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 * Copyright (C) 2008 University of Pittsburgh
 * This file is part of Open EpiCenter
 *     Open EpiCenter is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 *     (at your option) any later version.
 *     Open EpiCenter is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *     GNU General Public License for more details.
 *     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *     along with Open EpiCenter.  If not, see <>.
package com.hmsinc.epicenter.spatial.analysis;

 * An implementation of a Bayesian Spatial Scan Statistic, based on the research published by 
 * Neill, Moore, and Cooper in "A Bayesian Spatial Scan Statistic", 2006. 
 * References to equations/information in the paper will be included in comments when appropriate. 
 * @author C. A. Cois
 * */

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;

import org.apache.commons.lang.Validate;
import org.apache.commons.math.special.Gamma;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

public class BayesianSpatialScanStatistic {

    private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());

    /** This value represents the probability of an outbreak in any region S. We use a simple
     * "uniform region prior", assuming that this outbreak probability is the same for all regions. 
     * TODO: This value should be made an algorithm parameter.  This will also allow this value to 
     * be deduced from observed historical time series', rather than estimated.  Further development 
     * would remove the assumption of uniformity for region priors, allowing each region to have an 
     * independent prior based on historical data. */
    static final double P1 = 0.005;
    static final double logP1 = Math.log(P1);

    /** Calculate the prior probability of no outbreaks occurring, or the probability og the null
     * hypothesis, P(H0). */
    static final double P_H0 = 1.0 - P1;
    static final double logP_H0 = Math.log(P_H0);

    public PosteriorGrid runSpatialScan(SpatialScanGrid grid, int maxRegionX, int maxRegionY) {

        //analyze the grid to calculate total count, total baseline, and P(D|H0) values

        logger.trace("Grid: {}", grid);

        //generate list of all regions up to max size as defined by maxRegionX, maxRegionY
        Set<SpatialScanRegion> regions = this.generateRegions(grid, maxRegionX, maxRegionY);

        //calculate scores for each region
        List<SpatialScanRegion> sortedRegions = this.calculateRegionScores(grid, regions);

        //calculate the probability of the data P(D)
        double logP_D = this.calculatePD(grid, sortedRegions);

        //calculate posterior probabilities for all regions, then total posterior 
        //probability for each cell (sum of cell's posterior and the posteriors of 
        //all regions that contain it)
        PosteriorGrid pGrid = this.calculatePosteriorProbabilities(grid, regions, logP_D);

        //Return grid of posterior probabilities
        return pGrid;

    /** Function that takes in a series of log likelihood values and adds them.
     * e.g. from L1, L2, L2 produces P(L1 + L2) */
    private double addLogs(double... L) {
        double L1 = L[0];

        //calculate residual sum (sum of differences b/w L(2-n) and L1
        double residualSum = 0.0;
        for (int i = 0; i < L.length; i++) {
            if (!Double.isNaN(Math.exp(L[i] - L1))) {
                residualSum += Math.exp(L[i] - L1);

        // Calculate the log sum
        double logSum = L1 + Math.log(residualSum);
        logger.trace("logSum = {} + log(1 + {}) = {}", new Object[] { L1, residualSum, logSum });
        return logSum;

    /** Calculates the likelihood P(D|H1(S)) of an outbreak in this region and 
     * stores it in the region object */
    private void analyzeRegion(SpatialScanRegion region, SpatialScanGrid grid) {
        double C_in = region.getCount();
        double B_in = region.getBaseline();
        double C_out = grid.getC_all() - C_in;
        double B_out = (grid.getB_all() - B_in) + 1;

        // Variables to define the range of m to integrate over
        double mInitial = 1.0;
        double mFinal = 3.0;
        double mIncrement = 0.2;

        double ll = calculateLogLikelihood(grid, mInitial, mFinal, mIncrement, C_in, C_out, B_in, B_out);
        if (Double.isNaN(ll)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Log likelihood for region was NaN!  " + region.toString());

    /** Calculate the log Likelihood of an outbreak in a given region */
    private double calculateLogLikelihood(SpatialScanGrid grid, double mInitial, double mFinal, double mIncrement,
            double C_in, double C_out, double B_in, double B_out) {

        int mCounter = 0;
        double logLikelihoodSum = 0.0;

        logger.trace("C_in: {}, C_out: {}, B_in: {}, B_out: {}, Q0: {}",
                new Object[] { C_in, C_out, B_in, B_out, grid.getQ0() });

