Source code

Java tutorial


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package com.hp.action;

import com.hp.dao.CustomerDAO;
import com.hp.dao.CustomerDAOImpl;
import com.hp.dao.StaffDAO;
import com.hp.dao.StaffDAOImpl;
import com.hp.dao.TakeOrderDAO;
import com.hp.dao.TakeOrderDAOImpl;
import com.hp.dao.TakeOrderDetailDAO;
import com.hp.dao.TakeOrderDetailDAOImpl;
import com.hp.dao.UserDAO;
import com.hp.dao.UserDAOImpl;
import com.hp.domain.PushInfo;
import com.hp.domain.TakeOrder;
import com.hp.domain.TakeOrderDetail;
import com.hp.domain.User;
import static com.opensymphony.xwork2.Action.LOGIN;
import static com.opensymphony.xwork2.Action.SUCCESS;
import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionContext;
import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionSupport;
import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ModelDriven;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFCellStyle;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFSheet;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.util.CellRangeAddress;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.util.HSSFColor;
import org.apache.struts2.ServletActionContext;

 * @author HP
public class ReportTakeOrderAction extends ActionSupport implements ModelDriven {
    public Object getModel() {
        return pushInfo;

    private UserDAO userDAO = new UserDAOImpl();
    private StaffDAO staffDAO = new StaffDAOImpl();
    private CustomerDAO customerDAO = new CustomerDAOImpl();
    private TakeOrderDAO takeOrderDAO = new TakeOrderDAOImpl();
    private TakeOrderDetailDAO takeOrderDetailDAO = new TakeOrderDetailDAOImpl();

    private List<String> userListGiamDoc = new ArrayList<String>();
    private List<String> userListStaff = new ArrayList<String>();
    private List<String> userListCustomer = new ArrayList<String>();

    public PushInfo pushInfo = new PushInfo();
    User user = new User();

    private String giamdocId;
    private String nhanvienId;
    private String khachhangId;

    private List<TakeOrder> takeOrdersList = new ArrayList<TakeOrder>();

    private String startDate;
    private String endDate;

    private List<List<TakeOrderDetail>> takeOrderDetailList = new ArrayList<List<TakeOrderDetail>>();

    public FileInputStream orderFile;
    String outputFile;

    public String getOutputFile() {
        return outputFile;

    public void setOutputFile(String outputFile) {
        this.outputFile = outputFile;

    public FileInputStream getOrderFile() {
        return orderFile;

    public void setOrderFile(FileInputStream orderFile) {
        this.orderFile = orderFile;

    public List<List<TakeOrderDetail>> getTakeOrderDetailList() {
        return takeOrderDetailList;

    public void setTakeOrderDetailList(List<List<TakeOrderDetail>> takeOrderDetailList) {
        this.takeOrderDetailList = takeOrderDetailList;

    public String getStartDate() {
        return startDate;

    public void setStartDate(String startDate) {
        this.startDate = startDate;

    public String getEndDate() {
        return endDate;

    public void setEndDate(String endDate) {
        this.endDate = endDate;

    public List<TakeOrder> getTakeOrdersList() {
        return takeOrdersList;

    public void setTakeOrdersList(List<TakeOrder> takeOrdersList) {
        this.takeOrdersList = takeOrdersList;

    public String getGiamdocId() {
        return giamdocId;

    public void setGiamdocId(String giamdocId) {
        this.giamdocId = giamdocId;

    public String getNhanvienId() {
        return nhanvienId;

    public void setNhanvienId(String nhanvienId) {
        this.nhanvienId = nhanvienId;

    public String getKhachhangId() {
        return khachhangId;

    public void setKhachhangId(String khachhangId) {
        this.khachhangId = khachhangId;

    public User getUser() {
        return user;

    public void setUser(User user) {
        this.user = user;

    public PushInfo getPushInfo() {
        return pushInfo;

    public void setPushInfo(PushInfo pushInfo) {
        this.pushInfo = pushInfo;

    public List<String> getUserListGiamDoc() {
        return userListGiamDoc;

    public void setUserListGiamDoc(List<String> userListGiamDoc) {
        this.userListGiamDoc = userListGiamDoc;

    public List<String> getUserListStaff() {
        return userListStaff;

    public void setUserListStaff(List<String> userListStaff) {
        this.userListStaff = userListStaff;

    public List<String> getUserListCustomer() {
        return userListCustomer;

    public void setUserListCustomer(List<String> userListCustomer) {
        this.userListCustomer = userListCustomer;

    public String refresh() {
        HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) ActionContext.getContext()
        HttpSession session = request.getSession();

        user = (User) session.getAttribute("USER");

        if (!userDAO.authorize((String) session.getAttribute("user_name"),
                (String) session.getAttribute("user_password"))) {
            return LOGIN;

