Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Philip Helger ( * philip[at]helger[dot]com * * Version: MPL 1.1/EUPL 1.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is Copyright The PEPPOL project ( * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the * terms of the EUPL, Version 1.1 or - as soon they will be approved * by the European Commission - subsequent versions of the EUPL * (the "Licence"); You may not use this work except in compliance * with the Licence. * You may obtain a copy of the Licence at: * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the Licence is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the Licence for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the Licence. * * If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of the EUPL License and not to allow others to use * your version of this file under the MPL, indicate your decision by * deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice and * other provisions required by the EUPL License. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file * under either the MPL or the EUPL License. */ package com.helger.peppol.smpclient; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement; import org.apache.http.HttpHost; import org.apache.http.HttpStatus; import org.apache.http.client.HttpResponseException; import org.apache.http.client.fluent.Request; import org.apache.http.client.fluent.Response; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.helger.commons.ValueEnforcer; import com.helger.commons.annotation.Nonempty; import com.helger.commons.annotation.OverrideOnDemand; import com.helger.commons.collection.CollectionHelper; import com.helger.peppol.identifier.IDocumentTypeIdentifier; import com.helger.peppol.identifier.IParticipantIdentifier; import com.helger.peppol.identifier.IProcessIdentifier; import com.helger.peppol.identifier.IdentifierHelper; import com.helger.peppol.sml.ISMLInfo; import com.helger.peppol.smp.CompleteServiceGroupType; import com.helger.peppol.smp.EndpointType; import com.helger.peppol.smp.ISMPTransportProfile; import com.helger.peppol.smp.ProcessType; import com.helger.peppol.smp.RedirectType; import com.helger.peppol.smp.ServiceGroupReferenceListType; import com.helger.peppol.smp.ServiceGroupType; import com.helger.peppol.smp.ServiceInformationType; import com.helger.peppol.smp.SignedServiceMetadataType; import com.helger.peppol.smpclient.exception.SMPClientBadRequestException; import com.helger.peppol.smpclient.exception.SMPClientException; import com.helger.peppol.smpclient.exception.SMPClientNotFoundException; import com.helger.peppol.smpclient.exception.SMPClientUnauthorizedException; import com.helger.peppol.utils.BusdoxURLHelper; import com.helger.peppol.utils.CertificateHelper; import com.helger.peppol.utils.W3CEndpointReferenceHelper; import com.helger.peppol.xmldsig.X509DataType; import com.helger.web.http.CHTTPHeader; import com.helger.web.http.basicauth.BasicAuthClientCredentials; /** * This class is used for calling the SMP REST interface. This particular class * only contains the read-only methods including the ones defined in the SMP * specification! * * @author PEPPOL.AT, BRZ, Philip Helger */ public class SMPClientReadOnly { private static final Logger s_aLogger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SMPClientReadOnly.class); /** * The string representation of the SMP host URL, always ending with a * trailing slash! */ private final String m_sSMPHost; private HttpHost m_aProxy; /** * Constructor with SML lookup * * @param aParticipantIdentifier * The participant identifier to be used. Required to build the SMP * access URI. * @param aSMLInfo * The SML to be used. Required to build the SMP access URI. * @see BusdoxURLHelper#getSMPURIOfParticipant(IParticipantIdentifier, * ISMLInfo) */ public SMPClientReadOnly(@Nonnull final IParticipantIdentifier aParticipantIdentifier, @Nonnull final ISMLInfo aSMLInfo) { this(BusdoxURLHelper.getSMPURIOfParticipant(aParticipantIdentifier, aSMLInfo)); } /** * Constructor with SML lookup * * @param aParticipantIdentifier * The participant identifier to be used. Required to build the SMP * access URI. * @param sSMLZoneName * The SML DNS zone name to be used. Required to build the SMP access * URI. Must end with a trailing dot (".") and may neither be * <code>null</code> nor empty to build a correct URL. May not start * with "http://". Example: <code></code> * @see BusdoxURLHelper#getSMPURIOfParticipant(IParticipantIdentifier, String) */ public SMPClientReadOnly(@Nonnull final IParticipantIdentifier aParticipantIdentifier, @Nonnull @Nonempty final String sSMLZoneName) { this(BusdoxURLHelper.getSMPURIOfParticipant(aParticipantIdentifier, sSMLZoneName)); } /** * Constructor with a direct SMP URL.