Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2012 Hotwire. All Rights Reserved. * * This software is the proprietary information of Hotwire. * Use is subject to license terms. */ package; import; import org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchElementException; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * Simplified C3 Hotel Confirmation Page */ public class C3HotelConfirmationPage extends ToolsAbstractPage { public C3HotelConfirmationPage(WebDriver webdriver) { super(webdriver, By.className("hotelInfo")); } public String getStarRating() { return findOne(".starsAmount.resultsCount").getAttribute("title").split(" out")[0]; } public String getHotelAddress() { return findOne(".contactInfo>span").getText(); } public String getHotelGuestName() { return findOne(".last>strong").getText(); } public List<String> getAmenities() { List<String> amenities = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < findMany(".generalAmenityName").size(); i++) { amenities.add(findMany(".generalAmenityName").get(i).getText()); } return amenities; } public String getItineraryNumber() { //different version tests on dev and QA try { WebElement itineraryBlock1 = findOne("div.hotelConfirmationNumber span:last-child"); return itineraryBlock1.getText().replaceFirst("(.*):", "").trim(); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { return findOne("div.confNumber[data-itinerary]").getAttribute("data-itinerary"); } } public String getFullHotelName() { //mixed selector return findOne("div.hotelName, div.hotelInfo h2").getText(); } public String getInfoMsg() { //mixed selector return findOne("div.msgBoxBody li").getText(); } public String getConfirmationCode() { String codesText = findOne(".confNumber.node").getText(); return codesText.split("\n")[1]; } public String getTotalAmount() { return findOne("span#totalCharge").getText().replace(",", ""); } public String getHotDollarAmount() { return findOne("span#hotCredit").getText().replace(",", ""); } public String getRatePerNight() { return findOne("#pricePerNight").getText(); } public Integer getNights() { return Integer.parseInt(findOne("#numNights").getText()); } public Integer getRooms() { return Integer.parseInt(findOne("#numRooms").getText()); } public String getTaxesAndFees() { return findOne("#taxesAndFees").getText(); } public String getInsuranceTotal() { return findOne("#insurance").getText(); } public String getCheckInDate() { return findOne(".dateAndRoomInfo.nodeIndent > div.node > strong").getText().split(" - ")[0]; } public String getCheckOutDate() { return findOne(".dateAndRoomInfo.nodeIndent > div.node > strong").getText().split(" - ")[1]; } }