Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2016 Hippo Seven * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.hippo.ehviewer.client; import; import android.util.Log; import android.util.Pair; import com.hippo.ehviewer.AppConfig; import com.hippo.ehviewer.GetText; import com.hippo.ehviewer.R; import com.hippo.ehviewer.Settings; import; import; import; import; import com.hippo.ehviewer.client.exception.CancelledException; import com.hippo.ehviewer.client.exception.EhException; import com.hippo.ehviewer.client.exception.NoHAtHClientException; import com.hippo.ehviewer.client.exception.ParseException; import com.hippo.ehviewer.client.parser.ArchiveParser; import com.hippo.ehviewer.client.parser.FavoritesParser; import com.hippo.ehviewer.client.parser.ForumsParser; import com.hippo.ehviewer.client.parser.GalleryApiParser; import com.hippo.ehviewer.client.parser.GalleryDetailParser; import com.hippo.ehviewer.client.parser.GalleryListParser; import com.hippo.ehviewer.client.parser.GalleryPageParser; import com.hippo.ehviewer.client.parser.GalleryTokenApiParser; import com.hippo.ehviewer.client.parser.ProfileParser; import com.hippo.ehviewer.client.parser.RateGalleryParser; import com.hippo.ehviewer.client.parser.SignInParser; import com.hippo.ehviewer.client.parser.TorrentParser; import com.hippo.ehviewer.client.parser.VoteCommentParser; import com.hippo.ehviewer.client.parser.WhatsHotParser; import; import junit.framework.Assert; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.jsoup.Jsoup; import org.jsoup.nodes.Document; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import okhttp3.Call; import okhttp3.FormBody; import okhttp3.Headers; import okhttp3.MediaType; import okhttp3.MultipartBody; import okhttp3.OkHttpClient; import okhttp3.Request; import okhttp3.RequestBody; import okhttp3.Response; public class EhEngine { private static final String TAG = EhEngine.class.getSimpleName(); private static final String SAD_PANDA_DISPOSITION = "inline; filename=\"sadpanda.jpg\""; private static final String SAD_PANDA_TYPE = "image/gif"; private static final String SAD_PANDA_LENGTH = "9615"; public static final MediaType MEDIA_TYPE_JSON = MediaType.parse("application/json; charset=utf-8"); private static final MediaType MEDIA_TYPE_JPEG = MediaType.parse("image/jpeg"); private static final Pattern PATTERN_NEED_HATH_CLIENT = Pattern .compile("(You must have a H@H client assigned to your account to use this feature\\.)"); public static EhFilter sEhFilter; public static void initialize() { sEhFilter = EhFilter.getInstance(); } private static void throwException(Call call, int code, @Nullable Headers headers, @Nullable String body, Exception e) throws Exception { if (call.isCanceled()) { throw new CancelledException(); } // Check sad panda if (headers != null && SAD_PANDA_DISPOSITION.equals(headers.get("Content-Disposition")) && SAD_PANDA_TYPE.equals(headers.get("Content-Type")) && SAD_PANDA_LENGTH.equals(headers.get("Content-Length"))) { throw new EhException("Sad Panda"); } if (e instanceof ParseException) { if (body != null && !body.contains("<")) { throw new EhException(body); } else { if (Settings.getSaveParseErrorBody()) { AppConfig.saveParseErrorBody((ParseException) e); } throw new EhException(GetText.getString(R.string.error_parse_error)); } } if (code >= 400) { throw new StatusCodeException(code); } } public static String signIn(@Nullable EhClient.Task task, OkHttpClient okHttpClient, String username, String password) throws Exception { FormBody.Builder builder = new FormBody.Builder().add("UserName", username).add("PassWord", password) .add("submit", "Log me in").add("CookieDate", "1").add("temporary_https", "off"); String url = EhUrl.API_SIGN_IN; Log.d(TAG, url); Request request = new EhRequestBuilder(url, null != task ? task.getEhConfig() : Settings.getEhConfig()) .post(; Call call = okHttpClient.newCall(request); // Put call if (null != task) { task.setCall(call); } String body = null; Headers headers = null; int code = -1; try { Response response = call.execute(); code = response.code(); headers = response.headers(); body = response.body().string(); return