Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2008-2016 Haulmont. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package com.haulmont.cuba.web; import; import; import; import; import com.haulmont.cuba.gui.components.Frame; import com.haulmont.cuba.gui.components.Window; import com.haulmont.cuba.gui.config.WindowConfig; import com.haulmont.cuba.gui.executors.IllegalConcurrentAccessException; import com.haulmont.cuba.gui.settings.SettingsClient; import com.haulmont.cuba.gui.theme.ThemeConstants; import com.haulmont.cuba.gui.theme.ThemeConstantsRepository; import; import; import; import; import com.haulmont.cuba.web.auth.WebAuthConfig; import com.haulmont.cuba.web.controllers.ControllerUtils; import com.haulmont.cuba.web.exception.ExceptionHandlers; import com.haulmont.cuba.web.log.AppLog; import; import com.haulmont.cuba.web.settings.WebSettingsClient; import com.haulmont.cuba.web.sys.AppCookies; import com.haulmont.cuba.web.sys.BackgroundTaskManager; import com.haulmont.cuba.web.sys.LinkHandler; import com.vaadin.server.AbstractClientConnector; import com.vaadin.server.VaadinServlet; import com.vaadin.server.VaadinSession; import com.vaadin.ui.UI; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.exception.ExceptionUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.servlet.ServletContext; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.Future; /** * Central class of the web application. An instance of this class is created for each client's session and is bound * to {@link VaadinSession}. * <br> * Use {@link #getInstance()} static method to obtain the reference to the current App instance. */ public abstract class App { public static final String NAME = "cuba_App"; public static final String USER_SESSION_ATTR = "userSessionId"; public static final String APP_THEME_COOKIE_PREFIX = "APP_THEME_NAME_"; public static final String COOKIE_LOCALE = "LAST_LOCALE"; private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(App.class); static { AbstractClientConnector.setIncorrectConcurrentAccessHandler(() -> { throw new IllegalConcurrentAccessException(); }); } protected AppLog appLog; protected Connection connection; protected ExceptionHandlers exceptionHandlers; @Inject protected GlobalConfig globalConfig; @Inject protected WebConfig webConfig; @Inject protected WebAuthConfig webAuthConfig; @Inject protected WindowConfig windowConfig; @Inject protected ThemeConstantsRepository themeConstantsRepository; @Inject protected UserSessionService userSessionService; @Inject protected MessageTools messageTools; @Inject protected SettingsClient settingsClient; @Inject protected Events events; protected AppCookies cookies; protected LinkHandler linkHandler; protected BackgroundTaskManager backgroundTaskManager = new BackgroundTaskManager(); protected String webResourceTimestamp = "DEBUG"; protected ThemeConstants themeConstants; public App() { log.trace("Creating application {}", this); } protected ThemeConstants loadTheme() { String appWindowTheme = webConfig.getAppWindowTheme(); String userAppTheme = cookies.getCookieValue(APP_THEME_COOKIE_PREFIX + globalConfig.getWebContextName()); if (userAppTheme != null) { if (!Objects.equals(userAppTheme, appWindowTheme)) { // check theme support Set<String> supportedThemes = themeConstantsRepository.getAvailableThemes(); if (supportedThemes.contains(userAppTheme)) { appWindowTheme = userAppTheme; } } } ThemeConstants theme = themeConstantsRepository.getConstants(appWindowTheme); if (theme == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to use theme constants '" + appWindowTheme + "'"); } return theme; } protected void applyTheme(String appWindowTheme) { ThemeConstants theme = themeConstantsRepository.getConstants(appWindowTheme); if (theme == null) { log.warn("Unable to use theme constants '{}'", appWindowTheme); } else { this.themeConstants = theme; setUserAppTheme(appWindowTheme); } } /** * Initializes exception handlers immediately after login and logout. * Can be overridden in descendants to manipulate exception handlers programmatically. * * @param isConnected true after login, false after logout */ protected void initExceptionHandlers(boolean isConnected) { if (isConnected) { exceptionHandlers.createByConfiguration(); } else { exceptionHandlers.removeAll(); } } /** * @return currently displayed top-level window */ public Window.TopLevelWindow getTopLevelWindow() { return getAppUI().getTopLevelWindow(); } /** * @return current UI */ public AppUI getAppUI() { return AppUI.getCurrent(); } public ThemeConstants getThemeConstants() { return themeConstants; } public