Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2007-2008, Hazel Ltd. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package com.hazelcast.monitor.client; import; import*; import com.hazelcast.monitor.client.event.ChangeEvent; import com.hazelcast.monitor.client.event.ChangeEventType; import com.hazelcast.monitor.client.event.Partitions; import static com.hazelcast.monitor.client.PanelUtils.*; public class PartitionsPanel extends AbstractMonitoringPanel implements MonitoringPanel { final private AsyncCallback<ChangeEvent> callBack; final AbsolutePanel absTablePanel; private ClusterWidgets clusterWidgets; public PartitionsPanel(AsyncCallback<ChangeEvent> callBack, ServicesFactory servicesFactory) { super(servicesFactory.getHazelcastService()); this.callBack = callBack; absTablePanel = new AbsolutePanel(); absTablePanel.addStyleName("img-shadow"); FlexTable table = createFormattedFlexTable(); table.setText(0, 0, "Member"); table.setText(0, 1, "Count"); table.setText(0, 2, "Partitions"); absTablePanel.add(table); } public void handle(ChangeEvent event) { Partitions partitionsChangeEvent = (Partitions) event; int row = 1; FlexTable table = (FlexTable) absTablePanel.getWidget(0); TreeItem memberTreeItem = clusterWidgets.getMemberTreeItem(); for (int i = 0; i < memberTreeItem.getChildCount(); i++) { TreeItem treeItem = memberTreeItem.getChild(i); Anchor link = (Anchor) treeItem.getWidget(); String member = link.getText(); table.setWidget(row, 0, clusterWidgets.getInstanceLink(null, member)); Integer size = partitionsChangeEvent.getCount().get(member); size = (size == null) ? 0 : size; table.setText(row, 1, String.valueOf(size)); table.setText(row, 2, partitionsChangeEvent.getPartitions().get(member)); formatEvenRows(row, table); row++; } removeUnusedRows(row, table); } public Widget getPanelWidget() { return absTablePanel; } public boolean register(ClusterWidgets clusterWidgets) { this.clusterWidgets = clusterWidgets; return super.register(clusterWidgets, ChangeEventType.PARTITIONS, null, callBack); } public boolean deRegister(ClusterWidgets clusterWidgets) { return super.deRegister(clusterWidgets, ChangeEventType.PARTITIONS, null); } }