Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2008-2017, Hazelcast, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.hazelcast.qasonar.codecoverage; import com.hazelcast.qasonar.utils.GitHubStatus; import com.hazelcast.qasonar.utils.PropertyReader; import com.hazelcast.qasonar.utils.Repository; import com.hazelcast.qasonar.utils.WhiteList; import com.hazelcast.qasonar.utils.WhiteListResult; import org.kohsuke.github.GHRepository; import; import; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Map; import static com.hazelcast.qasonar.codecoverage.FileContainer.CoverageType.IDEA; import static com.hazelcast.qasonar.codecoverage.FileContainer.CoverageType.SONAR; import static com.hazelcast.qasonar.utils.DebugUtils.debug; import static com.hazelcast.qasonar.utils.DebugUtils.debugGreen; import static com.hazelcast.qasonar.utils.DebugUtils.debugRed; import static com.hazelcast.qasonar.utils.DebugUtils.debugYellow; import static com.hazelcast.qasonar.utils.GitHubStatus.ADDED; import static com.hazelcast.qasonar.utils.GitHubUtils.getFileContentsFromGitHub; import static com.hazelcast.qasonar.utils.Repository.fromRepositoryName; import static com.hazelcast.qasonar.utils.Utils.readFromFile; import static java.lang.String.format; import static; class CodeCoverageAnalyzer { private static final double MIN_IDEA_COVERAGE_DIFF = 0.5; private static final double COVERAGE_MARGIN = 0.01; private final Map<String, FileContainer> files; private final PropertyReader props; private final GHRepository repo; private final WhiteList whiteList; private final String localGitRoot; CodeCoverageAnalyzer(Map<String, FileContainer> files, PropertyReader props, GHRepository repo, WhiteList whiteList) { this.files = files; this.props = props; this.repo = repo; this.whiteList = whiteList; this.localGitRoot = getLocalGitRoot(props, repo); } private String getLocalGitRoot(PropertyReader props, GHRepository repo) { if (props.getLocalGitRoot() == null || props.getLocalGitRoot().isEmpty()) { return null; } Repository repository = fromRepositoryName(repo.getName()); File localGitRoot = new File(props.getLocalGitRoot() + repository.getRepositoryName()).getAbsoluteFile(); if (!localGitRoot.isDirectory()) { debugRed("Could not find local Git repository at: " + localGitRoot.getAbsolutePath()); return null; } debug("Using local Git repository at: " + localGitRoot); return localGitRoot.getAbsolutePath() + File.separatorChar; } public Map<String, FileContainer> getFiles() { return Collections.unmodifiableMap(files); } public void run() throws IOException { for (FileContainer fileContainer : files.values()) { String gitFileName = fileContainer.fileName; checkEntryStatus(fileContainer); if (fileContainer.isQaCheckSet()) { continue; } checkFileName(fileContainer, gitFileName); if (fileContainer.isQaCheckSet()) { continue; } checkFileWithoutCoverage(fileContainer, gitFileName); if (fileContainer.isQaCheckSet()) { continue; } checkCodeCoverage(fileContainer); } } private void checkEntryStatus(FileContainer fileContainer) { if (fileContainer.isModuleDeleted) { fileContainer.pass("module deleted"); return; } if (fileContainer.status == GitHubStatus.REMOVED) { fileContainer.pass("deleted"); return; } if (fileContainer.status == GitHubStatus.RENAMED && fileContainer.gitHubChanges <= 2) { fileContainer.pass("renamed"); return; } if (fileContainer.status == GitHubStatus.CHANGED && fileContainer.gitHubChanges == 0) { fileContainer.pass("no changes"); } } private void checkFileName(FileContainer fileContainer, String gitFileName) { if (!gitFileName.endsWith(".java")) { fileContainer.pass("no