new ArrayList<String>(); String mo_id = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); String iloCountSql = "select count(1) from td_avmon_amp_ilo_host where agent_id='%s' and amp_inst_id='%s' and ip='%s'"; iloCountSql = String.format(iloCountSql, agentId, ampInstId, ip); int iloHostCount = jdbcTemplate.queryForInt(iloCountSql); Locale locale = request.getLocale(); ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("messages", locale); if ("new".equalsIgnoreCase(flag)) { if (iloHostCount > 0) { return "{success:false,msg:'" + bundle.getString("ipExisted") + "'}"; } else { //ilo??mo info? Map<String, String> attrMap = new HashMap(); attrMap.put("ip", ip); attrMap.put("hostname", hostName); String addResult = this.addMo(mo_id, "iloRoot", hostName, null, ip, agentId, attrMap); if ("1".equalsIgnoreCase(addResult)) { return "{success:false,msg:'" + bundle.getString("monitoringObjectHasReachedTheMaximumLimit") + "'}"; } else if (!addResult.startsWith("00")) { return "{success:false,msg:'" + addResult + "'}"; } String insertIloHostSql = "insert into td_avmon_amp_ilo_host(agent_id,amp_inst_id,ip,hostname,username,password,ext_param1,ext_param2,ext_param3,mo_id) " + "values('%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','" + mo_id + "')"; insertIloHostSql = String.format(insertIloHostSql, agentId, ampInstId, ip, hostName, userName, password, extParam1, extParam2, extParam3); sqlList.add(insertIloHostSql); for (AmpPolicyBean policy : policyList) {//ilocopykpi? String insertPolicySql = "insert into td_avmon_amp_policy(agent_id,amp_inst_id,kpi_code,node_key,kpi_group,schedule) " + "values('%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s')"; insertPolicySql = String.format(insertPolicySql, agentId, ampInstId, policy.getKpiCode(), ip, policy.getKpiGroup() == null ? "" : policy.getKpiGroup(), MyFunc.returnNull(policy.getSchedule())); sqlList.add(insertPolicySql); } } } else if (!ip.equalsIgnoreCase(oldIp)) {//IP?IP??policy?,MO attr? if (iloHostCount > 0) { return "{success:false,msg:'" + bundle.getString("ipExisted") + "'}"; } else { //1update td_avmon_amp_policy String updatePolicyNodeKey = "update td_avmon_amp_policy set node_key='%s' where node_key='%s'"; updatePolicyNodeKey = String.format(updatePolicyNodeKey, ip, oldIp); sqlList.add(updatePolicyNodeKey); //2update mo_attr String updateMoAttrIp = "update td_avmon_mo_info_attribute set value='%s' where upper(name)=upper('%s') and mo_id='%s'"; updateMoAttrIp = String.format(updateMoAttrIp, ip, "ip", moId); sqlList.add(updateMoAttrIp); //3update avmon_ilo_host String updateIloHostIp = "update td_avmon_amp_ilo_host set ip='%s' where ip='%'"; updateIloHostIp = String.format(updateIloHostIp, ip, oldIp); sqlList.add(updateIloHostIp); } } else { String updateIloHostSql = "update td_avmon_amp_ilo_host set hostname='%s',username='%s',password='%s'," + "ext_param1='%s',ext_param2='%s',ext_param3='%s' " + "where ip='%s'"; updateIloHostSql = String.format(updateIloHostSql, hostName, userName, password, extParam1, extParam2, extParam3, ip); sqlList.add(updateIloHostSql); } String[] sqlArray = sqlList.toArray(new String[sqlList.size()]); //jdbcTemplate.batchUpdate(sqlArray); try { transfer(sqlArray); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block //ilo?MO??MO if ("new".equalsIgnoreCase(flag)) { this.deleteMo(mo_id); } e.printStackTrace(); logger.error(this.getClass().getName() + " saveIloHost()", e); return "{success:false,msg:'" + bundle.getString("saveFail") + "'}"; } return "{success:true,msg:'" + bundle.getString("saveSuccess") + "'}"; } @Autowired private TransactionTemplate transactionTemplate; // public void transfer(final String[] sqls) throws Exception { final String trasactionFlag = "0"; transactionTemplate.execute(new TransactionCallbackWithoutResult() { protected void doInTransactionWithoutResult(TransactionStatus status) { try { // JdbcTemplate batchUpdate? jdbcTemplate.batchUpdate(sqls); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("----------RuntimeException-----" + e); status.setRollbackOnly(); // } } }); } // public String transfer1(final String[] sqls) throws Exception { String flag = transactionTemplate.execute(new TransactionCallback<String>() { public String doInTransaction(TransactionStatus status) { try { // JdbcTemplate batchUpdate? jdbcTemplate.batchUpdate(sqls); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("----------RuntimeException-----" + e); status.setRollbackOnly(); // if (e.toString().indexOf("ORA-00001: unique constraint") > -1) { return "ORA-00001"; } else { return "1"; } } return "0"; } }); return flag; } /** * ?ilo? * @param request * @return */ public Map saveIloSchedule(HttpServletRequest request) { Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); String ampInstId = request.getParameter("ampInstId"); String agentId = request.getParameter("agentId"); String nodeKey = request.getParameter("nodeKey"); String kpiCode = request.getParameter("kpiCode"); String schedule = request.getParameter("schedule"); String kpiGroup = request.getParameter("kpiGroup"); try { //KPI Code?????KPI code if (kpiGroup == null || "".equals(kpiGroup)) { String sql = "update TD_AVMON_AMP_POLICY set SCHEDULE = ? " + "where KPI_CODE = ? and AGENT_ID = ? and AMP_INST_ID = ? and node_key=? and KPI_GROUP is null "; jdbcTemplate.update(sql, new Object[] { schedule, kpiCode, agentId, ampInstId, nodeKey }); } else { String sql = "update TD_AVMON_AMP_POLICY set SCHEDULE = ? where KPI_GROUP = ? and AGENT_ID = ? and AMP_INST_ID = ? and node_key=?"; jdbcTemplate.update(sql, new Object[] { schedule, kpiGroup, agentId, ampInstId, nodeKey }); } map.put("success", true); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); logger.error(this.getClass().getName() + " saveIloSchedule", e); map.put("success", false); return map; } return map; } /** * ? * @param moId * @param typeId * @param caption * @param parentId * @param desc * @param agentId * @param attrMap * * private String moId; private String agentId; private String caption; private String type; private String description; private Map attr; * * @return "0"?"1"MO?"2"? */ public String addMo(String moId, String typeId, String caption, String parentId, String desc, String agentId, Map<String, String> attrMap) { logger.debug(String.format("addMo %s type=%s", moId, typeId)); int maxMoCount = licenseService.getMaxMoCount(); String countMoSql = "select count(1) from td_avmon_mo_info"; int moCount = jdbcTemplate.queryForInt(countMoSql); String result = "99"; if (moCount >= maxMoCount) { return "1"; } else { //yongqiang?MO_INFO MO mo = new MO(); mo.setAgentId(agentId); mo.setCaption(caption); mo.setDescription(desc); mo.setMoId(moId); mo.setType(typeId); if (attrMap != null) { Set<String> key = attrMap.keySet(); for (Iterator it = key.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { String attrName = (String); mo.setAttr(attrName, attrMap.get(attrName)); } } result = avmonServer.createMo(mo); logger.debug("avmonServer.createMo(mo) return " + result); } return result; } /** * * @param moId * @return */ public String deleteMo(String moId) { String deleteMoAttrSql = String.format("delete from td_avmon_mo_info_attribute where mo_id in ('%s')", moId); String deleteMoSql = String.format("delete from td_avmon_mo_info where mo_id in ('%s')", moId); String[] deleteSql = { deleteMoAttrSql, deleteMoSql }; try { transfer(deleteSql); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); return "1"; } return "0"; } public void deleteIloHostByIps(String agentId, String ampInstId, String ips) throws Exception { //mo String deleteMoAttrSql = String.format("delete from td_avmon_mo_info_attribute " + "where mo_id in (" + "select mo_id from td_avmon_amp_ilo_host " + "where agent_id='%s' and amp_inst_id='%s' and ip in (%s)" + ")", agentId, ampInstId, ips); String deleteMoSql = String .format("delete from td_avmon_mo_info where mo_id in (" + "select mo_id from td_avmon_amp_ilo_host " + "where agent_id='%s' and amp_inst_id='%s' and ip in (%s)" + ")", agentId, ampInstId, ips); String deleteIloHostSql = "delete from td_avmon_amp_ilo_host " + "where agent_id='%s' and amp_inst_id='%s' and ip in (%s)"; deleteIloHostSql = String.format(deleteIloHostSql, agentId, ampInstId, ips); String[] deleteSql = { deleteMoAttrSql, deleteMoSql, deleteIloHostSql }; try { String result = transfer1(deleteSql); if ("1".equals(result)) { throw new Exception(this.getClass().getName() + " deleteIloHost transfer error!"); } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); logger.error(this.getClass().getName() + " deleteIloHost", e); throw e; } } public Map pushAgentAmpSchedule(HttpServletRequest request) { Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); //???AMPList final List<Map<String, String>> ampListMapF = getListMapByJsonArrayString( request.getParameter("agentAmpInfo")); StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer(); Locale