Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2008-2016 Haulmont. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package com.haulmont.cuba.restapi; import com.haulmont.bali.util.Dom4j; import com.haulmont.bali.util.Preconditions; import com.haulmont.chile.core.datatypes.Datatype; import com.haulmont.chile.core.datatypes.Datatypes; import com.haulmont.chile.core.model.MetaClass; import com.haulmont.chile.core.model.MetaProperty; import com.haulmont.chile.core.model.MetaPropertyPath; import; import com.haulmont.cuba.core.entity.BaseEntityInternalAccess; import com.haulmont.cuba.core.entity.BaseGenericIdEntity; import com.haulmont.cuba.core.entity.Entity; import com.haulmont.cuba.core.entity.SecurityState; import*; import; import; import org.dom4j.Document; import org.dom4j.DocumentHelper; import org.dom4j.Element; import; import; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import org.springframework.util.ClassUtils; import javax.activation.MimeType; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import javax.annotation.PostConstruct; import javax.inject.Inject; import; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.*; /** * XML Converter that works with new xml schema defined in platform v5.4 * */ @Component public class XMLConverter2 implements Converter { public static final MimeType MIME_TYPE_XML; public static final String MIME_STR = "text/xml;charset=UTF-8"; public static final String TYPE_XML = "xml"; static { try { MIME_TYPE_XML = new MimeType(MIME_STR); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } @Inject protected Metadata metadata; @Inject protected MetadataTools metadataTools; @Inject protected Configuration configuration; protected RestConfig restConfig; @PostConstruct public void init() { restConfig = configuration.getConfig(RestConfig.class); } @Override public MimeType getMimeType() { return MIME_TYPE_XML; } @Override public String getType() { return TYPE_XML; } @Override public List<Integer> getApiVersions() { return Arrays.asList(1, 2); } @Override public String process(Entity entity, MetaClass metaclass, View view) throws Exception { Document document = _process(entity, view); return documentToString(document); } protected Document _process(Entity entity, View view) throws Exception { Document document = DocumentHelper.createDocument(); Element rootEl = document.addElement("instances"); encodeEntity(entity, new HashSet<Entity>(), view, rootEl); return document; } @Override public String process(List<Entity> entities, MetaClass metaClass, View view) throws Exception { Document document = _process(entities, metaClass, view); return documentToString(document); } protected Document _process(List<Entity> entities, MetaClass metaClass, View view) throws Exception { Document document = DocumentHelper.createDocument(); Element rootEl = document.addElement("instances"); for (Entity entity : entities) { encodeEntity(entity, new HashSet<Entity>(), view, rootEl); } return document; } @Override public String process(Set<Entity> entities) throws Exception { Document document = DocumentHelper.createDocument(); Element rootEl = document.addElement("instances"); for (Entity entity : entities) { encodeEntity(entity, new HashSet<Entity>(), null, rootEl); } return documentToString(document); } @Override @Nonnull public String processServiceMethodResult(Object result, Class resultType) throws Exception { Document document = DocumentHelper.createDocument(); Element resultEl = document.addElement("result"); if (result instanceof Entity) { Entity entity = (Entity) result; Document convertedEntity = _process(entity, null); resultEl.add(convertedEntity.getRootElement()); } else if (result instanceof Collection) { if (!checkCollectionItemTypes((Collection) result, Entity.class)) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Items that are not instances of Entity class found in service method result"); ArrayList list = new ArrayList((Collection) result); MetaClass metaClass = null; if (!list.isEmpty()) metaClass = ((Entity) list.get(0)).getMetaClass(); Document processed = _process(list, metaClass, null); resultEl.add(processed.getRootElement()); } else { if (result != null && resultType != Void.TYPE) { Datatype datatype = getDatatype(resultType); resultEl.setText(datatype != null ? datatype.format(result) : result.toString()); } else { encodeNull(resultEl); } } return documentToString(document); } protected Datatype getDatatype(Class clazz) { if (clazz == Integer.TYPE || clazz == Byte.TYPE || clazz == Short.TYPE) return Datatypes.get(Integer.class); if (clazz == Long.TYPE) return Datatypes.get(Long.class); if (clazz == Boolean.TYPE) return Datatypes.get(Boolean.class); return Datatypes.get(clazz); } protected boolean checkCollectionItemTypes(Collection collection, Class<?