Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2017 Antti Nieminen * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package com.haulmont.cuba.web.widgets.client.addons.aceeditor; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import com.haulmont.cuba.web.widgets.client.addons.aceeditor.AceAnnotation.MarkerAnnotation; import com.haulmont.cuba.web.widgets.client.addons.aceeditor.AceAnnotation.RowAnnotation; import com.haulmont.cuba.web.widgets.client.addons.aceeditor.AceMarker.OnTextChange; import com.haulmont.cuba.web.widgets.client.addons.aceeditor.ClientSideDocDiff.Adjuster; import com.haulmont.cuba.web.widgets.client.addons.aceeditor.gwt.GwtAceAnnotation; import com.haulmont.cuba.web.widgets.client.addons.aceeditor.gwt.GwtAceChangeCursorHandler; import com.haulmont.cuba.web.widgets.client.addons.aceeditor.gwt.GwtAceChangeEvent; import com.haulmont.cuba.web.widgets.client.addons.aceeditor.gwt.GwtAceChangeEvent.Data.Action; import com.haulmont.cuba.web.widgets.client.addons.aceeditor.gwt.GwtAceChangeHandler; import com.haulmont.cuba.web.widgets.client.addons.aceeditor.gwt.GwtAceChangeSelectionHandler; import com.haulmont.cuba.web.widgets.client.addons.aceeditor.gwt.GwtAceEditor; import com.haulmont.cuba.web.widgets.client.addons.aceeditor.gwt.GwtAceEvent; import com.haulmont.cuba.web.widgets.client.addons.aceeditor.gwt.GwtAceFocusBlurHandler; import com.haulmont.cuba.web.widgets.client.addons.aceeditor.gwt.GwtAceKeyboardHandler; import com.haulmont.cuba.web.widgets.client.addons.aceeditor.gwt.GwtAcePosition; import com.haulmont.cuba.web.widgets.client.addons.aceeditor.gwt.GwtAceRange; import com.haulmont.cuba.web.widgets.client.addons.aceeditor.gwt.GwtAceSelection; import; import; import; import; /** * A {@link} containing * {@link com.haulmont.cuba.web.widgets.client.addons.aceeditor.gwt.GwtAceEditor} */ public class AceEditorWidget extends FocusWidget implements GwtAceChangeHandler, GwtAceFocusBlurHandler, GwtAceChangeSelectionHandler, GwtAceChangeCursorHandler { public interface TextChangeListener { public void changed(); } public interface SelectionChangeListener { public void selectionChanged(); } public interface FocusChangeListener { public void focusChanged(boolean focused); } protected LinkedList<TextChangeListener> changeListeners = new LinkedList<TextChangeListener>(); public void addTextChangeListener(TextChangeListener li) { changeListeners.add(li); } public void removeTextChangeListener(TextChangeListener li) { changeListeners.remove(li); } protected LinkedList<SelectionChangeListener> selChangeListeners = new LinkedList<SelectionChangeListener>(); public void addSelectionChangeListener(SelectionChangeListener li) { selChangeListeners.add(li); } public void removeSelectionChangeListener(SelectionChangeListener li) { selChangeListeners.remove(li); } protected FocusChangeListener focusChangeListener; public void setFocusChangeListener(FocusChangeListener li) { focusChangeListener = li; } protected class MarkerInEditor { protected AceMarker marker; protected String clientId; protected MarkerInEditor(AceMarker marker, String clientId) { this.marker = marker; this.clientId = clientId; } } protected class AnnotationInEditor { protected int row; protected AceAnnotation ann; protected String markerId; protected AnnotationInEditor(AceAnnotation ann, String markerId) { this.ann = ann; this.markerId = markerId; } } protected GwtAceEditor editor; protected String editorId; protected static int idCounter = 0; protected String text = ""; protected boolean enabled = true; protected boolean readOnly = false; protected boolean propertyReadOnly = false; protected