Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.heliosapm.streams.tracing; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Map; import java.util.SortedMap; import java.util.Stack; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.LongAdder; import; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import com.codahale.metrics.Meter; import; import com.heliosapm.streams.common.metrics.SharedMetricsRegistry; import com.heliosapm.streams.common.naming.AgentName; import com.heliosapm.streams.metrics.StreamedMetric; import com.heliosapm.streams.metrics.StreamedMetricValue; import com.heliosapm.streams.tracing.deltas.DeltaManager; import com.heliosapm.utils.buffer.BufferManager; import com.heliosapm.utils.config.ConfigurationHelper; import com.heliosapm.utils.lang.StringHelper; import com.heliosapm.utils.time.SystemClock; import com.heliosapm.utils.time.SystemClock.ElapsedTime; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBufAllocator; /** * <p>Title: DefaultTracerImpl</p> * <p>Description: The default tracer implementation</p> * <p>Company: Helios Development Group LLC</p> * @author Whitehead (nwhitehead AT heliosdev DOT org) * <p><code>com.heliosapm.streams.tracing.DefaultTracerImpl</code></p> */ public class DefaultTracerImpl implements ITracer { /** Thread pool used to flush tracing buffer */ private static final ExecutorService flushPool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2, new ThreadFactory() { final AtomicInteger serial = new AtomicInteger(); @Override public Thread newThread(final Runnable r) { final Thread t = new Thread(r, "TracerFlushThread#" + serial.incrementAndGet()); t.setDaemon(true); return t; } }); /** Write event timer */ private static final Meter traceMeter = SharedMetricsRegistry.getInstance().meter("tracer.tracemeter"); // =============================================================================== // Current MetricName Components // =============================================================================== /** The metric name segments stack */ private Stack<String> metricNameStack = new Stack<String>(); /** The tag stack */ private Stack<String[]> tagStack = new Stack<String[]>(); // /** The metric tags sorter */ // private final TreeMap<String, String> tags = new TreeMap<String, String>(TagKeySorter.INSTANCE); /** The timestamp state in ms time format */ Long msTime = null; /** The max number of traces before an auto-flush */ private int maxTracesBeforeFlush; /** The current number of un-flushed events in the buffer */ private int bufferedEvents = 0; /** The inquiry event count */ private long inqCount = 0; /** The total number of events generated */ private long totalEvents = 0; /** The configured metric name segment delimiter */ public final char metricSegDelim; /** Flag indicating if tag keys, values and metric names should be forced to lower case */ public final boolean forceLower; /** Counter for tracking total trace out events */ protected final LongAdder traceOutEvents = new LongAdder(); /** Counter for tracking total flushed out events */ protected final LongAdder flushOutEvents = new LongAdder(); /** The configured max number of tags in a trace */ public final int maxTags; /** The configured min number of tags in a trace */ public final int minTags; /** The stateful tracing conditional which, if set to false, will suppress the next trace */ private boolean traceActive = true; /** The suppression predicate */ protected Predicate<PredicateTrace> suppressPredicate = null; /** The writer that delivers the buffered metrics to an end-point */ protected volatile IMetricWriter writer; // =============================================================================== // Push/Pop for Tags and Tracer State // =============================================================================== /** tracks the tag key stack */ private final LinkedList<String> tagKeyStack = new LinkedList<String>(); /** The checkpoint stack so we can push/pop this tracer's state */ private final Stack<TracerState> checkpointStack = new Stack<TracerState>(); /** Flag tracking if the current tracer state has been modified since the last trace */ private boolean modified = false; /** The app/host tags */ private final Map<String, String> appHostTags; public static final int COMPRESS_OFFSET = 0; public static final int COUNT_OFFSET = 1; public static final int START_DATA_OFFSET = 5; // =============================================================================== // Where all traces go when their time comnes // =============================================================================== /** The buffer factory used to create buffers for all tracers */ private static final ByteBufAllocator bufferFactory = BufferManager.getInstance(); // ConfigurationHelper.getIntSystemThenEnvProperty(CONF_INIT_SIZE, DEFAULT_INIT_SIZE), // ConfigurationHelper.getFloatSystemThenEnvProperty(CONF_EXT_PCT, DEFAULT_EXT_PCT) /** The buffer this tracer's traces are written out to before they're flushed */ private final ByteBuf outBuffer; /** Instance logger */ protected final Logger log = LogManager.getLogger(getClass()); void updateWriter(final IMetricWriter writer) { this.writer = writer; } public String clean(final String v) { if (forceLower) return v.trim().toLowerCase(); return v.trim(); } /** * <p>Title: TracerState</p> * <p>Description: Holds the state of a Tracer between checkpoints</p> * <p>Company: Helios Development Group LLC</p> * @author Whitehead (nwhitehead AT heliosdev DOT org) * <p><code>com.heliosapm.streams.tracing.DefaultTracerImpl.TracerState</code></p> */ protected class TracerState { // =============================================================================== // Current MetricName Components // =============================================================================== /** The metric name as linked list of metric name segments */ private LinkedList<String> cpMetricNameSegs = new LinkedList<String>(); /** The timestamp in ms time format */ private Long cpMsTime; /** tracks the tag key stack */ private final LinkedList<String> cpTagKeyStack = new LinkedList<String>(); /** tracks the tag stack */ private final LinkedList<String[]> cpTagStack = new LinkedList<String[]>(); /** The suppression predicate */ private final Predicate<PredicateTrace> cpSuppressPredicate; /** * Creates a new TracerState from the passed tracer * @param t The tracer to read the state from */ private TracerState(final DefaultTracerImpl t) { cpMetricNameSegs.addAll(t.metricNameStack); cpTagStack.addAll(t.tagStack); cpTagKeyStack.addAll(t.tagKeyStack); cpMsTime = msTime; cpSuppressPredicate = t.suppressPredicate; } /** * Pops this tracer state back into the passed tracer * @param t The tracer to pop back to */ private void pop(final DefaultTracerImpl t) { t.metricNameStack.clear(); t.metricNameStack.addAll(cpMetricNameSegs); t.tagStack.clear(); t.tagStack.addAll(cpTagStack); t.tagKeyStack.clear(); t.tagKeyStack.addAll(cpTagKeyStack); msTime = cpMsTime; t.suppressPredicate = cpSuppressPredicate; } } /** * Creates a new Tracer with an initial metric name and current timestamp * @param writer The writer to send traced metrics with */ protected DefaultTracerImpl(final IMetricWriter writer) { this.writer = writer; metricSegDelim = ConfigurationHelper.getCharSystemThenEnvProperty(CONF_METRIC_SEG_DELIM, DEFAULT_METRIC_SEG_DELIM); forceLower = ConfigurationHelper.getBooleanSystemThenEnvProperty(CONF_METRIC_FORCE_LOWER, DEFAULT_METRIC_FORCE_LOWER); maxTags = 8; // FIXME: config minTags = 1; // FIXME: config... allow zero for graphite maxTracesBeforeFlush = 200; // FIXME: config a default outBuffer = bufferFactory.buffer(this.maxTracesBeforeFlush * 128); outBuffer.setByte(COMPRESS_OFFSET, 0); outBuffer.setInt(COUNT_OFFSET, 0); outBuffer.writerIndex(START_DATA_OFFSET); final Map<String, String> _appHostTags = AgentName.getInstance().defaultTags(); if (forceLower) { for (String key : _appHostTags.keySet()) { // final String val = _appHostTags.remove(key); _appHostTags.put(key.toLowerCase(), _appHostTags.get(key).toLowerCase()); } } appHostTags = Collections.unmodifiableMap(_appHostTags); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see */ @Override public void close() throws IOException { outBuffer.release(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see com.heliosapm.streams.tracing.ITracer#clear() */ @Override public ITracer clear() { reset(); checkpointStack.clear(); outBuffer.clear(); outBuffer.setByte(COMPRESS_OFFSET, 0); outBuffer.setInt(COUNT_OFFSET, 0); outBuffer.writerIndex(START_DATA_OFFSET); return this; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see com.heliosapm.streams.tracing.ITracer#reset() */ @Override public ITracer reset() { metricNameStack.clear(); tagStack.clear(); tagKeyStack.clear(); // tags.clear(); return this; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see java.lang.Object#toString() */ @Override public String toString() { return "ITracer[" + writer.toString() + "]"; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see com.heliosapm.streams.tracing.ITracer#checkpoint() */ @Override public ITracer checkpoint() { checkpointStack.push(new TracerState(this)); return this; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see com.heliosapm.streams.tracing.ITracer#popCheckpoint() */ @Override public ITracer popCheckpoint() { checkpointStack.pop().pop(this); return this; } /** * Builds the metric name from the metric name stack * @return the metric name */ protected String buildMetricName() { if (metricNameStack.isEmpty()) throw new RuntimeException("No metric name segments"); final StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); for (String s : metricNameStack) { b.append(clean(s)).append(metricSegDelim); } return b.deleteCharAt(b.length() - 1).toString(); } /** * Builds a tag map based on the current tag stack * @param tagValues The optional tag values which will be paired up with the tag key stack * @return a tag map */ protected SortedMap<String, String> buildTags(final String... tagValues) { final TreeMap<String, String> tmap = new TreeMap<String, String>(TagKeySorter.INSTANCE); if (tagValues != null && tagValues.length > 0) { final int tks = tagKeyStack.size(); if (tagValues.length > 0 && tks != tagValues.length) { log.error("TagValue & Tag Key Stack Mismatch. TagKeyStack: [{}], TagValues: [{}]", tagKeyStack, Arrays.toString(tagValues)); throw new IllegalStateException("TagValue & Tag Key Stack Mismatch. TagKeyStack: " + tagKeyStack.size() + ", TagValues: " + tagValues.length); } final String[] tagKeys = tagKeyStack.toArray(new String[tks]); for (int i = 0; i < tagValues.length; i++) { try { if (tagKeys[i].isEmpty() || tagValues[i].isEmpty()) continue; tmap.put(clean(tagKeys[i]), clean(tagValues[i])); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Failed to build tag pair: [{}]:[{}]", tagKeys[i], tagValues[i]); } } } for (String[] pair : tagStack) { tmap.put(clean(pair[0]), clean(pair[1])); } return tmap; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see com.heliosapm.streams.tracing.ITracer#seg(java.lang.String) */ @Override public ITracer seg(final String fullSegment) { metricNameStack.clear(); if (fullSegment == null || fullSegment.trim().isEmpty()) return this; Collections.addAll(metricNameStack, StringHelper.splitString(clean(fullSegment), metricSegDelim, true)); return this; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see com.heliosapm.streams.tracing.ITracer#pushSeg(java.lang.String) */ @Override public ITracer pushSeg(final String segment) { if (segment != null && !segment.trim().isEmpty()) { metricNameStack.push(clean(segment)); } return this; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see com.heliosapm.streams.tracing.ITracer#popSeg() */ @Override public ITracer popSeg() { metricNameStack.pop(); return this; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see com.heliosapm.streams.tracing.ITracer#popSeg(int) */ @Override public ITracer popSeg(final int n) { if (n > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { metricNameStack.pop(); } } return this; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see com.heliosapm.streams.tracing.ITracer#seg() */ @Override public String seg() { return buildMetricName(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see com.heliosapm.streams.tracing.ITracer#tags() */ @Override public Map<String, String> tags() { return Collections.unmodifiableSortedMap(buildTags()); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see com.heliosapm.streams.tracing.ITracer#segs() */ @Override public String[] segs() { return metricNameStack.toArray(new String[0]); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see com.heliosapm.streams.tracing.ITracer#tags(java.util.Map) */ @Override public ITracer tags(final Map<String, String> tags) { if (tags != null && !tags.isEmpty()) { tagStack.clear(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : tags.entrySet()) { tagStack.push(new String[] { clean(entry.getKey()), clean(entry.getValue()) }); } } return this; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see com.heliosapm.streams.tracing.ITracer#tags(java.lang.String[]) */ @Override public ITracer tags(final String... tags) { if (tags != null) { if (tags.length == 0) { tagStack.clear(); } else { if (tags.length % 2 != 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Odd number of tag pairs " + Arrays.toString(tags)); for (int i = 0; i < tags.length;) { tagStack.push(new String[] { clean(tags[i++]), clean(tags[i++]) }); } } } return this; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see com.heliosapm.streams.tracing.ITracer#pushTag(java.lang.String) */ @Override public ITracer pushTag(final String tagPair) { return pushTagPair(tagPair); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see com.heliosapm.streams.tracing.ITracer#pushTagPair(java.lang.String) */ @Override public ITracer pushTagPair(final String tagPair) { if (tagPair == null || tagPair.trim().isEmpty()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Tag pair was null or empty"); return tags(StringHelper.splitString(tagPair, '=', true)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see com.heliosapm.streams.tracing.ITracer#pushTag(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object) */ @Override public ITracer pushTag(final Object tagKey, final Object tagValue) { tagStack.push(new String[] { ts(tagKey, "Tag Key"), ts(tagValue, "Tag Value") }); return this; } private