Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2008-2017 Haulmont. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.haulmont.cuba.web.widgets; import com.vaadin.server.PaintException; import com.vaadin.server.PaintTarget; import com.vaadin.shared.Registration; import com.vaadin.ui.Component; import com.vaadin.ui.ComponentContainer; import; import; import java.util.*; public class CubaWidgetsTree extends CubaTree implements ComponentContainer { protected WidgetBuilder widgetBuilder; protected final List<Component> nodeWidgets = new ArrayList<>(); protected final List<Object> itemIds = new ArrayList<>(); @Override public void containerItemSetChange(Container.ItemSetChangeEvent event) { super.containerItemSetChange(event); refreshRenderedComponents(); } @Override public void containerPropertySetChange(Container.PropertySetChangeEvent event) { super.containerPropertySetChange(event); refreshRenderedComponents(); } protected void detachGeneratedComponents() { for (Component c : nodeWidgets) { if (c.isAttached()) { c.detach(); } } } protected void refreshRenderedComponents() { detachGeneratedComponents(); nodeWidgets.clear(); itemIds.clear(); if (widgetBuilder != null) { // Iterates through hierarchical tree using a stack of iterators final Stack<Iterator<?>> iteratorStack = new Stack<>(); Collection<?> ids = rootItemIds(); if (ids != null) { iteratorStack.push(ids.iterator()); } while (!iteratorStack.isEmpty()) { // Gets the iterator for current tree level final Iterator<?> i = iteratorStack.peek(); // If the level is finished, back to previous tree level if (!i.hasNext()) { // Removes used iterator from the stack iteratorStack.pop(); } else { final Object itemId =; itemIds.add(itemId); Component c = widgetBuilder.buildWidget(this, itemId, areChildrenAllowed(itemId)); c.setParent(this); c.markAsDirty(); nodeWidgets.add(c); if (hasChildren(itemId) && areChildrenAllowed(itemId)) { iteratorStack.push(getChildren(itemId).iterator()); } } } } } @Override protected void paintItem(PaintTarget target, Object itemId, LinkedList<String> selectedKeys, LinkedList<String> expandedKeys) throws PaintException { super.paintItem(target, itemId, selectedKeys, expandedKeys); if (itemIds.indexOf(itemId) >= 0) { target.addAttribute("widgetIndex", itemIds.indexOf(itemId)); } } public WidgetBuilder getWidgetBuilder() { return widgetBuilder; } public void setWidgetBuilder(WidgetBuilder widgetBuilder) { if (this.widgetBuilder != widgetBuilder) { this.widgetBuilder = widgetBuilder; refreshRenderedComponents(); } } @Override public Iterator<Component> iterator() { return nodeWidgets.iterator(); } @Override public Iterator<Component> getComponentIterator() { return iterator(); } @Override public int getComponentCount() { return nodeWidgets.size(); } @Override public void addComponent(Component c) { // do nothing } @Override public void addComponents(Component... nodeWidgets) { // do nothing } @Override public void removeComponent(Component c) { // do nothing } @Override public void removeAllComponents() { // do nothing } @Override public void replaceComponent(Component oldComponent, Component newComponent) { // do nothing } @Override public void moveComponentsFrom(ComponentContainer source) { // do nothing } @Override public Registration addComponentAttachListener(ComponentAttachListener listener) { // do nothing return (Registration) () -> { }; } @Override public void removeComponentAttachListener(ComponentAttachListener listener) { // do nothing } @Override public Registration addComponentDetachListener(ComponentDetachListener listener) { // do nothing return (Registration) () -> { }; } @Override public void removeComponentDetachListener(ComponentDetachListener listener) { // do nothing } public interface WidgetBuilder extends Serializable { Component buildWidget(CubaWidgetsTree source, Object itemId, boolean leaf); } }