<br> * Remember: must be HTTP and using port 80 only! * * @param aSMPHost * The address of the SMP service. Must be port 80 and basic http only * (no https!). Example: */ public SMPClientReadOnly(@Nonnull final URI aSMPHost) { ValueEnforcer.notNull(aSMPHost, "SMPHost"); if (!"http".equals(aSMPHost.getScheme())) s_aLogger.warn("SMP URI " + aSMPHost + " does not use the expected http scheme!"); // getPort () returns -1 if none was explicitly specified if (aSMPHost.getPort() != 80 && aSMPHost.getPort() != -1) s_aLogger.warn("SMP URI " + aSMPHost + " is not running on port 80!"); // Build string and ensure it ends with a "/" final String sSMPHost = aSMPHost.toString(); m_sSMPHost = sSMPHost.endsWith("/") ? sSMPHost : sSMPHost + '/'; // Set default proxy from configuration file m_aProxy = SMPClientConfiguration.getHttpProxy(); } /** * @return The SMP host URI string we're operating on. Never <code>null</code> * . Always has a trailing "/". */ @Nonnull public String getSMPHostURI() { return m_sSMPHost; } /** * @return The HTTP proxy to be used to access the SMP server. Is * <code>null</code> by default. */ @Nullable public HttpHost getProxy() { return m_aProxy; } /** * Set the proxy to be used to access the SMP server. Note: proxy * authentication is currently not supported! * * @param aProxy * May be <code>null</code> to indicate no proxy. * @return this for chaining */ @Nonnull public SMPClientReadOnly setProxy(@Nullable final HttpHost aProxy) { m_aProxy = aProxy; return this; } /** * The main execution routine. Overwrite this method to add additional * properties to the call. * * @param aRequest * The request to be executed. Never <code>null</code>. * @return The HTTP execution response. Never <code>null</code>. * @throws IOException * On HTTP error */ @Nonnull @OverrideOnDemand protected Response executeRequest(@Nonnull final Request aRequest) throws IOException { if (m_aProxy != null) aRequest.viaProxy(m_aProxy); return aRequest.connectTimeout(5000).socketTimeout(10000).execute(); } /** * Convert the passed generic HTTP exception into a more specific exception. * * @param ex * The generic exception. May not be <code>null</code>. * @return A new SMP specific exception, using the passed exception as the * cause. */ @Nonnull public static SMPClientException getConvertedException(@Nonnull final Exception ex) { if (ex instanceof SMPClientException) return (SMPClientException) ex; if (ex instanceof HttpResponseException) { final HttpResponseException hex = (HttpResponseException) ex; final int nHttpStatus = hex.getStatusCode(); switch (nHttpStatus) { case HttpStatus.SC_BAD_REQUEST: return new SMPClientBadRequestException(hex); case HttpStatus.SC_FORBIDDEN: return new SMPClientUnauthorizedException(hex); case HttpStatus.SC_NOT_FOUND: return new SMPClientNotFoundException(hex); } return new SMPClientException("Error thrown with HTTP status code " + nHttpStatus, hex); } // Special case if (ex instanceof UnknownHostException) return new SMPClientNotFoundException((UnknownHostException) ex); return new SMPClientException("Unknown error thrown by SMP server (" + ex.getMessage() + ")", ex); } /** * Gets a list of references to the CompleteServiceGroup's owned by the * specified userId. This is a non-specification compliant method. * * @param sUserID * The username for which to retrieve service groups. * @param aCredentials * The user name and password to use as credentials. * @return A list of references to complete service groups and never * <code>null</code>. * @throws SMPClientException * in case something goes wrong * @throws SMPClientUnauthorizedException * The username or password was not