Java tutorial
/* GNU Lesser General Public License HTMLUtilities - Special Utility Functions For Ekit Copyright (C) 2003 Rafael Cieplinski & Howard Kistler This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ package com.hexidec.ekit.component; import; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.swing.JTextArea; import javax.swing.JTextPane; import javax.swing.text.BadLocationException; import javax.swing.text.Element; import javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet; import javax.swing.text.html.HTML; import javax.swing.text.html.HTML.Tag; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import; import com.hexidec.ekit.EkitCore; public class HTMLUtilities { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(HTMLUtilities.class); private static final Pattern pBodyContent = Pattern.compile("<body.*?>(.+?)</body>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.DOTALL); private static final Pattern pBlocos = Pattern.compile("(</?)(?:h[\\d+]|div)(.*?>)", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.DOTALL); private EkitCore parent; private Hashtable<String, HTML.Tag> tags = new Hashtable<String, HTML.Tag>(); public HTMLUtilities(EkitCore newParent) { parent = newParent; HTML.Tag[] tagList = HTML.getAllTags(); for (int i = 0; i < tagList.length; i++) { tags.put(tagList[i].toString(), tagList[i]); } } /** Diese Methode fgt durch String-Manipulation in jtpSource * ein neues Listenelement hinzu, content ist dabei der Text der in dem neuen * Element stehen soll */ public void insertListElement(String content) { int pos = parent.getCaretPosition(); String source = parent.getSourcePane().getText(); boolean hit = false; String idString; int counter = 0; do { hit = false; idString = "diesisteineidzumsuchenimsource" + counter; if (source.indexOf(idString) > -1) { counter++; hit = true; if (counter > 10000) { return; } } } while (hit); Element element = getListItemParent(); if (element == null) { return; } SimpleAttributeSet sa = new SimpleAttributeSet(element.getAttributes()); sa.addAttribute("id", idString); parent.getExtendedHtmlDoc().replaceAttributes(element, sa, HTML.Tag.LI); parent.refreshOnUpdate(); source = parent.getSourcePane().getText(); StringBuffer newHtmlString = new StringBuffer(); int[] positions = getPositions(element, source, true, idString); newHtmlString.append(source.substring(0, positions[3])); newHtmlString.append("<li>"); newHtmlString.append(content); newHtmlString.append("</li>"); newHtmlString.append(source.substring(positions[3] + 1, source.length())); parent.getTextPane().setText(newHtmlString.toString()); parent.refreshOnUpdate(); parent.setCaretPosition(pos - 1); element = getListItemParent(); if (element != null) { sa = new SimpleAttributeSet(element.getAttributes()); sa = removeAttributeByKey(sa, "id"); parent.getExtendedHtmlDoc().replaceAttributes(element, sa, HTML.Tag.LI); } } /** Diese Methode lscht durch Stringmanipulation in jtpSource das bergebene Element, * Alternative fr removeElement in ExtendedHTMLDocument, mit closingTag wird angegeben * ob es ein schlieenden Tag gibt */ public void removeTag(Element element, boolean closingTag) { if (element == null) { return; } int pos = parent.getCaretPosition(); HTML.Tag tag = getHTMLTag(element); // Versieht den Tag mit einer einmaligen ID String source = parent.getSourcePane().getText(); boolean hit = false; String idString; int counter = 0; do { hit = false; idString = "diesisteineidzumsuchenimsource" + counter; if (source.indexOf(idString) > -1) { counter++; hit = true; if (counter > 10000) { return; } } } while (hit); SimpleAttributeSet sa = new SimpleAttributeSet(element.getAttributes()); sa.addAttribute("id", idString); parent.getExtendedHtmlDoc().replaceAttributes(element, sa, tag); parent.refreshOnUpdate(); source = parent.getSourcePane().getText(); StringBuffer newHtmlString = new StringBuffer(); int[] position = getPositions(element, source, closingTag, idString); if (position == null) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < position.length; i++) { if (position[i] < 0) { return; } } int beginStartTag = position[0]; int endStartTag = position[1]; if (closingTag) { int beginEndTag = position[2]; int endEndTag = position[3]; newHtmlString.append(source.substring(0, beginStartTag)); newHtmlString.append(source.substring(endStartTag, beginEndTag)); newHtmlString.append(source.substring(endEndTag, source.length())); } else { newHtmlString.append(source.substring(0, beginStartTag)); newHtmlString.append(source.substring(endStartTag, source.length())); } parent.getTextPane().setText(newHtmlString.toString()); parent.refreshOnUpdate(); } /** Diese Methode gibt jeweils den Start- und Endoffset des Elements * sowie dem entsprechenden schlieenden Tag zurck */ public int[] getPositions(Element element, String source, boolean closingTag, String idString) { HTML.Tag tag = getHTMLTag(element); int[] position = new int[4]; for (int i = 0; i < position.length; i++) { position[i] = -1; } String searchString = "<" + tag.toString(); int caret = -1; // aktuelle Position im sourceString if ((caret = source.indexOf(idString)) != -1) { position[0] = source.lastIndexOf("<", caret); position[1] = source.indexOf(">", caret) + 1; } if (closingTag) { String searchEndTagString = "</" + tag.toString() + ">"; int hitUp = 0; int beginEndTag = -1; int endEndTag = -1; caret = position[1]; boolean end = false; // Position des 1. Treffer auf den End-Tag wird bestimmt beginEndTag = source.indexOf(searchEndTagString, caret); endEndTag = beginEndTag + searchEndTagString.length(); // Schleife luft solange, bis keine neuen StartTags mehr gefunden werden int interncaret = position[1]; do { int temphitpoint = -1; boolean flaghitup = false; // Schleife sucht zwischen dem Start- und End-Tag nach neuen Start-Tags hitUp = 0; do { flaghitup = false; temphitpoint = source.indexOf(searchString, interncaret); if (temphitpoint > 0 && temphitpoint < beginEndTag) { hitUp++; flaghitup = true; interncaret = temphitpoint + searchString.length(); } } while (flaghitup); // hitUp enthlt die Anzahl der neuen Start-Tags if (hitUp == 0) { end = true; } else { for (int i = 1; i <= hitUp; i++) { caret = endEndTag; beginEndTag = source.indexOf(searchEndTagString, caret); endEndTag = beginEndTag + searchEndTagString.length(); } end = false; } } while (!end); if (beginEndTag < 0 | endEndTag < 0) { return null; } position[2] = beginEndTag; position[3] = endEndTag; } return position; } /* Diese Methode prft ob der bergebene Tag sich in der Hierachie nach oben befindet */ public boolean checkParentsTag(HTML.Tag tag) { Element e = parent.getExtendedHtmlDoc().getParagraphElement(parent.getCaretPosition()); String tagString = tag.toString(); if (e.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(tag.toString())) { return true; } do { if ((e = e.getParentElement()).getName().equalsIgnoreCase(tagString)) { return true; } } while (!(e.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("html"))); return false; } /* Diese Methoden geben das erste gefundende dem bergebenen tags entsprechende Element zurck */ public Element getListItemParent() { String listItemTag = HTML.Tag.LI.toString(); Element eleSearch = parent.getExtendedHtmlDoc().getCharacterElement(parent.getCaretPosition()); do { if (listItemTag.equals(eleSearch.getName())) { return eleSearch; } eleSearch = eleSearch.getParentElement(); } while (eleSearch.getName() != HTML.Tag.HTML.toString()); return null; } public Element getListItemContainer() { String listUnorderedTag = HTML.Tag.UL.toString(); String listOrderedTag = HTML.Tag.OL.toString(); Element eleSearch = parent.getExtendedHtmlDoc().getCharacterElement(parent.getCaretPosition()); do { if (listUnorderedTag.equals(eleSearch.getName()) || listOrderedTag.equals(eleSearch.getName())) { return eleSearch; } eleSearch = eleSearch.getParentElement(); } while (eleSearch != null && eleSearch.getName() != HTML.Tag.HTML.toString()); return null; } /* Diese Methoden entfernen Attribute aus dem SimpleAttributeSet, gem den bergebenen Werten, und geben das Ergebnis als SimpleAttributeSet zurck*/ public SimpleAttributeSet removeAttributeByKey(SimpleAttributeSet sourceAS, String removeKey) { SimpleAttributeSet temp = new SimpleAttributeSet(); temp.addAttribute(removeKey, "NULL"); return removeAttribute(sourceAS, temp); } public SimpleAttributeSet removeAttribute(SimpleAttributeSet sourceAS, SimpleAttributeSet removeAS) { try { String[] sourceKeys = new String[sourceAS.getAttributeCount()]; String[] sourceValues = new String[sourceAS.getAttributeCount()]; Enumeration sourceEn = sourceAS.getAttributeNames(); int i = 0; while (sourceEn.hasMoreElements()) { Object temp = new Object(); temp = sourceEn.nextElement(); sourceKeys[i] = (String) temp.toString(); sourceValues[i] = new