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 * Licensed under the Apache License,Version2.0(the"License");you may not
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 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,software
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package com.haulmont.cuba.web.widgets.renderers.componentrenderer.grid;

import com.vaadin.ui.Component;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.reflect.FieldUtils;

 * A property value generator taylored to the needs of the typed {@link ComponentGrid}.
 * @author Jonas Hahn (
public class ComponentPropertyGenerator<T> extends PropertyValueGenerator<Component> {

    private final Class<T> typeOfRows;
    private final ComponentGenerator<T> componentGenerator;

     * Create a new {@link ComponentPropertyGenerator}.
     * @param typeOfRows the type of the beans used in the grid
     * @param generator  the generator used to create the components
    public ComponentPropertyGenerator(Class<T> typeOfRows, ComponentGenerator<T> generator) {
        this.typeOfRows = typeOfRows;
        this.componentGenerator = generator;

    public Component getValue(Item item, Object itemId, Object propertyId) {
        return componentGenerator.getComponent((T) itemId);

     * If the generated property is hiding a property existing in the bean,
     * the underlying property of the bean is used for sorting. Otherwise
     * no sorting is possible (clicking on the header-cell for sorting then
     * will have no effect).
     * {@inheritDoc}
    public SortOrder[] getSortProperties(SortOrder order) {

        if (hidesBeanField(order)) {
            return new SortOrder[] { order };
        } else {
            return new SortOrder[0];

     * Checks if the generated property hides an existing property of the bean.
     * If that's the case the underlying bean-property can be used for sorting.
     * @param order the sort-order
     * @return true when the property of the column to be sorted hides a bean-field, false otherwise
    private boolean hidesBeanField(SortOrder order) {
        return typeOfRows != null && typeHasProperty((String) order.getPropertyId());

    private boolean typeHasProperty(String propertyId) {
        boolean hasProperty = FieldUtils.getField(typeOfRows, propertyId, true) != null;
        String prefixedProperty = "is" + propertyId.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + propertyId.substring(1);
        boolean hasPrefixedProperty = FieldUtils.getField(typeOfRows, prefixedProperty, true) != null;
        return hasProperty || hasPrefixedProperty;

    public Class<Component> getType() {
        return Component.class;