        //        if(user.getPermission() == 1)
        userListGiamDoc = userDAO.getListUser(2);
        //        if(user.getPermission() == 2)
        //            userListStaff = staffDAO.getListUser(user.getId());

        return SUCCESS;

    public String filter() {
        HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) ActionContext.getContext()
        HttpSession session = request.getSession();

        user = (User) session.getAttribute("USER");

        if (!userDAO.authorize((String) session.getAttribute("user_name"),
                (String) session.getAttribute("user_password"))) {
            return LOGIN;

        if (giamdocId != null) {
            userListStaff = staffDAO.getListUser(giamdocId);
            session.setAttribute("khachhangId", null);
            session.setAttribute("giamdocId", giamdocId);
            //            session.setAttribute("staffId", null);
            //            session.setAttribute("khachhangId", null);
            if (giamdocId.compareTo("nullid") == 0) {
                session.setAttribute("giamdocId", null);
                System.out.println("giamdocid: " + session.getAttribute("giamdocId"));
            System.out.print(" filter!! ");
            return SUCCESS;
        } else if (nhanvienId != null) {
            userListCustomer = customerDAO.getListCustomer(nhanvienId);

            session.setAttribute("staffId", nhanvienId);
            //            session.setAttribute("khachhangId", null);
            if (nhanvienId.compareTo("nullid") == 0) {
                session.setAttribute("staffId", null);
                System.out.println("staffId: " + session.getAttribute("staffId"));


        } else if (khachhangId != null) {
            session.setAttribute("khachhangId", khachhangId);

            if (khachhangId.compareTo("nullid") == 0) {
                session.setAttribute("khachhangId", null);
                System.out.println("khachhangId: " + session.getAttribute("khachhangId"));


        return SUCCESS;

    public String filterResult() {
        HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) ActionContext.getContext()
        HttpSession session = request.getSession();

        user = (User) session.getAttribute("USER");

        if (!userDAO.authorize((String) session.getAttribute("user_name"),
                (String) session.getAttribute("user_password"))) {
            return LOGIN;

        pushInfo.setManagerID((String) session.getAttribute("giamdocId"));
        pushInfo.setStaffID((String) session.getAttribute("staffId"));
        pushInfo.setCustomerID((String) session.getAttribute("khachhangId"));

        userListGiamDoc = userDAO.getListUser(2);
        userListStaff = staffDAO.getListUser(pushInfo.getManagerID());
        userListCustomer = customerDAO.getListCustomer(pushInfo.getStaffID());

        System.out.println("DATE: " + startDate);

        takeOrdersList = takeOrderDAO.getTakeOrderList(pushInfo.getManagerID(), pushInfo.getStaffID(),
                pushInfo.getCustomerID(), startDate, endDate);

        for (int i = 0; i < takeOrdersList.size(); i++) {
            List<TakeOrderDetail> list = takeOrderDetailDAO.getDetailTakeOrdersList(takeOrdersList.get(i).getId());

        //Save it to export excel file
        session.setAttribute("takeOrdersList", takeOrdersList);
        session.setAttribute("takeOrderDetailList", takeOrderDetailList);
        session.setAttribute("startDate", startDate);
        session.setAttribute("endDate", endDate);

        return SUCCESS;


    public String exportTakeOrderList() {
        HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) ActionContext.getContext()
        HttpSession session = request.getSession();

        user = (User) session.getAttribute("USER");

        if (!userDAO.authorize((String) session.getAttribute("user_name"),
                (String) session.getAttribute("user_password"))) {
            return LOGIN;

        //GET DATA
        takeOrdersList = (List<TakeOrder>) session.getAttribute("takeOrdersList");
        takeOrderDetailList = (List<List<TakeOrderDetail>>) session.getAttribute("takeOrderDetailList");

        if (takeOrdersList == null)
            return INPUT;

        String fileInput = ServletActionContext.getServletContext().getRealPath("/db_exports/");
        String start = (String) session.getAttribute("startDate");
        String end = (String) session.getAttribute("endDate");

        HSSFWorkbook workBook = new HSSFWorkbook();
        HSSFSheet sheet = workBook.createSheet("Take Order");
        sheet.setColumnWidth(0, 1000);

        //TakeOrder title
        for (int i = 1; i < 2; i++) {
            Row rowstart = sheet.createRow(0);

            //Row Title
            Row row0 = sheet.createRow(i);
            row0.setHeight((short) 500);
            Cell cell0 = row0.createCell(0);

            //Merge for title
            sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(i, //first row (0-based)
                    i, //last row  (0-based)
                    0, //first column (0-based)
                    8 //last column  (0-based)
            //CellUtil.setAlignment(cell0, workBook, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER);
            CellStyle cellStyle = workBook.createCellStyle();

            Font headerFont = workBook.createFont();
            headerFont.setFontHeight((short) 250);

            cell0.setCellValue("Bo co ha n t hng");

            //Row date
            Row row1 = sheet.createRow(i + 1);
            Cell cell1 = row1.createCell(0);

            //Merge for title
            sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(i + 1, //first row (0-based)
                    i + 1, //last row  (0-based)
                    0, //first column (0-based)
                    8 //last column  (0-based)
            CellStyle cellAlign = workBook.createCellStyle();

            if (start == null)
                start = "";
            if (end == null)
                end = "";
            cell1.setCellValue("T ngy: " + start + " - ?n ngy: " + end);

