Java tutorial
//Copyright (c) 2015 Hitachi Data Systems, Inc. //All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may // not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain // a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT // WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the // License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations // under the License. // //Package: Custom Object Metadata Enhancement Toolkit shared library //Author: Chris Delezenski <> //Compilation Date: 2015-05-06 //License: Apache License, Version 2.0 //Version: 1.21.0 //(RPM) Release: 1 //SVN: r554 package com.hdsfed.cometapi; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; import org.apache.http.Header; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient; import org.apache.http.client.HttpResponseException; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpDelete; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpHead; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPut; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpRequestBase; import org.apache.http.entity.InputStreamEntity; import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import com.hds.hcp.apihelpers.HCPUtils; //TODO: need function descriptions, parameters and "bookends" // any exceptions should be thrown, not caught public class HCPClient { private static ExtendedLogger ScreenLog = new ExtendedLogger(HCPClient.class.getPackage().getName()); public static final String HTTP_AUTH_HEADER = "Authorization"; private String sEncodedUserName; private String sEncodedPassword; private String namespace; private String tenant; private String cluster; private String domain; // private URL rootpath; private HttpClient client; private int StatusCode; private int MaxSearchResults; private Boolean shouldDumpHTTPHeaders; private URL MQESearchURL; private Map<String, String> Headers; private String CombinedAnnotationName; private Boolean Execute; private static final int fake_sleep_time = 100; private static final int DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE = 10240; // ..bytes = 10KB. private void FakeSleep() { try { Thread.sleep(fake_sleep_time); } catch (Exception ignored) { } } public HCPClient(CometProperties cometProps) throws URISyntaxException, IOException { setsEncodedUserName(HCPUtils.toBase64Encoding(cometProps.getDestinationUserName())); setsEncodedPassword(cometProps.getDestinationPassword()); setNamespace(cometProps.getDestinationHCPNamespace()); setTenant(cometProps.getDestinationHCPTenant()); setCluster(cometProps.getDestinationHCPName()); setDomain(cometProps.getDestinationDomainName()); setShouldDumpHTTPHeaders(cometProps.shouldDumpHTTPHeaders()); setMaxSearchResults(cometProps.getMaxSearchResults()); setHeaders(new TreeMap<String, String>()); setCombinedAnnotationName(cometProps.getCombinedAnnotation()); setExecute(cometProps.shouldExecute()); setMQESearchURL(new URL(cometProps.getMQESearchPath().toURI().toString())); setStatusCode(0); ScreenLog.setDebug(CometProperties.getInstance().getDebug()); ScreenLog.setSilence( !CometProperties.getInstance().getDebug() && !CometProperties.getInstance().getVerbose()); } private String getAuthToken() { return "HCP " + sEncodedUserName + ":" + sEncodedPassword; } public String getsEncodedUserName() { return sEncodedUserName; } public void setsEncodedUserName(String sEncodedUserName) { this.sEncodedUserName = sEncodedUserName; } public String getsEncodedPassword() { return sEncodedPassword; } public void setsEncodedPassword(String sEncodedPassword) { this.sEncodedPassword = sEncodedPassword; } public HttpClient getClient() { return client; } public void setClient(HttpClient httpClient) { this.client = httpClient; } public String getNamespace() { return namespace; } public void setNamespace(String namespace) { this.namespace = namespace; } public String getTenant() { return tenant; } public void setTenant(String tenant) { this.tenant = tenant; } public String getCluster() { return cluster; } public void setCluster(String cluster) { this.cluster = cluster; } public String getDomain() { return domain; } public void setDomain(String domain) { this.domain = domain; } public int getStatusCode() { return StatusCode; } public void setStatusCode(int statusCode) { StatusCode = statusCode; } private int HttpHCPCatchError(HttpRequestBase httpRequest, HttpResponse httpResponse) throws IOException { return HttpHCPCatchError(httpRequest, httpResponse, false); } private int HttpHCPCatchError(HttpRequestBase