Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2008-2017 Haulmont. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.haulmont.cuba.web.toolkit.ui.client.suggestionfield; import; import; import; import; import; import*; import*; import; import; import; import*; import; import; import com.vaadin.client.BrowserInfo; import com.vaadin.client.ComputedStyle; import com.vaadin.client.WidgetUtil; import com.vaadin.client.ui.VOverlay; import com.vaadin.client.ui.VTextField; import elemental.json.JsonArray; import elemental.json.JsonObject; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.function.Consumer; import; public class CubaSuggestionFieldWidget extends Composite implements HasEnabled, Focusable, HasAllKeyHandlers, HasValue<String>, HasSelectionHandlers<CubaSuggestionFieldWidget.Suggestion> { protected static final String V_FILTERSELECT_SUGGESTPOPUP = "v-filterselect-suggestpopup"; protected static final String MODIFIED_STYLENAME = "modified"; protected static final String SUGGESTION_CAPTION = "caption"; protected static final String SUGGESTION_ID = "id"; protected static final String SUGGESTION_STYLE_NAME = "styleName"; protected int asyncSearchDelayMs = 300; protected int minSearchStringLength = 0; protected final VTextField textField; protected final SuggestionPopup suggestionsPopup; protected final SuggestionsContainer suggestionsContainer; protected SuggestionTimer suggestionTimer = null; public Consumer<String> searchExecutor; public Consumer<String> arrowDownActionHandler; public Consumer<String> enterActionHandler; public Consumer<Suggestion> suggestionSelectedHandler; public Runnable cancelSearchHandler; protected String value; // search query protected String prevQuery; public boolean iePreventBlur = false; protected List<Suggestion> suggestions = new ArrayList<>(); protected String popupStylename = ""; protected String popupWidth; public CubaSuggestionFieldWidget() { textField = GWT.create(VTextField.class); initTextField(); suggestionsContainer = new SuggestionsContainer(this); suggestionsPopup = new CubaSuggestionFieldWidget.SuggestionPopup(suggestionsContainer); suggestionTimer = new CubaSuggestionFieldWidget.SuggestionTimer(); } protected void initTextField() { textField.setImmediate(true); initWidget(textField); CubaTextFieldEvents events = new CubaTextFieldEvents(); textField.addKeyDownHandler(events); textField.addKeyUpHandler(events); textField.addValueChangeHandler(events); textField.addBlurHandler(events); } protected void setAsyncSearchDelayMs(int asyncSearchDelayMs) { this.asyncSearchDelayMs = asyncSearchDelayMs; } protected void setMinSearchStringLength(int minSearchStringLength) { this.minSearchStringLength = minSearchStringLength; } protected void showSuggestions(JsonArray suggestions) { this.suggestions.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < suggestions.length(); i++) { JsonObject jsonSuggestion = suggestions.getObject(i); Suggestion suggestion = new Suggestion(jsonSuggestion.getString(SUGGESTION_ID), jsonSuggestion.getString(SUGGESTION_CAPTION), jsonSuggestion.getString(SUGGESTION_STYLE_NAME)); this.suggestions.add(suggestion); } showSuggestions(); } protected void showSuggestions() { Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(() -> { suggestionsContainer.clearItems(); for (Suggestion suggestion : suggestions) { SuggestionItem menuItem = new SuggestionItem(suggestion); menuItem.setScheduledCommand(this::selectSuggestion); String styleName = suggestion.getStyleName(); if (styleName != null && !styleName.isEmpty()) { menuItem.addStyleName(suggestion.getStyleName()); } suggestionsContainer.addItem(menuItem); } suggestionsContainer.selectItem(0); suggestionsPopup.removeAutoHidePartner(getElement()); suggestionsPopup.addAutoHidePartner(getElement()); if (!suggestionsPopup.isAttached() || !suggestionsPopup.isVisible()) { suggestionsPopup.showPopup(); } suggestionsPopup.updateWidth(); }); } protected void scheduleQuery(final String query) { suggestionTimer.cancel(); if (query != null && query.equals(textField.getText())) { suggestionTimer.setQuery(query); suggestionTimer.schedule(asyncSearchDelayMs); } } protected void selectSuggestion() { selectSuggestion(suggestionsContainer.getSelectedSuggestion().getSuggestion()); } protected void selectSuggestion(Suggestion newSuggestion) { removeStyleName(MODIFIED_STYLENAME); suggestionsPopup.hide(); prevQuery = null; value = newSuggestion.caption; textField.setText(newSuggestion.caption); suggestionSelectedHandler.accept(newSuggestion); } protected