Java tutorial
/* * MineFlat * Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Maxim Roncac <> * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ package; import*; import com.headswilllol.mineflat.Direction; import com.headswilllol.mineflat.Main; import com.headswilllol.mineflat.Material; import com.headswilllol.mineflat.entity.*; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.headswilllol.mineflat.util.FileUtil; import com.headswilllol.mineflat.util.VboUtil; import*; import java.util.Map; public class SaveManager { private static final Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().create(); /** * Parses all loaded chunks in a world to a JSON object. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static JsonObject saveWorld(World world) { System.out.println("Saving chunks..."); JsonObject save = world.getJson(); save.addProperty("name",; save.addProperty("createTime",; save.addProperty("modifyTime", System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000L); save.addProperty("chunkCount",; save.addProperty("chunkLength",; save.addProperty("chunkHeight",; save.addProperty("seed",; save.addProperty("ticks", TickManager.getTotalTicks()); save.addProperty("playerLevel", Main.player.getLevel().getIndex()); save.addProperty("playerChunk", Main.player.getLocation().getChunk()); JsonObject levels = (JsonObject) save.get("levels"); if (levels == null) levels = new JsonObject(); for (Level level : world.getLevels()) { levels.add(Integer.toString(level.getIndex()), saveLevel(level)); } save.add("levels", levels); return save; } public static void saveWorldToMemory(World world) { world.setJson(saveWorld(world)); } public static void writeWorldToDisk(World world) { saveWorldToMemory(world); System.out.println("Writing chunks..."); File saveFolder = new File(FileUtil.getAppDataFolder() + File.separator + ".mineflat", "saves"); saveFolder = new File(saveFolder, world.getName()); if (!saveFolder.exists()) saveFolder.mkdirs(); File saveFile = new File(saveFolder, "level.json"); File zippedFile = new File(saveFolder, "level.gz"); if (saveFile.exists()) saveFile.delete(); if (zippedFile.exists()) zippedFile.delete(); try { saveFile.createNewFile(); PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(saveFile); Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().create(); JsonElement je = new JsonParser().parse(gson.toJson(world.getJson())); writer.write(gson.toJson(je)); writer.close(); FileUtil.gzip(saveFile.getAbsolutePath(), zippedFile.getAbsolutePath()); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); System.err.println("Failed to save world to disk!"); } finally { saveFile.delete(); } } //TODO: make this method more type-safe public static void loadWorld(String world) { System.out.println("Loading world \"" + world + "\""); File saveFolder = new File(FileUtil.getAppDataFolder() + File.separator + ".mineflat", "saves"); saveFolder = new File(saveFolder, world); if (!saveFolder.exists()) saveFolder.mkdirs(); File zippedFile = new File(saveFolder, "level.gz"); File saveFile = new File(saveFolder, "level.json"); if (!zippedFile.exists()) return; FileUtil.ungzip(zippedFile.getAbsolutePath(), saveFile.getAbsolutePath()); try { JsonObject save = (JsonObject) new JsonParser().parse(new FileReader(saveFile)); = new World(save.get("name").getAsString(), longToInt(save.get("chunkCount").getAsLong()), longToInt(save.get("chunkLength").getAsLong()), longToInt(save.get("chunkHeight").getAsLong()));; = save.get("seed").getAsLong(); = save.get("createTime").getAsLong(); TickManager.setTicks(longToInt(save.get("ticks").getAsLong())); loadLevel(, longToInt(save.get("playerLevel").getAsLong()));; } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); System.err.println("Failed to load world from disk - save file cannot be found!"); } catch (ClassCastException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); System.err.println("Failed to load world from disk - save file is invalid!"); } finally { saveFile.delete(); } } public static Chunk loadChunk(Level level, int chunk) { JsonObject jChunk = level.getWorld().getJson().getAsJsonObject("levels") .getAsJsonObject(Integer.toString(level.getIndex())).getAsJsonObject("chunks") .getAsJsonObject(Integer.toString(chunk)); if (jChunk != null) { System.out.println("Loading chunk " + chunk); Biome biome = Biome.getById(jChunk.get("biome").toString()); Chunk c = new Chunk(level, chunk, biome); for (JsonElement blockObj : jChunk.getAsJsonArray("blocks")) { JsonObject block = blockObj.getAsJsonObject(); Material type = Material.valueOf(block.get("type").getAsString()); if (type == null) type = Material.AIR; int data = block.get("data") != null ? block.get("data").getAsInt() : 0; Block b = new Block(type, data, new Location(level, Chunk.getWorldXFromChunkIndex(chunk, block.get("x").getAsLong()), block.get("y").getAsLong())); JsonObject meta = (JsonObject) block.get("metadata"); for (Map.Entry<String, JsonElement> e : meta.entrySet()) { JsonPrimitive prim = meta.get(e.getKey()).getAsJsonPrimitive(); Object value; if (prim.isBoolean()) value = prim.getAsBoolean(); else if (prim.isNumber()) value = prim.getAsNumber(); else if (prim.isString()) value = prim.getAsString(); else value = prim.getAsCharacter(); b.setMetadata(e.getKey(), value); } b.addToWorld(); } for (Object entityObj : jChunk.get("entities").getAsJsonArray()) { JsonObject entity = (JsonObject) entityObj; EntityType type = EntityType.valueOf(entity.get("type").getAsString()); float x = Chunk.getWorldXFromChunkIndex(c.getIndex(), Float.valueOf(Double.toString(entity.get("x").getAsDouble()))); float y = Float.valueOf(Double.toString(entity.get("y").getAsDouble())); float w = Float.valueOf(Double.toString(entity.get("w").getAsDouble())); float h = Float.valueOf(Double.toString(entity.get("h").getAsDouble())); Entity e; if (entity.has("living")) { if (entity.has("mob")) { switch (type) { case GHOST: e = new Ghost(new Location(level, x, y)); break; case SNAIL: e = new Snail(new Location(level, x, y)); break; default: continue; // ignore it } ((Mob) e).setPlannedWalkDistance(entity.get("pwd").getAsFloat()); ((Mob) e).setActualWalkDistance(entity.get("awd").getAsFloat()); ((Mob) e).setLastX(entity.get("lx").getAsFloat()); } else { switch (type) { case PLAYER: e = new Player(new Location(level, x, y)); break; case HUMAN: e = new Human(new Location(level, x, y)); break; default: continue; // ignore it } } ((Living) e).setFacingDirection(Direction.valueOf(entity.get("fd").getAsString())); ((Living) e).setJumping(entity.get("j").getAsBoolean()); } else e = new Entity(type, new Location(level, x, y), w, h); e.getVelocity().setX(Float.valueOf(Double.toString(entity.get("xv").getAsDouble()))); e.getVelocity().setY(Float.valueOf(Double.toString(entity.get("yv").getAsDouble()))); level.addEntity(e); if (type == EntityType.PLAYER) Main.player = (Player) e; } c.updateLight(); Chunk left = c.getLevel().getChunk(c.getIndex() == 1 ? -1 : c.getIndex() - 1); Chunk right = c.getLevel().getChunk(c.getIndex() == -1 ? 1 : c.getIndex() + 1); if (left != null) { for (int y = 0; y < c.getLevel().getWorld().getChunkHeight(); y++) { left.getBlock(c.getLevel().getWorld().getChunkLength() - 1, y).updateLight(); VboUtil.updateChunkArray(c.getLevel(), left.getIndex()); } } if (right != null) { for (int y = 0; y < c.getLevel().getWorld().getChunkHeight(); y++) { right.getBlock(0, y).updateLight(); VboUtil.updateChunkArray(c.getLevel(), right.getIndex()); } } System.gc(); //TODO: temporary fix until I have the motivation to find the memory leak return c; } return null; } public static Level loadLevel(World world, int level) {; Level l =; if (longToInt(world.getJson().get("playerLevel").getAsLong()) == level) { loadChunk(l, longToInt(world.getJson().get("playerChunk").getAsLong())); Chunk.handleChunkLoading(true); } for (Chunk c : l.chunks.values()) c.updateLight(); return l; } /** * Saves a chunk to a JSON object. <strong>This method does not save the JSON to memory or to disk.