SignInParser.parse(body); } catch (Exception e) { throwException(call, code, headers, body, e); throw e; } } public static GalleryListParser.Result getGalleryList(@Nullable EhClient.Task task, OkHttpClient okHttpClient, String url) throws Exception { Log.d(TAG, url); Request request = new EhRequestBuilder(url, null != task ? task.getEhConfig() : Settings.getEhConfig()) .build(); Call call = okHttpClient.newCall(request); // Put call if (null != task) { task.setCall(call); } String body = null; Headers headers = null; GalleryListParser.Result result; int code = -1; try { Response response = call.execute(); code = response.code(); headers = response.headers(); body = response.body().string(); result = GalleryListParser.parse(body); } catch (Exception e) { throwException(call, code, headers, body, e); throw e; } // Filter title and uploader List<GalleryInfo> list = result.galleryInfoList; for (int i = 0, n = list.size(); i < n; i++) { GalleryInfo info = list.get(i); if (!sEhFilter.filterTitle(info) || !sEhFilter.filterUploader(info)) { list.remove(i); i--; n--; } } if (list.size() > 0 && (Settings.getShowJpnTitle() || sEhFilter.needCallApi())) { // Fill by api fillGalleryListByApi(task, okHttpClient, list); // Filter tag for (int i = 0, n = list.size(); i < n; i++) { GalleryInfo info = list.get(i); if (!sEhFilter.filterTag(info) || !sEhFilter.filterTagNamespace(info)) { list.remove(i); i--; n--; } } } for (GalleryInfo info : list) { info.thumb = EhUrl.getFixedPreviewThumbUrl(info.thumb); } return result; } // At least, GalleryInfo contain valid gid and token public static List<GalleryInfo> fillGalleryListByApi(@Nullable EhClient.Task task, OkHttpClient okHttpClient, List<GalleryInfo> galleryInfoList) throws Exception { // We can only request 25 items one time at most final int MAX_REQUEST_SIZE = 25; List<GalleryInfo> requestItems = new ArrayList<>(MAX_REQUEST_SIZE); for (int i = 0, size = galleryInfoList.size(); i < size; i++) { requestItems.add(galleryInfoList.get(i)); if (requestItems.size() == MAX_REQUEST_SIZE || i == size - 1) { doFillGalleryListByApi(task, okHttpClient, requestItems); requestItems.clear(); } } return galleryInfoList; } private static void doFillGalleryListByApi(@Nullable EhClient.Task task, OkHttpClient okHttpClient, List<GalleryInfo> galleryInfoList) throws Exception { JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); json.put("method", "gdata"); JSONArray ja = new JSONArray(); for (int i = 0, size = galleryInfoList.size(); i < size; i++) { GalleryInfo gi = galleryInfoList.get(i); JSONArray g = new JSONArray(); g.put(gi.gid); g.put(gi.token); ja.put(g); } json.put("gidlist", ja); json.put("namespace", 1); String url = EhUrl.getApiUrl(); Log.d(TAG, url); Request request = new EhRequestBuilder(url).post(RequestBody.create(MEDIA_TYPE_JSON, json.toString())) .build(); Call call = okHttpClient.newCall(request); // Put call if (null != task) { task.setCall(call); } String body = null; Headers headers = null; int code = -1; try { Response response = call.execute(); code = response.code(); headers = response.headers(); body = response.body().string(); GalleryApiParser.parse(body, galleryInfoList); } catch (Exception e) { throwException(call, code, headers, body, e); throw e; } } public static GalleryDetail getGalleryDetail(@Nullable EhClient.Task task, OkHttpClient okHttpClient, String url) throws Exception { Log.d(TAG, url); Request request = new EhRequestBuilder(url, null != task ? task.getEhConfig() : Settings.getEhConfig()) .build(); Call call = okHttpClient.newCall(request); // Put call if (null != task) { task.setCall(call); } String body = null; Headers headers = null; int code = -1; try { Response response = call.execute(); code = response.code(); headers = response.headers(); body = response.body().string(); return GalleryDetailParser.parse(body); } catch (Exception e) { throwException(call, code, headers, body, e); throw e; } } public static Pair<PreviewSet, Integer> getPreviewSet(@Nullable EhClient.Task task, OkHttpClient okHttpClient, String url) throws Exception { Log.d(TAG, url); Request request = new EhRequestBuilder(url, null != task ? task.getEhConfig() : Settings.getEhConfig()) .build(); Call call = okHttpClient.newCall(request); // Put call if (null != task) { task.setCall(call); } String body = null; Headers headers = null; int code = -1; try { Response response = call.execute(); code = response.code(); headers = response.headers(); body = response.body().string(); return Pair.create(GalleryDetailParser.parsePreviewSet(body), GalleryDetailParser.parsePreviewPages(body)); } catch (Exception e) { throwException(call, code, headers, body, e); throw e; } } public static RateGalleryParser.Result rateGallery(@Nullable EhClient.Task task, OkHttpClient okHttpClient, long apiUid, String apiKey, long gid, String token, float rating) throws Exception { final JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); json.put("method", "rategallery"); json.put("apiuid", apiUid); json.put("apikey", apiKey); json.put("gid", gid); json.put("token", token); json.put("rating", (int) Math.ceil(rating * 2)); final RequestBody requestBody = RequestBody.create(MEDIA_TYPE_JSON, json.toString()); String url = EhUrl.getApiUrl(); Log.d(TAG, url); Request request = new EhRequestBuilder(url, null != task ? task.getEhConfig() : Settings.getEhConfig()) .post(requestBody).build(); Call call = okHttpClient.newCall(request); // Put call if (null != task) { task.setCall(call); } String body = null; Headers headers = null; int code = -1; try { Response response = call.execute(); code = response.code(); headers = response.headers(); body = response.body().string(); return RateGalleryParser.parse(body); } catch (Exception e) { throwException(call, code, headers, body, e); throw e; } } public static GalleryComment[] commentGallery(@Nullable EhClient.Task task, OkHttpClient okHttpClient, String url, String comment) throws Exception { FormBody.Builder builder = new FormBody.Builder().add("commenttext", comment).add("postcomment", "Post New"); Log.d(TAG, url); Request request = new EhRequestBuilder(url, null != task ? task.getEhConfig() : Settings.getEhConfig()) .post(; Call call = okHttpClient.newCall(request); // Put call if (null != task) { task.setCall(call); } String body = null; Headers headers = null; int code = -1; try { Response response = call.execute(); code = response.code(); headers = response.headers(); body = response.body().string(); Document document = Jsoup.parse(body); return GalleryDetailParser.parseComments(document); } catch (Exception e) { throwException(call, code, headers, body, e); throw e; } } public static String getGalleryToken(@Nullable EhClient.Task task, OkHttpClient okHttpClient, long gid, String gtoken, int page) throws Exception { JSONObject json = new JSONObject().put("method", "gtoken").put("pagelist", new JSONArray().put(new JSONArray().put(gid).put(gtoken).put(page + 1))); final RequestBody requestBody = RequestBody.create(MEDIA_TYPE_JSON, json.toString()); String url = EhUrl.getApiUrl(); Log.d(TAG, url); Request request = new EhRequestBuilder(url, null != task ? task.getEhConfig() : Settings.getEhConfig()) .post(requestBody).build(); Call call = okHttpClient.newCall(request); // Put call if (null != task) { task.setCall(call); } String body = null; Headers headers = null; int code = -1; try { Response response = call.execute(); code = response.code(); headers = response.headers(); body = response.body().string(); return GalleryTokenApiParser.parse(body); } catch (Exception e) { throwException(call, code, headers, body, e); throw e; } } public static FavoritesParser.Result getFavorites(@Nullable EhClient.Task task, OkHttpClient okHttpClient, String url, boolean callApi) throws Exception { Log.d(TAG, url); Request request = new EhRequestBuilder(url, null != task ? task.getEhConfig() : Settings.getEhConfig()) .build(); Call call = okHttpClient.newCall(request); // Put call if (null != task) { task.setCall(call); } String body = null; Headers headers = null; FavoritesParser.Result result; int code = -1; try { Response response = call.execute(); code = response.code(); headers = response.headers(); body = response.body().string(); result = FavoritesParser.parse(body); } catch (Exception e) { throwException(call, code, headers, body, e); throw