Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2008-2016 Haulmont. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package com.haulmont.cuba.web.gui.executors.impl; import; import; import; import; import com.haulmont.cuba.core.sys.AppContext; import com.haulmont.cuba.core.sys.SecurityContext; import com.haulmont.cuba.gui.event.BackgroundTaskUnhandledExceptionEvent; import com.haulmont.cuba.gui.executors.*; import com.haulmont.cuba.gui.executors.impl.TaskExecutor; import com.haulmont.cuba.gui.executors.impl.TaskHandlerImpl; import; import com.haulmont.cuba.web.App; import com.haulmont.cuba.web.AppUI; import com.haulmont.cuba.web.WebConfig; import com.vaadin.server.VaadinSession; import com.vaadin.ui.UI; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import javax.annotation.PreDestroy; import javax.inject.Inject; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.*; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import static; /** * Web implementation of {@link BackgroundWorker} */ @Component(BackgroundWorker.NAME) public class WebBackgroundWorker implements BackgroundWorker { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(WebBackgroundWorker.class); private static final String THREAD_NAME_PREFIX = "BackgroundTask-"; private static final Pattern THREAD_NAME_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("BackgroundTask-([0-9]+)"); @Inject protected WatchDog watchDog; @Inject protected UserSessionSource userSessionSource; @Inject protected Events events; protected Configuration configuration; protected ExecutorService executorService; public WebBackgroundWorker() { } @Inject public void setConfiguration(Configuration configuration) { this.configuration = configuration; createThreadPoolExecutor(); } protected void createThreadPoolExecutor() { if (executorService != null) { return; } WebConfig webConfig = configuration.getConfig(WebConfig.class); this.executorService = new ThreadPoolExecutor(webConfig.getMinBackgroundThreadsCount(), webConfig.getMaxActiveBackgroundTasksCount(), 10L, TimeUnit.MINUTES, new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(), new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setNameFormat(THREAD_NAME_PREFIX + "%d").build()); } @PreDestroy public void destroy() { executorService.shutdownNow(); } @Override public <T, V> BackgroundTaskHandler<V> handle(final BackgroundTask<T, V> task) { checkNotNull(task); checkUIAccess(); App appInstance; try { appInstance = App.getInstance(); } catch (IllegalStateException ex) { log.error("Couldn't handle task", ex); throw ex; } // create task executor final WebTaskExecutor<T, V> taskExecutor = new WebTaskExecutor<>(appInstance.getAppUI(), task); // add thread to taskSet appInstance.addBackgroundTask(taskExecutor.getFuture()); // create task handler TaskHandlerImpl<T, V> taskHandler = new TaskHandlerImpl<>(getUIAccessor(), taskExecutor, watchDog); taskExecutor.setTaskHandler(taskHandler); return taskHandler; } @Override public UIAccessor getUIAccessor() { checkUIAccess(); return new WebUIAccessor(UI.getCurrent()); } @Override public void checkUIAccess() { VaadinSession vaadinSession = VaadinSession.getCurrent(); if (vaadinSession == null || !vaadinSession.hasLock()) { throw new IllegalConcurrentAccessException(); } } private class WebTaskExecutor<T, V> implements TaskExecutor<T, V>, Callable<V> { private AppUI ui; private FutureTask<V> future; private BackgroundTask<T, V> runnableTask; private Runnable finalizer; private volatile boolean isClosed = false; private volatile boolean doneHandled = false; private SecurityContext securityContext; private String userLogin; private Map<String, Object> params; private TaskHandlerImpl<T, V> taskHandler; private WebTaskExecutor(AppUI ui, BackgroundTask<T, V> runnableTask) { this.runnableTask = runnableTask; this.ui = ui; this.params = runnableTask.getParams() != null ? Collections.unmodifiableMap(runnableTask.getParams()) : Collections.emptyMap(); // copy security context this.securityContext = new SecurityContext(AppContext.getSecurityContextNN().getSession()); UserSession userSession = userSessionSource.getUserSession(); this.userLogin = userSession.getUser().getLogin(); this.future = new FutureTask<V>(this) { @Override protected void done() { WebTaskExecutor.this.ui.access(() -> handleDone()); } }; } @Override public final V call() throws Exception { String threadName = Thread.currentThread().getName(); Matcher matcher = THREAD_NAME_PATTERN.matcher(threadName); if (matcher.find()) { Thread.currentThread().setName(THREAD_NAME_PREFIX + + "-" + userLogin); } // Set security permissions AppContext.setSecurityContext(securityContext); try { // do not run any activity if canceled before start return TaskLifeCycle<T>() { @SafeVarargs @Override public final void publish(T... changes) throws InterruptedException { if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) { throw new InterruptedException("Task is interrupted and is trying to publish changes"); } handleProgress(changes); } @Override public boolean isInterrupted() { return Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted(); } @Override @Nonnull public Map<String, Object> getParams() { return params; } }); } finally { // Set null security permissions AppContext.setSecurityContext(null); } } @SafeVarargs @Override public final void handleProgress(T... changes) { if (changes != null) { ui.access(() -> process(Arrays.asList(changes))); } } @ExecutedOnUIThread protected final void process(List<T> chunks) { runnableTask.progress(chunks); // Notify listeners for (BackgroundTask.ProgressListener<T, V> listener : runnableTask.getProgressListeners()) { listener.onProgress(chunks); } } @ExecutedOnUIThread protected final void handleDone() { if (isCancelled()) { // handle cancel from edt before execution start log.trace("Done statement is not processed because it is canceled task"); return; } if (isClosed) { log.trace("Done statement is not processed because it is already closed"); return; } log.debug("Done task. User: {}", userLogin); // do not allow to cancel task from done listeners and exception handler isClosed = true; ui.getApp().removeBackgroundTask(future); watchDog.removeTask(taskHandler); try { V result = future.get(); runnableTask.done(result); // Notify listeners for (BackgroundTask.ProgressListener<T, V> listener : runnableTask.getProgressListeners()) { listener.onDone(result); } } catch (CancellationException e) { log.debug("Cancellation exception in background task", e); } catch (InterruptedException e) { log.debug("Interrupted exception in background task", e); } catch (ExecutionException e) { // do not call log.error, exception may be handled later log.debug("Exception in background task", e); if (!future.isCancelled()) { boolean handled = false; if (e.getCause() instanceof Exception) { handled = runnableTask.handleException((Exception) e.getCause()); } if (!handled) { log.error("Unhandled exception in background task", e); events.publish(new BackgroundTaskUnhandledExceptionEvent(this, runnableTask, e)); } } } finally { if (finalizer != null) {; finalizer = null; } doneHandled = true; } } @ExecutedOnUIThread @Override public final boolean cancelExecution() { if (isClosed) { return false; } log.debug("Cancel task. User: {}", userLogin); boolean isCanceledNow = future.cancel(true); if (isCanceledNow) { log.trace("Task was cancelled. User: {}", userLogin); } else { log.trace("Cancellation of task isn't processed. User: {}", userLogin); } if (!doneHandled) { log.trace("Done was not handled. Return 'true' as canceled status. User: {}", userLogin); this.isClosed = true; return true; } return isCanceledNow; } @ExecutedOnUIThread @Override public final V getResult() { V result; try { result = future.get(); } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException | CancellationException e) { log.debug("{} exception in background task", e.getClass().getName(), e); return null; } this.handleDone(); return result; } @Override public final BackgroundTask<T, V> getTask() { return runnableTask; } @ExecutedOnUIThread @Override public final void startExecution() { // Start thread executorService.execute(() ->; } @Override public final boolean isCancelled() { return future.isCancelled(); } @Override public final boolean isDone() { return future.isDone(); } @Override public final boolean inProgress() { return !isClosed; } @ExecutedOnUIThread @Override public final void setFinalizer(Runnable finalizer) { this.finalizer = finalizer; } @Override public final Runnable getFinalizer() { return finalizer; } public void setTaskHandler(TaskHandlerImpl<T, V> taskHandler) { this.taskHandler = taskHandler; } public FutureTask<V> getFuture() { return future; } } private static class WebUIAccessor implements UIAccessor { private UI ui; public WebUIAccessor(UI ui) { this.ui = ui; } @Override public void access(Runnable runnable) { ui.access(runnable); } @Override public void accessSynchronously(Runnable runnable) { ui.accessSynchronously(runnable); } } }