String ts(final Object obj, final String name) { if (obj == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(name + " was null"); final String s = clean(obj.toString()); if (s.isEmpty()) throw new IllegalArgumentException(name + " was empty"); return s; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see com.heliosapm.streams.tracing.ITracer#pushTags(java.util.Map) */ @Override public ITracer pushTags(final Map<String, String> tags) { if (tags != null && !tags.isEmpty()) { for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : tags.entrySet()) { pushTag(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } return this; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see com.heliosapm.streams.tracing.ITracer#popTag() */ @Override public ITracer popTag() { tagStack.pop(); return this; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see com.heliosapm.streams.tracing.ITracer#popTags(int) */ @Override public ITracer popTags(final int n) { if (n < 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid number of tags to pop [" + n + "]"); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { tagStack.pop(); } return this; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see com.heliosapm.streams.tracing.ITracer#pushKeys(java.lang.String[]) */ @Override public ITracer pushKeys(final String... keys) { if (keys != null) { for (String key : keys) { if (key == null) continue; final String k = clean(key); if (k.isEmpty()) continue; tagKeyStack.addLast(k); } } return this; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see com.heliosapm.streams.tracing.ITracer#objectName( */ @Override public ITracer objectName(final ObjectName objectName) { if (objectName == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The passed ObjectName was null"); metricNameStack.clear(); tagStack.clear(); Collections.addAll(metricNameStack, StringHelper.splitString(clean(objectName.getDomain()), '.', true)); putTagStack(objectName.getKeyPropertyList()); return this; } /** * Puts a tag stack * @param tags the tags to put */ protected void putTagStack(final Map<String, String> tags) { for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : tags.entrySet()) { final String key = clean(entry.getKey()); final String value = clean(entry.getValue()); if (!tagStack.isEmpty()) { checkReplace(key); } tagStack.push(new String[] { key, value }); } } /** * Checks the replacement of a key * @param key the key to check */ protected void checkReplace(final String key) { for (final Iterator<String[]> iter = tagStack.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { final String[] pair =; if (key.equals(pair[0])) { iter.remove(); break; } } } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see com.heliosapm.streams.tracing.ITracer#objectName(java.lang.String) */ @Override public ITracer objectName(String objectName) { if (objectName == null || objectName.trim().isEmpty()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The passed ObjectName was null or empty"); try { objectName(new ObjectName(objectName)); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The passed ObjectName [" + objectName + "] was invalid", ex); } return this; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see com.heliosapm.streams.tracing.ITracer#popKeys() */ @Override public ITracer popKeys() { tagKeyStack.clear(); return this; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see com.heliosapm.streams.tracing.ITracer#popKeys(int) */ @Override public ITracer popKeys(final int n) { for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { tagKeyStack.pop(); } return this; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see com.heliosapm.streams.tracing.ITracer#popKey() */ @Override public ITracer popKey() { tagKeyStack.pop(); return this; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see com.heliosapm.streams.tracing.ITracer#popTag(java.lang.String[]) */ @Override public ITracer popTag(final String... tagKeys) { if (tagKeys != null && tagKeys.length != 0) { for (String tagKey : tagKeys) { if (tagKey == null) continue; final String _tagKey = clean(tagKey); for (Iterator<String[]> iter = tagStack.