Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2008 University of Pittsburgh * * * This file is part of Open EpiCenter * * Open EpiCenter is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Open EpiCenter is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Open EpiCenter. If not, see <>. * * * */ package; import static com.hmsinc.epicenter.util.FormatUtils.formatDateTime; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import javax.annotation.Resource; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.Validate; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; import com.hmsinc.ts4j.analysis.Duration; import com.hmsinc.ts4j.analysis.univariate.DescriptiveUnivariateAnalyzer; import com.hmsinc.epicenter.model.analysis.AnalysisParameters; import com.hmsinc.epicenter.model.geography.Geography; import com.hmsinc.epicenter.model.surveillance.Anomaly; import com.hmsinc.epicenter.model.surveillance.SurveillanceResultType; import com.hmsinc.epicenter.model.util.ModelUtils; import; import com.hmsinc.epicenter.service.discovery.AnalyzerDiscoveryService; import com.hmsinc.ts4j.TimeSeries; import com.hmsinc.ts4j.TimeSeriesEntry; import com.hmsinc.epicenter.util.DateTimeUtils; /** * @author shade * @version $Id: 1803 2008-07-02 19:12:42Z steve.kondik $ */ @Service public class QueryService { private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass()); @Resource private DataQueryService dataQueryService; @Resource private AnalyzerDiscoveryService analyzerDiscoveryService; /** * @param params * @param algorithmName * @param analyzerProperties * @return */ @Transactional(readOnly = true) @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public TimeSeries queryForTimeSeries(final AnalysisParameters analysisParameters, String algorithmName, final Properties analyzerProperties) { DateTime start = analysisParameters.getStartDate(); DescriptiveUnivariateAnalyzer algorithmPipeline = null; final String algorithm = StringUtils.trimToNull(algorithmName); if (algorithm != null) { Validate.isTrue(analyzerDiscoveryService.getUnivariateAnalyzers().contains(algorithm), "Invalid algorithm"); algorithmPipeline = analyzerDiscoveryService.getUnivariateAnalyzer(algorithm); final Duration trainingPeriod; if (analyzerProperties == null) { trainingPeriod = algorithmPipeline.getTrainingPeriod(); } else { trainingPeriod = algorithmPipeline.getTrainingPeriod(analyzerProperties); } Validate.isTrue(trainingPeriod.getLength() < 365, "Training window too large [was: " + trainingPeriod.getLength() + "]"); DateTime offsetStart = trainingPeriod.subtractFrom(start); Validate.isTrue(offsetStart.isBefore(analysisParameters.getEndDate()), "Start date must be before end date. [start: " + formatDateTime(offsetStart) + " end: " + formatDateTime(analysisParameters.getEndDate()) + "]"); analysisParameters.setStartDate(offsetStart); } logger.trace("Generating timeseries for: {} ", analysisParameters); final Class<? extends Geography> aggregateGeographyType = (Class<? extends Geography>) ModelUtils .getRealClass(analysisParameters.getContainer()); final Map<? extends Geography, TimeSeries> tsc = dataQueryService.queryCombined(analysisParameters, aggregateGeographyType); Validate.notNull(tsc, "Unable to get timeseries data!"); TimeSeries ret = null; if (tsc.containsKey(analysisParameters.getContainer())) { ret = tsc.get(analysisParameters.getContainer()); if (algorithmPipeline != null && algorithmPipeline.getSupportedPeriods().contains(ret.getPeriod())) { if (analyzerProperties == null) { logger.debug("Processing timeseries using: {}", algorithmPipeline); ret = algorithmPipeline.process(ret); } else { logger.debug("Processing timeseries using: {} Parameters: {}", algorithmPipeline, analyzerProperties); ret = algorithmPipeline.process(ret, analyzerProperties); } } } analysisParameters.setStartDate(start); logger.trace("TimeSeries: {}", ret); return ret; } /** * @param anomaly * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <G extends Geography> double getCurrentValueForAnomaly(final Anomaly anomaly) { final double currentValue; final AnalysisParameters p = anomaly.getAnalysisParameters(); p.setEndDate(new DateTime()); p.setStartDate(p.getEndDate().minusDays(3)); final Class<G> geoClass = (Class<G>) ModelUtils.getRealClass(anomaly.getGeography()); final Map<G, TimeSeries> ts = dataQueryService.queryCombined(p, geoClass); if (ts.containsKey(anomaly.getGeography())) { final TimeSeriesEntry current = ts.get(anomaly.getGeography()).get(p.getEndDate()); currentValue = current.getValue(); } else { currentValue = 0.0; } return currentValue; } /** * @param <G> * @param anomaly * @param type * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Transactional(readOnly = true) public <G extends Geography> TimeSeries getCurrentTimeSeriesForAnomaly(final Anomaly anomaly, final SurveillanceResultType type) { TimeSeries currentValue = null; final AnalysisParameters p = anomaly.getAnalysisParameters(); p.setDataRepresentation(type.getDataRepresentation()); // We'll plot 2 weeks before the anomaly p.setStartDate(anomaly.getAnalysisTimestamp().minusDays(14)); // We want to show UP TO 7 extra days, if possible. final int extraDays = Math.min(7, DateTimeUtils.deltaDays(p.getEndDate(), new DateTime())); if (extraDays > 0) { p.setEndDate(p.getEndDate().plusDays(extraDays)); } final Class<G> geoClass = (Class<G>) ModelUtils.getRealClass(anomaly.getGeography()); final Map<G, TimeSeries> ts = dataQueryService.queryCombined(p, geoClass); if (ts.containsKey(anomaly.getGeography())) { final TimeSeries cur = ts.get(anomaly.getGeography()); currentValue = cur.after(cur.getStart().plusDays(1)); } return currentValue; } }