Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2014 Hotwire. All Rights Reserved. * * This software is the proprietary information of Hotwire. * Use is subject to license terms. */ package com.hotwire.test.steps.application; //import static; import static com.thoughtworks.selenium.SeleneseTestBase.assertEquals; import static org.fest.assertions.Assertions.assertThat; import; import; import; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import javax.annotation.Resource; import org.apache.http.Header; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet; import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClients; import org.fest.assertions.Assertions; import org.openqa.selenium.Alert; import org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.NoAlertPresentException; import org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchWindowException; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate; import; import com.hotwire.selenium.desktop.AbstractDesktopPage; import com.hotwire.selenium.desktop.globalheader.GlobalHeader; import com.hotwire.selenium.desktop.refreshUtil.RefreshUtilPage; import com.hotwire.selenium.desktop.widget.ErrorMessenger; import; import; import; import; import com.hotwire.test.steps.authentication.AuthenticationParameters; import com.hotwire.test.steps.common.PGoodCode; import com.hotwire.test.steps.common.WebdriverAwareModel; import com.hotwire.test.steps.purchase.PurchaseParameters; import com.hotwire.testing.UnimplementedTestException; import com.hotwire.util.webdriver.SessionModifingParams; import com.hotwire.util.webdriver.WebDriverManager; import cucumber.runtime.CucumberException; /** * This class is responsible for application set up parameters. */ public class ApplicationModelTemplate extends WebdriverAwareModel implements ApplicationModel { protected static String[] FULL_ENABLED_VERSION_TESTS = { "vt.CRB12=2", "vt.CST12=2", "vt.CUT12=2", "optimizely_x1859720750=0" }; //optimizely version test disables opening new tab from results page private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ApplicationModelTemplate.class); @Autowired protected String testVT; @Autowired protected String testAutParam; @Autowired protected URL angularAppUrl; @Autowired protected String posaPath; @Resource(name = "desktopPosCurrencyMap") protected HashMap<String, String> desktopPosCurrencyMap; protected final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass()); protected URL applicationUrl; protected SessionModifingParams sessionModifingParams; @Resource protected Properties applicationProperties; @Autowired protected PurchaseParameters purchaseParameters; @Autowired protected SessionParameters sessionParameters; @Resource(name = "posToCountryOrigin") protected HashMap<String, String> posToCountryOrigin; // TO-DO: remove when refreshUtil will be completely headless private String refreshUtilPath; @Autowired private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate; @Autowired @Qualifier("authenticationParameters") private AuthenticationParameters authenticationParameters; @Autowired @Qualifier("canadianZipCode") private String canadianZipCode; private String paymentProcessor; /** * Populate properties across view and biz servers via refreshUtil. Use applicationProperties placeholder to * override default values. Default values defined in cucumber-application-context.xml. * * @deprecated use RefreshUtilPropertyCustomizer instead */ @Deprecated protected void refreshProperties() { if (applicationProperties.size() > 0) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("/test/refreshUtil.jsp?actionType=1"); int i = 0; for (String s : applicationProperties.stringPropertyNames()) { String.format("Property '%s' was set to '%s'", s, applicationProperties.getProperty(s))); sb.append("&propName{0}={1}&propValue{0}={2}".replace("{0}", Integer.toString(i++)) .replace("{1}", s).replace("{2}", applicationProperties.getProperty(s))); } try { URL url = new URL(applicationUrl, sb.toString()); HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); connection.setRequestMethod("GET");"refreshUtil returned response: %s", connection.getResponseMessage())); } catch (IOException e) { throw new CucumberException(e); } } } public void setSessionModifingParams(SessionModifingParams sessionModifingParams) { this.sessionModifingParams = sessionModifingParams; } public void