String(); sourceValues[i] = (String) sourceAS.getAttribute(temp).toString(); i++; } String[] removeKeys = new String[removeAS.getAttributeCount()]; String[] removeValues = new String[removeAS.getAttributeCount()]; Enumeration removeEn = removeAS.getAttributeNames(); int j = 0; while (removeEn.hasMoreElements()) { removeKeys[j] = (String) removeEn.nextElement().toString(); removeValues[j] = (String) removeAS.getAttribute(removeKeys[j]).toString(); j++; } SimpleAttributeSet result = new SimpleAttributeSet(); boolean hit = false; for (int countSource = 0; countSource < sourceKeys.length; countSource++) { hit = false; if (sourceKeys[countSource] == "name" | sourceKeys[countSource] == "resolver") { hit = true; } else { for (int countRemove = 0; countRemove < removeKeys.length; countRemove++) { if (removeKeys[countRemove] != "NULL") { if (sourceKeys[countSource].toString() == removeKeys[countRemove].toString()) { if (removeValues[countRemove] != "NULL") { if (sourceValues[countSource].toString() == removeValues[countRemove] .toString()) { hit = true; } } else if (removeValues[countRemove] == "NULL") { hit = true; } } } else if (removeKeys[countRemove] == "NULL") { if (sourceValues[countSource].toString() == removeValues[countRemove].toString()) { hit = true; } } } } if (!hit) { result.addAttribute(sourceKeys[countSource].toString(), sourceValues[countSource].toString()); } } return result; } catch (ClassCastException cce) { return null; } } /* liefert den entsprechenden HTML.Tag zum Element zurck */ public HTML.Tag getHTMLTag(Element e) { if (tags.containsKey(e.getName())) { return (HTML.Tag) tags.get(e.getName()); } else { return null; } } public String[] getUniString(int strings) { parent.refreshOnUpdate(); String[] result = new String[strings]; String source = parent.getSourcePane().getText(); for (int i = 0; i < strings; i++) { int start = -1, end = -1; boolean hit = false; String idString; int counter = 0; do { hit = false; idString = "diesisteineidzumsuchen" + counter + "#" + i; if (source.indexOf(idString) > -1) { counter++; hit = true; if (counter > 10000) { return null; } } } while (hit); result[i] = idString; } return result; } public void delete() throws BadLocationException, IOException { JTextPane jtpMain = parent.getTextPane(); JTextArea jtpSource = parent.getSourcePane(); ExtendedHTMLDocument htmlDoc = parent.getExtendedHtmlDoc(); int selStart = jtpMain.getSelectionStart(); int selEnd = jtpMain.getSelectionEnd(); String[] posStrings = getUniString(2); if (posStrings == null) { return; } htmlDoc.insertString(selStart, posStrings[0], null); htmlDoc.insertString(selEnd + posStrings[0].length(), posStrings[1], null); parent.refreshOnUpdate(); int start = jtpSource.getText().indexOf(posStrings[0]); int end = jtpSource.getText().indexOf(posStrings[1]); if (start == -1 || end == -1) { return; } String htmlString = new String(); htmlString += jtpSource.getText().substring(0, start); htmlString += jtpSource.getText().substring(start + posStrings[0].length(), end); htmlString += jtpSource.getText().substring(end + posStrings[1].length(), jtpSource.getText().length()); String source = htmlString; end = end - posStrings[0].length(); htmlString = new String(); htmlString += source.substring(0, start); htmlString += getAllTableTags(source.substring(start, end)); htmlString += source.substring(end, source.length()); parent.getTextPane().setText(htmlString); parent.refreshOnUpdate(); } private String getAllTableTags(String source) throws BadLocationException, IOException { StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); int caret = -1; do { caret++; int[] tableCarets = new int[6]; tableCarets[0] = source.indexOf("<table", caret); tableCarets[1] = source.indexOf("<tr", caret); tableCarets[2] = source.indexOf("<td", caret); tableCarets[3] = source.indexOf("</table", caret); tableCarets[4] = source.indexOf("</tr", caret); tableCarets[5] = source.indexOf("</td", caret); java.util.Arrays.sort(tableCarets); caret = -1; for (int i = 0; i < tableCarets.length; i++) { if (tableCarets[i] >= 0) { caret = tableCarets[i]; break; } } if (caret != -1) { result.append(source.substring(caret, source.indexOf(">", caret) + 1)); } } while (caret != -1); return result.toString(); } public static String preparaPaste(String str) { // log.debug(str); str = str.trim(); // Retira caracter 0 if (str.contains("\u0000")) { str = str.replace("\u0000", ""); } // Retira do corpo Matcher m = pBodyContent.matcher(str); if (m.find()) { str =; } // Retira tags pre str = str.replaceAll("</?pre.