Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2008 University of Pittsburgh * * * This file is part of Open EpiCenter * * Open EpiCenter is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Open EpiCenter is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Open EpiCenter. If not, see <>. * * * */ package com.hmsinc.epicenter.integrator.service; import java.util.SortedSet; import javax.annotation.Resource; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import ca.uhn.hl7v2.HL7Exception; import ca.uhn.hl7v2.util.Terser; import com.hmsinc.epicenter.integrator.IncompleteDataException; import com.hmsinc.epicenter.integrator.stats.StatisticsService; import com.hmsinc.epicenter.model.attribute.AttributeRepository; import; import; import; import com.hmsinc.epicenter.model.provider.Facility; import com.hmsinc.epicenter.model.provider.ProviderRepository; import com.hmsinc.epicenter.model.util.InvalidZipcodeException; import com.hmsinc.mergence.components.InvalidMessageException; import com.hmsinc.mergence.model.HL7Message; import com.hmsinc.mergence.util.ER7Utils; /** * Manages Patients from HL7 messages. * * @author <a href="">Steve Kondik</a> * @version $ 367 2006-10-12 19:49:54Z steve.kondik $ * @org.apache.xbean.XBean element="patientService" description="EpiCenter * Integration Patient Service" */ public class PatientService { final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass()); @Resource private AttributeRepository attributeRepository; @Resource private HealthRepository healthRepository; @Resource private ProviderRepository providerRepository; @Resource private StatisticsService statisticsService; protected PatientDetail doPatient(final HL7Message message) throws HL7Exception, InvalidMessageException { PatientDetail details = null; if (message == null) { throw new InvalidMessageException("Message was null!"); } final Patient patient = parsePatient(message); if (patient == null) { throw new InvalidMessageException("Patient parsing result was null!"); } details = parseDetails(message, patient); return details; } private Patient parsePatient(final HL7Message message) throws InvalidMessageException, HL7Exception { final Facility facility = providerRepository .getFacilityByIdentifier(message.getDataSource().getSendingFacility()); if (facility == null) { throw new InvalidMessageException("Facility not found: " + message.getDataSource().toString()); } Patient patient = null; final Terser t = message.getTerser(); // See if this Patient is already in the database.. final String patientID = StringUtils.trimToNull(t.get("/PID-3")); if (patientID == null) { logger.warn("No patient ID set in message"); } else { patient = healthRepository.getPatient(patientID, facility); } if (patient == null) { logger.debug("Creating new patient record"); patient = new Patient(patientID, facility); } else { logger.debug("Found existing patient record: {}", patient.getId()); } return patient; } private PatientDetail parseDetails(final HL7Message message, final Patient patient) throws HL7Exception { final Terser t = message.getTerser(); // Create new set of Details PatientDetail patientDetail = new PatientDetail(); patientDetail.setPatient(patient); // Zipcode String zipcode = t.get("/PID-11-5"); try { if (zipcode == null) { throw new InvalidZipcodeException("No patient zipcode provided."); } patientDetail.setZipcode(zipcode); } catch (InvalidZipcodeException ize) { logger.error(ize.getMessage()); statisticsService.updateProviderStats(message, StatisticsService.StatsType.INCOMPLETE, "missing: " + IncompleteDataException.IncompleteDataType.ZIPCODE); } // Date of Birth final String dob = StringUtils.trimToNull(t.get("/PID-7")); if (dob == null) { logger.warn("No date of birth set in message"); } else { patientDetail.setDateOfBirth(ER7Utils.fromER7Date(dob)); } // Gender String genderAbbr = StringUtils.trimToNull(t.get("/PID-8")); if (genderAbbr == null) { genderAbbr = "U"; logger.warn("No gender set in message"); statisticsService.updateProviderStats(message, StatisticsService.StatsType.INCOMPLETE, "missing: " + IncompleteDataException.IncompleteDataType.GENDER); } patientDetail.setGender(attributeRepository.getGenderByAbbreviation(genderAbbr)); final SortedSet<PatientDetail> sortedDetails = patient.getPatientDetails(); if (patient.getPatientId() == null) { // Just save it. logger.debug("Saving details without patientID"); sortedDetails.add(patientDetail); } else if (sortedDetails.size() == 0) { // Just save it. logger.debug("Creating initial detail record"); sortedDetails.add(patientDetail); } else { final PatientDetail latestDetail = sortedDetails.last(); if (patientDetail.equals(latestDetail)) { patientDetail = latestDetail; logger.debug("Using existing detail record: {}", latestDetail.getId()); } else { logger.debug("Creating updated detail record"); logger.debug("Old: {} New: {}", latestDetail, patientDetail); sortedDetails.add(patientDetail); } } return patientDetail; } protected void savePatient(final Patient patient) {; } }