setSessionParameters(SessionParameters sessionParameters) { this.sessionParameters = sessionParameters; } public void setApplicationUrl(URL applicationUrl) { this.applicationUrl = applicationUrl; } public String getPaymentProcessor() { return this.paymentProcessor; } public void setPaymentProcessor(String paymentProcessorName) { this.paymentProcessor = paymentProcessorName; } public void setRefreshUtilPath(String refreshUtilPath) { this.refreshUtilPath = refreshUtilPath; } @Override public void selectPOS(String pos) { GlobalHeader globalHeader = new AbstractDesktopPage(getWebdriverInstance()).getGlobalHeader(); globalHeader.selectPOS(pos); String countryOfOrigin = posToCountryOrigin.get(pos); purchaseParameters.getUserInformation().setCountry(countryOfOrigin); // For desktop purchase tests. purchaseParameters.getUserInformation().setBillingCountry(countryOfOrigin); if ("United Kingdom".equalsIgnoreCase(countryOfOrigin)) { purchaseParameters.getUserInformation().setZipCode("03057"); } if ("Canada".equalsIgnoreCase(countryOfOrigin)) { purchaseParameters.getUserInformation().setZipCode(canadianZipCode); } sessionParameters.setPointOfSale(pos); // Set for accounts tests."POS: " + pos + " - SessionParam PointOfSale: " + pos + " - Billing Country Of Origin: " + countryOfOrigin); purchaseParameters.setCurrencyCode( new AbstractDesktopPage(getWebdriverInstance()).getGlobalHeader().getSelectedCurrency()); } @Override public void selectCurrency(String currencyCode, boolean force) { throw new UnimplementedTestException("Implement me!"); } @Override public void setupOrVerifyDefaultData() { // No-op } @Override public void setupOrVerifyApplicationAndAccessMethod() { getWebdriverInstance().navigate() .to(this.applicationUrl + "/" + this.sessionModifingParams.asUrlParameters()); } @Deprecated private RefreshUtilPage openRefreshUtilTool() { getWebdriverInstance().navigate().to(this.applicationUrl + "/" + this.refreshUtilPath); return new RefreshUtilPage(getWebdriverInstance()); } // TO-DO: remove when refreshUtil will be completely headless @Deprecated @Override public void dropRefreshUtilProperty(String propName) { openRefreshUtilTool().changePropertyToDefault(propName); } @Override public void addVersionTest(String vtName, String vtValue) { this.sessionModifingParams.addParameter(vtName + "=" + vtValue); } @Override public void selectFullSiteView() { throw new UnimplementedTestException("Implement me!"); } @Override public void verifySearchPage(PGoodCode pGoodCode) { throw new UnimplementedTestException("Implement me!"); } @Override public void verifyHomePage(String channel) { if ("mobile".equalsIgnoreCase(channel)) { new MobileHotwireHomePage(getWebdriverInstance()); } else if ("desktop domestic".equalsIgnoreCase(channel)) { new AbstractDesktopPage(getWebdriverInstance(), new String[] { "tiles-def.uhp.index", "tile.hotwire.home", "tile.hotel.index", "tile.hotwire.hotel" }); } else if ("desktop international".equalsIgnoreCase(channel)) { new AbstractDesktopPage(getWebdriverInstance(), new String[] { "tile.home.epica, tile.home", "tile.hotel.index", "tile.hotwire.hotel" }); } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Channel: " + channel + " not supported"); } } @Override public void verifyAirIndexPage() { new; } @Override public void verifyAirPageWithOrWithoutResults() { new, new String[] { "tiles-def.air.results*", "" }); } @Override public void verifyAirInformationPage() { // We verify that we are on the air information SEO page by looking at the URL. // We are not verifying the content of the page. String currentURL = getWebdriverInstance().getCurrentUrl(); if (!currentURL.contains("flight-information")) { throw new org.openqa.selenium.NotFoundException( "Was expecting to be on SEO flight information page" + " but was on" + currentURL); } } @Override public void verifySurveyPage(String vertical) { // We verify that we are on the desktop survey page by looking at the URL. // We are not verifying the content of the page. String currentURL = getWebdriverInstance().getCurrentUrl(); if (!currentURL.contains(vertical + "/survey") || !currentURL.contains("isMobileFullSite=true")) { throw new org.openqa.selenium.NotFoundException( "Was expecting to be on " + vertical + " survey page" + " but was on" + currentURL); } } @Override public void verifyMessageOnPage(String messageText, ErrorMessenger.MessageType