         * This loop exists to account for the unknown value of parameter m. Final 
         * scores are calculated by averaging over the distribution of m from 
         * [mInitial:mFinal] at mIncrement intervals.
         * */
        for (double m = mInitial; m <= mFinal; m += mIncrement) {

            double alpha_in = m * grid.getQ0() * B_in;
            double beta_in = B_in;
            double alpha_out = grid.getQ0() * B_out;
            double beta_out = B_out;

            /** We have all of the values we need, now to calculate probabilities */

            /** Note: Individual terms in this equation are too large, and return
             * infinite results. So, we reformulate the equation by taking its 
             * natural log. Eventually probability will be converted back to a 
             * non-log form.
             *    E.g.   log(beta_in^alpha_in) = alpha_in * log(beta_in)
             *    Thus the original equation
             *                    (beta_in)^alpha_in * Gamma(alpha_in + C_in)               (beta_out)^alpha_out * Gamma(alpha_out + C_out)   
             *  P(D|H1(S)) ~  ----------------------------------------------------  X  ---------------------------------------------------------
             *                (beta_in + B_in)^(alpha_in + C_in) * Gamma(alpha_in)     (beta_out + B_out)^(alpha_out + C_out) * Gamma(alpha_out)
             *    becomes
             *  log(P(D|H1(S))) ~     [ ( alpha_in * log(beta_in) ) + logGamma(alpha_in + C_in) ] - 
             *                 [ ( (alpha_in + C_in) * log(beta_in + B_in) ) + logGamma(alpha_inl) ] +
             *                      [ ( alpha_out * log(beta_out) ) + logGamma(alpha_out + C_out) ] - 
             *                  [ ( (alpha_out + C_out) * log(beta_out + B_out) ) + logGamma(alpha_out) ]

            double logLikelihood = (((alpha_in * Math.log(beta_in)) + Gamma.logGamma((alpha_in + (double) C_in)))
                    - (((alpha_in + (double) C_in) * (Math.log(beta_in + (double) B_in)))
                            + Gamma.logGamma(alpha_in)))
                    + (((alpha_out * Math.log(beta_out)) + Gamma.logGamma((alpha_out + (double) C_out)))
                            - (((alpha_out + (double) C_out) * (Math.log(beta_out + (double) B_out)))
                                    + Gamma.logGamma(alpha_out)));

            logLikelihoodSum += logLikelihood;

        } //end for loop over m

        Validate.isTrue(mCounter > 0, "mCounter was 0!");

        double logLikelihood = (logLikelihoodSum / ((double) mCounter));
        return logLikelihood;

    /** Generates all possible regions, up to the given max n x m size, within the grid. 
     * Regions are stored in the regions Set */
    private Set<SpatialScanRegion> generateRegions(SpatialScanGrid grid, int nMax, int mMax) {
        Validate.notNull(grid, "Error: Spatial grid has not been initialized!");

        Set<SpatialScanRegion> regions = new HashSet<SpatialScanRegion>();

        /** Calculate and store all regions within the grid up to size nMax x mMax */
        for (int n = 0; n < nMax; ++n) {// for each x size
            for (int m = 0; m < mMax; ++m) {// for each y size

                //for each region size
                int ctr = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < grid.getRows() - n; ++i) {// -n and -m to make sure we are still within the grid
                    for (int j = 0; j < grid.getColumns() - m; ++j) {
                        // for each possible position of the region
                        regions.add(new SpatialScanRegion(i, i + n, j, j + m));
        logger.debug("Generated {} total regions.", regions.size());
        return regions;

    /** TEST FUNCTION ** Populate the grid using random numbers between low and high, with baseline specified.
     * For now identifiers are assigned based on array index */
    public SpatialScanGrid populateRandomGrid(SpatialScanGrid grid, int low, int high, int baseline) {
        Random rand = new Random();

        int count;

        //populate the grid
        for (int i = 0; i < grid.getRows(); ++i) {
            for (int j = 0; j < grid.getColumns(); ++j) {
                String ident = "Cell" + i + j;
                count = rand.nextInt((high - low)) + low;
                grid.setCell(i, j, count, baseline, ident);

        logger.debug("Uniform region prior (P1) = {}", P1);
        logger.debug("No Outbreak prior (P_H0) = {}", P_H0);

        return grid;

    /** Calculate the prior probability of an outbreak in a given region, P(H_1(S)) */
    private List<SpatialScanRegion> calculateRegionScores(SpatialScanGrid grid, Set<SpatialScanRegion> regions) {

