Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015 Hotwire. All Rights Reserved. * * This software is the proprietary information of Hotwire. * Use is subject to license terms. */ package; import; import org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchElementException; import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * User: achotemskoy * Date: 1/9/15 * Time: 3:06 PM * <p></p> * This class represents one car solution from list of car results. * It is used to move logic of setting values from CarResultsPage to separate class. * You can use it to get one ".resultDetails" element on car results page * To have a list of solutions and select cheapest/prepaid/retail/etc use CarSolutionFragmentsList class. * <p></p> * Also this class contains carSolutionModel inside itself, so you can get model from the fragment for future use. */ public class CarSolutionFragment { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CarSolutionFragment.class.getName()); //Raw, unwrapped WebElement of solution. Used to find all the data for it. private WebElement carSolutionWebElement; /** * Common data for car solution. These elements describing different parameters for single car solution. * Used for grabbing info from page and filling CarSolutionModel with them. * For other CarResultsPage implementations can be redefined. */ private float perDayPrice; private float totalPrice; private float strikeThroughPrice; private String currency; private int peopleCapacity; private int largePackCapacity; private int smallPackCapacity; private String distanceDescription; private String mileage; private String model; //Name of car type - like Mini (Manual, no A/C) , Standart or Standard Wagon (Manual) private String carTypeName; //Code of car type - SPAR, ECAR, CCAR and others. It is carCd code. private String carTypeCode; private String referenceNumber; private boolean isOpaque; //prepaid retail solution means that you should pay first for car (credit card required) private boolean isPrepaid; private boolean isLowestPrice; private boolean isAirportLocation; private CarSolutionModel carSolutionModel; public CarSolutionFragment(WebElement carSolutionWebElement) { this.carSolutionWebElement = carSolutionWebElement; setAllFragmentData(); } public CarSolutionModel select() { setCarSolutionModel(); carSolutionWebElement.findElement(By.cssSelector(".continueBtnHover, .continueBtn")).click();; return getCarSolutionModel(); } //Car solution model is used to compare info between results and billing or confirmation. private void setCarSolutionModel() { carSolutionModel = new CarSolutionModel(); carSolutionModel.setPerDayPrice(perDayPrice); carSolutionModel.setTotalPrice(totalPrice); carSolutionModel.setCurrency(currency); carSolutionModel.setPeopleCapacity(peopleCapacity); carSolutionModel.setLargePackageCapacity(largePackCapacity); carSolutionModel.setSmallPackageCapacity(smallPackCapacity); carSolutionModel.setDistance(distanceDescription); carSolutionModel.setMileage(mileage); carSolutionModel.setCarModels(model); carSolutionModel.setCarName(carTypeName); carSolutionModel.setCdCode(carTypeCode); carSolutionModel.setOpaque(isOpaque); carSolutionModel.setDisplayNumber(referenceNumber); carSolutionModel.setPrepaid(isPrepaid); carSolutionModel.setLowestPrice(isLowestPrice); } private CarSolutionModel getCarSolutionModel() { return this.carSolutionModel; } /** * SETTERS * Sets all information about solution into object. * This methods are private, because usually you don't need to set value for solution manually. * All these setters are executed in constructor, so solution will have all these info in object fields at creation. * <p></p> * Not quite sure if this possible when we have solution without some information, * but better to handle this with try/catch, because this was in previous version. */ private void setAllFragmentData() { setPerDayPrice(); setTotalPrice(); setStrikeThroughPrice(); setCurrency(); setPeopleCapacity(); setLargePackCapacity(); setSmallPackCapacity(); setDistanceDescription(); setMileage(); setModel(); setCarTypeName(); setCarTypeCode(); setIsOpaque(); setReferenceNumber(); setIsPrepaid(); setIsLowestPrice(); setIsAirportLocation(); } private void setPerDayPrice() { String price = carSolutionWebElement.findElement(By.cssSelector("div.priceWrapper")).getText(); String cents = carSolutionWebElement.findElement(By.cssSelector("div.priceWrapper .cents")).getText(); // removing currency chars and adding dot before cents perDayPrice = Float.parseFloat(price.replaceAll("[^0-9]", "").replaceAll(cents + "$", "." + cents)); } private void setTotalPrice() { totalPrice = Float .parseFloat(carSolutionWebElement.findElement(By.cssSelector("label.priceTotalWrapper .priceTotal")) .getText().replaceAll("[^0-9.]", "")); } public void setStrikeThroughPrice() { try { strikeThroughPrice = Float .parseFloat(carSolutionWebElement.findElement(By.cssSelector("div.strikeThrough label.price")) .getText().replaceAll("[^0-9]", "")); } catch (Exception ignored) { LOGGER.debug("Cannot find Strike Through Price in this fragment ", ignored); } } private void setCurrency() { try { currency = carSolutionWebElement.findElement(By.cssSelector("div.priceWrapper .pricePerDay")).getText() .replaceAll("[0-9.]", ""); } catch (NoSuchElementException ignored) { LOGGER.debug("Cannot find Currency Sign in this fragment. Currency will be $.", ignored); currency = "$"; } } private void setPeopleCapacity() { try { peopleCapacity = Integer .parseInt(carSolutionWebElement.findElement(By.cssSelector("div.additionalCarDetails .c1")) .getText().replaceAll("[^0-9]", "")); } catch (Exception ignored) { LOGGER.debug("Cannot find People Capacity in this fragment ", ignored); } } private void setLargePackCapacity() { try { largePackCapacity = Integer .parseInt(carSolutionWebElement.findElement(By.cssSelector("div.additionalCarDetails .c2")) .getText().replaceAll("[^0-9]", "")); } catch (Exception ignored) { LOGGER.debug("Cannot find Large Pack Capacity in this fragment ", ignored); } } private void setSmallPackCapacity() { try { smallPackCapacity = Integer .parseInt(carSolutionWebElement.findElement(By.cssSelector("div.additionalCarDetails .c3")) .getText().replaceAll("[^0-9]", "")); } catch (Exception ignored) { LOGGER.debug("Cannot find Small Pack Capacity in this fragment. ", ignored); } } private void setDistanceDescription() { distanceDescription = carSolutionWebElement.findElement(By.cssSelector("div.locationDetails .distance")) .getText().replaceAll("\\n", " "); } private void setMileage() { String value = carSolutionWebElement.findElement(By.cssSelector("div.additionalCarDetails .miles")) .getText().replaceAll("\\n", " "); mileage = (value.toLowerCase().contains("unlimited")) ? "unlimited" : value.toLowerCase(); } private void setModel() { model = carSolutionWebElement.findElement(By.cssSelector("div.additionalCarDetails .models")).getText() .replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z .,-]", " ").trim().replaceAll("( )+", " "); } private void setCarTypeName() { carTypeName = carSolutionWebElement.findElement(By.cssSelector("div.carDetails .carname")).getText() .replaceAll("^[a-zA-Z0-9]+:", ""); } private void setCarTypeCode() { carTypeCode = carSolutionWebElement.findElement(By.className("continueBtn")).getAttribute("id") .replaceAll("carType", ""); //id attribute looks like this - id="carTypeCCAR". } private void setReferenceNumber() { referenceNumber = carSolutionWebElement.findElement(By.cssSelector("div.refNumber")).getText() .replace("Ref No. ", "").replaceAll("^[a-zA-Z0-9]+:", "").replaceAll("^1", ""); } private void setIsOpaque() { //In case of opaque solution there will be div with "Hotwire Hot Rate". //We can assume that this solution is opaque if that div exists. try { isOpaque = carSolutionWebElement.findElement(By.cssSelector(".hotRateMsg")).isDisplayed(); } catch (NoSuchElementException ignored) { LOGGER.debug("Cannot Hot Rate Message in this fragment. That means this is retail solution", ignored); isOpaque = false; } } private void setIsPrepaid() { isPrepaid = Boolean.parseBoolean(carSolutionWebElement.getAttribute("data-prepaid")); } private void setIsLowestPrice() { //In case of lowest price solution there will be div with "Our Lowest Price". //We can assume that this solution is lowest price if that div exists. //In most cases that means that the price for solution is cheapest from all search results. //Can be more that one lowest price solution - that happens when we have same price. try { isLowestPrice = carSolutionWebElement.findElement(By.cssSelector(".lowestPriceIcon")).isDisplayed(); } catch (NoSuchElementException ignored) { LOGGER.debug("Cannot find Lowest Price label in this fragment. Solution is not lowest price.", ignored); isLowestPrice = false; } } private void setIsAirportLocation() { try { isAirportLocation = carSolutionWebElement.findElement(By.cssSelector(".airportLocation")).isDisplayed(); } catch (NoSuchElementException ignored) { LOGGER.debug("Cannot find Is Airport Location in this fragment ", ignored); isAirportLocation = false; } } //Getters for the data of this fragment. /** *If you need just raw webElement of solution - use this. * @return WebElement for solution. You can do something with it. */ public WebElement getCarSolutionWebElement() { return carSolutionWebElement; } public float getPerDayPrice() { return perDayPrice; } public float getTotalPrice() { return totalPrice; } public float getStrikeThroughPrice() { return strikeThroughPrice; } public String getCurrency() { return currency; } public int getPeopleCapacity() { return peopleCapacity; } public int getLargePackCapacity() { return largePackCapacity; } public int getSmallPackCapacity() { return smallPackCapacity; } public String getDistanceDescription() { return distanceDescription; } public String getMileage() { return mileage; } public String getModel() { return model; } public String getCarTypeName() { return carTypeName; } public String getCarTypeCode() { return carTypeCode; } public String getReferenceNumber() { return referenceNumber; } public boolean isOpaque() { return isOpaque; } public boolean isPrepaid() { return isPrepaid; } public boolean isLowestPrice() { return isLowestPrice; } public boolean isAirportLocation() { return isAirportLocation; } }