*?>", ""); // Corrige os tags BR str = corrigeBR(str); // Converte headers e divs em pargrafos str = converteBlocosEmParagrafos(str); // Corrige tabelas mal formadas ou com elementos no tratados str = HTMLTableUtilities.corrigeTabelas(str); // Retira tabelas de pargrafos str = HTMLTableUtilities.separaTabelasDeParagrafos(str); return str; } private static String converteBlocosEmParagrafos(String str) { Matcher m = pBlocos.matcher(str); if (!m.find()) { return str; } StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); String antes, depois; do { antes =; depois =; m.appendReplacement(sb, Matcher.quoteReplacement(antes + "p" + depois)); } while (m.find()); m.appendTail(sb); return sb.toString(); } public static String applySaveConversions(String html) { html = convertPointsToCm(html); return html; } private static String convertPointsToCm(String html) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); Pattern pTag = Pattern.compile("(<.+?style=\")(.+?)(\".*?>)", Pattern.DOTALL); Pattern pNumber = Pattern.compile("\\d+(?:\\.\\d*)"); Matcher mTag = pTag.matcher(html); while (mTag.find()) { StringBuilder sbStyle = new StringBuilder(; Map<String, String> mapStyle = DocumentUtil.styleToMap(; for (Map.Entry<String, String> e : mapStyle.entrySet()) { String key = e.getKey(); String value = e.getValue(); if (pNumber.matcher(value).matches()) { value = LengthUnit.convertTo(Float.parseFloat(value), "cm"); } sbStyle.append(key + ": " + value + "; "); } sbStyle.append(; mTag.appendReplacement(sb, Matcher.quoteReplacement(sbStyle.toString())); } mTag.appendTail(sb); return sb.toString(); } public static boolean isInline(String str) { // TODO Melhorar este teste str = str.toLowerCase(); return !str.contains("</p>") && !str.contains("<table"); } public static String ensureInlineContent(String s) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(s)) { return s; } List<String> inlineTags = ExtendedHTMLDocument.getAcceptedInlineTags(); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); Pattern p = Pattern.compile("</?(\\w+).*?>", Pattern.DOTALL); Matcher m = p.matcher(s); while (m.find()) { String replacement = ""; if (inlineTags.contains( { replacement = Matcher.quoteReplacement(; } m.appendReplacement(sb, replacement); } m.appendTail(sb); return sb.toString(); } public static String removeTag(String str, Tag tag) { Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("</?" + tag + "\\b.*?>", Pattern.DOTALL | Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); return pattern.matcher(str).replaceAll(""); } public static boolean contemTag(String str, Tag tag) { Pattern p = Pattern.compile("<" + tag + "\\b.*?>", Pattern.DOTALL | Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); return p.matcher(str).find(); } public static String getConteudoTag(String html, Tag tag) { Pattern p = Pattern.compile("<" + tag + "\\b.*?>(.*?)</" + tag + "\\s*>", Pattern.DOTALL | Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); Matcher m = p.matcher(html); if (m.find()) { return; } return null; } public static String preparaSave(String html, List<String> colgroups) { html = corrigeBR(html); // Retira valign="top" dos td html = html.replace("td valign=\"top\"", "td"); html = html.replaceAll("<br/>\\s*(</(?:td|p)\\b)", "$1"); if (!colgroups.isEmpty()) { html = addColgroups(html, colgroups); } return html; } private static String addColgroups(String html, List<String> colgroups) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); Pattern p = Pattern.compile("<table\\b[^>]*>", Pattern.DOTALL | Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); Matcher m = p.matcher(html); if (!m.find()) { return html; } int i = 0; do { String colgroup = colgroups.get(i++); m.appendReplacement(sb, Matcher.quoteReplacement( + colgroup)); } while (m.find()); m.appendTail(sb); return sb.toString(); } private static String corrigeBR(String html) { Pattern p = Pattern.compile("<br\\b.*?>", Pattern.DOTALL | Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); return p.matcher(html).replaceAll("<br/>"); } public static boolean terminaComTabela(String html) { Pattern p = Pattern.compile(".*</table\\b[^>]*>\\s*(</p\\b[^>]*>)?\\s*$", Pattern.DOTALL | Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); return p.matcher(html).matches(); } }