Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2008-2017 Haulmont. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.haulmont.cuba.web.widgets; import; import; import; import com.vaadin.server.KeyMapper; import com.vaadin.server.PaintException; import com.vaadin.server.PaintTarget; import; import; import com.vaadin.v7.ui.Table; import org.apache.commons.collections4.CollectionUtils; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import java.util.*; import; @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public class CubaGroupTable extends CubaTable implements GroupTableContainer { protected KeyMapper groupIdMap = new KeyMapper(); protected List<Object> groupDisallowedProperties; protected GroupPropertyValueFormatter groupPropertyValueFormatter; protected boolean fixedGrouping = false; protected boolean requestColumnReorderingAllowed = true; /** * Attention: this method is copied from the parent class: {@link Table#setColumnOrder(java.lang.Object[])} */ public void setColumnOrder(Object[] columnOrder) { if (columnOrder == null || !isColumnReorderingAllowed()) { return; } List<Object> newOrder = new ArrayList<>(); for (Object aColumnOrder : columnOrder) { if (aColumnOrder != null && _visibleColumns().contains(aColumnOrder)) { _visibleColumns().remove(aColumnOrder); newOrder.add(aColumnOrder); } } for (final Object columnId : _visibleColumns()) { if (!newOrder.contains(columnId)) { newOrder.add(columnId); } } _visibleColumns().clear(); _visibleColumns().addAll(newOrder); // Assure visual refresh refreshRowCache(); } @Override public void setContainerDataSource(Container newDataSource) { if (newDataSource == null || newDataSource instanceof IndexedContainer) { // if it is just created newDataSource = new NullGroupTableContainer(new IndexedContainer()); } else if (!(newDataSource instanceof GroupTableContainer)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("CubaGroupTable supports only GroupTableContainer"); } super.setContainerDataSource(newDataSource); } @Override public void paintContent(PaintTarget target) throws PaintException { super.paintContent(target); if (hasGroups()) { Collection groupProperties = getGroupProperties(); String[] groupColumns = new String[groupProperties.size()]; int index = 0; for (Object groupColumnId : groupProperties) { groupColumns[index++] = _columnIdMap().key(groupColumnId); } target.addVariable(this, "groupColumns", groupColumns); } } @Override public boolean isColumnReorderingAllowed() { return requestColumnReorderingAllowed && super.isColumnReorderingAllowed(); } @Override public void changeVariables(Object source, Map<String, Object> variables) { Object[] newGroupProperties = null; if (variables.containsKey("columnorder") && !variables.containsKey("groupedcolumns")) { newGroupProperties = new Object[0]; } else if (variables.containsKey("groupedcolumns")) { focus(); Object[] ids = (Object[]) variables.get("groupedcolumns"); Object[] groupProperties = new Object[ids.length]; for (int i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) { groupProperties[i] = _columnIdMap().get(ids[i].toString()); } newGroupProperties = groupProperties; // Deny group by generated columns if (!_columnGenerators().isEmpty()) { List<Object> notGeneratedProperties = new ArrayList<>(); for (Object id : newGroupProperties) { // todo support grouping by generated columns with Printable if (!_columnGenerators().containsKey(id) || isNonGeneratedProperty(id)) { notGeneratedProperties.add(id); } } newGroupProperties = notGeneratedProperties.toArray(); } } if (variables.containsKey("collapsedcolumns")) { Object[] ids = (Object[]) variables.get("collapsedcolumns"); Set<Object> idSet = ids.length > 0 ? new HashSet<>() : Collections.emptySet(); for (Object id : ids) { idSet.add(_columnIdMap().get(id.toString())); } boolean needToRegroup = false; List<Object> groupProperties = new ArrayList<>(getGroupProperties()); for (int index = 0; index < groupProperties.size(); index++) { final Object propertyId = groupProperties.get(index); if (idSet.contains(propertyId)) { groupProperties.subList(index, groupProperties.size()).clear(); needToRegroup = true; break; } } if (needToRegroup) { newGroupProperties = groupProperties.toArray(); } } if ((hasGroupDisallowedProperties(newGroupProperties) || fixedGrouping) && isGroupsChanged(newGroupProperties)) { requestColumnReorderingAllowed = false; markAsDirty(); } super.changeVariables(source, variables); if (!(hasGroupDisallowedProperties(newGroupProperties) || fixedGrouping) && newGroupProperties != null && isGroupsChanged(newGroupProperties)) { groupBy(newGroupProperties, true); } requestColumnReorderingAllowed = true; } protected boolean hasGroupDisallowedProperties(Object[] newGroupProperties) { if (newGroupProperties == null) { return false; } if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(groupDisallowedProperties)) { return false; } for (Object property : newGroupProperties) { if (groupDisallowedProperties.contains(property)) { return true; } } return false; } protected boolean isGroupsChanged(Object[] newGroupProperties) { Collection<?