</strong> * @param chunk the chunk to save. * @return the created JSON object. */ public static JsonObject saveChunk(Chunk chunk) { JsonObject c = new JsonObject(); JsonArray blocks = new JsonArray(); for (int x = 0; x <; x++) { for (int y = 0; y <; y++) { Block block = chunk.getBlock(x, y); if (block != null) { JsonObject b = new JsonObject(); b.addProperty("x", x); b.addProperty("y", y); b.addProperty("type", block.getType().toString()); if (block.getData() != 0) b.addProperty("data", block.getData()); blocks.add(b); JsonObject meta = new JsonObject(); for (String key : block.getAllMetadata()) { Object data = block.getMetadata(key); if (data instanceof String) meta.addProperty(key, (String) block.getMetadata(key)); else if (data instanceof Number) meta.addProperty(key, (Number) block.getMetadata(key)); else if (data instanceof Boolean) meta.addProperty(key, (Boolean) block.getMetadata(key)); else if (data instanceof Character) meta.addProperty(key, (Character) block.getMetadata(key)); else System.err.println("Failed to save metadata \"" + key + "\" for block at " + "{level=" + chunk.getLevel().getIndex() + ", x=" + block.getX() + ", y=" + block.getY() + "}"); } b.add("metadata", meta); } } } c.addProperty("biome", chunk.getBiome().getId()); c.add("blocks", blocks); JsonArray entities = new JsonArray(); for (Entity entity : chunk.getEntities()) { JsonObject e = new JsonObject(); e.addProperty("type", entity.getType().toString()); e.addProperty("x", entity.getLocation().getPosInChunk()); e.addProperty("y", entity.getY()); e.addProperty("w", entity.width); e.addProperty("h", entity.height); e.addProperty("xv", entity.getVelocity().getX()); e.addProperty("yv", entity.getVelocity().getY()); if (entity instanceof Living) { e.addProperty("living", true); Living le = (Living) entity; e.addProperty("fd", le.getFacingDirection().toString()); e.addProperty("j", le.isJumping()); if (le instanceof Mob) { e.addProperty("mob", true); Mob m = (Mob) le; e.addProperty("pwd", m.getPlannedWalkDistance()); e.addProperty("awd", m.getActualWalkDistance()); e.addProperty("lx", m.getLastX()); } } entities.add(e); } c.add("entities", entities); return c; } /** * Saves a level to a JSON object. <strong>This method does not save the JSON to memory or to disk.</strong> * @param level the chunk to save. * @return the created JSON object. */ public static JsonObject saveLevel(Level level) { JsonObject l = new JsonObject(); JsonObject chunks = new JsonObject(); JsonObject levels = (JsonObject) level.getWorld().getJson().get("levels"); if (levels != null) { l = levels.get(Integer.toString(level.getIndex())).getAsJsonObject(); chunks = l.get("chunks").getAsJsonObject(); } for (Chunk chunk : level.chunks.values()) { chunks.add(Integer.toString(chunk.getIndex()), saveChunk(chunk)); } l.add("chunks", chunks); return l; } /** * Saves a chunk to its world's {@link JsonObject JSON object} * @param chunk the chunk to save. */ public static void saveChunkToMemory(Chunk chunk) { JsonObject world = chunk.getLevel().getWorld().getJson(); JsonObject levels = world.get("levels").getAsJsonObject(); if (levels == null) levels = new JsonObject(); JsonObject level = levels.get(Integer.toString(chunk.getLevel().getIndex())).getAsJsonObject(); if (level == null) level = new JsonObject(); JsonObject chunks = level.get("chunks").getAsJsonObject(); if (chunks == null) chunks = new JsonObject(); JsonObject jChunk = saveChunk(chunk); chunks.add(Integer.toString(chunk.getIndex()), jChunk); level.add("chunks", chunks); levels.add(Integer.toString(chunk.getLevel().getIndex()), level); world.add("levels", levels); } /** * Saves a level to its world's {@link JsonObject JSON object} * @param level the chunk to save. */ public static void saveLevelToMemory(Level level) { JsonObject world = level.getWorld().getJson(); JsonObject levels = (JsonObject) world.get("levels"); if (levels == null) levels = new JsonObject(); JsonObject jLevel = saveLevel(level); levels.add(Integer.toString(level.getIndex()), jLevel); world.add("levels", levels); } // this saves me a bit of casting and makes the code look nicer private static int longToInt(long number) { return (int) number; } public static void prepareWorld() { VboUtil.updateArray(); VboUtil.prepareBindArray(); Thread chunkLoader = new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { while (true) { Chunk.handleChunkLoading(); try { Thread.sleep(Chunk.LOAD_CHECK_INTERVAL); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } if (Main.closed) return; } } }); chunkLoader.start(); } }