List<AppUI> getAppUIs() { List<AppUI> list = new ArrayList<>(); for (UI ui : VaadinSession.getCurrent().getUIs()) { if (ui instanceof AppUI) list.add((AppUI) ui); else log.warn("Invalid UI in the session: {}", ui); } return list; } public abstract void loginOnStart() throws LoginException; protected Connection createConnection() { return AppBeans.getPrototype(Connection.NAME); } /** * Called when <em>the first</em> UI of the session is initialized. */ protected void init(Locale requestLocale) { VaadinSession vSession = VaadinSession.getCurrent(); vSession.setAttribute(App.class, this); vSession.setLocale(messageTools.getDefaultLocale()); // set root error handler for all session vSession.setErrorHandler(event -> { try { getExceptionHandlers().handle(event); getAppLog().log(event); } catch (Throwable e) { //noinspection ThrowableResultOfMethodCallIgnored log.error("Error handling exception\nOriginal exception:\n{}\nException in handlers:\n{}", ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(event.getThrowable()), ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e)); } }); appLog = new AppLog(); connection = createConnection(); exceptionHandlers = new ExceptionHandlers(this); cookies = new AppCookies(); themeConstants = loadTheme(); VaadinServlet vaadinServlet = VaadinServlet.getCurrent(); ServletContext sc = vaadinServlet.getServletContext(); String resourcesTimestamp = sc.getInitParameter("webResourcesTs"); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(resourcesTimestamp)) { this.webResourceTimestamp = resourcesTimestamp; } log.debug("Initializing application"); // get default locale from config Locale targetLocale = resolveLocale(requestLocale); setLocale(targetLocale); } protected Locale resolveLocale(@Nullable Locale requestLocale) { Map<String, Locale> locales = globalConfig.getAvailableLocales(); if (globalConfig.getLocaleSelectVisible()) { String lastLocale = getCookieValue(COOKIE_LOCALE); if (lastLocale != null) { for (Locale locale : locales.values()) { if (locale.toLanguageTag().equals(lastLocale)) { return locale; } } } } if (requestLocale != null) { Locale requestTrimmedLocale = messageTools.trimLocale(requestLocale); if (locales.containsValue(requestTrimmedLocale)) { return requestTrimmedLocale; } // if not found and application locale contains country, try to match by language only if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(requestLocale.getCountry())) { Locale appLocale = Locale.forLanguageTag(requestLocale.getLanguage()); for (Locale locale : locales.values()) { if (Locale.forLanguageTag(locale.getLanguage()).equals(appLocale)) { return locale; } } } } // return default locale return messageTools.getDefaultLocale(); } /** * Called on each browser tab initialization. */ public void createTopLevelWindow(AppUI ui) { WebWindowManager wm = AppBeans.getPrototype(WebWindowManager.NAME); wm.setUi(ui); String topLevelWindowId = routeTopLevelWindowId(); wm.createTopLevelWindow(windowConfig.getWindowInfo(topLevelWindowId)); } protected abstract String routeTopLevelWindowId(); public void createTopLevelWindow() { createTopLevelWindow(AppUI.getCurrent()); } /** * Initialize new TopLevelWindow and replace current * * @param topLevelWindowId target top level window id */ public void navigateTo(String topLevelWindowId) { WebWindowManager wm = AppBeans.getPrototype(WebWindowManager.NAME); wm.setUi(AppUI.getCurrent()); wm.createTopLevelWindow(windowConfig.getWindowInfo(topLevelWindowId)); } /** * Called from heartbeat request. <br> * Used for ping middleware session and show session messages */ public void onHeartbeat() { Connection connection = getConnection(); boolean sessionIsAlive = false; if (connection.isAuthenticated()) { // Ping middleware session if connected and show messages log.debug("Ping middleware session"); try { String message = userSessionService.getMessages(); sessionIsAlive = true; if (message != null) { message = message.replace("\n", "<br/>"); getWindowManager().showNotification(message, Frame.NotificationType.ERROR_HTML); } } catch (NoUserSessionException ignored) { // ignore no user session exception } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Exception while session ping", e); } } if (sessionIsAlive) { events.publish(new SessionHeartbeatEvent(this)); } } /** * @return Current App instance. Can be invoked anywhere in application code. * @throws IllegalStateException if no application instance is bound to the current {@link VaadinSession} */ public static App getInstance() { VaadinSession vSession = VaadinSession.getCurrent(); if (vSession == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("No VaadinSession found"); } if (!vSession.hasLock()) { throw new IllegalStateException("VaadinSession is not owned by the current thread"); } App app = vSession.getAttribute(App.class); if (app == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("No App is bound to the current VaadinSession"); } return app; } /** * @return true if an {@link App} instance is currently bound and can be safely obtained by {@link #getInstance()} */ public static boolean isBound() { VaadinSession vSession = VaadinSession.getCurrent(); return vSession != null && vSession.hasLock() && vSession.getAttribute(App.class) != null; } /** * @return Current connection object */ public Connection getConnection() { return connection; } /** * @return WindowManager instance or null if the current UI has no MainWindow */ public WebWindowManager getWindowManager() { if (getAppUI() == null) { return null; } Window.TopLevelWindow topLevelWindow = getTopLevelWindow(); return topLevelWindow != null ? (WebWindowManager) topLevelWindow.getWindowManager() : null; } public AppLog getAppLog() { return appLog; } public ExceptionHandlers getExceptionHandlers() { return exceptionHandlers; } public String getCookieValue(String name) { return cookies.getCookieValue(name); } public int getCookieMaxAge(String name) { return cookies.getCookieMaxAge(name); } public void addCookie(String name, String value, int maxAge) { cookies.addCookie(name, value, maxAge); } public void addCookie(String name, String value) { cookies.addCookie(name, value); } public void removeCookie(String name) { cookies.removeCookie(name); } public Locale getLocale() { return VaadinSession.getCurrent().getLocale(); } public void setLocale(Locale locale) { UserSession session = getConnection().getSession(); if (session != null) { session.setLocale(locale); } AppUI currentUi = AppUI.getCurrent(); // it can be null if we handle request in a custom RequestHandler if (currentUi != null) { currentUi.setLocale(locale); currentUi.updateClientSystemMessages(locale); } VaadinSession.getCurrent().setLocale(locale); for (AppUI ui : getAppUIs()) { if (ui != currentUi) { ui.accessSynchronously(() -> { ui.setLocale(locale); ui.updateClientSystemMessages(locale); }); } } } public void setUserAppTheme(String themeName) { addCookie(APP_THEME_COOKIE_PREFIX + globalConfig.getWebContextName(), themeName); } public String getWebResourceTimestamp() { return webResourceTimestamp; } public void addBackgroundTask(Future task) { backgroundTaskManager.addTask(task); } public void removeBackgroundTask(Future task) { backgroundTaskManager.removeTask(task); } public void cleanupBackgroundTasks() { backgroundTaskManager.cleanupTasks(); } public void closeAllWindows() { log.debug("Closing all windows"); try { for (AppUI ui : getAppUIs()) { ui.accessSynchronously(() -> { Window.TopLevelWindow topLevelWindow = getTopLevelWindow(); if (topLevelWindow != null) { WebWindowManager webWindowManager = (WebWindowManager) topLevelWindow.getWindowManager(); webWindowManager.disableSavingScreenHistory = true; webWindowManager.closeAll(); } // also remove all native Vaadin windows, that is not under CUBA control for (com.vaadin.ui.Window win : new ArrayList<>(ui.getWindows())) { ui.removeWindow(win); } }); } } catch (Throwable e) { log.error("Error closing all windows", e); } } protected void clearSettingsCache() { ((WebSettingsClient) settingsClient).clearCache(); } /** * Try to perform logout. If there are unsaved changes in opened windows then logout will not be performed and * unsaved changes dialog will appear. */ public void logout() { logout(null); } /** * Try to perform logout. If there are unsaved changes in opened windows then logout will not be performed and * unsaved changes dialog will appear. * * @param runWhenLoggedOut runnable that will be invoked if user decides to logout */ public void logout(@Nullable Runnable runWhenLoggedOut) { try { Window.TopLevelWindow topLevelWindow = getTopLevelWindow(); if (topLevelWindow != null) { topLevelWindow.saveSettings(); WebWindowManager wm = (WebWindowManager) topLevelWindow.getWindowManager(); wm.checkModificationsAndCloseAll(() -> { Connection connection = getConnection(); connection.logout(); if (runWhenLoggedOut != null) {; } }); } else { Connection connection = getConnection(); connection.logout(); if (runWhenLoggedOut != null) {; } } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error on logout", e); String url = ControllerUtils.getLocationWithoutParams() + "?restartApp"; AppUI.getCurrent().getPage().open(url, "_self"); } } }