messageType) { ErrorMessenger msg = new ErrorMessenger(getWebdriverInstance()); msg.setMessageType(messageType); if (messageText == null) { assertThat(msg.getMessages().isEmpty()).as(messageType + "message does not appear").isFalse(); } else { assertThat(msg.getMessages().toString().contains(messageText)) .as(messageText + "message does not appear").isTrue(); } } @Override public void verifyPriceCheckMessageOnPage(String messageText, ErrorMessenger.MessageType messageType) { ErrorMessenger msg = new ErrorMessenger(getWebdriverInstance()); msg.setMessageType(messageType); if (messageText == null) { assertThat(msg.getMessages().isEmpty()).as(messageType + "message does not appear").isFalse(); } else { for (String m : msg.getMessages()) { assertThat(m.contains(messageText)).isTrue(); } } } @Override public void verifyDestinationInformationPage(String destination) { // We verify that we are on the destination information SEO page by looking at the URL. // We are not verifying the content of the page. String currentURL = getWebdriverInstance().getCurrentUrl(); String normalizedDestination = destination.toLowerCase(); if (!currentURL.contains("hotel-rooms/" + normalizedDestination + ".jsp?mwr=1&isMobileFullSite=true")) { throw new org.openqa.selenium.NotFoundException( "Was expecting to be on SEO" + destination + " information page but was on " + currentURL); } } @Override public void verifyResultsPage(PGoodCode pGoodCode) { throw new UnimplementedTestException("Implement me!"); } @Override public void unifyCarDetailsAndBilling() { throw new UnimplementedTestException("Implement me!"); } @Override public void activateCarVersionTests() {"Set of fully enabled version tests is activated.."); for (String vt : FULL_ENABLED_VERSION_TESTS) { sessionModifingParams.addParameter(vt); } } @Override public void verifyHotwireBranded3rdPartyMobileCarSite() { throw new UnimplementedTestException("Not implemented"); } @Override public void verifyTripSummaryPage() { new MobileTripSummaryPage(getWebdriverInstance()); } @Override public void verifySite() { throw new UnimplementedTestException("Not implemented"); } @Override public void verifySignInPage() { throw new UnimplementedTestException("Not implemented"); } @Override public void verifyRegistrationPage() { throw new UnimplementedTestException("Not implemented"); } @Override public void verifyPasswordAssistancePage() { throw new UnimplementedTestException("Implement me!"); } @Override public void setupOnlinePartnerMarketing() { throw new UnimplementedTestException("Implement me!"); } @Override public void activateLastMinuteCruiseDeals() { throw new UnimplementedTestException("Not implemented"); } @Override public void activateTopCruiseDeals() { throw new UnimplementedTestException("Not implemented"); } @Override //ROW and domestic public void verifyCurrency(String currency) { GlobalHeader globalHeader = new GlobalHeader(getWebdriverInstance()); assertEquals(globalHeader.getCurrency(), currency); } @Override //ROW and domestic public void verifyCountry(String country) { GlobalHeader globalHeader = new GlobalHeader(getWebdriverInstance()); assertEquals(globalHeader.getSelectedCountry(), country); } @Override public void verifySupportedCurrencies(String... supportedCurrencies) { throw new UnimplementedTestException("Implement me!"); } @Override public void loadTripStarter() { throw new UnimplementedTestException("Implement me!"); } @Override public void deactivateIntentMediaLayer() { throw new UnimplementedTestException("Implement me!"); } @Override public void loadItnlSite(String country) { throw new UnimplementedTestException("Implement me!"); } @Override public void checkItnlSiteURL(String country) { throw new UnimplementedTestException("Implement me!"); } @Override public void activateHwRecommendations() { sessionModifingParams.addParameter("vt.TAV02=1"); } @Override public void activateBillingValidationMarks() { throw new UnimplementedTestException("Implement me!"); } @Override public void activateUpdatedAgreeAndBookSectionOnBilling() { throw new UnimplementedTestException("Implement me!"); } @Override public void activateLowPriceGuaranteeModule() { throw new UnimplementedTestException("Implement me!"); } @Override public void activateReducedNumberSetOfCreditCardFields() { throw new UnimplementedTestException("Implement me!"); } /** * For testing purposes of this project only. Not to be