e; } if (callApi && result.galleryInfoList.size() > 0) { fillGalleryListByApi(task, okHttpClient, result.galleryInfoList); } for (GalleryInfo info : result.galleryInfoList) { info.thumb = EhUrl.getFixedPreviewThumbUrl(info.thumb); } return result; } /** * @param dstCat -1 for delete, 0 - 9 for cloud favorite, others throw Exception * @param note max 250 characters */ public static Void addFavorites(@Nullable EhClient.Task task, OkHttpClient okHttpClient, long gid, String token, int dstCat, String note) throws Exception { String catStr; if (dstCat == -1) { catStr = "favdel"; } else if (dstCat >= 0 && dstCat <= 9) { catStr = String.valueOf(dstCat); } else { throw new EhException("Invalid dstCat: " + dstCat); } FormBody.Builder builder = new FormBody.Builder(); builder.add("favcat", catStr); builder.add("favnote", note != null ? note : ""); // submit=Add+to+Favorites is not necessary, just use submit=Apply+Changes all the time builder.add("submit", "Apply Changes"); builder.add("update", "1"); String url = EhUrl.getAddFavorites(gid, token); Log.d(TAG, url); Request request = new EhRequestBuilder(url, null != task ? task.getEhConfig() : Settings.getEhConfig()) .post(; Call call = okHttpClient.newCall(request); // Put call if (null != task) { task.setCall(call); } String body = null; Headers headers = null; int code = -1; try { Response response = call.execute(); code = response.code(); headers = response.headers(); body = response.body().string(); throwException(call, code, headers, body, null); } catch (Exception e) { throwException(call, code, headers, body, e); throw e; } return null; } public static Void addFavoritesRange(@Nullable EhClient.Task task, OkHttpClient okHttpClient, long[] gidArray, String[] tokenArray, int dstCat) throws Exception { Assert.assertEquals(gidArray.length, tokenArray.length); for (int i = 0, n = gidArray.length; i < n; i++) { addFavorites(task, okHttpClient, gidArray[i], tokenArray[i], dstCat, null); } return null; } public static FavoritesParser.Result modifyFavorites(@Nullable EhClient.Task task, OkHttpClient okHttpClient, String url, long[] gidArray, int dstCat, boolean callApi) throws Exception { String catStr; if (dstCat == -1) { catStr = "delete"; } else if (dstCat >= 0 && dstCat <= 9) { catStr = "fav" + dstCat; } else { throw new EhException("Invalid dstCat: " + dstCat); } FormBody.Builder builder = new FormBody.Builder(); builder.add("ddact", catStr); for (long gid : gidArray) { builder.add("modifygids[]", Long.toString(gid)); } builder.add("apply", "Apply"); Log.d(TAG, url); Request request = new EhRequestBuilder(url, null != task ? task.getEhConfig() : Settings.getEhConfig()) .post(; Call call = okHttpClient.newCall(request); // Put call if (null != task) { task.setCall(call); } String body = null; Headers headers = null; FavoritesParser.Result result; int code = -1; try { Response response = call.execute(); code = response.code(); headers = response.headers(); body = response.body().string(); result = FavoritesParser.parse(body); } catch (Exception e) { throwException(call, code, headers, body, e); throw e; } if (callApi && result.galleryInfoList.size() > 0) { fillGalleryListByApi(task, okHttpClient, result.galleryInfoList); } for (GalleryInfo info : result.galleryInfoList) { info.thumb = EhUrl.getFixedPreviewThumbUrl(info.thumb); } return result; } public static Pair<String, String>[] getTorrentList(@Nullable EhClient.Task task, OkHttpClient okHttpClient, String url) throws Exception { Log.d(TAG, url); Request request = new EhRequestBuilder(url, null != task ? task.getEhConfig() : Settings.getEhConfig()) .build(); Call call = okHttpClient.newCall(request); // Put call if (null != task) { task.setCall(call); } String body = null; Headers headers = null; Pair<String, String>[] result; int code = -1; try { Response response = call.execute(); code = response.code(); headers = response.headers(); body = response.body().string(); result = TorrentParser.parse(body); } catch (Exception e) { throwException(call, code, headers, body, e); throw e; } return result; } public static Pair<String, Pair<String, String>[]> getArchiveList(@Nullable