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 * Helios, OpenSource Monitoring
 * Brought to you by the Helios Development Group
 * Copyright 2016, Helios Development Group and individual contributors
 * as indicated by the @author tags. See the copyright.txt file in the
 * distribution for a full listing of individual contributors.
 * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
 * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free
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package com.heliosapm.streams.metrics;

import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.Set;

import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;

import com.heliosapm.utils.buffer.BufferManager;
import com.heliosapm.streams.json.JSONOps;
import com.heliosapm.utils.jmx.JMXHelper;

import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf;
import net.openhft.chronicle.bytes.Bytes;
import net.openhft.chronicle.bytes.ReadBytesMarshallable;
import net.openhft.chronicle.bytes.WriteBytesMarshallable;

 * <p>Title: StreamValueTest</p>
 * <p>Description: Unit tests for creating and de/serializing {@link StreamedMetric} instances</p> 
 * <p>Company: Helios Development Group LLC</p>
 * @author Whitehead (nwhitehead AT heliosdev DOT org)
 * <p><code>com.heliosapm.streams.metrics.StreamValueTest</code></p>

public class StreamValueTest extends BaseTest {

    static {

     * Tests creating a StreamedMetric, serializing it,then deserializing it
    public void testStreamedMetricSerDe() {
        final StreamedMetric sm = new StreamedMetric("",
                StreamedMetric.tagsFromArray("foo=bar", "sna=foo"));
        log("SM1: [%s]:  KEY: [%s]", sm, sm.metricKey());
        final byte[] ser = sm.toByteArray();
        log("SM1 serialized to [%s] bytes, Estimated: [%s]", ser.length, sm.byteSize);
        final StreamedMetric sm2 =;
        log("SM2: [%s]   KEY: [%s]", sm2, sm2.metricKey());
        assertEquals(sm, sm2);

     * Tests creating a StreamedMetric with a value type, serializing it,then deserializing it
    public void testStreamedMetricWithVTSerDe() {
        final StreamedMetric sm = new StreamedMetric("",
                StreamedMetric.tagsFromArray("foo=bar", "sna=foo")).setValueType(ValueType.ACCUMULATOR);
        log("SM1: [%s]:  KEY: [%s]", sm, sm.metricKey());
        final byte[] ser = sm.toByteArray();
        log("SM1 serialized to [%s] bytes, Estimated: [%s]", ser.length, sm.byteSize);
        final StreamedMetric sm2 =;
        log("SM2: [%s]   KEY: [%s]", sm2, sm2.metricKey());
        assertEquals(sm, sm2);

     * Tests creating a StreamedMetricValue, serializing it,then deserializing it
    public void testStreamedMetricValueSerDe() {
        final StreamedMetricValue sm = new StreamedMetricValue(nextPosDouble(), "",
                StreamedMetric.tagsFromArray("foo=bar", "sna=foo"));
        log("SMV1: [%s]:  KEY: [%s]", sm, sm.metricKey());
        final byte[] ser = sm.toByteArray();
        log("SMV1 serialized to [%s] bytes, Estimated: [%s]", ser.length, sm.byteSize);
        final StreamedMetricValue sm2 = (StreamedMetricValue);
        log("SMV2: [%s]   KEY: [%s]", sm2, sm2.metricKey());
        assertEquals(sm, sm2);

     * Tests creating a StreamedMetricValue with a value type, serializing it,then deserializing it
    public void testStreamedMetricValueWithVTSerDe() {
        final StreamedMetricValue sm = new StreamedMetricValue(nextPosDouble(), "",
                StreamedMetric.tagsFromArray("foo=bar", "sna=foo")).setValueType(ValueType.PERIODAGG);
        log("SMV1: [%s]:  KEY: [%s]", sm, sm.metricKey());
        final byte[] ser = sm.toByteArray();
        log("SMV1 serialized to [%s] bytes, Estimated: [%s]", ser.length, sm.byteSize);
        final StreamedMetricValue sm2 = (StreamedMetricValue);
        log("SMV2: [%s]   KEY: [%s]", sm2, sm2.metricKey());
        assertEquals(sm, sm2);