used for real test cases and scenarios. */ @Override public void setTestSessionModifyingParam() { sessionModifingParams.addParameter(testVT); } /** * For testing purposes of this project only. Not to be used for real test cases and scenarios. */ @Override public void verifyHomepageLandingForTestingOnly() { throw new UnimplementedTestException("Implement me!"); } @Override public void verifyHomepageHasTimeoutMessage() { throw new UnimplementedTestException("Not implemented"); } @Override public void activateOpaqueRoomPhotos() { throw new UnimplementedTestException("Implement me!"); } @Override public void refreshPage() { getWebdriverInstance().navigate().refresh(); } /** * Activate version 1 or version 2 of cross sell in details page. * Used for all channels. It works for domestic and row. It won't hurt mobile. */ @Override public void activateDetailsXsellList(boolean doListCrossSell) { sessionModifingParams.addParameter("vt.XSD13=" + (doListCrossSell ? "2" : "1")); } @Override public void verifyDBPurchaseStatus(String status) { String sql = "select ss.display_number, r.supplier_reservation_number, rs.status_code, " + "rs.crs_error_code, rs.crs_error_msg " + "from search_solution ss, reservation r, reservation_status rs " + "where ss.search_solution_id = r.search_solution_id " + "and r.reservation_id = rs.reservation_id " + "and ss.display_number = ? " + "order by status_code asc"; SqlRowSet sqlRowSet = jdbcTemplate.queryForRowSet(sql, new Object[] { /*purchaseParameters.getDisplayNumber()*/ "3716105357" }); while ( { System.out.print("Display number and status: " + sqlRowSet.getString("display_number") + " " + sqlRowSet.getString("status_code")); assertThat(sqlRowSet.getString("status_code")).as("Transaction data stored in db").isEqualTo(status); } } @Override public void openUrlOnMobileDevice(String url) throws IOException { String location = getRedirectLocation(url); getWebdriverInstance().navigate().to(location); } @Override public void verifyCurrentUrl(String url) throws IOException { String currentUrl = getWebdriverInstance().getCurrentUrl().replaceAll("[&]aut[=]true", "") .replaceAll("[&]useCluster[=][\\d]", ""); assertThat(currentUrl).as("Current URL doesn't contain destiny location").contains(url); } @Override public void verifyMobileAppAfterRedirection(String content) { if (content.equals("hotel result page")) { new MobileHotelResultsPage(getWebdriverInstance()); } else if (content.equals("home page")) { new MobileHotwireHomePage(getWebdriverInstance()); } else { MobileHotelSearchPage mSearchPage = new MobileHotelSearchPage(getWebdriverInstance()); mSearchPage.verifyHotelSearchDetails(content); } } private String getRedirectLocation(String url) throws IOException { HttpClient httpClient = HttpClients.custom() .setUserAgent("Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_0 like Mac OS X; en-us) " + "AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7A341 Safari/528.16") .disableRedirectHandling().build(); try { HttpResponse httpResponse = httpClient.execute(new HttpGet(new URL(url).toString())); Header[] headers = httpResponse.getHeaders("Location"); return headers[0].getValue(); } finally {"HttpClient version 4.3 needn't special close procedure"); } } @Override public void verifyErrorMessageForIncorrectLocation(String typeOfLocation) { try { Alert alert = getWebdriverInstance().switchTo().alert(); alert.accept(); } catch (NoAlertPresentException ignored) {"Security alert is present"); } String error_template_1 = "Please choose your location from the list. "; String error_template_2 = "If your location is not listed, please " + "check your spelling or make sure it is on our "; String error_template_3 = " cities list"; String error_template_4 = "Did we guess what you wrote correctly? " + "If so, click it to continue. If not, check out our origin" + " and our destination cities list to ensure your cities are listed." + " Click your city to choose it"; ErrorMessenger msg = new ErrorMessenger(getWebdriverInstance()); msg.setMessageType(ErrorMessenger.MessageType.valueOf("error")); for (String m : msg.getMessages()) { if (null == typeOfLocation) { assertThat(m.contains(error_template_1 + error_template_2)).isTrue(); assertThat(m.contains(error_template_3)).isTrue(); } else { if (typeOfLocation.trim().equals("origin")) { assertThat( m.contains("From " + error_template_1 + error_template_2 + "origin" + error_template_3)) .isTrue(); } else if (typeOfLocation.trim().equals("destination")) { assertThat(m.contains( "To " + error_template_1 + error_template_2 + "destination" + error_template_3)) .isTrue(); } else if (typeOfLocation.trim().equals("origin and destination")) { assertThat(m.contains(error_template_4)).isTrue(); } } } } @Override public void loadGoLocalSearch() { throw new UnimplementedTestException("Implement me!"); } @Override public void setNewAirLowPriceModule() { throw new UnimplementedTestException("Not implemented"); } @Override public void loadURLwithDestCity(String sDestination) { throw new UnimplementedTestException("Implement me!"); } @Override public void navigateToExternalLink(String sparameter) { throw new UnimplementedTestException("Implement me!"); } @Override public void verifyDB_SIB_BID_Reg_Referral_Status(List<String> status, String table) { // status // place 0 - referral_type // place >1 - args String condition; if (table.equals("purchase")) { table = "purchase_referral"; condition = "create_date > sysdate -.01"; } else if (table.equals("registration")) { table = "registration_referral"; condition = "customer_id =" + this.getCustomerIDFromDB(authenticationParameters.getUsername()); } else { //search_referral table = "search_referral"; condition = "search_id =" + this.getSearchIDFromDB(authenticationParameters.getUsername()); } String sql = "select distinct referral_type, referrer_id, link_id, " + "version_id, keyword_id, match_type_id " + " from " + table + " where referral_type='" + status.get(0) + "'" + " and " + condition; System.out.println(sql); Map<String, Object> sqlRowSet = jdbcTemplate.queryForMap(sql); System.out.println("Expected params in DB" + status.toString()); System.out.println("Actual param in DB" + sqlRowSet.values().toString()); assertThat(status.toString()).as("Transaction data stored in db").contains(sqlRowSet.values().toString()); //check create date sql = "select create_date " + " from " + table + " where " + condition + " and referral_type='" + status.get(0) + "'" + " and rownum <= 1"; sqlRowSet = jdbcTemplate.queryForMap(sql); DateFormat formatterDate = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); Date current_date = new Date(); Date dateDB = (Date) sqlRowSet.get("CREATE_DATE"); assertThat(dateDB.toString()).as("Transaction data(CREATE_DATE) stored in db") .contains(formatterDate.format(current_date)); } /** * For ROW and domestic. */ @Override public void setupURL_ToVisit(String url) { String gotoUrl; if (!applicationUrl.toString().endsWith("/")) { if (url.startsWith("/")) { gotoUrl = applicationUrl + url; } else { gotoUrl = applicationUrl + "/" + url; } } else { if (!url.startsWith("/")) { gotoUrl = applicationUrl + url; } else { gotoUrl = applicationUrl + url.substring(1); } } getWebdriverInstance().navigate().to(gotoUrl); } @Override public void setupURLwithSidBid(String sSidBid) { throw new UnimplementedTestException("Implement me!"); } @Override public void loadURLForReferralType(String referralType) { throw new UnimplementedTestException("Implement me!"); } @Override public String getSearchIDFromDB(String email, String vertical) { // arg String vertical - A - air // H - hotel // C - car String sql = "select SEARCH_ID from SEARCH a inner join customer c on " + "a.CUSTOMER_ID = c.CUSTOMER_ID where " + "CLASS = '" + vertical + "' and " + "c.EMAIL = '" + email + "' " + "order by a.CREATE_DATE desc"; Map<String, Object> result = jdbcTemplate.queryForMap(sql); return result.get("SEARCH_ID").toString(); } @Override public String getSearchIDFromDB(String email) { // good for unique user String sql = "select SEARCH_ID from SEARCH a inner join customer c on " + "a.CUSTOMER_ID = c.CUSTOMER_ID where " + "c.EMAIL = '" + email + "' " + "order by a.CREATE_DATE desc"; Map<String, Object> result = jdbcTemplate.queryForMap(sql); return result.get("SEARCH_ID").toString(); } @Override public String getCustomerIDFromDB(String email) { // works only for unique email String sql = "select CUSTOMER_ID from CUSTOMER where " + "EMAIL = '" + email + "' "; Map<String, Object> result = jdbcTemplate.queryForMap(sql); return result.get("CUSTOMER_ID").toString(); } /** * For Mobile, Row, and domestic. */ @Override public void enableAngularApp(boolean enableAngular) { // just remove if already