locale = request.getLocale(); ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("messages", locale); for (Map<String, String> ampMap : ampListMapF) { String ampInstId = ampMap.get("ampInstId"); String agentId = ampMap.get("agentId"); String ampId = ampMap.get("ampId"); String result = avmonServer.deployAmpSchedule(agentId, ampInstId); buff.append(ampInstId); if (result.startsWith("00")) { String updateAmpStatusSql = String.format( "UPDATE TD_AVMON_AMP_INST SET STATUS = 1,LAST_SCHEDULE_UPDATE_TIME = SYSDATE WHERE AMP_INST_ID ='%s' AND AMP_ID ='%s' AND AGENT_ID ='%s'", ampInstId, ampId, agentId); jdbcTemplate.update(updateAmpStatusSql); buff.append(bundle.getString("dispatchIssuedSuccess")); } else { buff.append(bundle.getString("dispatchIssuedFail")); } buff.append("<br/>"); map.put("msg", buff.toString()); } map.put("success", true); return map; } public Map batchPushAgentAmpSchedule(HttpServletRequest request) { Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); //???AMPList final List<Map<String, String>> ampListMapF = getListMapByJsonArrayString( request.getParameter("agentAmpInfo")); boolean flag = false; Locale locale = request.getLocale(); ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("messages", locale); for (Map<String, String> ampMap : ampListMapF) { String ampInstId = ampMap.get("ampInstId"); String agentId = ampMap.get("agentId"); String result = avmonServer.deployAmpSchedule(agentId, ampInstId); if (result.startsWith("00")) { //String updateAmpStatusSql = String.format("UPDATE TD_AVMON_AMP_INST SET STATUS = 2 WHERE AMP_INST_ID ='%s' AND AMP_ID ='%s' AND AGENT_ID ='%s'",ampInstId,ampId,agentId); //jdbcTemplate.update(updateAmpStatusSql); flag = true; map.put("errorMsg", bundle.getString("dispatchIssuedSuccess")); } else { map.put("errorMsg", result); } } map.put("success", flag); return map; } public Map pushIloHostSchedule(HttpServletRequest request) { Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); String agentId = request.getParameter("agentId"); List<Map<String, String>> ampListMapF = getListMapByJsonArrayString(request.getParameter("agentAmpInfo")); boolean flag = false; Locale locale = request.getLocale(); ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("messages", locale); //TODO ??? for (Map<String, String> ampMap : ampListMapF) { String ampInstId = ampMap.get("ampInstId"); String ip = ampMap.get("ip"); String sql = String.format( "select * from td_avmon_amp_policy where agent_id='%s' and amp_inst_id='%s' and node_key='%s'", agentId, ampInstId, ip); List<Map<String, Object>> list = jdbcTemplate.queryForList(sql); for (Map<String, Object> m : list) { String result = avmonServer.deployAmpSchedule(agentId, ampInstId, ampMap.get("moId"), m.get("KPI_CODE").toString(), null, m.get("SCHEDULE").toString()); //String result = avmonServer.deployAmpSchedule(agentId, ampInstId,moId,kpiCode,null,schedule); if (result.startsWith("00")) { map.put("success", true); map.put("errorMsg", bundle.getString("dispatchIssuedSuccess")); } else { map.put("success", false); map.put("errorMsg", result); return map; } } } return map; } public Map pushSelectedIloHostSchedule(HttpServletRequest request) { Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); String moId = request.getParameter("moId"); // String nodeKey = null; // modify by mark start // String sql = SqlManager.getSql(AgentManageService.class, "getIloNodeKey"); // sql = String.format(sql, moId); // List<Map<String,String>>list = jdbcTemplate.queryForList(sql); // if (list.size() > 0) { // nodeKey = list.get(0).get("ip"); // } // modify by mark end List<Map<String, String>> ampListMapF = getListMapByJsonArrayString(request.getParameter("agentAmpInfo")); //TODO ??? for (Map<String, String> ampMap : ampListMapF) { String agentId = ampMap.get("agentId"); String ampInstId = ampMap.get("ampInstId"); String kpiCode = ampMap.get("kpiCode"); //String nodeKey = moId; String schedule = ampMap.get("schedule"); // modify by mark start 2013-9-12 String result = avmonServer.deployAmpSchedule(agentId, ampInstId, moId, kpiCode, null, schedule); // modify by mark end 2013-9-12 //String result = avmonServer.deployAmpSchedule(agentId, ampInstId,moId,kpiCode,null,schedule); Locale locale = request.getLocale(); ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("messages", locale); if (result.startsWith("00")) { map.put("success", true); map.put("errorMsg", bundle.getString("scriptIssuedSuccess")); } else { map.put("success", false); map.put("errorMsg", result); return map; } } return map; } public void updateAgentMoId(String agentId, String moId) { String updateSql = String.format("update td_avmon_agent set mo_id='%s' where agent_id='%s'", moId, agentId); jdbcTemplate.execute(updateSql); } public String addAgentMo(String moId, String agentId) { String sql = String.format("select OS,OS_VERSION,IP from TD_AVMON_AGENT where AGENT_ID = '%s'", agentId); List<Map<String, Object>> list = jdbcTemplate.queryForList(sql); if (list != null && list.size() > 0) { String os = (String) list.get(0).get("OS"); String ip = (String) list.get(0).get("IP"); String osVersion = (String) list.get(0).get("OS_VERSION"); if (os != null) { os = os.toUpperCase(); String type = "HOST_" + os; Map attr = new HashMap(); attr.put("ip", ip); attr.put("osVersion", osVersion); attr.put("os", os); return this.addMo(moId, type, ip, null, "Auto created for agent.", agentId, attr); } } return "99:"; } public String removeAgent(HttpServletRequest request) { String status = request.getParameter("status"); String agentId = request.getParameter("agentId"); String json = ""; String sql = String.format("delete from TD_AVMON_AMP_INST_ATTR where agent_id='%s'", agentId); jdbcTemplate.execute(sql); //TD_AVMON_AMP_POLICY sql = String.format("delete from TD_AVMON_AMP_POLICY where agent_id='%s'", agentId); jdbcTemplate.execute(sql); sql = String.format("delete from TD_AVMON_AMP_INST where agent_id='%s'", agentId); jdbcTemplate.execute(sql); sql = String.format("delete from TD_AVMON_AGENT where agent_id='%s'", agentId); jdbcTemplate.execute(sql); //agentidmoid String moId = agentId; sql = String.format("delete from TD_AVMON_MO_INFO_ATTRIBUTE where mo_id='%s' ", moId); jdbcTemplate.execute(sql); sql = String.format("delete from TD_AVMON_MO_INFO where mo_id='%s' ", moId); jdbcTemplate.execute(sql); Locale locale = request.getLocale(); ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("messages", locale); json = "{success:true,msg:'" + bundle.getString("agentDeleteSuccess") + "'}"; return json; } public String upgradeAgent(HttpServletRequest request) { String status = request.getParameter("status"); String agentId = request.getParameter("agentId"); String json = ""; String result = avmonServer.upgradeAgent(agentId); Locale locale = request.getLocale(); ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("messages", locale); if (result.startsWith("00")) { json = "{success:true,msg:'" + bundle.getString("agentNewProcedureMsg") + "'}"; } else { json = "{success:false,msg:'" + result + "'}"; } return json; } public Map removeAmp(HttpServletRequest request) { Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); //TODO ?AMP ??AMP? final List<Map<String, String>> ampListMapF = getListMapByJsonArrayString( request.getParameter("agentAmpInfo")); boolean flag = false; Locale locale = request.getLocale(); ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("messages", locale); for (Map<String, String> ampMap : ampListMapF) { String ampInstId = ampMap.get("ampInstId"); String agentId = ampMap.get("agentId"); String ampId = ampMap.get("ampId"); jdbcTemplate.execute( String.format("delete from TD_AVMON_AMP_POLICY where agent_id='%s' and amp_inst_id='%s'", agentId, ampInstId)); jdbcTemplate.execute( String.format("delete from TD_AVMON_AMP_VM_HOST where agent_id='%s' and amp_inst_id='%s'", agentId, ampInstId)); jdbcTemplate.execute( String.format("delete from TD_AVMON_AMP_ILO_HOST where agent_id='%s' and amp_inst_id='%s'", agentId, ampInstId)); jdbcTemplate.execute( String.format("delete from TD_AVMON_AMP_INST_ATTR where agent_id='%s' and amp_inst_id='%s'", agentId, ampInstId)); jdbcTemplate.execute(String.format( "delete from TD_AVMON_AMP_INST where agent_id='%s' and amp_inst_id='%s'", agentId, ampInstId)); map.put("errorMsg", bundle.getString("uninstallSuccess")); } //updateNormalAMPStatus(ampListMapF,ConfigConstant.AMP_STATUS_DISABLED); if (flag) { map.put("success", true); } else { map.put("success", false); } return map; } // add by mark start /** * ??agent? 0 ?;1:? * @param agentId * @return */ public int getAgentCollectFlag(String agentId) { int agentCollectFlag = 1; String sql = "select AGENT_COLLECT_FLAG from TD_AVMON_AGENT where AGENT_ID = '" + agentId + "'"; agentCollectFlag = jdbcTemplate.queryForInt(sql); return agentCollectFlag; } // add by mark end }