httpRequest, HttpResponse httpResponse, Boolean neverfail) throws IOException { Header[] capturedHeader = httpResponse.getAllHeaders(); for (int i = 0; i < capturedHeader.length; i++) { Headers.put(capturedHeader[i].getName(), capturedHeader[i].getValue()); } setHeaders(Headers); if (2 != (int) (httpResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() / 100)) { // Clean up after ourselves and release the HTTP connection to the connection manager. EntityUtils.consume(httpResponse.getEntity()); if (Headers.containsKey("X-HCP-ErrorMessage") && Headers.get("X-HCP-ErrorMessage") .contains("Custom Metadatasetting is not allowed on a directory") && httpResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 400) { ScreenLog.out("Caught directory, return 200"); return 200; } else { if (!neverfail) { throw new HttpResponseException(httpResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(), "Unexpected status returned from " + httpRequest.getMethod() + " (" + httpResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() + ": " + httpResponse.getStatusLine().getReasonPhrase() + ")"); } } } return (int) (httpResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode()); } /* * ise = content in an InputStreamEntity * url = full url (fqdn + rest path to object + put modifiers) */ public String HttpPutHCPContent(InputStreamEntity ise, URL url) throws Exception { if (!getExecute()) { FakeSleep(); return ""; } String result = ""; HttpResponse httpResponse; HttpClient mHttpClient = HCPUtils.initHttpClient(); ScreenLog.out("(HCPClient) PUT request to HCP is: " + url.toString()); HttpPut httpRequest = new HttpPut(url.toString()); httpRequest.setEntity(ise); httpRequest.setHeader(HTTP_AUTH_HEADER, getAuthToken()); httpResponse = mHttpClient.execute(httpRequest); setStatusCode(HttpHCPCatchError(httpRequest, httpResponse)); InputStream is = httpResponse.getEntity().getContent(); if (httpResponse.getEntity().getContentLength() > 0) { //capture results, if they exist result = StringHelper.InputStreamToString(is); EntityUtils.consume(httpResponse.getEntity()); } return result; } //url is already the target //warning: more than likely, the URL could be formed while making use of the source // url has to be reconstructed by the calling funciton using URLBuilder in CometProperties // srcns_and_tenant should look like namespace.tenant public void HttpCopyWholeObject(URL url, String srcns_and_tenant_and_path) throws Exception { if (!getExecute()) return; ScreenLog.begin("HttpCopyWholeObject " + url.toString()); //String result=""; HttpResponse httpResponse; HttpClient mHttpClient = HCPUtils.initHttpClient(); HttpPut httpRequest = new HttpPut(url.toString()); httpRequest.setHeader("X-HCP-MetadataDirective", "ALL"); httpRequest.setHeader("X-HCP-CopySource", srcns_and_tenant_and_path); httpRequest.setHeader(HTTP_AUTH_HEADER, getAuthToken()); httpResponse = mHttpClient.execute(httpRequest); setStatusCode(HttpHCPCatchError(httpRequest, httpResponse)); ScreenLog.end("HttpCopyWholeObject " + url.toString()); } private String QueryHCP(InputStreamEntity ise, URL url) throws Exception { if (!getExecute()) return ""; ScreenLog.begin("QueryHCP(ise," + url.toString() + ")"); String result = ""; HttpResponse httpResponse; HttpClient mHttpClient = HCPUtils.initHttpClient(); HttpPost httpRequest = new HttpPost(url.toString()); httpRequest.setHeader(HTTP_AUTH_HEADER, getAuthToken()); httpRequest.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/xml"); httpRequest.setHeader("Accept", "application/xml"); httpRequest.setEntity(ise); httpResponse = mHttpClient.execute(httpRequest); setStatusCode(HttpHCPCatchError(httpRequest, httpResponse)); result = StringHelper.InputStreamToString(httpResponse.getEntity().getContent()); EntityUtils.consume(httpResponse.getEntity()); ScreenLog.end("QueryHCP(ise," + url.toString() + ")"); return result; } private static String ExtensionToXPath(String ext) { return " +(objectPath:/*." + ext + ")"; } public static String QueryBuilderFileList(String q) { ScreenLog.begin("QueryBuilderFileList(" + q + ")"); if (q.contains("(")) { ScreenLog.out("\tq contains a parenthetical, just return"); ScreenLog.end("QueryBuilderFileList(" + q + ")"); return q; } String newquery = ""; if (q.contains(",")) { String[] extensionlist = q.split(","); for (int i = 0; i < extensionlist.length; i++) { newquery += ExtensionToXPath(extensionlist[i]); } } else { newquery = ExtensionToXPath(q); } return newquery; } public static String QueryBuilder(String q, int offset, int