Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2017 Hortonworks. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. **/ package com.hortonworks.streamline.streams.layout.component; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; /** * Represents the topology DAG with edges between input and output components. * There could be only one edge between components and the edge encapsulates * the different stream-groupings. */ public class TopologyDag implements Serializable { private final Set<OutputComponent> outputComponents = new LinkedHashSet<>(); private final Set<InputComponent> inputComponents = new LinkedHashSet<>(); private final Map<OutputComponent, List<Edge>> dag = new LinkedHashMap<>(); public TopologyDag add(OutputComponent component) { outputComponents.add(component); return this; } public Set<OutputComponent> getOutputComponents() { return outputComponents; } public TopologyDag add(InputComponent component) { inputComponents.add(component); return this; } public Set<InputComponent> getInputComponents() { return inputComponents; } public TopologyDag add(Processor processor) { outputComponents.add(processor); inputComponents.add(processor); return this; } public Set<Component> getComponents() { return Sets.union(inputComponents, outputComponents); } // single stream, shuffle grouping public void addEdge(OutputComponent from, InputComponent to) { addEdge(UUID.randomUUID().toString(), from, to, getDefaultStreamId(from)); } // specify stream, shuffle grouping public void addEdge(String id, OutputComponent from, InputComponent to, String streamId) { addEdge(id, from, to, streamId, Stream.Grouping.SHUFFLE); } // specify stream and grouping public void addEdge(String id, OutputComponent from, InputComponent to, String streamId, Stream.Grouping grouping) { addEdge(id, from, to, new StreamGrouping(from.getOutputStream(streamId), grouping)); } public void addEdge(Edge edge) { for (StreamGrouping streamGrouping : edge.getStreamGroupings()) { addEdge(edge.getId(), edge.getFrom(), edge.getTo(), streamGrouping); } } // specify stream grouping public void addEdge(String id, OutputComponent from, InputComponent to, StreamGrouping streamGrouping) { ensureValid(from, to); doAddEdge(id, from, to, streamGrouping); } public void removeEdge(OutputComponent from, InputComponent to) { ensureValid(from, to); Iterator<Edge> it = dag.get(from).iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { if ( { it.remove(); } } } public void removeEdge(OutputComponent from, InputComponent to, String streamId, Stream.Grouping grouping) { Iterator<Edge> it = dag.get(from).iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Edge e =; if (e.getTo().equals(to)) { e.removeStreamGrouping(new StreamGrouping(from.getOutputStream(streamId), grouping)); if (e.getStreamGroupings().isEmpty()) { it.remove(); } break; } } } public List<Edge> getEdgesFrom(Component component) { List<Edge> result = dag.get(component); return result == null ? Collections.EMPTY_LIST : Collections.unmodifiableList(result); } public List<Edge> getEdgesTo(Component component) { List<Edge> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (List<Edge> edges : dag.values()) { for (Edge edge : edges) { if (edge.getTo().equals(component)) { result.add(edge); } } } return result; } public List<Edge> getEdges(Component component) { List<Edge> result = new ArrayList<>(); result.addAll(getEdgesFrom(component)); result.addAll(getEdgesTo(component)); return result; } public List<Edge> getAllEdges() { List<Edge> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (List<Edge> edges : dag.values()) { result.addAll(edges); } return result; } /** * Returns all the components adjacent to the given component. * * @param component the component * @return List of all adjacent components */ public List<Component> adjacent(Component component) { List<Component> adj = new ArrayList<>(); List<Edge> edges = dag.get(component); if (edges != null) { for (Edge edge : edges) { adj.add(edge.getTo()); } } return adj; } /** * Visits the topology dag and the edges in topological order * * @param visitor topology dag visitor */ public void traverse(TopologyDagVisitor visitor) { for (Component component : topOrder()) { component.accept(visitor); for (Edge edge : getEdgesFrom(component)) { edge.accept(visitor); } } } private enum State { VISITED, VISITING } // package access for testing. List<Component> topOrder() { Map<Component, State> state = new HashMap<>(); List<Component> res = new ArrayList<>(); for (Component component : Sets.union(inputComponents, outputComponents)) { if (state.get(component) != State.VISITED) { res.addAll(dfs(component, state)); } } Collections.reverse(res); return res; } private List<Component> dfs(Component current, Map<Component, State> state) { List<Component> res = new ArrayList<>(); if (state.get(current) == State.VISITING) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cycle"); } state.put(current, State.VISITING); for (Component adj : adjacent(current)) { if (state.get(adj) != State.VISITED) { res.addAll(dfs(adj, state)); } } state.put(current, State.VISITED); res.add(current); return res; } private void ensureValid(OutputComponent from, InputComponent to) { if (!outputComponents.contains(from)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid from"); } else if (!inputComponents.contains(to)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid to"); } } private void doAddEdge(String id, OutputComponent from, InputComponent to, StreamGrouping streamGrouping) { List<Edge> edges = dag.get(from); if (edges == null) { edges = new ArrayList<>(); dag.put(from, edges); } // output component is already connected to input component, just add the stream grouping for (Edge e : edges) { if (e.getTo().equals(to)) { e.addStreamGrouping(streamGrouping); return; } } edges.add(new Edge(id, from, to, streamGrouping)); } private String getDefaultStreamId(OutputComponent source) { return source.getOutputStreams().iterator().next().getId(); } @Override public String toString() { return "TopologyDag{" + "dag=" + dag + '}'; } }