Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2008-2017 Haulmont. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.haulmont.cuba.web.widgets; import; import; import com.haulmont.cuba.web.widgets.client.table.CubaTableClientRpc; import com.haulmont.cuba.web.widgets.client.table.CubaTableServerRpc; import com.haulmont.cuba.web.widgets.client.treetable.CubaTreeTableState; import; import; import; import; import com.vaadin.event.Action; import com.vaadin.event.ActionManager; import com.vaadin.event.ShortcutListener; import com.vaadin.server.Page; import com.vaadin.server.PaintException; import com.vaadin.server.PaintTarget; import com.vaadin.server.Resource; import com.vaadin.shared.Registration; import com.vaadin.ui.AbstractComponent; import com.vaadin.ui.Component; import com.vaadin.ui.Layout; import; import; import; import; import; import com.vaadin.v7.ui.Field; import java.util.*; import java.util.function.Function; import static; @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public class CubaTreeTable extends com.vaadin.v7.ui.TreeTable implements TreeTableContainer, CubaEnhancedTable { protected LinkedList<Object> editableColumns = null; /** * Keeps track of the ShortcutListeners added to this component, and manages the painting and handling as well. */ protected ActionManager shortcutActionManager; protected boolean autowirePropertyDsForFields = false; protected boolean showTotalAggregation = true; protected boolean aggregatable = false; protected Set<Object> nonSortableProperties; // lazily initialized Set protected Map<Object, CellClickListener> cellClickListeners; // lazily initialized map protected Map<Object, String> columnDescriptions; // lazily initialized map protected Map<Object, String> aggregationTooltips; // lazily initialized map protected AggregationStyle aggregationStyle = AggregationStyle.TOP; protected Object focusColumn; protected Object focusItem; protected Runnable beforePaintListener; protected Function<Object, Resource> iconProvider; protected SpecificVariablesHandler specificVariablesHandler; protected CellValueFormatter customCellValueFormatter; public CubaTreeTable() { //noinspection Convert2Lambda registerRpc(new CubaTableServerRpc() { @Override public void onClick(String columnKey, String rowKey) { Object columnId = _columnIdMap().get(columnKey); Object itemId = itemIdMapper.get(rowKey); if (cellClickListeners != null) { CellClickListener cellClickListener = cellClickListeners.get(columnId); if (cellClickListener != null) { cellClickListener.onClick(itemId, columnId); } } } }); } @Override protected CubaTreeTableState getState() { return (CubaTreeTableState) super.getState(); } @Override protected CubaTreeTableState getState(boolean markAsDirty) { return (CubaTreeTableState) super.getState(markAsDirty); } @Override public void setSortResetLabel(String tableSortResetLabel) { getState(true).tableSortResetLabel = tableSortResetLabel; } @Override public String getSortResetLabel() { return getState().tableSortResetLabel; } @Override public void setSortAscendingLabel(String tableSortAscendingLabel) { getState(true).tableSortAscendingLabel = tableSortAscendingLabel; } @Override public String getSortAscendingLabel() { return getState().tableSortAscendingLabel; } @Override public void setSortDescendingLabel(String tableSortDescendingLabel) { getState(true).tableSortDescendingLabel = tableSortDescendingLabel; } @Override public String getSortDescendingLabel() { return getState().tableSortDescendingLabel; } @Override public Component getPresentations() { return (Component) getState(false).presentations; } @Override public void setPresentations(Component presentations) { getState().presentations = presentations; } @Override public void setContextMenuPopup(Layout contextMenu) { getState().contextMenu = contextMenu; } @Override public void hideContextMenuPopup() { getRpcProxy(CubaTableClientRpc.class).hideContextMenuPopup(); } @Override public void hidePresentationsPopup() { getRpcProxy(CubaTableClientRpc.class).hidePresentationsPopup(); } @Override public boolean isTextSelectionEnabled() { return