set. sessionModifingParams.removeParam("vt.AWA14=1"); sessionModifingParams.removeParam("vt.AWA14=2"); sessionModifingParams.addParameter("vt.AWA14=" + (enableAngular ? "2" : "1")); if (enableAngular) { sessionModifingParams.removeParam("vt.RAD13=1"); sessionModifingParams.removeParam("vt.RAD13=2"); sessionModifingParams.removeParam("vt.RAD13=3"); sessionModifingParams.addParameter("vt.RAD13=1"); sessionModifingParams.addParameter("vt.ALS14=2"); } } @Override public void closeAllPopUpWindows() { String defaultHandle = WebDriverManager.getRootWindowHandle(getWebdriverInstance()); int openedWindowsCount = getWebdriverInstance().getWindowHandles().size(); if (openedWindowsCount > 1) {"Try to close child browser's windows.. Found " + (openedWindowsCount - 1) + " opened instances.."); } for (String handle : getWebdriverInstance().getWindowHandles()) { if (!handle.equals(defaultHandle)) { try { getWebdriverInstance().switchTo().window(handle); // For debugging if we really want to fix this for reals. Did not choose // to print out getTitle or getPageSource as titles may never be set and // page source would just clutter up the logs. If this // is seen manually debug the test which this would be seen after // the test case is done running and fix the issue for reals if you chose to. StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("DEBUG ME! Popup window found."); sb.append("\nTitle: " + getWebdriverInstance().getTitle()); sb.append("\nUrl: " + getWebdriverInstance().getCurrentUrl()); sb.append("\nHandle: " + handle); getWebdriverInstance().close(); sb.append("\nClosed...");; } catch (NoSuchWindowException e) {"Something goes wrong when try to close popups.."); } } }"Switching back to root browser window.."); getWebdriverInstance().switchTo().window(defaultHandle);"Switch done to.. " + getWebdriverInstance().getTitle()); } @Override public void verifyPageURL(String url) { Assertions.assertThat(getWebdriverInstance().getCurrentUrl()).contains(url); } @Override public void clickOnLink(String linkText) { getWebdriverInstance().findElement(By.linkText(linkText)).click(); } @Override public void verifySavedCreditCardInDB(String userEmail, String condition) { String sql = "select PAYMENT_METHOD_ID from payment_method" + " where customer_id = (select CUSTOMER_ID from customer" + " where email = \'" + userEmail + "\')"; Map<String, Object> result; try { result = jdbcTemplate.queryForMap(sql); if (" no".equals(condition) && result.size() > 0) { throw new RuntimeException("DB has records about saved credit cards"); } } catch (Exception e) { if (null == condition) { throw new RuntimeException("DB has no records about saved credit cards"); } } } @Override public void verifyUHPPage() { throw new UnimplementedTestException("Implement me!!!"); } @Override public void verifyNonExistentPageForIncorrectURL() { throw new UnimplementedTestException("Implement me!!!"); } @Override public void goToAndVerifyOldHotelIndexPage() { throw new UnimplementedTestException("Implement me!!!"); } @Override public void submitCommentCard(String comment, int content, int design, int usability, int overall) { throw new UnimplementedTestException("Implement me!!!"); } @Override public void confirmThePageHeader(String pageHeader) { throw new UnimplementedTestException("Implement me!!!"); } @Override public void verifyContentInPage(String textInPage) { throw new UnimplementedTestException("Implement me!!!"); } @Override public void maximizeWindow() { getWebdriverInstance().manage().window().maximize(); } @Override public void enterEmailAddressInSubscriptionEmailField() { throw new UnimplementedTestException("Implement me!!!"); } @Override public void verifyDBcolumnsWantsNewsLetterAndThirdParty() { throw new UnimplementedTestException("Implement me!!!"); } @Override public void enterRegisteredEmailInSubscriptionEmailField() { throw new UnimplementedTestException("Implement me!!!"); } @Override public void browseOnePageBack() { throw new UnimplementedTestException("Implement me!!!"); } public void enableESS() { sessionModifingParams.removeParam("vt.ESS14=1"); sessionModifingParams.removeParam("vt.ESS14=2"); //removed params if already set sessionModifingParams.addParameter("vt.ESS14=2"); } public void goToBexBucket() { String bucket = "" + "/tools/abacus/overrides?abov=6774|0|0:6793|1|1"; getWebdriverInstance().navigate().to(bucket); } public void clearCookies() { getWebdriverInstance().manage().deleteAllCookies(); } }