            //Row Header
            Row row = sheet.createRow(4);
            int cellnum = 0;

            for (Object obj : titleArray()) {
                Cell cell = row.createCell(cellnum++);

                CellStyle style = workBook.createCellStyle();


                if (obj instanceof Timestamp)
                    cell.setCellValue((Timestamp) obj);
                else if (obj instanceof Boolean)
                    cell.setCellValue((Boolean) obj);
                else if (obj instanceof String)
                    cell.setCellValue((String) obj);
                else if (obj instanceof Float)
                    cell.setCellValue((Float) obj);

        //Write TakeOrder
        for (int i = 0; i < takeOrdersList.size(); i++) {
            Row row = sheet.createRow(i + 5);
            int cellnum = 0;

            //Cell 0 - stt
            Cell cell0 = row.createCell(cellnum++);
            cell0.setCellValue(i + 1);

            //Set content
            for (Object obj : objectArray(takeOrdersList.get(i), takeOrderDetailList.get(i))) {
                Cell cell = row.createCell(cellnum++);

                if (obj instanceof Timestamp)
                    cell.setCellValue((Timestamp) obj);
                else if (obj instanceof Boolean)
                    cell.setCellValue((Boolean) obj);
                else if (obj instanceof Integer)
                    cell.setCellValue((Integer) obj);
                else if (obj instanceof String)
                    cell.setCellValue((String) obj);
                else if (obj instanceof Float) {

                    //                    CellStyle cellStyle = workBook.createCellStyle();
                    //                    DataFormat format = workBook.createDataFormat();
                    //                    cellStyle.setDataFormat(format.getFormat("#.#"));
                    //                    cell.setCellStyle(cellStyle);

                    cell.setCellValue((Float) obj);
                } else if (obj instanceof Double)
                    cell.setCellValue((Double) obj);

            //SUM ROW
            if (i == (takeOrdersList.size() - 1)) {
                Row rowEnd = sheet.createRow(i + 7);
                for (int j = (titleArray().length - 5); j < (titleArray().length - 1); j++) {
                    Cell cell = rowEnd.createCell(j);
                    cell.setCellValue((Double) sumArray()[j - (titleArray().length - 5)]);

        outputFile = "BaoCaoHoaDonDatHang" + start + " - " + end + ".xls";
        try {
            FileOutputStream output = new FileOutputStream(new File(fileInput + "\\" + outputFile));

            System.out.println("Excel written successfully..");
            orderFile = new FileInputStream(new File(fileInput + "\\" + outputFile));

        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        } catch (IOException e) {

        return SUCCESS;

    public Object[] titleArray() {
        return new Object[] { "Stt", "M ha n", "Ngy t hng", "Ngy giao hng",
                "Tn khch hng", "M khch hng", "?a ch giao hng", "Tnh trng",
                "Tng cng", "Chit khu mt hng", "Chit khu ha n", "Thnh ti?n",
                "Gn cho"


    public Object[] sumArray() {
        return new Object[] {

                sum_all.doubleValue(), sum_discount_all.doubleValue(), sum_discount_total_all.doubleValue(),


    BigDecimal sum_all = new BigDecimal(0);
    BigDecimal sum_discount_all = new BigDecimal(0);
    BigDecimal sum_discount_total_all = new BigDecimal(0);
    BigDecimal sum_total_all = new BigDecimal(0);

    public Object[] objectArray(TakeOrder takeOrder, List<TakeOrderDetail> detailList) {

        BigDecimal sum = new BigDecimal(0);
        BigDecimal sum_discount = new BigDecimal(0);
        BigDecimal sum_discount_total = new BigDecimal(0);

        for (int i = 0; i < detailList.size(); i++) {
            sum = sum.add(new BigDecimal(detailList.get(i).getAfterOrderPrice() * detailList.get(i).getNumber()));

            sum_discount = sum_discount.add(
                    new BigDecimal((detailList.get(i).getAfterOrderPrice() * detailList.get(i).getDiscount() / 100)
                            * detailList.get(i).getNumber()));
            sum_discount_total = sum_discount_total.add(new BigDecimal(detailList.get(i).getPriceTotal()));

        sum_discount_total = sum_discount_total.multiply(new BigDecimal(takeOrder.getDiscount() / 100));

        String status = "";
        switch (takeOrder.getOrderStatus()) {
        case 0:
            status = "?ang t hng";
        case 1:
            status = "? duyt";
        case 2:
            status = "Hon thnh";
        case 3:
            status = "Hy";
        sum_all = sum_all.add(sum);
        sum_discount_all = sum_discount_all.add(sum_discount);
        sum_discount_total_all = sum_discount_total_all.add(sum_discount_total);
        //sum_total_all = sum_all.subtract(sum_discount_all).subtract(sum_discount_total_all);

        return new Object[] { takeOrder.getId(), takeOrder.getTakeOrderDate().toString(),
                takeOrder.getDeliveryDate().toString(), takeOrder.getCustomerName(), takeOrder.getCustomerID(),
                takeOrder.getDeliveryAddress(), status,
                //str1, str2, str3, str4,
                sum.doubleValue(), sum_discount.doubleValue(), sum_discount_total.doubleValue(),