getState(false).textSelectionEnabled; } @Override public void setTextSelectionEnabled(boolean textSelectionEnabled) { if (isTextSelectionEnabled() != textSelectionEnabled) { getState(true).textSelectionEnabled = textSelectionEnabled; } } @Override public void setMultiLineCells(boolean multiLineCells) { if (isMultiLineCells() != multiLineCells) { getState(true).multiLineCells = multiLineCells; } } @Override public boolean isMultiLineCells() { return getState(false).multiLineCells; } @Override public boolean disableContentBufferRefreshing() { return disableContentRefreshing(); } @Override public void enableContentBufferRefreshing(boolean refreshContent) { enableContentRefreshing(refreshContent); } @Override protected Object getPropertyValue(Object rowId, Object colId, Property property) { if (isColumnEditable(colId, isEditable()) && _fieldFactory() != null) { final Field<?> f = _fieldFactory().createField(getContainerDataSource(), rowId, colId, this); if (f != null) { // Remember that we have made this association so we can remove // it when the component is removed _associatedProperties().put(f, property); if (autowirePropertyDsForFields) { bindPropertyToField(rowId, colId, property, f); } return f; } } return formatPropertyValue(rowId, colId, property); } @Override public boolean isAutowirePropertyDsForFields() { return autowirePropertyDsForFields; } @Override public void setAutowirePropertyDsForFields(boolean autowirePropertyDsForFields) { this.autowirePropertyDsForFields = autowirePropertyDsForFields; } @Override public boolean isContextMenuEnabled() { return getState(false).contextMenuEnabled; } @Override public void setContextMenuEnabled(boolean contextMenuEnabled) { if (isContextMenuEnabled() != contextMenuEnabled) { getState(true).contextMenuEnabled = contextMenuEnabled; } } @Override public int getLevel(Object itemId) { return ((TreeTableContainer) items).getLevel(itemId); } @Override public void changeVariables(Object source, Map<String, Object> variables) { if (Page.getCurrent().getWebBrowser().isIE() && variables.containsKey("clickEvent")) { focus(); } super.changeVariables(source, variables); if (shortcutActionManager != null) { shortcutActionManager.handleActions(variables, this); } } @Override public Registration addShortcutListener(ShortcutListener shortcut) { if (shortcutActionManager == null) { shortcutActionManager = new ShortcutActionManager(this); } shortcutActionManager.addAction(shortcut); return () -> getActionManager().removeAction(shortcut); } @Override public void removeShortcutListener(ShortcutListener shortcut) { if (shortcutActionManager != null) { shortcutActionManager.removeAction(shortcut); } } @Override protected void paintActions(PaintTarget target, Set<Action> actionSet) throws PaintException { super.paintActions(target, actionSet); if (shortcutActionManager != null) { shortcutActionManager.paintActions(null, target); } } @Override public Object[] getEditableColumns() { if (editableColumns == null) { return null; } return editableColumns.toArray(); } @Override public void setEditableColumns(Object[] editableColumns) { checkNotNull(editableColumns, "You cannot set null as editable columns"); if (this.editableColumns == null) { this.editableColumns = new LinkedList<>(); } else { this.editableColumns.clear(); } final Collection properties = getContainerPropertyIds(); for (final Object editableColumn : editableColumns) { if (editableColumn == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Ids must be non-nulls"); } else if (!properties.contains(editableColumn) || _columnGenerators().containsKey(editableColumn)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Ids must exist in the Container and it must be not a generated column, incorrect id: " + editableColumn); } this.editableColumns.add(editableColumn); } refreshRowCache(); } @Override protected boolean isColumnEditable(Object columnId, boolean editable) { return editable && editableColumns != null && editableColumns.contains(columnId); } @Override public boolean isColumnEditable(Object columnId) { return isColumnEditable(columnId, isEditable()); } @Override public void addGeneratedColumn(Object id, ColumnGenerator generatedColumn) { if (generatedColumn == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can not add null as a GeneratedColumn"); } if (_columnGenerators().containsKey(id)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can not add the same GeneratedColumn twice, id:" + id); } else { if (!