void searchSuggestions(String query) { if (prevQuery != null && prevQuery.equals(query)) { return; } prevQuery = query; if (value != null && value.equals(query)) { removeStyleName(MODIFIED_STYLENAME); return; } if (!query.equals(value)) { addStyleName(MODIFIED_STYLENAME); } if (query.length() >= minSearchStringLength) { scheduleQuery(query); } } public int getTabIndex() { return textField.getTabIndex(); } public void setTabIndex(int index) { textField.setTabIndex(index); } public boolean isEnabled() { return textField.isEnabled(); } public void setEnabled(boolean enabled) { textField.setEnabled(enabled); if (!enabled) { resetComponentState(); } } public boolean isReadonly() { return textField.isReadOnly(); } public void setReadonly(boolean readonly) { textField.setReadOnly(readonly); } protected void cancelSearch() { if (suggestionTimer != null) { suggestionTimer.cancel(); }; } protected void resetComponentState() { removeStyleName(MODIFIED_STYLENAME); suggestionsPopup.hide(); cancelSearch(); prevQuery = null; textField.setText(value); } public void setAccessKey(char key) { textField.setAccessKey(key); } public void setFocus(boolean focused) { textField.setFocus(focused); } public void setValue(String newValue) { setValue(newValue, false); } public void setValue(String value, boolean fireEvents) { this.value = value; textField.setValue(value, fireEvents); } public String getValue() { return textField.getValue(); } protected void handleEnterKeyPressed(KeyCodeEvent event) { if (suggestionsPopup.isShowing()) { selectSuggestion(suggestionsContainer.getSelectedSuggestion().getSuggestion()); preventEvent(event); } else { if (enterActionHandler != null) { enterActionHandler.accept(textField.getText().trim()); } } } protected void handleArrowUpKeyPressed(KeyCodeEvent event) { if (suggestionsPopup.isShowing()) { suggestionsContainer.selectPrevItem(); preventEvent(event); } } protected void handleArrowDownKeyPressed(KeyCodeEvent event) { if (suggestionsPopup.isShowing()) { suggestionsContainer.selectNextItem(); preventEvent(event); } else { if (arrowDownActionHandler != null) { arrowDownActionHandler.accept(textField.getText().trim()); } } } protected void handleOnBlur(BlurEvent event) { removeStyleName(MODIFIED_STYLENAME); if (BrowserInfo.get().isIE()) { if (iePreventBlur) { textField.setFocus(true); iePreventBlur = false; } else { resetComponentState(); } } else { if (!suggestionsPopup.isShowing()) { resetComponentState(); return; } EventTarget eventTarget = event.getNativeEvent().getRelatedEventTarget(); if (eventTarget == null) { resetComponentState(); return; } if ( { Widget widget = WidgetUtil.findWidget(, null); if (widget != suggestionsContainer) { resetComponentState(); } } } } protected void handleEscKeyPressed(KeyCodeEvent event) { if (suggestionsPopup.isShowing()) { suggestionsPopup.hide(); removeStyleName(MODIFIED_STYLENAME); prevQuery = null; textField.setText(value); preventEvent(event); } } protected void preventEvent(KeyCodeEvent event) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); } @Override public HandlerRegistration addKeyDownHandler(KeyDownHandler handler) { return addDomHandler(handler, KeyDownEvent.getType()); } @Override public HandlerRegistration addKeyPressHandler(KeyPressHandler handler) { return addDomHandler(handler, KeyPressEvent.getType()); } @Override public HandlerRegistration addKeyUpHandler(KeyUpHandler handler) { return addDomHandler(handler, KeyUpEvent.getType()); } @Override public HandlerRegistration addValueChangeHandler(ValueChangeHandler<String> handler) { return addHandler(handler, ValueChangeEvent.getType()); } @Override public HandlerRegistration addSelectionHandler(SelectionHandler<Suggestion> handler) { return addHandler(handler, SelectionEvent.getType()); } public void setInputPrompt(String inputPrompt) { textField.getElement().setAttribute("placeHolder", inputPrompt); } public void setPopupStyleName(List<String> styleName) { if (popupStylename != null && !popupStylename.isEmpty()) { suggestionsContainer.removeStyleName(popupStylename); } popupStylename = null; if (styleName != null) { popupStylename =" ")); suggestionsContainer.addStyleName(popupStylename); } } public void setPopupWidth(String popupWidth) { this.popupWidth = popupWidth; } protected class SuggestionPopup extends VOverlay implements PopupPanel.PositionCallback, CloseHandler<PopupPanel> { protected static final int Z_INDEX = 30000; protected static final String C_HAS_WIDTH = "c-has-width"; protected static final String