Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2008-2016 Haulmont. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package; import com.haulmont.cuba.core.entity.JmxInstance; import; import; import com.haulmont.cuba.web.jmx.JmxControlAPI; import com.haulmont.cuba.web.jmx.entity.ManagedBeanAttribute; import com.haulmont.cuba.web.jmx.entity.ManagedBeanInfo; import com.haulmont.cuba.web.jmx.entity.ManagedBeanOperation; import org.apache.commons.collections4.CollectionUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils; import; import java.util.*; public class ThreadsDatasource extends CollectionDatasourceImpl<ThreadSnapshot, UUID> { protected JmxControlAPI jmxControlAPI; private long prevUptime = -1; private Map<Long, Long> prevThread2CpuTime = new HashMap<>(); private Map<Long, ThreadSnapshot> id2Thread = new HashMap<>(); public ThreadsDatasource() { jmxControlAPI = AppBeans.get(JmxControlAPI.class); } protected Object getAttributeValue(JmxInstance node, String beanObjectName, String attrName) { ManagedBeanInfo bean = jmxControlAPI.getManagedBean(node, beanObjectName); Object res = null; if (bean != null) { ManagedBeanAttribute attr = jmxControlAPI.loadAttribute(bean, attrName); jmxControlAPI.loadAttributeValue(attr); res = attr.getValue(); } return res; } @Override protected void loadData(Map<String, Object> params) { JmxInstance node = (JmxInstance) params.get("node"); ManagedBeanInfo threadingBean = jmxControlAPI.getManagedBean(node, "java.lang:type=Threading"); int nCPUs = (int) getAttributeValue(node, "java.lang:type=OperatingSystem", "AvailableProcessors"); final long[] allThreadsIds = (long[]) getAttributeValue(node, "java.lang:type=Threading", "AllThreadIds"); ManagedBeanOperation getThreadInfo = jmxControlAPI.getOperation(threadingBean, "getThreadInfo", new String[] { "[J" }); CompositeData[] threadsInfo = (CompositeData[]) jmxControlAPI.invokeOperation(getThreadInfo, new Object[] { allThreadsIds }); final long currentUptime = (long) getAttributeValue(node, "java.lang:type=Runtime", "Uptime"); ManagedBeanOperation getThreadCpuTime = jmxControlAPI.getOperation(threadingBean, "getThreadCpuTime", new String[] { "[J" }); long[] threadCpuTime = (long[]) jmxControlAPI.invokeOperation(getThreadCpuTime, new Object[] { allThreadsIds }); if (prevUptime > 0L && currentUptime > prevUptime) { // elapsedTime is in ms long elapsedTime = currentUptime - prevUptime; for (int i = 0; i < allThreadsIds.length; i++) { // elapsedCpu is in ns Long threadId = allThreadsIds[i]; Long prevCpuTimeLong = prevThread2CpuTime.get(threadId); //for new threads returns null. long prevCpuTime = prevCpuTimeLong != null ? prevCpuTimeLong : 0L; long elapsedCpu = threadCpuTime[i] - prevCpuTime; // cpuUsage could go higher than 100% because elapsedTime // and elapsedCpu are not fetched simultaneously. Limit to 99%. double cpuUsage = Math.min(99d, elapsedCpu / (elapsedTime * 1000000d /*convert to ns*/ / 100 /*percents*/ * nCPUs)); getThreadSnapshot(threadId).setCpu(cpuUsage); } } prevUptime = currentUptime; for (int i = 0; i < allThreadsIds.length; i++) { long time = threadCpuTime[i] != -1L ? threadCpuTime[i] : 0L; prevThread2CpuTime.put(allThreadsIds[i], time); } ManagedBeanOperation findDeadlockedThreads = jmxControlAPI.getOperation(threadingBean, "findDeadlockedThreads", null); Long[] deadlockedThreads = (Long[]) jmxControlAPI.invokeOperation(findDeadlockedThreads, null); Set<Long> deadLockedThreadsSet = new HashSet<>(); if (deadlockedThreads != null) { CollectionUtils.addAll(deadLockedThreadsSet, deadlockedThreads); } Set<Long> allThreadsSet = new HashSet<>(); CollectionUtils.addAll(allThreadsSet, ArrayUtils.toObject(allThreadsIds)); //remove all terminated threads. Collection<ThreadSnapshot> toRemove = new LinkedList<>(); for (ThreadSnapshot snapshot : getItems()) { if (!allThreadsSet.contains(snapshot.getThreadId())) { toRemove.add(snapshot); } } for (ThreadSnapshot snapshot : toRemove) { removeItem(snapshot); } //update visual data. for (int i = 0; i < threadsInfo.length; i++) { CompositeData info = threadsInfo[i]; if (info != null) { Long threadId = (Long) info.get("threadId"); ThreadSnapshot item = getThreadSnapshot(threadId); item.setName((String) info.get("threadName")); item.setStatus(info.get("threadState").toString()); item.setDeadLocked(deadLockedThreadsSet.contains(threadId)); } else { removeItem(getThreadSnapshot(allThreadsIds[i])); //no thread info available. } } } protected ThreadSnapshot getThreadSnapshot(Long threadId) { ThreadSnapshot res = id2Thread.get(threadId); if (res == null) { res = new ThreadSnapshot(); res.setThreadId(threadId); id2Thread.put(threadId, res); data.put(res.getId(), res); attachListener(res); } return res; } @Override public void clear() { super.clear(); id2Thread.clear(); prevThread2CpuTime.clear(); } @Override public void deleted(ThreadSnapshot item) { super.deleted(item); id2Thread.remove(item.getThreadId()); prevThread2CpuTime.remove(item.getThreadId()); } protected String getStackTrace(Long threadId) { JmxInstance node = (JmxInstance) savedParameters.get("node"); ManagedBeanInfo threadingBean = jmxControlAPI.getManagedBean(node, "java.lang:type=Threading"); ManagedBeanOperation getThreadInfo = jmxControlAPI.getOperation(threadingBean, "getThreadInfo", new String[] { "long", "int" }); CompositeData threadInfo = (CompositeData) jmxControlAPI.invokeOperation(getThreadInfo, new Object[] { threadId, Integer.MAX_VALUE }); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (threadInfo != null) { CompositeData[] traces = (CompositeData[]) threadInfo.get("stackTrace"); ThreadSnapshot t = getThreadSnapshot(threadId); sb.append(t.getName()).append(" [id=").append(threadId).append("] (").append(t.getStatus()) .append(")\n"); for (CompositeData trace : traces) { String className = (String) trace.get("className"); String methodName = (String) trace.get("methodName"); int line = (int) trace.get("lineNumber"); sb.append(className).append(".").append(methodName).append(":").append(line).append("\n"); } } return sb.toString(); } }