Java file"); return; } if (gitFileName.endsWith("")) { fileContainer.pass("Package info"); return; } if (gitFileName.contains("/src/test/java/")) { fileContainer.pass("Test"); return; } WhiteListResult whiteListResult = whiteList.getWhitelistResultOrNull(gitFileName); if (whiteListResult != null) { if (whiteListResult.isJustification()) { fileContainer.pass("whitelisted\n" + whiteListResult.getJustification()); } else { fileContainer.comment = whiteListResult.getComment(); } } } private void checkFileWithoutCoverage(FileContainer fileContainer, String gitFileName) { if (fileContainer.coverage != null || fileContainer.ideaCoverage > COVERAGE_MARGIN) { return; } String fileContents; try { if (localGitRoot == null) { fileContents = getFileContentsFromGitHub(repo, gitFileName); } else { fileContents = readFromFile(localGitRoot + gitFileName); } } catch (FileNotFoundException ignored) { fileContainer.pass("deleted in newer PR"); return; } catch (Exception e) {"Could not get contents for file " + gitFileName + ": " + e.getCause()); debugRed("Failed with file content not retrievable %s: %s", gitFileName, e.getCause()); return; } String baseName = getBaseName(gitFileName); if (fileContents.contains("@interface " + baseName)) { fileContainer.pass("Annotation"); return; } if (fileContents.contains("interface " + baseName)) { fileContainer.pass("Interface"); return; } if (fileContents.contains("enum " + baseName)) { fileContainer.pass("Enum"); return; }"code coverage not found"); debugRed("Failed with code coverage not found %s", gitFileName); } @SuppressWarnings("checkstyle:npathcomplexity") private void checkCodeCoverage(FileContainer fileContainer) { double minCodeCoverage = props.getMinCodeCoverage(fileContainer.status); boolean useIdeaCoverage = isIdeaCoverageSignificantlyHigher(fileContainer); fileContainer.useForCoverageCalculation(useIdeaCoverage ? IDEA : SONAR); double sonarCoverage = fileContainer.numericCoverage; if (sonarCoverage >= minCodeCoverage) { fileContainer.pass(); return; } double ideaCoverage = fileContainer.ideaCoverage; if (ideaCoverage >= minCodeCoverage && useIdeaCoverage) { fileContainer.pass(format("IDEA coverage: %.1f%%", ideaCoverage)); debugGreen("Passed with code coverage %5.1f%% (%+6.1f%%) (IDEA ) %s", ideaCoverage, (ideaCoverage - sonarCoverage), fileContainer.fileName); return; } double failedCoverage = useIdeaCoverage ? ideaCoverage : sonarCoverage; double diff = failedCoverage - minCodeCoverage; String coverageType = useIdeaCoverage ? "IDEA" : "Sonar"; if (isBelowMinThresholdModified(fileContainer)) { fileContainer.pass(format("under threshold with %d changed lines\ncode coverage %.1f%% (%.1f%%) (%s)", fileContainer.gitHubChanges, failedCoverage, diff, coverageType)); debugGreen("Passed with code coverage %5.1f%% (%6.1f%%) (%-5s) %s (%d lines changed below threshold)", failedCoverage, diff, coverageType, fileContainer.fileName, fileContainer.gitHubChanges); return; }"code coverage %.1f%% (%.1f%%) (%s)", failedCoverage, diff, coverageType)); debugYellow("Failed with code coverage %5.1f%% (%6.1f%%) (%-5s) %s", failedCoverage, diff, coverageType, fileContainer.fileName); } private boolean isIdeaCoverageSignificantlyHigher(FileContainer fileContainer) { return (fileContainer.ideaCoverage > fileContainer.numericLineCoverage + MIN_IDEA_COVERAGE_DIFF); } private boolean isBelowMinThresholdModified(FileContainer fileContainer) { int minThresholdModified = props.getMinThresholdModified(); return (fileContainer.status != ADDED && minThresholdModified > 0 && fileContainer.gitHubChanges <= minThresholdModified); } }