correct. * @throws SMPClientNotFoundException * The userId did not exist. * @throws SMPClientBadRequestException * The request was not well formed. * @see #getServiceGroupReferenceListOrNull(String, * BasicAuthClientCredentials) */ @Nonnull public ServiceGroupReferenceListType getServiceGroupReferenceList(@Nonnull final String sUserID, @Nonnull final BasicAuthClientCredentials aCredentials) throws SMPClientException { ValueEnforcer.notNull(sUserID, "UserID"); ValueEnforcer.notNull(aCredentials, "Credentials"); try { final Request aRequest = Request .Get(m_sSMPHost + "list/" + BusdoxURLHelper.createPercentEncodedURL(sUserID)) .addHeader(CHTTPHeader.AUTHORIZATION, aCredentials.getRequestValue()); return executeRequest(aRequest).handleResponse( SMPHttpResponseHandlerUnsigned.create(new SMPMarshallerServiceGroupReferenceListType())); } catch (final Exception ex) { throw getConvertedException(ex); } } /** * Gets a list of references to the CompleteServiceGroup's owned by the * specified userId. This is a non-specification compliant method. * * @param sUserID * The username for which to retrieve service groups. * @param aCredentials * The user name and password to use as credentials. * @return A list of references to complete service groups or * <code>null</code> if no such user exists. * @throws SMPClientException * in case something goes wrong * @throws SMPClientUnauthorizedException * The username or password was not correct. * @throws SMPClientBadRequestException * The request was not well formed. * @see #getServiceGroupReferenceList(String, BasicAuthClientCredentials) */ @Nullable public ServiceGroupReferenceListType getServiceGroupReferenceListOrNull(@Nonnull final String sUserID, @Nonnull final BasicAuthClientCredentials aCredentials) throws SMPClientException { try { return getServiceGroupReferenceList(sUserID, aCredentials); } catch (final SMPClientNotFoundException ex) { return null; } } /** * Returns a complete service group. A complete service group contains both * the service group and the service metadata. This is a non-specification * compliant method. * * @param sCompleteURL * The complete URL for the full service group to query. * @return The complete service group containing service group and service * metadata. Never <code>null</code>. * @throws SMPClientException * in case something goes wrong * @throws SMPClientUnauthorizedException * A HTTP Forbidden was received, should not happen. * @throws SMPClientNotFoundException * The service group id did not exist. * @throws SMPClientBadRequestException * The request was not well formed. * @see #getCompleteServiceGroup(IParticipantIdentifier) * @see #getCompleteServiceGroupOrNull(IParticipantIdentifier) */ @Nonnull public CompleteServiceGroupType getCompleteServiceGroup(@Nonnull final String sCompleteURL) throws SMPClientException { ValueEnforcer.notEmpty(sCompleteURL, "CompleteURL"); try { final Request aRequest = Request.Get(sCompleteURL); return executeRequest(aRequest).handleResponse( SMPHttpResponseHandlerUnsigned.create(new SMPMarshallerCompleteServiceGroupType())); } catch (final Exception ex) { throw getConvertedException(ex); } } /** * Returns a complete service group. A complete service group contains both * the service group and the service metadata. This is a non-specification * compliant method. * * @param aServiceGroupID * The service group id corresponding to the service group which one * wants to get. * @return The complete service group containing service group and service * metadata. Never <code>null</code>. * @throws SMPClientException * in case something goes wrong * @throws SMPClientUnauthorizedException * A HTTP Forbidden was received, should not happen. * @throws SMPClientNotFoundException * The service group id did not exist. * @throws SMPClientBadRequestException * The request was not well formed. * @see #getCompleteServiceGroup(String) * @see #getCompleteServiceGroupOrNull(IParticipantIdentifier) */ @Nonnull public CompleteServiceGroupType getCompleteServiceGroup(@Nonnull final IParticipantIdentifier aServiceGroupID) throws SMPClientException { ValueEnforcer.notNull(aServiceGroupID, "ServiceGroupID"); return getCompleteServiceGroup( m_sSMPHost + "complete/" + IdentifierHelper.getIdentifierURIPercentEncoded(aServiceGroupID)); } /** * Returns a complete service group. A complete service group contains both * the service group and the service metadata. This is a non-specification * compliant method. * * @param aServiceGroupID * The service group id corresponding to the service group which one * wants to get. * @return The complete service group containing service group and service * metadata or <code>null</code> if no such service group exists. * @throws SMPClientException * in case something goes wrong * @throws SMPClientUnauthorizedException * A HTTP Forbidden was received, should not happen. * @throws SMPClientBadRequestException * The request was not well formed. * @see #getCompleteServiceGroup(String) * @see #getCompleteServiceGroup(IParticipantIdentifier) */ @Nullable public CompleteServiceGroupType getCompleteServiceGroupOrNull( @Nonnull final IParticipantIdentifier aServiceGroupID) throws SMPClientException { try { return getCompleteServiceGroup(aServiceGroupID); } catch (final SMPClientNotFoundException ex) { return null; } } /** * Returns a service group. A service group references to the service * metadata. This is a specification compliant method. * * @param aServiceGroupID * The service group id corresponding to the service group which one * wants to get. * @return The service group. Never <code>null</code>. * @throws SMPClientException * in case something goes wrong * @throws SMPClientUnauthorizedException * A HTTP Forbidden was received, should not happen. * @throws SMPClientNotFoundException * The service group id did not exist. * @throws SMPClientBadRequestException * The request was not well formed. * @see #getServiceGroupOrNull(IParticipantIdentifier) */ @Nonnull public ServiceGroupType getServiceGroup(@Nonnull final IParticipantIdentifier aServiceGroupID) throws SMPClientException { ValueEnforcer.notNull(aServiceGroupID, "ServiceGroupID"); try { final Request aRequest = Request .Get(m_sSMPHost + IdentifierHelper.getIdentifierURIPercentEncoded(aServiceGroupID)); return executeRequest(aRequest) .handleResponse(SMPHttpResponseHandlerUnsigned.create(new SMPMarshallerServiceGroupType())); } catch (final Exception ex) { throw getConvertedException(ex); } } /** * Returns a service group. A service group references to the service * metadata. This is a specification compliant method. * * @param aServiceGroupID * The service group id corresponding to the service group which one * wants to get. * @return The service group. May be <code>null</code> if no such service * group exists. * @throws SMPClientException * in case something goes wrong * @throws SMPClientUnauthorizedException * A HTTP Forbidden was received, should not happen. * @throws SMPClientBadRequestException * The request was not well formed. * @see #getServiceGroup(IParticipantIdentifier) */ @Nullable public ServiceGroupType getServiceGroupOrNull(@Nonnull final IParticipantIdentifier aServiceGroupID) throws SMPClientException { try { return getServiceGroup(aServiceGroupID); } catch (final SMPClientNotFoundException ex) { return null; } } /** * Gets a signed service metadata object given by its service group id and its * document type. This is a specification compliant method. * * @param aServiceGroupID * The service group id of the service metadata to get. May not be * <code>null</code>. * @param aDocumentTypeID * The document type of the service metadata to get. May not be * <code>null</code>. * @return A signed service metadata object. Never <code>null</code>. * @throws SMPClientException * in case something goes wrong * @throws SMPClientUnauthorizedException * A HTTP Forbidden was received, should not happen. * @throws SMPClientNotFoundException * The service group id or document type did not exist. * @throws SMPClientBadRequestException * The request was not well formed. * @see #getServiceRegistrationOrNull(IParticipantIdentifier, * IDocumentTypeIdentifier) */ @Nonnull public SignedServiceMetadataType getServiceRegistration(@Nonnull final IParticipantIdentifier aServiceGroupID, @Nonnull final IDocumentTypeIdentifier aDocumentTypeID) throws SMPClientException { ValueEnforcer.notNull(aServiceGroupID, "ServiceGroupID"); ValueEnforcer.notNull(aDocumentTypeID, "DocumentTypeID"); try { final String sURI = m_sSMPHost + IdentifierHelper.getIdentifierURIPercentEncoded(aServiceGroupID) + "/services/" + IdentifierHelper.getIdentifierURIPercentEncoded(aDocumentTypeID); Request aRequest = Request.Get(sURI); SignedServiceMetadataType aMetadata = executeRequest(aRequest).handleResponse( SMPHttpResponseHandlerSigned.create(new SMPMarshallerSignedServiceMetadataType())); // If the Redirect element is present, then follow 1 redirect. if (aMetadata.getServiceMetadata() != null && aMetadata.getServiceMetadata().getRedirect() != null) { final RedirectType aRedirect = aMetadata.getServiceMetadata().getRedirect(); // Follow the redirect"Following a redirect from '" + sURI + "' to '" + aRedirect.getHref() + "'"); aRequest = Request.Get(aRedirect.getHref()); aMetadata = executeRequest(aRequest).handleResponse( SMPHttpResponseHandlerSigned.create(new SMPMarshallerSignedServiceMetadataType())); // Check that the certificateUID is correct. boolean bCertificateSubjectFound = false; outer: for (final Object aObj : aMetadata.getSignature().getKeyInfo().getContent()) { final Object aInfoValue = ((JAXBElement<?>) aObj).getValue(); if (aInfoValue instanceof X509DataType) { final X509DataType aX509Data = (X509DataType) aInfoValue; for (final Object aX509Obj : aX509Data.getX509IssuerSerialOrX509SKIOrX509SubjectName()) { final JAXBElement<?> aX509element = (JAXBElement<?>) aX509Obj; // Find the first subject (of type string) if (aX509element.getValue() instanceof String) { final String sSubject = (String) aX509element.getValue(); if (!aRedirect.getCertificateUID().equals(sSubject)) { throw new SMPClientException( "The certificate UID of the redirect did not match the certificate subject. Subject is '" + sSubject + "'. Required certificate UID is '" + aRedirect.getCertificateUID() + "'"); } bCertificateSubjectFound = true; break outer; } } } } if (!bCertificateSubjectFound) throw new SMPClientException("The X509 certificate did not contain a certificate subject."); } return aMetadata; } catch (final Exception ex) { throw getConvertedException(ex); } } /** * Gets a signed service metadata object given by its service group id and its * document type. This is a specification compliant method. * * @param aServiceGroupID * The service group id of the service metadata to get. May not be * <code>null</code>. * @param aDocumentTypeID * The document type of the service metadata to get. May not be * <code>null</code>. * @return A signed service metadata object or <code>null</code> if no such * registration is present. * @throws SMPClientException * in case something goes wrong * @throws SMPClientUnauthorizedException * A HTTP Forbidden was received, should not happen. * @throws SMPClientBadRequestException * The request was not well formed. * @see #getServiceRegistration(IParticipantIdentifier, * IDocumentTypeIdentifier) */ @Nullable public SignedServiceMetadataType getServiceRegistrationOrNull( @Nonnull final IParticipantIdentifier aServiceGroupID, @Nonnull final IDocumentTypeIdentifier aDocumentTypeID) throws SMPClientException { try { return getServiceRegistration(aServiceGroupID, aDocumentTypeID); } catch (final SMPClientNotFoundException ex) { return null; } } /** * Gets a signed service metadata object given by its service group id and its * document type. This is a specification compliant method. * * @param aServiceGroupID * The service group id of the service metadata to get. May not be * <code>null</code>. * @param aDocumentTypeID * The document type of the service metadata to get. May not be * <code>null</code>. * @param aProcessID * The process ID of the service metadata to get. May not be * <code>null</code>. * @param aTransportProfile * The transport profile of the service metadata to get. May not be * <code>null</code>. * @return The endpoint from the signed service metadata object or * <code>null</code> if no such registration is present. * @throws SMPClientException * in case something goes wrong * @throws SMPClientUnauthorizedException * A HTTP Forbidden was received, should not happen. * @throws SMPClientBadRequestException * The request was not well formed. * @see #getServiceRegistrationOrNull(IParticipantIdentifier,IDocumentTypeIdentifier) */ @Nullable public EndpointType getEndpoint(@Nonnull final IParticipantIdentifier aServiceGroupID, @Nonnull final IDocumentTypeIdentifier aDocumentTypeID, @Nonnull final IProcessIdentifier aProcessID, @Nonnull final ISMPTransportProfile aTransportProfile) throws SMPClientException { ValueEnforcer.notNull(aServiceGroupID, "serviceGroupID"); ValueEnforcer.notNull(aDocumentTypeID, "DocumentTypeID"); ValueEnforcer.notNull(aProcessID, "ProcessID"); ValueEnforcer.notNull(aTransportProfile, "TransportProfile"); // Get meta data for participant/documentType final SignedServiceMetadataType aSignedServiceMetadata = getServiceRegistrationOrNull(aServiceGroupID, aDocumentTypeID); return aSignedServiceMetadata == null ? null : getEndpoint(aSignedServiceMetadata, aProcessID, aTransportProfile); } /** * Extract the Endpoint from the signedServiceMetadata that matches the passed * process ID and the optional required transport profile. * * @param aSignedServiceMetadata * The signed service meta data object (e.g. from a call to * {@link #getServiceRegistrationOrNull(IParticipantIdentifier, IDocumentTypeIdentifier)} * . May not be <code>null</code>. * @param aProcessID * The process identifier to be looked up. May not be <code>null</code> * . * @param aTransportProfile * The required transport profile to be used. May not be * <code>null</code>. * @return <code>null</code> if no matching endpoint was found */ @Nullable public static EndpointType getEndpoint(@Nonnull final SignedServiceMetadataType aSignedServiceMetadata, @Nonnull final IProcessIdentifier aProcessID, @Nonnull final ISMPTransportProfile aTransportProfile) { ValueEnforcer.notNull(aSignedServiceMetadata, "SignedServiceMetadata"); ValueEnforcer.notNull(aSignedServiceMetadata.getServiceMetadata(), "SignedServiceMetadata.ServiceMetadata"); if (aSignedServiceMetadata.getServiceMetadata().getServiceInformation() == null) { // It seems to be a redirect and not service information return null; } ValueEnforcer.notNull(aSignedServiceMetadata.getServiceMetadata().getServiceInformation().getProcessList(), "SignedServiceMetadata.ServiceMetadata.ServiceInformation.ProcessList"); ValueEnforcer.notNull(aProcessID, "ProcessID"); ValueEnforcer.notNull(aTransportProfile, "TransportProfile"); // Iterate all processes final ServiceInformationType aServiceInformation = aSignedServiceMetadata.getServiceMetadata() .getServiceInformation(); if (aServiceInformation != null) { // Okay, it's not a redirect final List<ProcessType> aAllProcesses = aServiceInformation.getProcessList().getProcess(); for (final ProcessType aProcessType : aAllProcesses) { // Matches the requested one? if (IdentifierHelper.areProcessIdentifiersEqual(aProcessType.getProcessIdentifier(), aProcessID)) { // Get all endpoints final List<EndpointType> aEndpoints = aProcessType.getServiceEndpointList().getEndpoint(); // Filter by required transport profile final List<EndpointType> aRelevantEndpoints = new ArrayList<EndpointType>(); for (final EndpointType aEndpoint : aEndpoints) if (aTransportProfile.getID().equals(aEndpoint.getTransportProfile())) aRelevantEndpoints.add(aEndpoint); if (aRelevantEndpoints.size() != 1) { s_aLogger.warn("Found " + aRelevantEndpoints.size() + " endpoints for process " + aProcessID + " and transport profile " + aTransportProfile.getID() + (aRelevantEndpoints.isEmpty() ? "" : ": " + aRelevantEndpoints.toString() + " - using the first one")); } // Use the first endpoint or null return CollectionHelper.getFirstElement(aRelevantEndpoints); } } } return null; } @Nullable public static String getEndpointAddress(@Nullable final EndpointType aEndpoint) { return aEndpoint == null ? null : W3CEndpointReferenceHelper.getAddress(aEndpoint.getEndpointReference()); } @Nullable public String getEndpointAddress(@Nonnull final IParticipantIdentifier aServiceGroupID, @Nonnull final IDocumentTypeIdentifier aDocumentTypeID, @Nonnull final IProcessIdentifier aProcessID, @Nonnull final ISMPTransportProfile aTransportProfile) throws SMPClientException { final EndpointType aEndpoint = getEndpoint(aServiceGroupID, aDocumentTypeID, aProcessID, aTransportProfile); return getEndpointAddress(aEndpoint); } @Nullable public