Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2013 headissue GmbH ( * * Source repository: * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This patch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this patch. If not, see <>. */ package com.headissue.pigeon.survey.answer; import; import; import com.headissue.pigeon.service.AnswerTransform; import com.headissue.pigeon.service.AnswerTransformFactory; import com.headissue.pigeon.service.Session; import com.headissue.pigeon.service.UserMapService; import com.headissue.pigeon.survey.Question; import com.headissue.pigeon.survey.Survey; import com.headissue.pigeon.util.JPAUtils; import com.headissue.pigeon.util.LogUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory; import javax.persistence.TypedQuery; import java.util.Date; @Singleton public class AnswerHandler { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(AnswerHandler.class); @Inject private EntityManagerFactory factory; @Inject private UserMapService userMapService; @Inject private AnswerTransformFactory transformFactory; public void receiveAnswer(Session _session, AnswerParameter p) { checkPreCondition(_session, p); EntityManager _manager = factory.createEntityManager(); try { _manager.getTransaction().begin(); Survey _survey = _manager.find(Survey.class, p.getSurveyId()); checkNotNull(_survey, "unknown survey '%s'", p.getSurveyId()); int _mapId = userMapService.getUserMapId(_session); final UserMap map; if (_mapId <= 0 || _mapId != p.getMapId()) { map = createUserMap(_survey, p, _manager); } else { map = loadUserMap(_survey, _mapId, _manager); } checkNotNull(map, "unknown user map for survey '%s'", p.getSurveyId()); Date _timestamp = new Date(p.getTimestamp()); for (UserAnswerValue _value : p.getValues().getAnswers()) { Question _question = findQuestion(_survey, _value.getQuestionId()); if (_question == null) { continue; } storeAnswer(_survey, _question, map, _value, _manager, _timestamp); } _manager.getTransaction().commit(); checkTrue(map.getId() != 0, "user map can not created for survey '%s'", p.getSurveyId()); userMapService.setUserMapId(_session, map.getId()); } catch (Exception e) { LogUtils.warn(log, "receiveAnswer: processing is failed"); throw new AnswerException("processing is failed", e); } finally { _manager.close(); } } private void storeAnswer(Survey _survey, Question _question, UserMap map, UserAnswerValue _value, EntityManager _manager, Date _timestamp) { TypedQuery<Answer> q = _manager.createNamedQuery("answer.findAnswerBySurveyQuestionAndUserMap", Answer.class); q.setParameter("survey", _survey); q.setParameter("question", _question); q.setParameter("userMap", map); Answer _answer = JPAUtils.getSingleResult(q); if (_answer == null) { _answer = new Answer(); _answer.setTimestamp(_timestamp); _answer.setSurvey(_survey); _answer.setQuestion(_question); _answer.setUserMap(map); } else { _answer.getAnswerValues().clear(); _answer.getAnswerTexts().clear(); } AnswerTransform _transform = transformFactory.get(_question.getType().toString()); if (_transform.transfer(_answer, _value)) { _manager.persist(_answer); } else { LogUtils.warn(log, "store answer is failed (surveyId=%s, questionId=%s, questionType=%s) user answer '%s'", _survey.getId(), _question.getId(), _question.getType(), _value); } } private void checkPreCondition(Session _session, AnswerParameter p) { checkNotNull(_session, "session is null"); checkNotNull(p, "parameter is null"); } UserMap createUserMap(Survey _survey, AnswerParameter p, EntityManager _manager) { UserMap map = new UserMap(); map.setSurvey(_survey); map.setPageKey(p.getValues().getPageKey()); map.setUserKey(p.getValues().getUserKey()); map.setUserData(p.getValues().getUserData()); map.setTimestamp(new Date(p.getTimestamp())); _manager.persist(map); return map; } UserMap loadUserMap(Survey _survey, int _mapId, EntityManager _manager) { TypedQuery<UserMap> q = _manager.createNamedQuery("answerUserMan.findBySurveyAndId", UserMap.class); q.setParameter("survey", _survey); q.setParameter("mapId", _mapId); return JPAUtils.getSingleResult(q); } Question findQuestion(Survey _survey, int _questionId) { for (Question q : _survey.getQuestions()) { if (q.getId() == _questionId) { return q; } } return null; } public static class AnswerParameter { private Long timestamp; private int surveyId; private int mapId; private UserAnswerValues values = null; public AnswerParameter() { } public Long getTimestamp() { return timestamp; } public void setTimestamp(Long timestamp) { this.timestamp = timestamp; } public int getSurveyId() { return surveyId; } public void setSurveyId(int surveyId) { this.surveyId = surveyId; } public int getMapId() { return mapId; } public void setMapId(int mapId) { this.mapId = mapId; } public UserAnswerValues getValues() { return values; } public void setValues(UserAnswerValues values) { this.values = values; } } static void checkNotNull(Object _value, String _message, Object... args) { if (_value == null) { if (args != null && args.length > 0) { _message = String.format(_message, args); } throw new AnswerException(_message); } } static void checkTrue(boolean _value, String _message, Object... args) { if (!_value) { if (args != null && args.length > 0) { _message = String.format(_message, args); } throw new AnswerException(_message); } } }