> oldGroupProperties = getGroupProperties(); if (newGroupProperties == null && oldGroupProperties == null) return false; if (newGroupProperties == null) return true; if (oldGroupProperties == null) return true; if (oldGroupProperties.size() != newGroupProperties.length) return true; int i = 0; for (Object oldGroupProperty : oldGroupProperties) { if (!Objects.equals(oldGroupProperty, newGroupProperties[i])) return true; i++; } return false; } @Override protected boolean changeVariables(Map<String, Object> variables) { boolean clientNeedsContentRefresh = super.changeVariables(variables); boolean needsResetPageBuffer = false; if (variables.containsKey("expandAllInGroup")) { focus(); Object groupId = groupIdMap.get((String) variables.get("expandAllInGroup")); expandAllInGroup(groupId, false); clientNeedsContentRefresh = true; needsResetPageBuffer = true; } if (variables.containsKey("expand")) { focus(); Object groupId = groupIdMap.get((String) variables.get("expand")); expand(groupId, false); clientNeedsContentRefresh = true; needsResetPageBuffer = true; } if (variables.containsKey("collapse")) { focus(); Object groupId = groupIdMap.get((String) variables.get("collapse")); collapse(groupId, false); clientNeedsContentRefresh = true; needsResetPageBuffer = true; } if (needsResetPageBuffer) { resetPageBuffer(); } return clientNeedsContentRefresh; } @Override protected boolean isCellPaintingNeeded(Object itemId, Object columnId) { return !isGroup(itemId); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override protected void paintRowAttributes(PaintTarget target, Object itemId) throws PaintException { super.paintRowAttributes(target, itemId); boolean hasAggregation = items instanceof AggregationContainer && isAggregatable() && !((AggregationContainer) items).getAggregationPropertyIds().isEmpty(); boolean hasGroups = hasGroups(); if (hasGroups) { if (isGroup(itemId)) { target.addAttribute("colKey", _columnIdMap().key(getGroupProperty(itemId))); target.addAttribute("groupKey", groupIdMap.key(itemId)); if (isExpanded(itemId)) { target.addAttribute("expanded", true); } Object propertyValue = getGroupPropertyValue(itemId); String formattedValue = formatGroupPropertyValue(itemId, propertyValue); target.addAttribute("groupCaption", formattedValue); if (hasAggregation) { paintGroupAggregation(target, itemId, ((AggregationContainer) items).aggregate(new GroupAggregationContext(this, itemId))); } } } } @Override protected Collection<?> getAggregationItemIds() { if (hasGroups()) { return rootGroups().stream().flatMap(groupId -> getGroupItemIds(groupId).stream()) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } else { return items.getItemIds(); } } protected void paintGroupAggregation(PaintTarget target, Object groupId, Map<Object, Object> aggregations) throws PaintException { boolean paintGroupProperty = false; Collection groupProperties = getGroupProperties(); Object groupProperty = getGroupProperty(groupId); for (Object columnId : _visibleColumns()) { if (columnId == null || isColumnCollapsed(columnId)) { continue; } if (groupProperties.contains(columnId) && !paintGroupProperty) { if (columnId.equals(groupProperty)) { paintGroupProperty = true; } continue; } if (getCellStyleGenerator() != null) { String cellStyle = getCellStyleGenerator().getStyle(this, null, columnId); if (cellStyle != null && !cellStyle.isEmpty()) { target.addAttribute("style-" + _columnIdMap().key(columnId), cellStyle + "-ag"); } } String value = (String) aggregations.get(columnId); if (value != null) { target.addText(value); } else { target.addText(""); } } } @Override protected LinkedHashSet<Object> getItemIdsInRange(Object startItemId, final int length) { Set<Object> rootIds = super.getItemIdsInRange(startItemId, length); // actual implementation moved to WebGroupTable return new LinkedHashSet<>(rootIds); } @Override protected boolean isColumnNeedsToRefreshRendered(Object colId) { GroupTableContainer items = (GroupTableContainer) this.items; boolean groupped = items.hasGroups(); return !groupped || !getGroupProperties().contains(colId); } @Override protected boolean isItemNeedsToRefreshRendered(Object itemId) { GroupTableContainer items = (GroupTableContainer) this.items; boolean groupped = items.hasGroups(); return !groupped || !items.isGroup(itemId); } protected String formatGroupPropertyValue(Object groupId, Object groupValue) { return groupPropertyValueFormatter != null ? groupPropertyValueFormatter.format(groupId, groupValue) : (groupValue == null ? "" : groupValue.toString()); } protected void expandAllInGroup(Object id, boolean rerender) { int pageIndex = getCurrentPageFirstItemIndex(); expandAllInGroup(id); if (isMultiSelect()) { selectAllInGroup(id); } setCurrentPageFirstItemIndex(pageIndex, false); if (rerender) { resetPageBuffer(); refreshRenderedCells(); markAsDirty(); } } protected void expandAllInGroup(Object id) { ((GroupTableContainer) items).expand(id); if (hasChildren(id)) { for (Object childId : getChildren(id)) { expandAllInGroup(childId); } } } protected void selectAllInGroup(Object id) { for (Object itemId : getGroupItemIds(id)) { select(itemId); } } protected void expand(Object id, boolean rerender) { int pageIndex = getCurrentPageFirstItemIndex(); ((GroupTableContainer) items).expand(id); setCurrentPageFirstItemIndex(pageIndex, false); if (rerender) { resetPageBuffer(); refreshRenderedCells(); markAsDirty(); } } protected void collapse(Object id, boolean rerender) { int pageIndex = getCurrentPageFirstItemIndex(); ((GroupTableContainer) items).collapse(id); setCurrentPageFirstItemIndex(pageIndex, false); if (rerender) { resetPageBuffer(); refreshRenderedCells(); markAsDirty(); } } protected void groupBy(Object[] properties, boolean rerender) { GroupTableContainer groupTableContainer = (GroupTableContainer) items; if (groupTableContainer.getGroupProperties().isEmpty() && properties.length == 0) { // no need to regroup and refreshRenderedCells return; } groupTableContainer.groupBy(properties); if (rerender) { resetPageBuffer(); setCurrentPageFirstItemIndex(0, false); refreshRenderedCells(); markAsDirty(); } } // hook to implement in Web impl protected boolean isNonGeneratedProperty(Object id) { return false; } @Override public Collection<?> getGroupProperties() { Collection<?> groupProperties = ((GroupTableContainer) items).getGroupProperties(); // Deny group by generated columns if (!_columnGenerators().isEmpty()) { List<Object> notGeneratedGroupProps = new ArrayList<>(); for (Object id : groupProperties) { if (!_columnGenerators().containsKey(id) || isNonGeneratedProperty(id)) { notGeneratedGroupProps.add(id); } } return notGeneratedGroupProps; } else { return groupProperties; } } @Override public void expandAll() { int pageIndex = getCurrentPageFirstItemIndex(); ((GroupTableContainer) items).expandAll(); setCurrentPageFirstItemIndex(pageIndex, false); resetPageBuffer(); refreshRenderedCells(); markAsDirty(); } @Override public void expand(Object id) { expand(id, true); } @Override public void collapseAll() { int pageIndex = getCurrentPageFirstItemIndex(); ((GroupTableContainer) items).collapseAll(); setCurrentPageFirstItemIndex(pageIndex, false); resetPageBuffer(); refreshRenderedCells(); markAsDirty(); } @Override public void collapse(Object id) { collapse(id, true); } @Override public boolean hasGroups() { return ((GroupTableContainer) items).hasGroups(); } @Override public void groupBy(Object[] properties) { groupBy(properties, true); } public boolean getColumnGroupAllowed(Object id) { if (groupDisallowedProperties == null) { return true; } return !groupDisallowedProperties.contains(id); } public void setColumnGroupAllowed(Object id, boolean allowed) { if (groupDisallowedProperties == null) { groupDisallowedProperties = new ArrayList<>(); } if (allowed) { groupDisallowedProperties.remove(id); } else { groupDisallowedProperties.add(id); } } @Override public boolean isGroup(Object itemId) { return ((GroupTableContainer) items).isGroup(itemId); } @Override public Collection<?> rootGroups() { return ((GroupTableContainer) items).rootGroups(); } @Override public boolean hasChildren(Object id) { return ((GroupTableContainer) items).hasChildren(id); } @Override public Collection<?> getChildren(Object id) { return ((GroupTableContainer) items).getChildren(id); } @Override public Object getGroupProperty(Object itemId) { return ((GroupTableContainer) items).getGroupProperty(itemId); } @Override public Object getGroupPropertyValue(Object itemId) { return ((GroupTableContainer) items).getGroupPropertyValue(itemId); } @Override public Collection<?> getGroupItemIds(Object itemId) { return ((GroupTableContainer) items).getGroupItemIds(itemId); } @Override public int getGroupItemsCount(Object itemId) { return ((GroupTableContainer) items).getGroupItemsCount(itemId); } @Override public boolean isExpanded(Object id) { return ((GroupTableContainer) items).isExpanded(id); } public boolean isFixedGrouping() { return fixedGrouping; } public void setFixedGrouping(boolean fixedGrouping) { this.fixedGrouping = fixedGrouping; markAsDirty(); } @Override protected void updateClickableColumnKeys() { if (cellClickListeners != null) { Collection<?> groupProperties = getGroupProperties(); String[] clickableColumnKeys = new String[cellClickListeners.size()]; int i = 0; for (Object columnId : cellClickListeners.keySet()) { if (!groupProperties.contains(columnId)) { clickableColumnKeys[i] = _columnIdMap().key(columnId); i++; } } getState().clickableColumnKeys = clickableColumnKeys; } } public GroupPropertyValueFormatter getGroupPropertyValueFormatter() { return groupPropertyValueFormatter; } public void setGroupPropertyValueFormatter(GroupPropertyValueFormatter groupPropertyValueFormatter) { this.groupPropertyValueFormatter = groupPropertyValueFormatter; } public interface GroupPropertyValueFormatter { String format(Object groupId, @Nullable Object value); } public static class GroupAggregationContext extends Context { private Object groupId; public GroupAggregationContext(GroupTableContainer datasource, Object groupId) { super(datasource.getGroupItemIds(groupId)); this.groupId = groupId; } public Object getGroupId() { return groupId; } } }