     * Tests creating a StreamedMetric from a string
    public void testStreamedMetricFromString() {
        final long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
        final String metricName = "";
        final String host = "webserver05";
        final String app = "login-sso";
        final String[] tags = { "dc=us-west1", "colo=false", "host=" + host, "app=" + app };
        final double value = nextPosDouble();

        final String dvl = directedValueless("A", now, metricName, host, app, tags);
        final String uvl = undirectedValueless(now, metricName, host, app, tags);
        final String dv = directedValue("P", now, value, metricName, host, app, tags);

        final String uv = undirectedValue(now, value, metricName, host, app, tags);

        assertEquals(new StreamedMetric(now, metricName, StreamedMetric.tagsFromArray(tags))
                .setValueType(ValueType.ACCUMULATOR), StreamedMetric.fromString(dvl));
        assertEquals(new StreamedMetric(now, metricName, StreamedMetric.tagsFromArray(tags)),

        assertEquals(new StreamedMetricValue(now, value, metricName, StreamedMetric.tagsFromArray(tags))
                .setValueType(ValueType.PERIODAGG), StreamedMetric.fromString(dv));
        assertEquals(new StreamedMetricValue(now, value, metricName, StreamedMetric.tagsFromArray(tags)),


    public void testFromString() {
        final String template = "123456789, 3, x.y.z, app-09, hoo-haa";
        final StreamedMetric sm = StreamedMetric.fromString(template);

    public void testStreamedMetricMarshallable() {
        final long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
        final String metricName = "";
        final String host = "webserver05";
        final String app = "login-sso";
        final String[] tags = { "dc=us-west1", "colo=false", "host=" + host, "app=" + app };
        final double value = nextPosDouble();
        log("Starting BytesMarshallable Test");
        Bytes bytes = Bytes.elasticByteBuffer(128);
        StreamedMetric sm1 = new StreamedMetric(now, metricName, StreamedMetric.tagsFromArray(tags))
        log("Bytes For Read:" + bytes.length());
        StreamedMetric sm2 = StreamedMetric.fromBytes(bytes);
        assertEquals(sm1, sm2);

        bytes = Bytes.elasticByteBuffer(128);

        StreamedMetricValue smv1 = new StreamedMetricValue(now, value, metricName,
        StreamedMetricValue smv2 = StreamedMetric.fromBytes(bytes).forValue(0);
        assertEquals(smv1, smv2);
        Assert.assertTrue("StreamedMetric not WriteBytesMarshallable", (sm1 instanceof WriteBytesMarshallable));
        Assert.assertTrue("StreamedMetricValue not WriteBytesMarshallable",
                (smv1 instanceof WriteBytesMarshallable));
        Assert.assertTrue("StreamedMetric not ReadBytesMarshallable", (sm1 instanceof ReadBytesMarshallable));
        Assert.assertTrue("StreamedMetricValue not ReadBytesMarshallable", (smv1 instanceof ReadBytesMarshallable));


    public void testSMVIterMultiNoRelease() {
        testStreamedMetricValueIterator(false, false);

    public void testSMVIterSingleNoRelease() {
        testStreamedMetricValueIterator(true, false);

    public void testSMVIterMultiRelease() {
        testStreamedMetricValueIterator(false, true);

    public void testSMVIterSingleRelease() {
        testStreamedMetricValueIterator(true, true);

    protected void testStreamedMetricValueIterator(final boolean single, final boolean release) {
        ByteBuf inBuffer = null;
        try {
            final int metricCount = 10000;
            inBuffer = BufferManager.getInstance().buffer(metricCount * 128);
            final Set<StreamedMetricValue> originals = new LinkedHashSet<StreamedMetricValue>(metricCount);
            for (int i = 0; i < metricCount; i++) {
                StreamedMetricValue smv = new StreamedMetricValue(System.currentTimeMillis(), nextPosDouble(),
                        getRandomFragment(), randomTags(3));
            Assert.assertEquals("Invalid number of samples", metricCount, originals.size());
            final Iterator<StreamedMetricValue> originalsIter = originals.iterator();
            final Iterator<StreamedMetricValue> iter = StreamedMetricValue
                    .streamedMetricValues(single, inBuffer, release).iterator();
            int loops = 0;
            while (originalsIter.hasNext()) {
                final StreamedMetricValue smv1 =;
                Assert.assertTrue("Buffered iterator had no next metric", iter.hasNext());
                final StreamedMetricValue smv2 =;
                assertEquals(smv1, smv2);
                //            log(smv1);
            Assert.assertFalse("Buffer iter should have no more metrics", iter.hasNext());
            Assert.assertEquals("Invalid number of loops", metricCount, loops);
            if (release) {
                Assert.assertEquals("Invalid refCount on released buffer", 0, inBuffer.refCnt());
            } else {
                Assert.assertEquals("Invalid refCount on released buffer", 1, inBuffer.refCnt());
        } finally {
            if (!release)

    public void getMinByteSize() {
        final StreamedMetricValue smv = new StreamedMetricValue(System.currentTimeMillis(), nextPosDouble(), "a",
                Collections.singletonMap("b", "c"));
        final int len = smv.toByteArray().length;
        log("Size:" + len);
        Assert.assertEquals("Minimum Size For Metric Is Broken", StreamedMetricValue.MIN_READABLE_BYTES, len);