boolean focused; protected AceRange selection = new AceRange(0, 0, 0, 0); // key: marker markerId protected Map<String, MarkerInEditor> markersInEditor = Collections.emptyMap(); protected Set<RowAnnotation> rowAnnsInEditor = Collections.emptySet(); protected Set<AnnotationInEditor> markerAnnsInEditor = Collections.emptySet(); protected Map<Integer, AceRange> invisibleMarkers = new HashMap<Integer, AceRange>(); protected int latestInvisibleMarkerId = 0; protected boolean ignoreEditorEvents = false; protected Set<MarkerAnnotation> markerAnnotations = Collections.emptySet(); protected Set<RowAnnotation> rowAnnotations = Collections.emptySet(); protected GwtAceKeyboardHandler keyboardHandler; protected AceDoc doc; protected static String nextId() { return "_AceEditorWidget_" + (++idCounter); } public AceEditorWidget() { super(DOM.createDiv()); this.editorId = nextId(); this.setStylePrimaryName("AceEditorWidget"); } public boolean isInitialized() { return editor != null; } public void initialize() { editor = GwtAceEditor.create(this.getElement(), editorId); editor.addChangeHandler(this); editor.addFocusListener(this); editor.addChangeSelectionHandler(this); editor.addChangeCursorHandler(this); if (keyboardHandler != null) { editor.setKeyboardHandler(keyboardHandler); } } public void setKeyboardHandler(GwtAceKeyboardHandler handler) { this.keyboardHandler = handler; if (isInitialized()) { editor.setKeyboardHandler(handler); } } @Override public void setWidth(String w) { super.setWidth(w); if (editor != null) { editor.resize(); } } @Override public void setHeight(String h) { super.setHeight(h); if (editor != null) { editor.resize(); } } public void setWordwrap(boolean wrap) { if (isInitialized()) { editor.setUseWrapMode(wrap); } } public void setShowGutter(boolean showGutter) { if (isInitialized()) { editor.setShowGutter(showGutter); } } public void setShowPrintMargin(boolean showPrintMargin) { if (isInitialized()) { editor.setShowPrintMargin(showPrintMargin); } } public void setHighlightActiveLineEnabled(boolean highlightActiveLine) { if (isInitialized()) { editor.setHighlightActiveLineEnabled(highlightActiveLine); } } public void setDisplayIndentGuides(boolean displayIndentGuides) { if (isInitialized()) { editor.setDisplayIndentGuides(displayIndentGuides); } } public void setUseSoftTabs(boolean softTabs) { if (isInitialized()) { editor.setUseSoftTabs(softTabs); } } public void setTabSize(int tabSize) { if (isInitialized()) { editor.setTabSize(tabSize); } } protected void setText(String text) { if (!isInitialized() || this.text.equals(text)) { return; } AceRange oldSelection = selection; Adjuster adjuster = new Adjuster(this.text, text); adjustInvisibleMarkersOnTextChange(adjuster); this.text = text; this.doc = null; ignoreEditorEvents = true; double wasAtRow = editor.getScrollTopRow(); editor.setText(text); AceRange adjSel = adjuster.adjust(oldSelection); setSelection(adjSel, true); editor.scrollToRow(wasAtRow); ignoreEditorEvents = false; } protected void adjustInvisibleMarkersOnTextChange(Adjuster adjuster) { HashMap<Integer, AceRange> ims = new HashMap<Integer, AceRange>(invisibleMarkers.size()); for (Entry<Integer, AceRange> e : invisibleMarkers.entrySet()) { ims.put(e.getKey(), adjuster.adjust(e.getValue())); } invisibleMarkers = ims; } public void setSelection(AceRange s) { setSelection(s, false); } protected void setSelection(AceRange s, boolean force) { if (!isInitialized()) { return; } if (s.equals(selection) && !force) { return; } selection = s; int r1 = s.getStartRow(); int c1 = s.getStartCol(); int r2 = s.getEndRow(); int c2 = s.getEndCol(); boolean backwards = r1 > r2 || (r1 == r2 && c1 > c2); GwtAceRange range; if (backwards) { range = GwtAceRange.create(r2, c2, r1, c1); } else { range = GwtAceRange.create(r1, c1, r2, c2); } editor.setSelection(range, backwards); } public void setMode(String mode) { if (!isInitialized()) { return; } editor.setMode(mode); } public void setTheme(String theme) { if (!isInitialized()) { return; } editor.setTheme(theme); } public void setFontSize(String fontSize) { if (!isInitialized()) { return; } editor.setFontSize(fontSize); } public void setHighlightSelectedWord(boolean highlightSelectedWord) { if (!isInitialized()) { return; } editor.setHighlightSelectedWord(highlightSelectedWord); } protected void setMarkers(Map<String, AceMarker> markers) { if (!isInitialized()) { return; } HashMap<String, MarkerInEditor> newMarkers = new HashMap<String, MarkerInEditor>(); for (Entry<String, AceMarker> e : markers.entrySet()) { String mId = e.getKey(); AceMarker m = e.getValue(); MarkerInEditor existing = markersInEditor.get(mId); if (existing != null) { editor.removeMarker(existing.clientId); } String type = (m.getType() == AceMarker.Type.cursor ? "text" : (m.getType() == AceMarker.Type.cursorRow ? "line" : m.getType().toString())); String clientId = editor.addMarker(convertRange(m.getRange()), m.getCssClass(), type, m.isInFront()); existing = new MarkerInEditor(m, clientId); newMarkers.put(mId, existing); } for (MarkerInEditor hehe : markersInEditor.values()) { if (!newMarkers.containsKey(hehe.marker.getMarkerId())) { editor.removeMarker(hehe.clientId); } } markersInEditor = newMarkers; adjustMarkerAnnotations(); } protected void adjustMarkerAnnotations() { boolean changed = false; for (AnnotationInEditor aie : markerAnnsInEditor) { int row = rowOfMarker(aie.markerId); if (row != -1 && row != aie.row) { aie.row = row; changed = true; } } if (changed) { setAnnotationsToEditor(); } } protected void setAnnotations(Set<MarkerAnnotation> manns, Set<RowAnnotation> ranns) { if (!isInitialized()) { return; } if (manns != null) { markerAnnotations = manns; markerAnnsInEditor = createAIEfromMA(manns); } if (ranns != null) { rowAnnotations = ranns; rowAnnsInEditor = ranns; } setAnnotationsToEditor(); } protected void setAnnotationsToEditor() { JsArray<GwtAceAnnotation> arr = GwtAceAnnotation.createEmptyArray(); JsArray<GwtAceAnnotation> existing = editor.getAnnotations(); for (int i = 0; i < existing.length(); ++i) { GwtAceAnnotation ann = existing.get(i); if (!ann.isVaadinAceEditorAnnotation()) { arr.push(ann); } } for (AnnotationInEditor maie : markerAnnsInEditor) { GwtAceAnnotation jsAnn = GwtAceAnnotation.create(maie.ann.getType().toString(), maie.ann.getMessage(), maie.row); arr.push(jsAnn); } for (RowAnnotation ra : rowAnnsInEditor) { AceAnnotation a = ra.getAnnotation(); GwtAceAnnotation jsAnn = GwtAceAnnotation.create(a.getType().toString(), a.getMessage(), ra.getRow()); arr.push(jsAnn); } editor.setAnnotations(arr); } protected Set<AnnotationInEditor> createAIEfromMA(Set<MarkerAnnotation> anns) { Set<AnnotationInEditor> adjusted = new HashSet<AnnotationInEditor>(); for (MarkerAnnotation a : anns) { int row = rowOfMarker(a.getMarkerId()); if (row != -1) { AnnotationInEditor maie = new AnnotationInEditor(a.getAnnotation(), a.getMarkerId()); maie.row = row; adjusted.add(maie); } } return adjusted; } protected int rowOfMarker(String markerId) { MarkerInEditor cm = markersInEditor.get(markerId); if (cm == null) { return -1; } return cm.marker.getRange().getStartRow(); } @Override public void onChange(GwtAceChangeEvent e) { if (ignoreEditorEvents) { return; } String newText = editor.getText(); if (newText.equals(text)) { return; } // TODO: do we do too much work here? // most of the time the editor doesn't have any markers nor annotations... adjustMarkers(e); adjustInvisibleMarkers(e); adjustMarkerAnnotations(); text = newText; doc = null; fireTextChanged(); } public void fireTextChanged() { for (TextChangeListener li : changeListeners) { li.changed(); } } protected void adjustMarkers(GwtAceChangeEvent e) { Action act = e.getData().getAction(); GwtAceRange range = e.getData().getRange(); Set<MarkerInEditor> moved = new HashSet<MarkerInEditor>(); Set<MarkerInEditor> removed = new HashSet<MarkerInEditor>(); if (act == Action.insertLines || act == Action.insertText) { for (MarkerInEditor cm : markersInEditor.values()) { if (cm.marker.getOnChange() == OnTextChange.ADJUST) { AceRange newRange = moveMarkerOnInsert(cm.marker.getRange(), range); if (newRange != null) { newRange = cursorMarkerSanityCheck(cm.marker, newRange); cm.marker = cm.marker.withNewPosition(newRange); if (markerIsValid(cm.marker)) { moved.add(cm); } else { removed.add(cm); } } } else if (cm.marker.getOnChange() == OnTextChange.REMOVE) { removed.add(cm); } } } else if (act == Action.removeLines || act == Action.removeText) { for (MarkerInEditor cm : markersInEditor.values()) { if (cm.marker.getOnChange() == OnTextChange.ADJUST) { AceRange newRange = moveMarkerOnRemove(cm.marker.getRange(), range); if (newRange != null) { newRange = cursorMarkerSanityCheck(cm.marker, newRange); cm.marker = cm.marker.withNewPosition(newRange); if (markerIsValid(cm.marker)) { moved.add(cm); } else { removed.add(cm); } } } else if (cm.marker.getOnChange() == OnTextChange.REMOVE) { removed.add(cm); } } } removeMarkers(removed); updateMarkers(moved); } private AceRange cursorMarkerSanityCheck(AceMarker m, AceRange r) { if (m.getType() == AceMarker.Type.cursorRow && r.getEndRow() > r.getStartRow() + 1) { return new AceRange(r.getStartRow(), 0, r.getStartRow() + 1, 0); } if (m.getType() == AceMarker.Type.cursor && (r.getStartRow() != r.getEndRow() || r.getEndCol() > r.getStartCol() + 1)) { return new AceRange(r.getEndRow(), r.getEndCol(), r.getEndRow(), r.getEndCol() + 1); } return r; } protected void adjustInvisibleMarkers(GwtAceChangeEvent event) { Action act = event.getData().getAction(); GwtAceRange range = event.getData().getRange(); HashMap<Integer, AceRange> newMap = new HashMap<Integer, AceRange>(); if (act == Action.insertLines || act == Action.insertText) { for (Entry<Integer, AceRange> e : invisibleMarkers.entrySet()) { AceRange newRange = moveMarkerOnInsert(e.getValue(), range); newMap.put(e.getKey(), newRange == null ? e.getValue() : newRange); } } else if (act == Action.removeLines || act == Action.removeText) { for (Entry<Integer, AceRange> e : invisibleMarkers.entrySet()) { AceRange newRange = moveMarkerOnRemove(e.getValue(), range); newMap.put(e.getKey(), newRange == null ? e.getValue() : newRange); } } invisibleMarkers = newMap; } protected static boolean markerIsValid(AceMarker marker) { AceRange r = marker.getRange(); return !r.isZeroLength() && !r.isBackwards() && r.getStartRow() >= 0 && r.getStartCol() >= 0 && r.getEndCol() >= 0; // no need to check endrow } protected static AceRange moveMarkerOnInsert(AceRange mr, GwtAceRange range) { int startRow = range.getStart().getRow(); int startCol = range.getStart().getColumn(); int dRow = range.getEnd().getRow() - startRow; int dCol = range.getEnd().getColumn() - startCol; if (dRow == 0 && dCol == 0) { return null; } if (range.getStart().getRow() > mr.getEndRow()) { return null; } boolean aboveMarkerStart = startRow < mr.getStartRow(); boolean beforeMarkerStartOnRow = startRow == mr.getStartRow() && startCol < mr.getStartCol(); // < or <= boolean aboveMarkerEnd = startRow < mr.getEndRow(); boolean beforeMarkerEndOnRow = startRow == mr.getEndRow() && startCol <= mr.getEndCol(); // < or <= int row1 = mr.getStartRow(); int col1 = mr.getStartCol(); if (aboveMarkerStart) { row1 += dRow; } else if (beforeMarkerStartOnRow) { row1 += dRow; col1 += dCol; } int row2 = mr.getEndRow(); int col2 = mr.getEndCol(); if (aboveMarkerEnd) { row2 += dRow; } else if (beforeMarkerEndOnRow) { row2 += dRow; col2 += dCol; } return new AceRange(row1, col1, row2, col2); } protected static AceRange moveMarkerOnRemove(AceRange mr, GwtAceRange range) { int[] p1 = overlapping(range, mr.getStartRow(), mr.getStartCol()); boolean changed = false; if (p1 == null) { p1 = new int[] { mr.getStartRow(), mr.getStartCol() }; } else { changed = true; } int[] p2 = overlapping(range, mr.getEndRow(), mr.getEndCol()); if (p2 == null) { p2 = new int[] { mr.getEndRow(), mr.getEndCol() }; } else { changed = true; } return changed ? new AceRange(p1[0], p1[1], p2[0], p2[1]) : null; } protected static int[] overlapping(GwtAceRange range, int row, int col) { GwtAcePosition start = range.getStart(); if (start.getRow() > row || (start.getRow() == row && start.getColumn() >= col)) { return null; } GwtAcePosition end = range.getEnd(); if (end.getRow() < row) { int dRow = end.getRow() - start.getRow(); return new int[] { row - dRow, col }; } if (end.getRow() == row && end.getColumn() < col) { int dRow = end.getRow() - start.getRow(); int dCol = end.getColumn() - start.getColumn(); return new int[] { row - dRow, col - dCol }; } return new int[] { start.getRow(), start.getColumn() }; } protected void removeMarkers(Set<MarkerInEditor> removed) { for (MarkerInEditor cm : removed) { editor.removeMarker(cm.clientId); markersInEditor.remove(cm.marker.getMarkerId()); } } protected void updateMarkers(Set<MarkerInEditor> moved) { for (MarkerInEditor cm : moved) { editor.removeMarker(cm.clientId); AceMarker m = cm.marker; cm.clientId = editor.addMarker(convertRange(m.getRange()), m.getCssClass(), m.getType().toString(), m.isInFront()); } } public String getText() { return text; } public void setEnabled(boolean enabled) { if (!isInitialized()) { return; } this.enabled = enabled; updateEditorReadOnlyState(); } public void setPropertyReadOnly(boolean propertyReadOnly) { if (!isInitialized()) { return; } this.propertyReadOnly = propertyReadOnly; updateEditorReadOnlyState(); } public void setReadOnly(boolean readOnly) { if (!isInitialized()) { return; } this.readOnly = readOnly; updateEditorReadOnlyState(); } private void updateEditorReadOnlyState() { editor.setReadOnly(this.readOnly || this.propertyReadOnly || !this.enabled); } public void setShowInvisibles(boolean showInvisibles) { editor.setShowInvisibles(showInvisibles); } protected static AceRange convertSelection(GwtAceSelection selection) { GwtAcePosition start = selection.getRange().getStart(); GwtAcePosition end = selection.getRange().getEnd(); if (selection.isBackwards()) { return new AceRange(end.getRow(), end.getColumn(), start.getRow(), start.getColumn()); } else { return new AceRange(start.getRow(), start.getColumn(), end.getRow(), end.getColumn()); } } public AceRange getSelection() { return selection; } @Override public void onFocus(GwtAceEvent e) { if (focused) { return; } focused = true; if (focusChangeListener != null) { focusChangeListener.focusChanged(true); } } @Override public void onBlur(GwtAceEvent e) { if (!focused) { return; } focused = false; if (focusChangeListener != null) { focusChangeListener.focusChanged(false); } } @Override public void