(generatedColumn instanceof PlainTextGeneratedColumn)) { // do not use custom cache row settings for table with generated columns if (getCacheRate() != 2) { setCacheRate(2); } } _columnGenerators().put(id, generatedColumn); /* * add to visible column list unless already there (overriding * column from DS) */ if (!_visibleColumns().contains(id)) { _visibleColumns().add(id); } if (editableColumns != null) { editableColumns.remove(id); } refreshRowCache(); } } @Override public void setEditable(boolean editable) { super.setEditable(editable); if (editable) { if (getCacheRate() != 2) { setCacheRate(2); } } } @Override protected boolean changeVariables(Map<String, Object> variables) { boolean clientNeedsContentRefresh = super.changeVariables(variables); if (variables.containsKey("resetsortorder")) { resetSortOrder(); markAsDirty(); } if (specificVariablesHandler != null) { clientNeedsContentRefresh = specificVariablesHandler.handleSpecificVariables(variables) || clientNeedsContentRefresh; } return clientNeedsContentRefresh; } @Override public Resource getItemIcon(Object itemId) { if (iconProvider != null) { return iconProvider.apply(itemId); } return super.getItemIcon(itemId); } @Override protected String formatPropertyValue(Object rowId, Object colId, Property<?> property) { if (this.customCellValueFormatter != null) { return customCellValueFormatter.getFormattedValue(rowId, colId, property); } return super.formatPropertyValue(rowId, colId, property); } @Override public void setContainerDataSource(Container newDataSource) { disableContentRefreshing(); if (newDataSource == null || newDataSource instanceof IndexedContainer) { // if it is just created newDataSource = new NullTreeTableContainer(new HierarchicalContainer()); } else if (!(newDataSource instanceof Container.Hierarchical)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("CubaTreeTable supports only Container.Hierarchical"); } super.setContainerDataSource(newDataSource); } public void expandAll() { expandAllItems(); } public void expandItemRecursively(Object id) { setCollapsed(id, false); for (Object childId : getChildren(id)) { expandItemRecursively(childId); } } public void expandItemWithParents(Object id) { Object currentId = id; while (currentId != null) { setCollapsed(currentId, false); currentId = getParent(currentId); } } public void collapseItemRecursively(Object id) { if (hasChildren(id)) { for (Object childId : getChildren(id)) { collapseItemRecursively(childId); } } setCollapsed(id, true); } public void collapseAll() { for (Object id : getItemIds()) { collapseItemRecursively(id); } } public void expandUpTo(int level) { Preconditions.checkArgument(level > 0, "level should be greater than 0"); List<Object> currentLevelItemIds = new ArrayList<>(getItemIds()); int i = 0; while (i < level && !currentLevelItemIds.isEmpty()) { for (Object itemId : new ArrayList<>(currentLevelItemIds)) { setExpanded(itemId); currentLevelItemIds.remove(itemId); currentLevelItemIds.addAll(getChildren(itemId)); } i++; } } public void setExpanded(Object itemId) { setCollapsed(itemId, false); } public boolean isExpanded(Object itemId) { return !isCollapsed(itemId); } @Override public void resetSortOrder() { sortContainerPropertyId = null; sortAscending = true; if (items instanceof TableSortableContainer) { ((TableSortableContainer) items).resetSortOrder(); } } @Override public Iterator<Component> iterator() { List<Component> additionalConnectors = null; CubaTreeTableState tableState = getState(false); if (tableState.presentations != null) { additionalConnectors = new LinkedList<>(); additionalConnectors.add((Component) tableState.presentations); } if (tableState.contextMenu != null) { if (additionalConnectors == null) { additionalConnectors = new LinkedList<>(); } additionalConnectors.add((Component) tableState.contextMenu); } if (tableState.customPopup != null) { if (additionalConnectors == null) { additionalConnectors = new LinkedList<>(); } additionalConnectors.add((Component) tableState.customPopup); } if (additionalConnectors == null) { return super.iterator(); } else if (_visibleComponents() != null) { return Iterables.concat(_visibleComponents(), additionalConnectors).iterator(); } else { return additionalConnectors.iterator(); } } @Override public void refreshCellStyles() { super.refreshRenderedCells(); } @Override public boolean removeContainerProperty(Object propertyId) throws UnsupportedOperationException { if (editableColumns != null) { editableColumns.remove(propertyId); } if (isAggregatable() && items instanceof AggregationContainer) { removeContainerPropertyAggregation(propertyId); } boolean removed = super.removeContainerProperty(propertyId); if (removed) { resetPageBuffer(); } return removed; } @Override public boolean isAggregatable() { return this.aggregatable; } @Override public void setAggregatable(boolean aggregatable) { if (this.aggregatable != aggregatable) { this.aggregatable = aggregatable; markAsDirty(); } } @Override public AggregationStyle getAggregationStyle() { return aggregationStyle; } @Override public void setAggregationStyle(AggregationStyle aggregationStyle) { this.aggregationStyle = aggregationStyle; } @Override public boolean isShowTotalAggregation() { return showTotalAggregation; } @Override public void setShowTotalAggregation(boolean showTotalAggregation) { if (this.showTotalAggregation != showTotalAggregation) { this.showTotalAggregation = showTotalAggregation; markAsDirty(); } } @Override public Collection getAggregationPropertyIds() { if (items instanceof AggregationContainer) { return ((AggregationContainer) items).getAggregationPropertyIds(); } throw new IllegalStateException("Table container is not AggregationContainer: " + items.getClass()); } @Override public Type getContainerPropertyAggregation(Object propertyId) { if (items instanceof AggregationContainer) { return ((AggregationContainer) items).getContainerPropertyAggregation(propertyId); } throw new IllegalStateException("Table container is not AggregationContainer: " + items.getClass()); } @Override public void addContainerPropertyAggregation(Object propertyId, Type type) { if (items instanceof AggregationContainer) { ((AggregationContainer) items).addContainerPropertyAggregation(propertyId, type); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Table container is not AggregationContainer: " + items.getClass()); } } @Override public void removeContainerPropertyAggregation(Object propertyId) { if (items instanceof AggregationContainer) { ((AggregationContainer) items).removeContainerPropertyAggregation(propertyId); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Table container is not AggregationContainer: " + items.getClass()); } } @Override public Map<Object, Object> aggregate(Context context) { if (items instanceof AggregationContainer && isAggregatable()) { return ((AggregationContainer) items).aggregate(context); } throw new IllegalStateException("Table container is not AggregationContainer: " + items.getClass()); } @Override protected void paintAdditionalData(PaintTarget target) throws PaintException { if (reqFirstRowToPaint == -1 && items instanceof AggregationContainer && isAggregatable() && !((AggregationContainer) items).getAggregationPropertyIds().isEmpty() && isShowTotalAggregation() && AggregationStyle.TOP.equals(getAggregationStyle())) { paintAggregationRow(target, ((AggregationContainer) items).aggregate(new Context(items.getItemIds()))); } // paint cuba-ids if (getCubaId() != null) { ArrayList<String> visibleColOrder = new ArrayList<>(); for (Object columnId : _visibleColumns()) { if (!isColumnCollapsed(columnId)) { visibleColOrder.add(columnId.toString()); } } target.addAttribute("colcubaids", visibleColOrder.toArray()); } } protected void paintAggregationRow(PaintTarget target, Map<Object, Object> aggregations) throws PaintException { target.startTag("arow"); for (final Object columnId : _visibleColumns()) { if (columnId == null || isColumnCollapsed(columnId)) { continue; } if (getCellStyleGenerator() != null) { String cellStyle = getCellStyleGenerator().getStyle(this, null, columnId); if (cellStyle != null && !cellStyle.equals("")) { target.addAttribute("style-" + _columnIdMap().key(columnId), cellStyle + "-ag"); } } String value = (String) aggregations.get(columnId); target.addText(value); } target.endTag("arow"); } @Override public void setClickListener(Object propertyId, CellClickListener clickListener) { if (cellClickListeners == null) { cellClickListeners = new HashMap<>(); } cellClickListeners.put(propertyId, clickListener); } @Override public void removeClickListener(Object propertyId) { if (cellClickListeners != null) { cellClickListeners.remove(propertyId); } } @Override public boolean getColumnSortable(Object columnId) { return nonSortableProperties == null || !nonSortableProperties.contains(columnId); } @Override public void setColumnSortable(Object columnId, boolean sortable) { if (nonSortableProperties == null) { nonSortableProperties = new HashSet<>(); } if (sortable) { if (nonSortableProperties.remove(columnId)) { markAsDirty(); } } else { if (nonSortableProperties.add(columnId)) { markAsDirty(); } } } @Override public void requestFocus(Object itemId, Object columnId) { if (!getItemIds().contains(itemId)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Item doesn't exists"); } if (!_visibleColumns().contains(columnId)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Column doesn't exists or not visible"); } focusColumn = columnId; focusItem = itemId; setPageLength(-1); markAsDirty(); } @Override public Function<Object, Resource> getIconProvider() { return iconProvider; } @Override public void setIconProvider(Function<Object, Resource> iconProvider) { this.iconProvider = iconProvider; } @Override public void setSpecificVariablesHandler(SpecificVariablesHandler specificVariablesHandler) { this.specificVariablesHandler = specificVariablesHandler; } @Override public SpecificVariablesHandler getSpecificVariablesHandler() { return specificVariablesHandler; } @Override public Collection<?> getSortableContainerPropertyIds() { Collection<?> ids = new ArrayList<>(super.getSortableContainerPropertyIds()); if (nonSortableProperties != null) { ids.removeAll(nonSortableProperties); } return ids; } @Override public void beforeClientResponse(boolean initial) { super.beforeClientResponse(initial); updateClickableColumnKeys(); updateColumnDescriptions(); updateAggregatableTooltips(); if (AggregationStyle.BOTTOM.equals(getAggregationStyle())) { updateFooterAggregation(); } if (focusColumn != null) { setCurrentPageFirstItemId(focusItem); getRpcProxy(CubaTableClientRpc.class).requestFocus(itemIdMapper.key(focusItem), _columnIdMap().key(focusColumn)); focusColumn = null; focusItem = null; } } protected void updateAggregatableTooltips() { if (aggregationTooltips != null) { Map<String, String> aggregationTooltipsByKey = new HashMap<>(); for (Map.Entry<Object, String> columnEntry : aggregationTooltips.entrySet()) { aggregationTooltipsByKey.put(_columnIdMap().key(columnEntry.getKey()), columnEntry.getValue()); } getState().aggregationDescriptions = aggregationTooltipsByKey; } } protected void updateFooterAggregation() { if (!isFooterVisible()) { setFooterVisible(true); } Map<Object, Object> aggregations = ((AggregationContainer) items) .aggregate(new Context(items.getItemIds())); for (final Object columnId : _visibleColumns()) { if (columnId == null || isColumnCollapsed(columnId) || !aggregations.containsKey(columnId)) { continue; } String value = (String) aggregations.get(columnId); setColumnFooter(columnId, value); } } protected void updateClickableColumnKeys() { if (cellClickListeners != null) { String[] clickableColumnKeys = new String[cellClickListeners.size()]; int i = 0; for (Object columnId : cellClickListeners.keySet()) { clickableColumnKeys[i] = _columnIdMap().key(columnId); i++; } getState().clickableColumnKeys = clickableColumnKeys; } } @Override public void showCustomPopup(Component popupComponent) { if (getState().customPopup != null) { ((AbstractComponent) getState().customPopup).setParent(null); } getState().customPopup = popupComponent; getRpcProxy(CubaTableClientRpc.class).showCustomPopup(); popupComponent.setParent(this); } @Override public boolean getCustomPopupAutoClose() { return getState(false).customPopupAutoClose; } @Override public void setCustomPopupAutoClose(boolean popupAutoClose) { if (getState(false).customPopupAutoClose != popupAutoClose) { getState().customPopupAutoClose = popupAutoClose; } } @Override public void setColumnDescription(Object columnId, String description) { if (description != null) { if (columnDescriptions == null) { columnDescriptions = new HashMap<>(); } if (!Objects.equals(columnDescriptions.get(columnId), description)) { markAsDirty(); } columnDescriptions.put(columnId, description); } else if (columnDescriptions != null) { if (columnDescriptions.remove(columnId) != null) { markAsDirty(); } } } @Override public String getAggregationDescription(Object columnId) { if (aggregationTooltips != null) { return aggregationTooltips.get(columnId); } return null; } @Override public void setAggregationDescription(Object columnId, String tooltip) { if (tooltip != null) { if (aggregationTooltips == null) { aggregationTooltips = new HashMap<>(); } if (!Objects.equals(aggregationTooltips.get(columnId), tooltip)) { markAsDirty(); } aggregationTooltips.put(columnId, tooltip); } else if (aggregationTooltips != null) { if (aggregationTooltips.containsKey(columnId)) { markAsDirty(); } aggregationTooltips.remove(columnId); } } @Override public String getColumnDescription(Object columnId) { if (columnDescriptions != null) { return columnDescriptions.get(columnId); } return null; } protected void updateColumnDescriptions() { if (columnDescriptions != null) { Map<String, String> columnDescriptionsByKey = new HashMap<>(); for (Map.Entry<Object, String> columnEntry : columnDescriptions.entrySet()) { columnDescriptionsByKey.put(_columnIdMap().key(columnEntry.getKey()), columnEntry.getValue()); } getState().columnDescriptions = columnDescriptionsByKey; } } @Override public void setHeight(float height, Unit unit) { super.setHeight(height, unit); if (height < 0) { if (getCacheRate() != 2) { setCacheRate(2); } if (getPageLength() != 15) { setPageLength(15); } } } @Override protected Container createOrderedWrapper(Container newDataSource) { ContainerOrderedWrapper wrapper = new ContainerOrderedWrapper(newDataSource); wrapper.setResetOnItemSetChange(true); return wrapper; } @Override public void setBeforePaintListener(Runnable beforePaintListener) { this.beforePaintListener = beforePaintListener; } @Override public void setCustomCellValueFormatter(CellValueFormatter cellValueFormatter) { this.customCellValueFormatter = cellValueFormatter; } @Override public CellValueFormatter getCustomCellValueFormatter() { return customCellValueFormatter; } @Override public void paintContent(PaintTarget target) throws PaintException { if (beforePaintListener != null) {; } super.paintContent(target); } public void expandAllHierarchical(List<Object> collapsedItemIds, List<Object> preOrder, List<Object> openItems) { if (getContainerStrategy() instanceof HierarchicalStrategy) { HierarchicalStrategy hierarchicalStrategy = (HierarchicalStrategy) getContainerStrategy(); hierarchicalStrategy.setOpenItems(openItems); hierarchicalStrategy.setPreOrder(preOrder); for (Object itemId : collapsedItemIds) { fireExpandEvent(itemId); } setCurrentPageFirstItemIndex(getCurrentPageFirstItemIndex(), false); refreshRowCache(); } else { expandAll(); } } public void collapseAllHierarchical() { if (getContainerStrategy() instanceof HierarchicalStrategy) { HierarchicalStrategy hierarchicalStrategy = (HierarchicalStrategy) getContainerStrategy(); Set<Object> openItems = hierarchicalStrategy.getOpenItems(); hierarchicalStrategy.setOpenItems(Collections.emptyList()); hierarchicalStrategy.setPreOrder(null); // trigger preorder update hierarchicalStrategy.getItemIds(); for (Object itemId : openItems) { fireCollapseEvent(itemId); } setCurrentPageFirstItemIndex(getCurrentPageFirstItemIndex(), false); refreshRowCache(); } else { collapseAll(); } } }