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { final String[] pair =; if (pair[0].equals(_tagKey)) { iter.remove(); break; } } } } return this; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see com.heliosapm.streams.tracing.ITracer#pushTs(long) */ @Override public ITracer pushTs(final long timestamp) { msTime = timestamp; return this; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see com.heliosapm.streams.tracing.ITracer#popTs() */ @Override public ITracer popTs() { msTime = null; return this; } // private ITrace _trace(final long value, final long timestamp, final String...tagValues) { // return traceOut(TraceFactory.make(value, timestamp, metricId(tagValues))); // } // // private ITrace _trace(final long value, final String...tagValues) { // return _trace(value, msTime==null ? System.currentTimeMillis() : msTime, tagValues); // } // // private ITrace _trace(final double value, final long timestamp, final String...tagValues) { // return traceOut(TraceFactory.make(value, timestamp, metricId(tagValues))); // } // // private ITrace _trace(final double value, final String...tagValues) { // return _trace(value, msTime==null ? System.currentTimeMillis() : msTime, tagValues); // } private synchronized void traceOut(final long value, final long timestamp, final String... tagValues) { final int pos = outBuffer.writerIndex(); try { modified = false; incr(); final SortedMap<String, String> outTags; if (tagValues != null && tagValues.length > 0) { outTags = new TreeMap<String, String>(TagKeySorter.INSTANCE); outTags.putAll(buildTags(tagValues)); } else { outTags = buildTags(); } addAppHostTags(outTags); final String mn = buildMetricName(); if (suppressPredicate != null) { state.update(value, timestamp, mn, outTags); if (suppressPredicate.apply(state)) { decr(); return; } } StreamedMetricValue.write(outBuffer, null, mn, timestamp, value, outTags); traceOutEvents.increment(); } catch (Exception ex) { outBuffer.writerIndex(pos); decr(); throw new RuntimeException("Failed to trace", ex); } finally { if (bufferedEvents == maxTracesBeforeFlush) { flush(); } } } private synchronized void traceOut(final double value, final long timestamp, final String... tagValues) { final int pos = outBuffer.writerIndex(); try { modified = false; incr(); final SortedMap<String, String> outTags; if (tagValues != null && tagValues.length > 0) { outTags = new TreeMap<String, String>(TagKeySorter.INSTANCE); outTags.putAll(buildTags(tagValues)); } else { outTags = buildTags(); } addAppHostTags(outTags); final String mn = buildMetricName(); if (suppressPredicate != null) { state.update(value, timestamp, mn, outTags); if (suppressPredicate.apply(state)) { decr(); return; } } StreamedMetricValue.write(outBuffer, null, mn, timestamp, value, outTags); traceOutEvents.increment(); } catch (Exception ex) { outBuffer.writerIndex(pos); decr(); throw new RuntimeException("Failed to trace", ex); } finally { if (bufferedEvents == maxTracesBeforeFlush) { flush(); } } } public PMetric permaMetric(final String metricName, final Map<String, String> tags) { return new PMetric(metricName, tags); } public PMetric permaMetric(final String metricName, final String... tags) { return new PMetric(metricName, tags); } public static final int PMETRIC_TS_OFFSET = 2; public static final long JVM_START_TIME = ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getStartTime(); public class PMetric { /** The measurement start time */ final AtomicLong startTime = new AtomicLong(0L); /** The metric buffer */ final ByteBuf buff; /** The offset for the metric value */ final int voffset; PMetric(final String metricName, final String... tags) { this(metricName, StreamedMetric.tagsFromArray(tags)); } PMetric(final String metricName, final Map<String, String> tags) { buff = BufferManager.getInstance().getUnPooledAllocator().directBuffer(128); buff.writeByte(StreamedMetricValue.TYPE_CODE); buff.writeByte(0); buff.writeLong(0L); BufferManager.writeUTF(metricName, buff); final Map<String, String> sortedTags = new TreeMap<String, String>(TagKeySorter.INSTANCE); addAppHostTags(sortedTags); buff.writeByte(sortedTags.size()); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : sortedTags.entrySet()) { BufferManager.writeUTF(entry.getKey(), buff); BufferManager.writeUTF(entry.getValue(), buff); } voffset = buff.writerIndex(); buff.writeByte(0); buff.writeLong(0L); buff.resetReaderIndex(); } public PMetric start() { startTime.set(System.nanoTime()); return this; } public PMetric stop() { final long nowNanos = System.nanoTime(); final long value = nowNanos - startTime.getAndSet(0L); //update(JVM_START_TIME + TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(nowNanos), value); update(System.currentTimeMillis(), value); return this; } private PMetric update(final long timestamp, final long value) { buff.setLong(PMETRIC_TS_OFFSET, timestamp); buff.setByte(voffset, 1); buff.setLong(voffset + 1, value); outBuffer.writeBytes(buff.asReadOnly()); traceOutEvents.increment(); incr(); return this; } private PMetric update(final long timestamp, final double value) { buff.setLong(PMETRIC_TS_OFFSET, timestamp); buff.setByte(voffset, 1); buff.setDouble(voffset + 1, value); outBuffer.writeBytes(buff.asReadOnly()); traceOutEvents.increment(); incr(); return this; } public PMetric flush() { DefaultTracerImpl.this.flush(); return this; } public ByteBuf readMetric() { return buff.asReadOnly(); } public PMetric trace(final long timestamp, final long value) { update(timestamp, value); return