static String getEndpointCertificateString(@Nullable final EndpointType aEndpoint) { return aEndpoint == null ? null : aEndpoint.getCertificate(); } @Nullable public String getEndpointCertificateString(@Nonnull final IParticipantIdentifier aServiceGroupID, @Nonnull final IDocumentTypeIdentifier aDocumentTypeID, @Nonnull final IProcessIdentifier aProcessID, @Nonnull final ISMPTransportProfile aTransportProfile) throws SMPClientException { final EndpointType aEndpoint = getEndpoint(aServiceGroupID, aDocumentTypeID, aProcessID, aTransportProfile); return getEndpointCertificateString(aEndpoint); } @Nullable public X509Certificate getEndpointCertificate(@Nonnull final IParticipantIdentifier aServiceGroupID, @Nonnull final IDocumentTypeIdentifier aDocumentTypeID, @Nonnull final IProcessIdentifier aProcessID, @Nonnull final ISMPTransportProfile aTransportProfile) throws SMPClientException, CertificateException { final String sCertString = getEndpointCertificateString(aServiceGroupID, aDocumentTypeID, aProcessID, aTransportProfile); return CertificateHelper.convertStringToCertficate(sCertString); } @Nullable public static X509Certificate getEndpointCertificate(@Nullable final EndpointType aEndpoint) throws CertificateException { final String sCertString = getEndpointCertificateString(aEndpoint); return CertificateHelper.convertStringToCertficate(sCertString); } /** * Returns a complete service group. A complete service group contains both * the service group and the service metadata. * * @param aSMLInfo * The SML object to be used * @param aServiceGroupID * The service group id corresponding to the service group which one * wants to get. * @return The complete service group containing service group and service * metadata * @throws SMPClientException * in case something goes wrong * @throws SMPClientUnauthorizedException * A HTTP Forbidden was received, should not happen. * @throws SMPClientNotFoundException * The service group id did not exist. * @throws SMPClientBadRequestException * The request was not well formed. */ @Nonnull public static CompleteServiceGroupType getCompleteServiceGroupByDNS(@Nonnull final ISMLInfo aSMLInfo, @Nonnull final IParticipantIdentifier aServiceGroupID) throws SMPClientException { return new SMPClientReadOnly(aServiceGroupID, aSMLInfo).getCompleteServiceGroup(aServiceGroupID); } /** * Returns a service group. A service group references to the service * metadata. * * @param aSMLInfo * The SML object to be used * @param aServiceGroupID * The service group id corresponding to the service group which one * wants to get. * @return The service group * @throws SMPClientException * in case something goes wrong * @throws SMPClientUnauthorizedException * A HTTP Forbidden was received, should not happen. * @throws SMPClientNotFoundException * The service group id did not exist. * @throws SMPClientBadRequestException * The request was not well formed. */ @Nonnull public static ServiceGroupType getServiceGroupByDNS(@Nonnull final ISMLInfo aSMLInfo, @Nonnull final IParticipantIdentifier aServiceGroupID) throws SMPClientException { return new SMPClientReadOnly(aServiceGroupID, aSMLInfo).getServiceGroup(aServiceGroupID); } /** * Gets a signed service metadata object given by its service group id and its * document type. * * @param aSMLInfo * The SML object to be used * @param aServiceGroupID * The service group id of the service metadata to get. * @param aDocumentTypeID * The document type of the service metadata to get. * @return A signed service metadata object. * @throws SMPClientException * in case something goes wrong * @throws SMPClientUnauthorizedException * A HTTP Forbidden was received, should not happen. * @throws SMPClientNotFoundException * The service group id or document type did not exist. * @throws SMPClientBadRequestException * The request was not well formed. */ @Nonnull public static SignedServiceMetadataType getServiceRegistrationByDNS(@Nonnull final ISMLInfo aSMLInfo, @Nonnull final IParticipantIdentifier aServiceGroupID, @Nonnull final IDocumentTypeIdentifier aDocumentTypeID) throws SMPClientException { return new SMPClientReadOnly(aServiceGroupID, aSMLInfo).getServiceRegistration(aServiceGroupID, aDocumentTypeID); } }