Source code

Java tutorial


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Copyright (c) 2013 James Ahlborn
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.CharBuffer;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.Set;

import com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.impl.ByteUtil;
import com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.impl.CustomToStringStyle;
import com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.impl.UnsupportedCodecException;
import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.ToStringBuilder;

 * @author James Ahlborn
public class EncryptionHeader {
    public static final Charset UNICODE_CHARSET = Charset.forName("UTF-16LE");

    public static final int FCRYPTO_API_FLAG = 0x04;
    public static final int FDOC_PROPS_FLAG = 0x08;
    public static final int FEXTERNAL_FLAG = 0x10;
    public static final int FAES_FLAG = 0x20;

    private static final int ALGID_FLAGS = 0;
    private static final int ALGID_RC4 = 0x6801;
    private static final int ALGID_AES_128 = 0x660E;
    private static final int ALGID_AES_192 = 0x660F;
    private static final int ALGID_AES_256 = 0x6610;

    private static final int HASHALGID_FLAGS = 0;
    private static final int HASHALGID_SHA1 = 0x8004;

    private static final String CSP_BASE_STRING = " base ";
    private static final int RC4_BASE_DEFAULT_KEY_SIZE = 0x28;
    private static final int RC4_STRONG_DEFAULT_KEY_SIZE = 0x80;

    public enum CryptoAlgorithm {
        EXTERNAL(ALGID_FLAGS, 0, 0, 0),
        // the CryptoAPI gives a valid range of 40-128 bits.  the CNG spec
        // (
        // gives a range from 8-512 bits.  bouncycastle supports 40-2048 bits.
        RC4(ALGID_RC4, 20, 0x28, 0x200), AES_128(ALGID_AES_128, 32, 0x80, 0x80), AES_192(ALGID_AES_192, 32, 0xC0,
                0xC0), AES_256(ALGID_AES_256, 32, 0x100, 0x100);

        private final int _algId;
        private final int _encVerifierHashLen;
        private final int _keySizeMin;
        private final int _keySizeMax;

        private CryptoAlgorithm(int algId, int encVerifierHashLen, int keySizeMin, int keySizeMax) {
            _algId = algId;
            _encVerifierHashLen = encVerifierHashLen;
            _keySizeMin = keySizeMin;
            _keySizeMax = keySizeMax;

        public int getAlgId() {
            return _algId;

        public int getKeySizeMin() {
            return _keySizeMin;

        public int getEncryptedVerifierHashLen() {
            return _encVerifierHashLen;

        public boolean isValidKeySize(int keySize) {
            return ((_keySizeMin <= keySize) && (keySize <= _keySizeMax));

    public enum HashAlgorithm {

        private final int _algId;

        private HashAlgorithm(int algId) {
            _algId = algId;

        public int getAlgId() {
            return _algId;

    private final int _flags;
    private final int _sizeExtra;
    private final CryptoAlgorithm _cryptoAlg;
    private final HashAlgorithm _hashAlg;
    private final int _keySize;
    private final int _providerType;
    private final String _cspName;

    public EncryptionHeader(ByteBuffer buffer) {
        // OC: 2.3.2 EncryptionHeader Structure
        _flags = buffer.getInt();
        _sizeExtra = buffer.getInt();
        int algId = buffer.getInt();
        int algIdHash = buffer.getInt();
        int keySize = buffer.getInt();
        _providerType = buffer.getInt();

        // determine encryption algorithm
        _cryptoAlg = parseCryptoAlgorithm(algId, _flags);

        // determine hash algorithm
        _hashAlg = parseHashAlgorithm(algIdHash, _flags);

        // reserved

        _cspName = readCspName(buffer);

        _keySize = parseKeySize(keySize, _cryptoAlg, _cspName);

    public int getFlags() {
        return _flags;

    public int getSizeExtra() {
        return _sizeExtra;

    public CryptoAlgorithm getCryptoAlgorithm() {
        return _cryptoAlg;

    public HashAlgorithm getHashAlgorithm() {
        return _hashAlg;

    public int getKeySize() {
        return _keySize;

    public int getProviderType() {
        return _providerType;

    public String getCspName() {
        return _cspName;

    public static EncryptionHeader read(ByteBuffer encProvBuf, Set<CryptoAlgorithm> validCryptoAlgos,
            Set<HashAlgorithm> validHashAlgos) {
        // read length of header
        int headerLen = encProvBuf.getInt();