this; } public PMetric trace(final long value) { return trace(System.currentTimeMillis(), value); } public PMetric trace(final long timestamp, final double value) { update(timestamp, value); return this; } public PMetric trace(final double value) { return trace(System.currentTimeMillis(), value); } } /** * Adds the app and host tags if not already present * @param map The map to add to */ protected void addAppHostTags(final Map<String, String> map) { for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : appHostTags.entrySet()) { map.putIfAbsent(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } /** * Increments traced event counts */ protected void incr() { bufferedEvents++; totalEvents++; inqCount++; traceMeter.mark(); } /** * Decrements traced event counts */ protected void decr() { bufferedEvents--; totalEvents--; inqCount--; traceMeter.mark(-1L); } private static final PredicateTrace state = new PredicateTrace(); /** * <p>Title: PredicateTrace</p> * <p>Description: A wrapper around the traceable state of this tracer</p> * <p>Company: Helios Development Group LLC</p> * @author Whitehead (nwhitehead AT heliosdev DOT org) * <p><code>com.heliosapm.streams.tracing.DefaultTracerImpl.PredicateTrace</code></p> */ public static class PredicateTrace { private boolean dv = true; private double doubleValue = -1D; private long longValue = -1L; private long timestamp = -1L; private String metricName = null; private Map<String, String> tags = new TreeMap<String, String>(TagKeySorter.INSTANCE); void update(final double value, final long timestamp, final String metricName, final Map<String, String> tags) { dv = true; doubleValue = value; this.timestamp = timestamp; this.metricName = metricName; this.tags.clear(); this.tags.putAll(tags); } void update(final long value, final long timestamp, final String metricName, final Map<String, String> tags) { dv = false; longValue = value; this.timestamp = timestamp; this.metricName = metricName; this.tags.clear(); this.tags.putAll(tags); } /** * Indicates if this is a double value or a long value * @return the dv true if this is a double value, false if this is a long value */ public boolean isDv() { return dv; } /** * Returns the value * @return the value */ public Number getValue() { return dv ? doubleValue : longValue; } /** * Returns the double value * @return the doubleValue */ public double getDoubleValue() { if (!dv) throw new IllegalStateException("This trace is long type. Cannot call getDoubleValue()"); return doubleValue; } /** * Returns the long value * @return the longValue */ public long getLongValue() { if (dv) throw new IllegalStateException("This trace is double type. Cannot call getLongValue()"); return longValue; } /** * Returns the timestamp in ms. * @return the timestamp */ public long getTimestamp() { return timestamp; } /** * Returns the metric name * @return the metricName */ public String getMetricName() { return metricName; } /** * Returns the tags * @return the tags */ public Map<String, String> getTags() { return tags; } } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see com.heliosapm.streams.tracing.ITracer#trace(long, long, java.lang.String[]) */ @Override public ITracer trace(final long value, final long timestamp, final String... tagValues) { if (!traceActive) { traceActive = true; return this; } traceOut(value, timestamp, tagValues); return this; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see com.heliosapm.streams.tracing.ITracer#trace(double, long, java.lang.String[]) */ @Override public ITracer trace(final double value, final long timestamp, final String... tagValues) { if (!traceActive) { traceActive = true; return this; } traceOut(value, timestamp, tagValues); return this; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see com.heliosapm.streams.tracing.ITracer#dtrace(long, long, java.lang.String[]) */ @Override public ITracer dtrace(final long value, final long timestamp, final String... tagValues) { if (!traceActive) { traceActive = true; return this; } final Long delta = DeltaManager.getInstance().delta(buildMetricName() + buildTags(tagValues).toString(), value); if (delta != null) { trace(delta, timestamp, tagValues); } return this; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see com.heliosapm.streams.tracing.ITracer#dtrace(double, long, java.lang.String[]) */ @Override public ITracer dtrace(final double value, final long timestamp, final String... tagValues) { if (!traceActive) { traceActive = true; return this; } final Double delta = DeltaManager.getInstance().delta(buildMetricName() + buildTags(tagValues).toString(), value); if (delta != null) { trace(delta, timestamp, tagValues); } return this; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see com.heliosapm.streams.tracing.ITracer#trace(long, java.lang.String[]) */ @Override public