max) { ScreenLog.begin("QueryBuilder(" + q + "," + offset + "," + max + ")"); if (q.contains(",") && !q.contains("(")) { ScreenLog.out("\tq contains a comma and a parenthetical!"); String[] extensionlist = q.split(","); String newquery = ""; for (int i = 0; i < extensionlist.length; i++) { newquery += " +(objectPath:/*." + extensionlist[i] + ")"; } q = newquery; } else { ScreenLog.out("\tq DOES NOT contain a comma and a parenthetical!"); } ScreenLog.out("about to build final query and execute query"); ScreenLog.out("\tquery going in: \"" + q + "\""); //should use serializer here... String query = "<queryRequest>\n" + " <object>\n<query>" + //" <query>+(cornerY:{35 TO *]) +(cornerY:[* TO 39}) +(cornerX:{-75 TO *]) +(cornerX:[* TO -65})</query>\n" + //" <query>+metadataCaveat:UNCLASSIFIED</query>\n" + q + "</query>\n" + " <contentProperties>true</contentProperties>\n" + " <count>" + String.valueOf(max) + "</count>\n" + " <facets></facets>\n" + " <objectProperties></objectProperties>\n" + " <offset>" + String.valueOf(offset) + "</offset>\n" + " <sort></sort>\n" + " <verbose>false</verbose>\n" + " </object>\n " + "</queryRequest>\n"; ScreenLog.end("QueryBuilder(" + q + "," + offset + "," + max + ")"); return query; } public String QueryHCP(Document query) throws Exception { return QueryHCP(XMLHelper.DocToInputStreamEntity(query), getMQESearchURL()); } public String QueryHCP(String query) throws Exception { return QueryHCP(new InputStreamEntity(new ByteArrayInputStream(query.getBytes()), -1), getMQESearchURL()); } public String HttpPutHCPContent(String xml_content, URL url) throws Exception { return HttpPutHCPContent(new InputStreamEntity(new ByteArrayInputStream(xml_content.getBytes()), -1), url); } public String HttpPutHCPContent(File inFile, URL url) throws FileNotFoundException, Exception { return HttpPutHCPContent(new InputStreamEntity(new FileInputStream(inFile), -1), url); } public String HttpPutHCPContent(Document doc, URL url) throws Exception { return HttpPutHCPContent(XMLHelper.DocToString(doc), url); } /* * ise = content in an InputStreamEntity * url = full url (fqdn + rest path to object + put modifiers) */ public String HttpGetHCPHeader(URL url, String header) throws Exception { return HttpGetHCPHeader(url, header, true); } public String HttpGetHCPHeader(URL url, String header, Boolean neverfail) throws Exception { if (!getExecute()) return ""; HttpResponse httpResponse; HttpClient mHttpClient = HCPUtils.initHttpClient(); HttpHead httpRequest = new HttpHead(url.toString()); httpRequest.setHeader(HTTP_AUTH_HEADER, getAuthToken()); httpResponse = mHttpClient.execute(httpRequest); setStatusCode(HttpHCPCatchError(httpRequest, httpResponse, neverfail)); if (header == "") return ""; if (!Headers.containsKey(header)) return ""; return Headers.get(header); } public void HttpGetHCPHeader(URL url) throws Exception { HttpGetHCPHeader(url, "", true); } public Boolean HCPObjectExists(String path) { Boolean r = false; try { r = HCPObjectExists(AnnotationHelper.PathToURL(getRootpath(), path)); } catch (MalformedURLException ignore) { } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return r; } public Boolean HCPObjectExists(URL url) { try { HttpGetHCPHeader(url); } catch (Exception ignore) { setStatusCode(-1); } return Headers.containsKey("X-HCP-Type"); } public String HttpGetHCPContent(URL url) throws Exception { ScreenLog.begin("HttpGetHCPContent(" + url.toString() + ")"); if (!getExecute()) { FakeSleep(); return ""; } String result = ""; HttpResponse httpResponse; HttpClient mHttpClient = HCPUtils.initHttpClient(); HttpGet httpRequest = new HttpGet(url.toString()); httpRequest.setHeader(HTTP_AUTH_HEADER, getAuthToken()); httpResponse = mHttpClient.execute(httpRequest); setStatusCode(HttpHCPCatchError(httpRequest, httpResponse)); InputStream is = httpResponse.getEntity().getContent(); if (httpResponse.getEntity().getContentLength() > 0) { //capture results, if they exist result = StringHelper.InputStreamToString(is); EntityUtils.consume(httpResponse.getEntity()); } ScreenLog.end("HttpGetHCPContent(" + url.toString() + ")"); return result; } public String HttpDeepCopyHCPContent(URL from_url, URL to_url) throws Exception { return HttpPutHCPContent(HttpGetHCPContent(from_url), to_url); } public String HttpDeleteHCPContent(URL url) throws Exception { if (!getExecute()) return ""; String result = ""; HttpResponse httpResponse; HttpClient mHttpClient = HCPUtils.initHttpClient(); HttpDelete httpRequest = new HttpDelete(url.toString()); httpRequest.setHeader(HTTP_AUTH_HEADER, getAuthToken()); httpResponse = mHttpClient.execute(httpRequest); setStatusCode(HttpHCPCatchError(httpRequest, httpResponse)); InputStream is = httpResponse.getEntity().getContent(); if (httpResponse.getEntity().getContentLength() > 0) { //capture results, if they exist result = StringHelper.InputStreamToString(is); EntityUtils.consume(httpResponse.getEntity()); } return result; } public InputStream HttpGetHCPContentStream(URL url) throws Exception { if (!getExecute()) { FakeSleep(); return null; } ScreenLog.begin("HttpGetHCPContentStream(" + url.toString() + ")"); HttpResponse httpResponse; HttpClient mHttpClient = HCPUtils.initHttpClient(); HttpGet httpRequest = new HttpGet(url.toString()); httpRequest.setHeader(HTTP_AUTH_HEADER, getAuthToken()); httpResponse = mHttpClient.execute(httpRequest); setStatusCode(HttpHCPCatchError(httpRequest, httpResponse)); ScreenLog.end("HttpGetHCPContentStream(" + url.toString() + ")"); return httpResponse.getEntity().getContent(); } public InputStream HttpGetContentStream(URL url) throws Exception { if (!getExecute()) { FakeSleep(); return null; } HttpResponse httpResponse; HttpClient mHttpClient = HCPUtils.initHttpClient(); HttpGet httpRequest = new HttpGet(url.toString()); //httpRequest.setHeader(HTTP_AUTH_HEADER, getAuthToken()); httpResponse = mHttpClient.execute(httpRequest); setStatusCode(HttpHCPCatchError(httpRequest, httpResponse)); return httpResponse.getEntity().getContent(); } public static void InputStreamToFile(InputStream is, File outFile) throws IOException { //read from file src if (outFile.exists()) return; FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(outFile); //write to response.writer //(new InputStreamEntity( fis.getInputStream(), int num; byte buf[] = new byte[4096]; while ((num = != -1) { fos.write(buf, 0, num); } is.close(); fos.close(); } /** * Copy the given byte range of the given input to the given output. * @param input The input to copy the given range to the given output for. * @param output The output to copy the given range from the given input for. * @param start Start of the byte range. * @param length Length of the byte range. * @throws IOException If something fails at I/O level. */ public static void FileToOutputStream(RandomAccessFile input, OutputStream output, long start, long length) throws IOException { byte[] buffer = new byte[DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE]; int read; if (input.length() == length) { // Write full range. while ((read = > 0) { output.write(buffer, 0, read); } } else { // Write partial range.; long toRead = length; while ((read = > 0) { if ((toRead -= read) > 0) { output.write(buffer, 0, read); } else { output.write(buffer, 0, (int) toRead + read); break; } } } } public void HttpGetHCPContent(URL url, File outFile) throws FileNotFoundException, Exception { HCPClient.InputStreamToFile(HttpGetContentStream(url), outFile); } //move exception out public String GetHCPStatus() { try { HttpGetHCPHeader(getRootpath()); if (getHeaders().containsKey("X-HCP-Type")) return "working"; return "misconfigured"; } catch (Exception e) { ScreenLog.out("HCP is down!!"); } return "HCP is down or unreachable"; } public String GetHCPVersion() throws Exception { if (!getExecute()) return "6"; return HttpGetHCPHeader(getRootpath(), "X-HCP-SoftwareVersion"); } public Boolean getShouldDumpHTTPHeaders() { return shouldDumpHTTPHeaders; } public void setShouldDumpHTTPHeaders(Boolean shouldDumpHTTPHeaders) { this.shouldDumpHTTPHeaders = shouldDumpHTTPHeaders; } public URL getRootpath() throws IOException { return CometProperties.getInstance().getDestinationRootPath(); } public void setRootpath(URL rootpath) { ScreenLog.out("WARNING: HCPClient::setRootpath(" + rootpath + ") was called; this function is deprecated"); } public int getMaxSearchResults() { return MaxSearchResults; } public void setMaxSearchResults(int maxSearchResults) { MaxSearchResults = maxSearchResults; } public URL getMQESearchURL() { return MQESearchURL; } public void setMQESearchURL(URL mQESearchURL) { MQESearchURL = mQESearchURL; } public Map<String, String> getHeaders() { return Headers; } public void setHeaders(Map<String, String> headers) { Headers = headers; } public String getCombinedAnnotationName() { return CombinedAnnotationName; } public void setCombinedAnnotationName(String combinedAnnotationName) { CombinedAnnotationName = combinedAnnotationName; } public Boolean getExecute() { return Execute; } public void setExecute(Boolean execute) { Execute = execute; } }