Java tutorial
/*L * Copyright HealthCare IT, Inc. * * Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. * See for details. */ package com.healthcit.cacure.dao; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import javax.persistence.NoResultException; import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext; import javax.persistence.Query; import javax.persistence.TypedQuery; import org.apache.commons.lang.Validate; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Propagation; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; import com.healthcit.cacure.enums.ItemOrderingAction; import com.healthcit.cacure.model.BaseForm; import com.healthcit.cacure.model.BaseForm.FormStatus; import com.healthcit.cacure.model.FormLibraryForm; import com.healthcit.cacure.model.QuestionnaireForm; public class FormDao { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(FormDao.class); @PersistenceContext protected EntityManager em; public void create(BaseForm form) { em.persist(form); } public void update(BaseForm form) { em.merge(form); } public void save(BaseForm form) { if (form.isNew()) create(form); else update(form); } public void delete(BaseForm form) { em.remove(form); em.flush(); } public void delete(Long id) { em.createQuery("DELETE BaseForm fe WHERE = :Id").setParameter("Id", id).executeUpdate(); } public BaseForm getById(Long id) { BaseForm form = null; Query query = em.createQuery("from BaseForm fe where id = :Id"); query.setParameter("Id", id); return (BaseForm) query.getSingleResult(); } public BaseForm getByUuid(String uuid) { BaseForm form = null; Query query = em.createQuery("from BaseForm fe where uuid = :uuid"); query.setParameter("uuid", uuid); try { form = (BaseForm) query.getSingleResult(); } catch (javax.persistence.NoResultException e) { logger.debug("No object found with uuid " + uuid); } return form; } /** * @param moduleId Long * @return List of QuestionnaireForm items */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<BaseForm> getModuleForms(Long moduleId) { // String jpql = "select distinct frm from QuestionnaireForm frm " + // "left join fetch frm.elements where = :moduleId order by frm.ord"; String jpql = "select frm from BaseForm frm where :moduleId order by frm.ord"; Query query = em.createQuery(jpql); query.setParameter("moduleId", moduleId); return query.getResultList(); } /** * * @param moduleId * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<Long> getNonEmptyFormIDs(Long moduleId) { String nativeSql = "select from form f where in (select form_id from form_element) and module_id=" + moduleId; Query query = em.createNativeQuery(nativeSql); return com.healthcit.cacure.utils.CollectionUtils.convertAllElementsToLong(query.getResultList()); } public boolean areAllModuleFormsApproved(Long moduleId) { long approvedCount = 0; long totalCount = Long.MAX_VALUE; // Get the all forms count String totalJpql = "select count(distinct frm) from QuestionnaireForm frm " + "where = :moduleId"; Query totalQuery = em.createQuery(totalJpql); totalQuery.setParameter("moduleId", moduleId); totalCount = (Long) totalQuery.getSingleResult(); // Get the returned forms count String approvedJpql = "select count(distinct frm) from QuestionnaireForm frm " + "where = :moduleId and frm.status = :status"; Query approvedQuery = em.createQuery(approvedJpql); approvedQuery.setParameter("moduleId", moduleId); approvedQuery.setParameter("status", FormStatus.APPROVED); approvedCount = (Long) approvedQuery.getSingleResult(); // If there are no forms there, they cannot be all approved if (totalCount == 0) { return false; } boolean allFormsApproved = totalCount == approvedCount; return allFormsApproved; } public Long getNumberOfFormsForModuleId(Long moduleId) { String q = "select count(distinct frm) from QuestionnaireForm frm " + "where = :moduleId"; Query query = em.createQuery(q); query.setParameter("moduleId", moduleId); return (Long) query.getSingleResult(); } /** * @param moduleId Long * @return List of QuestionnaireForm items */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<BaseForm> getModuleForms(Long moduleId, Long formId) { String jpql = "select distinct frm from BaseForm frm " + "left join fetch frm.elements where = :moduleId and != :formId order by frm.ord"; Query query = em.createQuery(jpql); query.setParameter("moduleId", moduleId); query.setParameter("formId", formId); return query.getResultList(); } /** * <b>formId</b> is id of target item. * @param formId Long * @param ordType ItemOrderingAction * @return pair of two consecutive QuestionnaireForm items */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<QuestionnaireForm> getAdjacentPairOfForms(Long formId, ItemOrderingAction ordType) { String sign = (ordType == ItemOrderingAction.UP ? "<=" : ">="); String orderBy = (ordType == ItemOrderingAction.UP ? "DESC" : "ASC"); String jpql = "select otherFrm from QuestionnaireForm ordFrm, QuestionnaireForm otherFrm " + "where = :formId " + "and = " + "and otherFrm.ord " + sign + " ordFrm.ord " + "order by otherFrm.ord " + orderBy; Query query = em.createQuery(jpql); query.setParameter("formId", formId); query.setMaxResults(2); return query.getResultList(); } /** * Deletes only form with empty questions, otherwise throws NoResultException exception. * @param formId Long */ public void deleteFormWithEmptyQuestions(Long formId) { //prevent from deleting a QuestionnaireForm item that has questions. //This scenario may appear by editing the URL. String jpql = "select f from BaseForm f left join f.elements q " + "where = :formId and q is null"; Query query = em.createQuery(jpql); query.setParameter("formId", formId); try { BaseForm form = (BaseForm) query.getSingleResult(); delete(form); } catch (NoResultException e) {"try to delete an not empty form"); } } /** * @return Next Ord Number in ordered entities. */ @Transactional(propagation = Propagation.SUPPORTS) public Integer calculateNextOrdNumber(Long moduleId) { String jpql = "select MAX(ord + 1) from BaseForm f where = :moduleId"; Query query = em.createQuery(jpql); query.setParameter("moduleId", moduleId); return (Integer) query.getSingleResult(); } @Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED) public void reorderForms(Long sourceFormId, Long targetFormId, boolean before) { Validate.notNull(sourceFormId); Validate.notNull(targetFormId); if (sourceFormId.equals(targetFormId)) { return; } Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT ord, FROM BaseForm WHERE id = :id"); Object[] result = (Object[]) query.setParameter("id", sourceFormId).getSingleResult(); int sOrd = (Integer) result[0]; long sModuleId = (Long) result[1]; result = (Object[]) query.setParameter("id", targetFormId).getSingleResult(); int tOrd = (Integer) result[0]; long tModuleId = (Long) result[1]; Validate.isTrue(sModuleId == tModuleId); if (sOrd == tOrd || (before && sOrd == tOrd - 1) || (!before && sOrd == tOrd + 1)) { return; } else if (sOrd < tOrd) { em.createQuery("UPDATE BaseForm SET ord = ord - 1 WHERE ord > :sOrd and ord " + (before ? "<" : "<=") + " :tOrd and = :moduleId").setParameter("sOrd", sOrd).setParameter("tOrd", tOrd) .setParameter("moduleId", sModuleId).executeUpdate(); em.createQuery("UPDATE BaseForm SET ord = :tOrd WHERE id = :fId").setParameter("fId", sourceFormId) .setParameter("tOrd", before ? tOrd - 1 : tOrd).executeUpdate(); } else if (sOrd > tOrd) { em.createQuery("UPDATE BaseForm SET ord = ord + 1 WHERE ord < :sOrd and ord " + (before ? ">=" : ">") + " :tOrd and = :moduleId").setParameter("sOrd", sOrd).setParameter("tOrd", tOrd) .setParameter("moduleId", sModuleId).executeUpdate(); em.createQuery("UPDATE BaseForm SET ord = :tOrd WHERE id = :fId").setParameter("fId", sourceFormId) .setParameter("tOrd", before ? tOrd : tOrd + 1).executeUpdate(); } } public Collection<FormLibraryForm> findLibraryForms(String query) { TypedQuery<FormLibraryForm> q = this.em.createQuery( "FROM FormLibraryForm form WHERE LIKE :qString ORDER BY form.ord ASC", FormLibraryForm.class); q.setParameter("qString", "%" + query + "%"); return q.getResultList(); } public Collection<FormLibraryForm> getAllLibraryForms() { TypedQuery<FormLibraryForm> q = this.em.createQuery("FROM FormLibraryForm form ORDER BY form.ord ASC", FormLibraryForm.class); return q.getResultList(); } public boolean isFormWithTheSameNameExistInLibrary(final String formName) { Query q = this.em.createQuery("SELECT count( FROM FormLibraryForm form WHERE = :name"); q.setParameter("name", formName); long count = (Long) q.getSingleResult(); return count > 0; } public FormLibraryForm getFormLibraryFormByName(final String formName) { TypedQuery<FormLibraryForm> q = this.em.createQuery( "SELECT form FROM FormLibraryForm form WHERE = :name ORDER BY form.updateDate DESC", FormLibraryForm.class); q.setMaxResults(1); q.setParameter("name", formName); List<FormLibraryForm> resultList = q.getResultList(); return resultList.size() > 0 ? resultList.get(0) : null; } public long getSkipTriggerQuestionsCount(Long formId) { Query q = this.em.createQuery("SELECT count( FROM AnswerSkipRule asr WHERE asr.formId = :formId"); q.setParameter("formId", formId); long count = (Long) q.getSingleResult(); return count; } public int updateFormLibraryForm(QuestionnaireForm qForm, FormLibraryForm flForm) { //Flush first to get callbacks set formLibraryForm to null save(flForm); save(qForm); em.flush(); //Silent (without callbacks (@Pre...)) set of formLibraryForm return this.em.createQuery("UPDATE QuestionnaireForm SET formLibraryForm = :lForm WHERE id = :qFormId") .setParameter("lForm", flForm).setParameter("qFormId", qForm.getId()).executeUpdate(); } }