onChangeSelection(GwtAceEvent e) { selectionChanged(); } @Override public void onChangeCursor(GwtAceEvent e) { selectionChanged(); } protected void selectionChanged() { if (ignoreEditorEvents) { return; } AceRange sel = convertSelection(editor.getSelection()); if (!sel.equals(selection)) { selection = sel; for (SelectionChangeListener li : selChangeListeners) { li.selectionChanged(); } } } public void setUseWorker(boolean use) { if (!isInitialized()) { return; } editor.setUseWorker(use); } @Override public void setFocus(boolean focused) { super.setFocus(focused); if (focused) { editor.focus(); } else { editor.blur(); } // Waiting for the event from editor to update 'focused'. } public boolean isFocused() { return focused; } protected GwtAceRange convertRange(AceRange r) { int r1 = r.getStartRow(); int c1 = r.getStartCol(); int r2 = r.getEndRow(); int c2 = r.getEndCol(); boolean backwards = r1 > r2 || (r1 == r2 && c1 > c2); if (backwards) { return GwtAceRange.create(r2, c2, r1, c1); } else { return GwtAceRange.create(r1, c1, r2, c2); } } protected Map<String, AceMarker> getMarkers() { HashMap<String, AceMarker> markers = new HashMap<String, AceMarker>(); for (MarkerInEditor cm : markersInEditor.values()) { markers.put(cm.marker.getMarkerId(), cm.marker); } return markers; } public void resize() { if (editor != null) { editor.resize(); } } public AceDoc getDoc() { if (doc == null) { doc = new AceDoc(getText(), getMarkers(), getRowAnnotations(), getMarkerAnnotations()); } return doc; } public void scrollToRow(int row) { editor.scrollToRow(row); } protected Set<MarkerAnnotation> getMarkerAnnotations() { return markerAnnotations; } protected Set<RowAnnotation> getRowAnnotations() { return rowAnnotations; } public void setDoc(AceDoc doc) { if (doc.equals(this.doc)) { return; } setText(doc.getText()); // Too much work is done in the case there // are no markers or annotations, which is probably most of the time... // TODO: optimize setMarkers(doc.getMarkers()); setAnnotations(doc.getMarkerAnnotations(), doc.getRowAnnotations()); this.doc = doc; } public int[] getCursorCoords() { JsArrayInteger cc = editor.getCursorCoords(); return new int[] { cc.get(0), cc.get(1) }; } public int addInvisibleMarker(AceRange range) { int id = ++latestInvisibleMarkerId; invisibleMarkers.put(id, range); return id; } public void removeInvisibleMarker(int id) { invisibleMarkers.remove(id); } public AceRange getInvisibleMarker(int id) { return invisibleMarkers.get(id); } public void setTextAndAdjust(String text) { if (this.text.equals(text)) { return; } HashMap<String, AceMarker> newMarkers = adjustMarkersOnTextChange(this.text, text); setText(text); if (newMarkers != null) { setMarkers(newMarkers); } } protected HashMap<String, AceMarker> adjustMarkersOnTextChange(String text1, String text2) { Map<String, AceMarker> ms = getMarkers(); if (ms.isEmpty()) { return null; } HashMap<String, AceMarker> newMarkers = new HashMap<String, AceMarker>(); Adjuster adjuster = new Adjuster(text1, text2); boolean adjusted = false; for (Entry<String, AceMarker> e : ms.entrySet()) { if (e.getValue().getOnChange() == OnTextChange.ADJUST) { AceMarker m1 = e.getValue(); AceMarker m2 = m1.withNewPosition(adjuster.adjust(m1.getRange())); newMarkers.put(e.getKey(), m2); adjusted = true; } else { newMarkers.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue()); } } if (!adjusted) { return null; } return newMarkers; } public void removeContentsOfInvisibleMarker(int imId) { AceRange r = getInvisibleMarker(imId); if (r == null || r.isZeroLength()) { return; } String newText = Util.replaceContents(r, text, ""); setTextAndAdjust(newText); } }