ITracer trace(final long value, final String... tagValues) { if (!traceActive) { traceActive = true; return this; } return trace(value, msTime == null ? System.currentTimeMillis() : msTime, tagValues); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see com.heliosapm.streams.tracing.ITracer#trace(double, java.lang.String[]) */ @Override public ITracer trace(final double value, final String... tagValues) { if (!traceActive) { traceActive = true; return this; } return trace(value, msTime == null ? System.currentTimeMillis() : msTime, tagValues); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see com.heliosapm.streams.tracing.ITracer#dtrace(long, java.lang.String[]) */ @Override public ITracer dtrace(final long value, final String... tagValues) { if (!traceActive) { traceActive = true; return this; } final Long delta = DeltaManager.getInstance().delta(buildMetricName() + buildTags(tagValues).toString(), value); if (delta != null) { trace(delta, msTime == null ? System.currentTimeMillis() : msTime, tagValues); } return this; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see com.heliosapm.streams.tracing.ITracer#dtrace(double, java.lang.String[]) */ @Override public ITracer dtrace(final double value, final String... tagValues) { if (!traceActive) { traceActive = true; return this; } final Double delta = DeltaManager.getInstance().delta(buildMetricName() + buildTags(tagValues).toString(), value); if (delta != null) { trace(delta, msTime == null ? System.currentTimeMillis() : msTime, tagValues); } return this; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see com.heliosapm.streams.tracing.ITracer#getLastDoubleDelta(java.lang.Number[], java.lang.String[]) */ @Override public ITracer getLastDoubleDelta(final Number[] slot, final String... tagValues) { final Double delta = DeltaManager.getInstance() .doubleDeltav(buildMetricName() + buildTags(tagValues).toString()); if (delta != null) slot[0] = delta; return this; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see com.heliosapm.streams.tracing.ITracer#getLastLongDelta(java.lang.Number[], java.lang.String[]) */ @Override public ITracer getLastLongDelta(final Number[] slot, final String... tagValues) { final Long delta = DeltaManager.getInstance() .longDeltav(buildMetricName() + buildTags(tagValues).toString()); if (delta != null) slot[0] = delta; return this; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see com.heliosapm.streams.tracing.ITracer#getLastIntegerDelta(java.lang.Number[], java.lang.String[]) */ @Override public ITracer getLastIntegerDelta(final Number[] slot, final String... tagValues) { final Integer delta = DeltaManager.getInstance() .intDeltav(buildMetricName() + buildTags(tagValues).toString()); if (delta != null) slot[0] = delta; return this; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see com.heliosapm.streams.tracing.ITracer#flush() */ @Override public ITracer flush() { if (bufferedEvents > 0) { final ElapsedTime et = SystemClock.startClock(); outBuffer.setInt(COMPRESS_OFFSET, 0); outBuffer.setInt(COUNT_OFFSET, bufferedEvents); final ByteBuf bufferCopy = bufferFactory.buffer(outBuffer.readableBytes()); // bufferCopy.writeByte(0); // bufferCopy.writeInt(bufferedEvents); bufferCopy.writeBytes(outBuffer); outBuffer.resetReaderIndex(); outBuffer.writerIndex(START_DATA_OFFSET); final int finalCount = bufferedEvents; flushPool.execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { writer.onMetrics(bufferCopy); flushOutEvents.add(finalCount); //"Metrics flushed", finalCount)); } }); bufferedEvents = 0; } return this; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see com.heliosapm.streams.tracing.ITracer#getMaxTracesBeforeFlush() */ @Override public int getMaxTracesBeforeFlush() { return maxTracesBeforeFlush; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see com.heliosapm.streams.tracing.ITracer#setMaxTracesBeforeFlush(int) */ @Override public ITracer setMaxTracesBeforeFlush(final int maxTracesBeforeFlush) { if (maxTracesBeforeFlush < 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid max traces [" + maxTracesBeforeFlush + "]. Must be > 0"); this.maxTracesBeforeFlush = maxTracesBeforeFlush; if (bufferedEvents >= maxTracesBeforeFlush) { flush(); } return this; } // /** // * {@inheritDoc} // * @see com.heliosapm.streams.tracing.ITracer#trace(com.heliosapm.tsdbex.tracing.model.IAnnotation) // */ // @Override // public ITracer trace(final IAnnotation annotation) { // if(!traceActive) { traceActive=true; return this; } // if(annotation==null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The passed annotation was null"); // final int pos = outBuffer.writerIndex(); // try { // traceOut.writeByte(StoreRecordType.ANNOTATION.byteOrdinal); // traceOut.writeInt(annotation.length()); //"Annotation Length:{} bytes", annotation.length()); // AnnotationFactory.write(traceOut, annotation); // traceOut.flush(); // bufferedEvents++; // totalEvents++; // modified = false; // return this; // } catch (Exception ex) { // outBuffer.writerIndex(pos); // throw new RuntimeException("Failed to trace annotation", ex); // } finally { // if(bufferedEvents==maxTracesBeforeFlush) { // flush(); // } // } // } // /** // * {@inheritDoc} // * @see com.heliosapm.streams.tracing.ITracer#trace(com.heliosapm.tsdbex.tracing.model.AnnotationFactory.AnnotationBuilder) // */ // @Override // public ITracer trace(final AnnotationBuilder annotationBuilder) { // if(!traceActive) { traceActive=true; return this; } // if(annotationBuilder!