        // read header (temporarily narrowing buf to header)
        int curLimit = encProvBuf.limit();
        int curPos = encProvBuf.position();
        encProvBuf.limit(curPos + headerLen);
        EncryptionHeader header = new EncryptionHeader(encProvBuf);

        // verify parameters
        if (!validCryptoAlgos.contains(header.getCryptoAlgorithm())) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(header + " crypto algorithm must be one of " + validCryptoAlgos);

        if (!validHashAlgos.contains(header.getHashAlgorithm())) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(header + " hash algorithm must be one of " + validHashAlgos);

        int keySize = header.getKeySize();
        if (!header.getCryptoAlgorithm().isValidKeySize(keySize)) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(header + " key size is outside allowable range");
        if ((keySize % 8) != 0) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(header + " key size must be multiple of 8");

        // move to after header
        encProvBuf.position(curPos + headerLen);

        return header;

    private static CryptoAlgorithm parseCryptoAlgorithm(int algId, int flags) {
        switch (algId) {
        case ALGID_FLAGS:
            if (isFlagSet(flags, FEXTERNAL_FLAG)) {
                return CryptoAlgorithm.EXTERNAL;
            if (isFlagSet(flags, FCRYPTO_API_FLAG)) {
                return (isFlagSet(flags, FAES_FLAG) ? CryptoAlgorithm.AES_128 : CryptoAlgorithm.RC4);
        case ALGID_RC4:
            return CryptoAlgorithm.RC4;
        case ALGID_AES_128:
            return CryptoAlgorithm.AES_128;
        case ALGID_AES_192:
            return CryptoAlgorithm.AES_192;
        case ALGID_AES_256:
            return CryptoAlgorithm.AES_256;

        throw new UnsupportedCodecException("Unsupported encryption algorithm " + algId + " (flags " + flags + ")");

    private static HashAlgorithm parseHashAlgorithm(int algIdHash, int flags) {
        switch (algIdHash) {
        case HASHALGID_FLAGS:
            if (isFlagSet(flags, FEXTERNAL_FLAG)) {
                return HashAlgorithm.EXTERNAL;
            return HashAlgorithm.SHA1;
        case HASHALGID_SHA1:
            return HashAlgorithm.SHA1;

        throw new UnsupportedCodecException("Unsupported hash algorithm " + algIdHash + " (flags " + flags + ")");

    private static int parseKeySize(int keySize, CryptoAlgorithm cryptoAlg, String cspName) {
        if (keySize != 0) {
            return keySize;

        // if keySize is 0, then use algorithm/provider default
        if (cryptoAlg == CryptoAlgorithm.RC4) {

            // the default key size depends on the crypto service provider.  if the
            // provider name was not given, or contains the string " base " use the
            // Base provider default.  otherwise, use the Strong provider default.
            // CSPs:
            cspName = cspName.trim().toLowerCase();
            return (((cspName.length() == 0) || cspName.contains(CSP_BASE_STRING)) ? RC4_BASE_DEFAULT_KEY_SIZE
                    : RC4_STRONG_DEFAULT_KEY_SIZE);

        // for all other algorithms, use min key size
        return cryptoAlg.getKeySizeMin();

    private static String readCspName(ByteBuffer buffer) {

        // unicode string, must be multiple of 2
        int rem = (buffer.remaining() / 2) * 2;
        String cspName = "";
        if (rem > 0) {

            ByteBuffer cspNameBuf = ByteBuffer.wrap(ByteUtil.getBytes(buffer, rem));
            CharBuffer tmpCspName = UNICODE_CHARSET.decode(cspNameBuf);

            // should be null terminated, strip that
            for (int i = 0; i < tmpCspName.limit(); ++i) {
                if (tmpCspName.charAt(i) == '\0') {

            cspName = tmpCspName.toString();

        return cspName;

    public static boolean isFlagSet(int flagsVal, int flagMask) {
        return ((flagsVal & flagMask) != 0);

    public String toString() {
        return ToStringBuilder.reflectionToString(this, CustomToStringStyle.VALUE_INSTANCE);