EhClient.Task task, OkHttpClient okHttpClient, String url) throws Exception { Log.d(TAG, url); Request request = new EhRequestBuilder(url, null != task ? task.getEhConfig() : Settings.getEhConfig()) .build(); Call call = okHttpClient.newCall(request); // Put call if (null != task) { task.setCall(call); } String body = null; Headers headers = null; Pair<String, Pair<String, String>[]> result; int code = -1; try { Response response = call.execute(); code = response.code(); headers = response.headers(); body = response.body().string(); result = ArchiveParser.parse(body); } catch (Exception e) { throwException(call, code, headers, body, e); throw e; } return result; } public static Void downloadArchive(@Nullable EhClient.Task task, OkHttpClient okHttpClient, long gid, String token, String or, String res) throws Exception { if (or == null || or.length() == 0) { throw new EhException("Invalid form param or: " + or); } if (res == null || res.length() == 0) { throw new EhException("Invalid res: " + res); } FormBody.Builder builder = new FormBody.Builder(); builder.add("hathdl_xres", res); String url = EhUrl.getDownloadArchive(gid, token, or); Log.d(TAG, url); Request request = new EhRequestBuilder(url, null != task ? task.getEhConfig() : Settings.getEhConfig()) .post(; Call call = okHttpClient.newCall(request); // Put call if (null != task) { task.setCall(call); } String body = null; Headers headers = null; int code = -1; try { Response response = call.execute(); code = response.code(); headers = response.headers(); body = response.body().string(); throwException(call, code, headers, body, null); } catch (Exception e) { throwException(call, code, headers, body, e); throw e; } Matcher m = PATTERN_NEED_HATH_CLIENT.matcher(body); if (m.find()) { throw new NoHAtHClientException("No H@H client"); } return null; } public static List<GalleryInfo> getWhatsHot(@Nullable EhClient.Task task, OkHttpClient okHttpClient) throws Exception { String url = EhUrl.HOST_E; Log.d(TAG, url); Request request = new EhRequestBuilder(url, null != task ? task.getEhConfig() : Settings.getEhConfig()) .build(); Call call = okHttpClient.newCall(request); // Put call if (null != task) { task.setCall(call); } String body = null; Headers headers = null; List<GalleryInfo> list; int code = -1; try { Response response = call.execute(); code = response.code(); headers = response.headers(); body = response.body().string(); list = WhatsHotParser.parse(body); } catch (Exception e) { throwException(call, code, headers, body, e); throw e; } if (list.size() > 0) { // Fill by api fillGalleryListByApi(task, okHttpClient, list); } for (GalleryInfo info : list) { info.thumb = EhUrl.getFixedPreviewThumbUrl(info.thumb); } return list; } private static ProfileParser.Result getProfileInternal(@Nullable EhClient.Task task, OkHttpClient okHttpClient, String url) throws Exception { Log.d(TAG, url); Request request = new EhRequestBuilder(url, null != task ? task.getEhConfig() : Settings.getEhConfig()) .build(); Call call = okHttpClient.newCall(request); // Put call if (null != task) { task.setCall(call); } String body = null; Headers headers = null; int code = -1; try { Response response = call.execute(); code = response.code(); headers = response.headers(); body = response.body().string(); return ProfileParser.parse(body); } catch (Exception e) { throwException(call, code, headers, body, e); throw e; } } public static ProfileParser.Result getProfile(@Nullable EhClient.Task task, OkHttpClient okHttpClient) throws Exception { String url = EhUrl.URL_FORUMS; Log.d(TAG, url); Request request = new EhRequestBuilder(url, null != task ? task.getEhConfig() : Settings.getEhConfig()) .build(); Call call = okHttpClient.newCall(request); // Put call if (null != task) { task.setCall(call); } String body = null; Headers headers = null; int code = -1; try { Response response = call.execute(); code = response.code(); headers = response.headers(); body = response.body().string(); return getProfileInternal(task, okHttpClient, ForumsParser.parse(body)); } catch (Exception e) { throwException(call, code, headers, body, e); throw e; } } public static VoteCommentParser.Result