=null) { // trace(; // } // return this; // } // // /** // * {@inheritDoc} // * @see com.heliosapm.streams.tracing.ITracer#trace(java.lang.String, long, long, long, java.lang.String, java.util.Map) // */ // @Override // public ITracer trace(final String description, final long startTime, final long endTime, final long metricNameId, final String notes, final Map<String, String> custom) { // if(!traceActive) { traceActive=true; return this; } // trace( // AnnotationFactory.builder(startTime, description) // .endTime(endTime) // .metricName(metricNameId) // .notes(notes) // .custom(custom) // .build() // ); // return this; // } // /** // * {@inheritDoc} // * @see com.heliosapm.streams.tracing.ITracer#annotationBuilder(java.lang.String, long) // */ // @Override // public AnnotationBuilder annotationBuilder(final String description, final long startTime) { // return AnnotationFactory.builder(startTime, description, this); // } // // /** // * {@inheritDoc} // * @see com.heliosapm.streams.tracing.ITracer#annotationBuilder(java.lang.String) // */ // @Override // public AnnotationBuilder annotationBuilder(final String description) { // return AnnotationFactory.builder(System.currentTimeMillis(), description, this); // } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see com.heliosapm.streams.tracing.ITracer#traceMeta() */ @Override public ITracer traceMeta() { if (!traceActive) { traceActive = true; return this; } // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see com.heliosapm.streams.tracing.ITracer#dump() */ @Override public String dump() { final StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder("Tracer State: ["); b.append("\n\tMetricName:").append(metricNameStack).append("\n\tTagStack:").append(tagStackToString()) .append("\n\tTagKeys:").append(tagKeyStack).append("\n\tTimestamp:").append(msTime) .append("\n\tSupressPredicate:").append(suppressPredicate).append("\n\tFlushCount:") .append(maxTracesBeforeFlush).append("\n\tBufferedEvents:").append(bufferedEvents) .append("\n\tBuffer:").append(outBuffer).append("\n\tTotalTraces:").append(totalEvents); return b.append("\n]").toString(); } /** * Renders the tag stack * @return the tag stack rendered as a flat string */ protected String tagStackToString() { if (tagStack.isEmpty()) return ""; final StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder("{"); for (String[] pair : tagStack) { if (b.length() > 1) { b.append(", "); } b.append(pair[0]).append("=").append(pair[1]); } return b.append("}").toString(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see com.heliosapm.streams.tracing.ITracer#getBufferedEvents() */ @Override public int getBufferedEvents() { return bufferedEvents; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see com.heliosapm.streams.tracing.ITracer#getTotalEvents() */ @Override public long getTotalEvents() { return totalEvents; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see com.heliosapm.streams.tracing.ITracer#active(boolean) */ @Override public ITracer active(boolean active) { traceActive = active; return this; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see com.heliosapm.streams.tracing.ITracer#getSentEventCount() */ @Override public long getSentEventCount() { final long x = inqCount; inqCount = 0; return x; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see com.heliosapm.streams.tracing.ITracer#setSuppressPredicate( */ @Override public ITracer setSuppressPredicate(final Predicate<PredicateTrace> predicate) { this.suppressPredicate = predicate; return this; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see com.heliosapm.streams.tracing.ITracer#clearSuppressPredicate() */ @Override public ITracer clearSuppressPredicate() { this.suppressPredicate = null; return this; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see com.heliosapm.streams.tracing.ITracer#getFlushedCount() */ @Override public long getFlushedCount() { return flushOutEvents.sumThenReset(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see com.heliosapm.streams.tracing.ITracer#getTracedCount() */ @Override public long getTracedCount() { return traceOutEvents.sumThenReset(); } }