        List<SpatialScanRegion> sortedRegions = new ArrayList<SpatialScanRegion>();

        double P_H1_S = P1 / regions.size();//calculate the prior probability of a given region having an outbreak      
        double logP_H1_S = Math.log(P_H1_S);// Convert P(H_1(S)) to a log probability for computational purposes
        logger.debug("logP_H1_S: {}", logP_H1_S);

        int i = 0;
        /** Iterate through all regions, calculating region scores */
        for (SpatialScanRegion region : regions) {
            // set count and baseline values for the region
            scanRegion(region, grid);
            // analyze region to calculate the log likelihood logP(D|H1(S))
            analyzeRegion(region, grid);
            // get the log likelihood of the region, logP(D|H1(S))
            double logLikelihood = region.getLikelihood();
            // calculate the score of this region
            double score = logP_H1_S + logLikelihood;
            // set the score of the region
            // add the region to the sorted set of regions
        logger.debug("Calculated scores for {} regions", i);

        return sortedRegions;

    /** Calculate the log probability of the data P(D) */
    private double calculatePD(SpatialScanGrid grid, List<SpatialScanRegion> sortedRegions) {

        // calculate the score for the null hypothesis
        double H0_score = grid.getNullHypothesisLogLikelihood() + logP_H0;

        logger.trace("grid.getNullHypothesisLogLikelihood()= {}     logP_H0 = {}",
                grid.getNullHypothesisLogLikelihood(), logP_H0);

        // create an ordered list of all scores, ready for summation
        double[] scores = new double[sortedRegions.size() + 1];

        // if the null hypothesis has the highest score, put it in the front of the list
        if (H0_score > ((SpatialScanRegion) (sortedRegions.toArray()[0])).getScore()) {
            scores[0] = H0_score;

            logger.trace("scores[0] = H0_score; H0_score = {}" + H0_score);

            int i = 1;
            for (SpatialScanRegion region : sortedRegions) {
                scores[i] = region.getScore();
        } else {// null hypothesis does not have the highest score
            int i = 0;
            for (SpatialScanRegion region : sortedRegions) {

                if (i == 0)
                    logger.trace("scores[0] = region[0].getScore(); region[0].getScore() = " + region.getScore());

                scores[i] = region.getScore();
            // H0 does not have the highest score, put it in the back of the list
            scores[i] = H0_score;

        // use the ordered list to add the logs, producing log(P1+P2+...+PN)
        double scoresSum = addLogs(scores);
        double logP_D = scoresSum;
        logger.debug("logP_D = " + logP_D);

        return logP_D;

    /** Calculate posterior probabilities for each cell in the grid.
     *  */
    private PosteriorGrid calculatePosteriorProbabilities(SpatialScanGrid grid, Set<SpatialScanRegion> regions,
            double logP_D) {
        int X = grid.getRows();
        int Y = grid.getColumns();

        // initialize posterior grid
        PosteriorGrid pGrid = new PosteriorGrid(X, Y);

        double P_H1_S = P1 / regions.size();//calculate the prior probability of a given region having an outbreak      
        double logP_H1_S = Math.log(P_H1_S);// Convert P(H_1(S)) to a log probability for computational purposes

        // first, the posterior probability of the null hypothesis
        double logP_H0_D = grid.getNullHypothesisLogLikelihood() + logP_H0 - logP_D;

        logger.debug("logP_H0_D = " + logP_H0_D);
        logger.debug("P_H0_D = " + Math.exp(logP_H0_D));
        logger.debug("Probability of outbreak: " + (1 - Math.exp(logP_H0_D)));

        // now iterate through the region set to calculate the posterior probabilities for each region
        for (SpatialScanRegion region : regions) {
            double logP_H1_S_D = region.getLikelihood() + logP_H1_S - logP_D;

            // Now iterate through each cell in the region and add the value to each cell contained 
            // in that region
            Set<int[]> cells = region.getSetOfContainedCellCoordinates();
            // add the posterior of this region to each cell contained within
            for (int[] cell : cells) {
                double el = Math.exp(logP_H1_S_D);
                if (!Double.isNaN(el)) {
                    pGrid.incrementPosterior(cell[1], cell[0], el);
        logger.debug("Finished calculating regional posterior probabilities");
        return pGrid;

    private void scanRegion(SpatialScanRegion region, SpatialScanGrid grid) {
        //get coordinates of region within the grid
        int[] coords = region.getCoordinates();
        int sumCounts = 0;
        int sumBaselines = 0;
        //iterate through region, sum counts and baseline values
        for (int i = coords[0]; i <= coords[1]; ++i) {
            for (int j = coords[2]; j <= coords[3]; ++j) {
                sumCounts += grid.getCount(i, j);
                sumBaselines += grid.getBaseline(i, j);
        // store count and baseline values in the region