voteComment(@Nullable EhClient.Task task, OkHttpClient okHttpClient, long apiUid, String apiKey, long gid, String token, long commentId, int commentVote) throws Exception { final JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); json.put("method", "votecomment"); json.put("apiuid", apiUid); json.put("apikey", apiKey); json.put("gid", gid); json.put("token", token); json.put("comment_id", commentId); json.put("comment_vote", commentVote); final RequestBody requestBody = RequestBody.create(MEDIA_TYPE_JSON, json.toString()); String url = EhUrl.getApiUrl(); Log.d(TAG, url); Request request = new EhRequestBuilder(url, null != task ? task.getEhConfig() : Settings.getEhConfig()) .post(requestBody).build(); Call call = okHttpClient.newCall(request); // Put call if (null != task) { task.setCall(call); } String body = null; Headers headers = null; int code = -1; try { Response response = call.execute(); code = response.code(); headers = response.headers(); body = response.body().string(); return VoteCommentParser.parse(body, commentVote); } catch (Exception e) { throwException(call, code, headers, body, e); throw e; } } /** * @param image Must be jpeg */ public static GalleryListParser.Result imageSearch(@Nullable EhClient.Task task, OkHttpClient okHttpClient, File image, boolean uss, boolean osc, boolean se) throws Exception { MultipartBody.Builder builder = new MultipartBody.Builder(); builder.setType(MultipartBody.FORM); builder.addPart(Headers.of("Content-Disposition", "form-data; name=\"sfile\"; filename=\"a.jpg\""), RequestBody.create(MEDIA_TYPE_JPEG, image)); if (uss) { builder.addPart(Headers.of("Content-Disposition", "form-data; name=\"fs_similar\""), RequestBody.create(null, "on")); } if (osc) { builder.addPart(Headers.of("Content-Disposition", "form-data; name=\"fs_covers\""), RequestBody.create(null, "on")); } if (se) { builder.addPart(Headers.of("Content-Disposition", "form-data; name=\"fs_exp\""), RequestBody.create(null, "on")); } builder.addPart(Headers.of("Content-Disposition", "form-data; name=\"f_sfile\""), RequestBody.create(null, "File Search")); String url = EhUrl.getImageSearchUrl(); Log.d(TAG, url); Request request = new EhRequestBuilder(url, null != task ? task.getEhConfig() : Settings.getEhConfig()) .post(; Call call = okHttpClient.newCall(request); // Put call if (null != task) { task.setCall(call); } String body = null; Headers headers = null; GalleryListParser.Result result; int code = -1; try { Response response = call.execute(); Log.d(TAG, "" + response.request().url().toString()); code = response.code(); headers = response.headers(); body = response.body().string(); result = GalleryListParser.parse(body); } catch (Exception e) { throwException(call, code, headers, body, e); throw e; } // Filter title and uploader List<GalleryInfo> list = result.galleryInfoList; for (int i = 0, n = list.size(); i < n; i++) { GalleryInfo info = list.get(i); if (!sEhFilter.filterTitle(info) || !sEhFilter.filterUploader(info)) { list.remove(i); i--; n--; } } if (list.size() > 0 && (Settings.getShowJpnTitle() || sEhFilter.needCallApi())) { // Fill by api fillGalleryListByApi(task, okHttpClient, list); // Filter tag for (int i = 0, n = list.size(); i < n; i++) { GalleryInfo info = list.get(i); if (!sEhFilter.filterTag(info) || !sEhFilter.filterTagNamespace(info)) { list.remove(i); i--; n--; } } } for (GalleryInfo info : list) { info.thumb = EhUrl.getFixedPreviewThumbUrl(info.thumb); } return result; } public static GalleryPageParser.Result getGalleryPage(@Nullable EhClient.Task task, OkHttpClient okHttpClient, String url) throws Exception { Log.d(TAG, url); Request request = new EhRequestBuilder(url, null != task ? task.getEhConfig() : Settings.getEhConfig()) .build(); Call call = okHttpClient.newCall(request); // Put call if (null != task) { task.setCall(call); } String body = null; Headers headers = null; int code = -1; try { Response response = call.execute(); code = response.code(); headers = response.headers(); body = response.body().string(); return GalleryPageParser.parse(body); } catch (Exception e) { throwException(call, code, headers, body, e); throw e; } } }