POPUP_PARENT_WIDTH = "parent"; protected static final String POPUP_AUTO_WIDTH = "auto"; protected int popupOuterPadding = -1; protected int topPosition; @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public SuggestionPopup(Widget widget) { super(true, true, true); popup = getElement(); popup.getStyle().setZIndex(Z_INDEX); Roles.getListRole().set(popup); setStylePrimaryName(V_FILTERSELECT_SUGGESTPOPUP); setAutoHideEnabled(true); setOwner(CubaSuggestionFieldWidget.this); addCloseHandler(this); setWidget(widget); } public void showPopup() { final int x = textField.getAbsoluteLeft(); topPosition = textField.getAbsoluteTop() + textField.getOffsetHeight(); setPopupPosition(x, topPosition); setPopupPositionAndShow(this); } @Override public void setPosition(int offsetWidth, int offsetHeight) { offsetHeight = getOffsetHeight(); if (popupOuterPadding == -1) { popupOuterPadding = WidgetUtil.measureHorizontalPaddingAndBorder(getElement(), 2); } int top; int left; if (offsetHeight + getPopupTop() > Window.getClientHeight() + Window.getScrollTop()) { top = getPopupTop() - offsetHeight - textField.getOffsetHeight(); if (top < 0) { top = 0; } } else { top = getPopupTop(); int topMargin = (top - topPosition); top -= topMargin; } Widget popup = getWidget(); Element containerFirstChild = popup.getElement().getFirstChild().cast(); final int textFieldWidth = textField.getOffsetWidth(); offsetWidth = containerFirstChild.getOffsetWidth(); if (offsetWidth + getPopupLeft() > Window.getClientWidth() + Window.getScrollLeft()) { left = textField.getAbsoluteLeft() + textFieldWidth + Window.getScrollLeft() - offsetWidth; if (left < 0) { left = 0; } } else { left = getPopupLeft(); } setPopupPosition(left, top); } protected void updateWidth() { setWidth(""); int fieldWidth = CubaSuggestionFieldWidget.this.getOffsetWidth(); double popupMarginBorderPaddingWidth = getMarginBorderPaddingWidth(getWidget().getElement()); String newPopupWidth = null; if (POPUP_PARENT_WIDTH.equals(popupWidth)) { newPopupWidth = fieldWidth - popupMarginBorderPaddingWidth + "px"; } if (newPopupWidth == null && !POPUP_AUTO_WIDTH.equals(popupWidth)) { newPopupWidth = popupWidth; } List<SuggestionItem> suggestions = suggestionsContainer.getSuggestions(); if (newPopupWidth == null && (suggestions == null || suggestions.isEmpty())) { newPopupWidth = fieldWidth - popupMarginBorderPaddingWidth + "px"; } if (newPopupWidth == null) { int maxSuggestionWidth = 0; for (SuggestionItem suggestionItem : suggestions) { maxSuggestionWidth = Math.max(suggestionItem.getOffsetWidth(), maxSuggestionWidth); } suggestionElement = suggestions.get(0).getElement(); double suggestionMarginBorderPaddingWidth = getMarginBorderPaddingWidth(suggestionElement); if (maxSuggestionWidth <= fieldWidth) { suggestionMarginBorderPaddingWidth = 0; } int maxWidth = Math.max(maxSuggestionWidth, fieldWidth); newPopupWidth = maxWidth - popupMarginBorderPaddingWidth + suggestionMarginBorderPaddingWidth + "px"; } setWidth(newPopupWidth); suggestionsContainer.addStyleName(C_HAS_WIDTH); } } protected static double getMarginBorderPaddingWidth(Element element) { final ComputedStyle s = new ComputedStyle(element); return s.getMarginWidth() + s.getBorderWidth() + s.getPaddingWidth(); } protected class CubaTextFieldEvents implements KeyDownHandler, KeyUpHandler, ValueChangeHandler<String>, BlurHandler { public void onKeyDown(KeyDownEvent event) { switch (event.getNativeKeyCode()) { case KeyCodes.KEY_UP: handleArrowUpKeyPressed(event); break; case KeyCodes.KEY_DOWN: handleArrowDownKeyPressed(event); break; case KeyCodes.KEY_ENTER: handleEnterKeyPressed(event); break; case KeyCodes.KEY_ESCAPE: handleEscKeyPressed(event); break; } } public void onValueChange(ValueChangeEvent<String> event) { searchSuggestions(textField.getText()); } @Override public void onBlur(BlurEvent event) { handleOnBlur(event); } @Override public void onKeyUp(KeyUpEvent event) { searchSuggestions(textField.getText()); } } protected class SuggestionTimer extends Timer { private String query; @Override public void run() { searchExecutor.accept(query); } public void setQuery(String query) { this.query = query; } } public class Suggestion { private final String id; private final String caption; private final String styleName; protected Suggestion(String id, String caption, String styleName) { = id; this.caption = caption; this.styleName = styleName; } public String getId() { return id; } public String getCaption() { return caption; } public String getStyleName() { return styleName; } } }