> itemClass) { for (Object collectionItem : collection) { if (!itemClass.isAssignableFrom(collectionItem.getClass())) return false; } return true; } @Override public CommitRequest parseCommitRequest(String content) { try { CommitRequest commitRequest = new CommitRequest(); Document document = Dom4j.readDocument(content); Element rootElement = document.getRootElement(); //commit instances Element commitInstancesEl = rootElement.element("commitInstances"); if (commitInstancesEl != null) { //first find and register ids of all entities to be commited Set<String> commitIds = new HashSet<>(); for (Object instance : commitInstancesEl.elements("instance")) { Element instanceEl = (Element) instance; String id = instanceEl.attributeValue("id"); if (id.startsWith("NEW-")) id = id.substring(id.indexOf('-') + 1); commitIds.add(id); } commitRequest.setCommitIds(commitIds); List commitInstanceElements = commitInstancesEl.elements("instance"); List<Entity> commitInstances = new ArrayList<>(); for (Object el : commitInstanceElements) { Element commitInstanceEl = (Element) el; String id = commitInstanceEl.attributeValue("id"); InstanceRef ref = commitRequest.parseInstanceRefAndRegister(id); Entity instance = ref.getInstance(); parseEntity(commitInstanceEl, instance, commitRequest); commitInstances.add(instance); } commitRequest.setCommitInstances(commitInstances); } //remove instances Element removeInstancesEl = rootElement.element("removeInstances"); if (removeInstancesEl != null) { List removeInstanceElements = removeInstancesEl.elements("instance"); List<Entity> removeInstances = new ArrayList<>(); for (Object el : removeInstanceElements) { Element removeInstance = (Element) el; String id = removeInstance.attributeValue("id"); InstanceRef ref = commitRequest.parseInstanceRefAndRegister(id); Entity instance = ref.getInstance(); removeInstances.add(instance); } commitRequest.setRemoveInstances(removeInstances); } //soft deletion Element softDeletionEl = rootElement.element("softDeletion"); if (softDeletionEl != null) { commitRequest.setSoftDeletion(Boolean.parseBoolean(softDeletionEl.getText())); } return commitRequest; } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } @Override public ServiceRequest parseServiceRequest(String content) throws Exception { Document document = Dom4j.readDocument(content); Element rootElement = document.getRootElement(); Element serviceEl = rootElement.element("service"); if (serviceEl == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Service name not specified in request"); } String serviceName = serviceEl.getTextTrim(); Element methodEl = rootElement.element("method"); if (methodEl == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Method name not specified in request"); } String methodName = methodEl.getTextTrim(); String viewName = null; Element viewEl = rootElement.element("view"); if (viewEl != null) viewName = viewEl.getTextTrim(); ServiceRequest serviceRequest = new ServiceRequest(serviceName, methodName, this); Element paramsEl = rootElement.element("params"); if (paramsEl != null) { int idx = 0; while (true) { String paramName = "param" + idx; Element paramEl = findParamByName(paramsEl, paramName); if (paramEl == null) break; serviceRequest.getParamValuesString().add(paramElementContentAsString(paramEl)); Element paramTypeEl = findParamByName(paramsEl, paramName + "_type"); if (paramTypeEl != null) { String type = paramTypeEl.getText(); serviceRequest.getParamTypes().add(ClassUtils.forName(type, null)); } else { if (!serviceRequest.getParamTypes().isEmpty()) { //types should be defined for all parameters or for none of them throw new RestServiceException("Parameter type for param" + idx + " is not defined"); } } idx++; } } return serviceRequest; } protected Element findParamByName(Element paramsEl, String paramName) { List params = paramsEl.elements("param"); for (Object param : params) { String curName = ((Element) param).attributeValue("name"); if (paramName.equals(curName)) return (Element) param; } return null; } protected String paramElementContentAsString(Element paramEl) { Element nestedEl = paramEl.element("instance"); if (nestedEl == null) { nestedEl = paramEl.element("instances"); } if (nestedEl == null) { return paramEl.getText(); } else { Document doc = DocumentHelper.createDocument(nestedEl.createCopy()); return doc.asXML(); } } @Override public Entity parseEntity(String content) { Document document = Dom4j.readDocument(content); Element instanceEl = document.getRootElement(); return parseEntity(instanceEl, null, null); } @Override public QueryRequest parseQueryRequest(String content) throws IllegalArgumentException, ClassNotFoundException, ParseException { Document document = Dom4j.readDocument(content); Element rootElement = document.getRootElement(); QueryRequest queryRequest = new QueryRequest(); Element entityElem = rootElement.element("entity"); String entity = entityElem.getTextTrim(); queryRequest.setEntity(entity); Element queryElem = rootElement.element("query"); String query = queryElem.getTextTrim(); queryRequest.setQuery(query); if (rootElement.element("view") != null) { Element viewElem = rootElement.element("view"); String view = viewElem.getTextTrim(); queryRequest.setViewName(view); } if (rootElement.element("max") != null) { Element maxElem = rootElement.element("max"); String maxString = maxElem.getTextTrim(); int max = Integer.parseInt(maxString); queryRequest.setMax(max); } if (rootElement.element("first") != null) { Element firstElem = rootElement.element("first"); String firstString = firstElem.getTextTrim(); int first = Integer.parseInt(firstString); queryRequest.setFirst(first); } if (rootElement.element("dynamicAttributes") != null) { Element dynamicAttributesElem = rootElement.element("dynamicAttributes"); String dynamicAttributesString = dynamicAttributesElem.getTextTrim(); Boolean dynamicAttributes = Boolean.valueOf(dynamicAttributesString); queryRequest.setDynamicAttributes(dynamicAttributes); } if (rootElement.element("params") != null) { Element paramsElem = rootElement.element("params"); List paramList = paramsElem.elements("param"); for (Object obj : paramList) { if (obj instanceof Element) { Element paramElem = (Element) obj; Element nameElem = paramElem.element("name"); String paramName = nameElem.getStringValue(); Element valueElem = paramElem.element("value"); String paramValue = valueElem.getStringValue(); Object value = null; if (paramElem.element("type") != null) { Element typeElem = paramElem.element("type"); String typeString = typeElem.getStringValue(); Class type = ClassUtils.forName(typeString, null); value = ParseUtils.toObject(type, paramValue, this); } else { value = ParseUtils.tryParse(paramValue); } queryRequest.getParams().put(paramName, value != null ? value : paramValue); } } } return queryRequest; } @Override public Collection<? extends Entity> parseEntitiesCollection(String content, Class<? extends Collection> collectionClass) { try { Collection collection = newCollectionInstance(collectionClass); Document document = Dom4j.readDocument(content); List instances = document.getRootElement().elements("instance"); for (Object instance : instances) { Entity entity = parseEntity((Element) instance, null, null); collection.add(entity); } return collection; } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } protected Collection newCollectionInstance(Class<? extends Collection> clazz) throws IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException { if (!clazz.isInterface()) { return clazz.newInstance(); } else { if (List.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) return new ArrayList(); if (Set.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) return new HashSet(); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Collections of type" + clazz.getName() + " not supported"); } /** * Converts a content of XML element to an entity. * * @param instanceEl element that contains entity description * @param entity if this parameter is not null then its fields will be filled, * if it is null then new entity will be created. * @param commitRequest must not be null if method is called when parsing a {@code CommitRequest}. * Security permissions checks are performed based on existing/absence of this * parameter. */ protected Entity parseEntity(Element instanceEl, @Nullable Entity entity, @Nullable CommitRequest commitRequest) { try { if (entity == null) { String id = instanceEl.attributeValue("id"); EntityLoadInfo loadInfo = EntityLoadInfo.parse(id); if (loadInfo == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "XML description of entity doesn't contain valid 'id' attribute"); entity = createEmptyInstance(loadInfo); entity.setValue("id", loadInfo.getId()); } MetaClass metaClass = entity.getMetaClass(); List propertyEls = instanceEl.elements(); for (Object el : propertyEls) { Element propertyEl = (Element) el; if (entity instanceof BaseGenericIdEntity && "__securityToken".equals(propertyEl.getName())) { byte[] securityToken = Base64.getDecoder().decode(propertyEl.getText()); SecurityState securityState = BaseEntityInternalAccess .getOrCreateSecurityState((BaseGenericIdEntity) entity); BaseEntityInternalAccess.setSecurityToken(securityState, securityToken); continue; } String propertyName = propertyEl.attributeValue("name"); MetaPropertyPath metaPropertyPath = metadata.getTools().resolveMetaPropertyPath(metaClass, propertyName); Preconditions.checkNotNullArgument(metaPropertyPath, "Could not resolve property '%s' in '%s'", propertyName, metaClass); MetaProperty property = metaPropertyPath.getMetaProperty(); if (commitRequest != null && !attrModifyPermitted(metaClass, propertyName)) continue; if (commitRequest != null && metadataTools.isNotPersistent(property) && !DynamicAttributesUtils.isDynamicAttribute(propertyName)) continue; if (Boolean.parseBoolean(propertyEl.attributeValue("null"))) { entity.setValue(propertyName, null); continue; } if (entity instanceof BaseGenericIdEntity && DynamicAttributesUtils.isDynamicAttribute(propertyName) && ((BaseGenericIdEntity) entity).getDynamicAttributes() == null) { ConverterHelper.fetchDynamicAttributes(entity); } String stringValue = propertyEl.getText(); Object value; switch (property.getType()) { case DATATYPE: value = property.getRange().asDatatype().parse(stringValue); entity.setValue(propertyName, value); break; case ENUM: value = property.getRange().asEnumeration().parse(stringValue); entity.setValue(propertyName, value); break; case COMPOSITION: case ASSOCIATION: MetaClass propertyMetaClass = propertyMetaClass(property); //checks if the user permitted to read and update a property if (commitRequest != null && !updatePermitted(propertyMetaClass) && !readPermitted(propertyMetaClass)) break; if (!property.getRange().getCardinality().isMany()) { Element refInstanceEl = propertyEl.element("instance"); if (metadataTools.isEmbedded(property)) { MetaClass embeddedMetaClass = property.getRange().asClass(); Entity embeddedEntity = metadata.create(embeddedMetaClass); value = parseEntity(refInstanceEl, embeddedEntity, commitRequest); } else { String id = refInstanceEl.attributeValue("id"); //reference to an entity that also a commit instance //will be registered later if (commitRequest != null && commitRequest.getCommitIds().contains(id)) { EntityLoadInfo loadInfo = EntityLoadInfo.parse(id); Entity ref = metadata.create(loadInfo.getMetaClass()); ref.setValue("id", loadInfo.getId()); entity.setValue(propertyName, ref); break; } value = parseEntity(refInstanceEl, null, commitRequest); } entity.setValue(propertyName, value); } else { Class<?> propertyJavaType = property.getJavaType(); Collection<Object> coll; if (List.class.isAssignableFrom(propertyJavaType)) coll = new ArrayList<>(); else if (Set.class.isAssignableFrom(propertyJavaType)) coll = new HashSet<>(); else throw new RuntimeException("Datatype " + propertyJavaType.getName() + " of " + metaClass.getName() + "#" + property.getName() + " is not supported"); entity.setValue(propertyName, coll); for (Object childInstenceEl : propertyEl.elements("instance")) { Entity childEntity = parseEntity((Element) childInstenceEl, null, commitRequest); coll.add(childEntity); } } break; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown property type"); } } return entity; } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * Creates new entity instance from {@link} * and reset fields values */ protected Entity createEmptyInstance(EntityLoadInfo loadInfo) throws IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException { MetaClass metaClass = loadInfo.getMetaClass(); Entity instance = metadata.create(metaClass); for (MetaProperty metaProperty : metaClass.getProperties()) { if (!metaProperty.isReadOnly()) instance.setValue(metaProperty.getName(), null); } return instance; } protected void encodeEntity(Entity entity, HashSet<Entity> visited, View view, Element parentEl) throws Exception { if (entity == null) { parentEl.addAttribute("null", "true"); return; } if (!readPermitted(entity.getMetaClass())) throw new IllegalAccessException(); Element instanceEl = parentEl.addElement("instance"); instanceEl.addAttribute("id", EntityLoadInfo.create(entity).toString()); boolean entityAlreadyVisited = !visited.add(entity); if (entityAlreadyVisited) { return; } if (entity instanceof BaseGenericIdEntity) { byte[] securityToken = BaseEntityInternalAccess.getSecurityToken((BaseGenericIdEntity) entity); if (securityToken != null) { BaseGenericIdEntity baseGenericIdEntity = (BaseGenericIdEntity) entity; instanceEl.addElement("__securityToken").setText(Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(securityToken)); String[] filteredAttributes = BaseEntityInternalAccess.getFilteredAttributes(baseGenericIdEntity); if (filteredAttributes != null) { Element filteredAttributesElement = instanceEl.addElement("__filteredAttributes"); .forEach(obj -> filteredAttributesElement.addElement("a").setText(obj)); } } } MetaClass metaClass = entity.getMetaClass(); List<MetaProperty> orderedProperties = ConverterHelper.getActualMetaProperties(metaClass, entity); for (MetaProperty property : orderedProperties) { if (metadataTools.isPersistent(property) && !PersistenceHelper.isLoaded(entity, property.getName())) { continue; } if (!attrViewPermitted(metaClass, property.getName())) continue; if (!isPropertyIncluded(view, property) && !DynamicAttributesUtils.isDynamicAttribute(property.getName())) { continue; } Object value = entity.getValue(property.getName()); switch (property.getType()) { case DATATYPE: if (property.equals(metadataTools.getPrimaryKeyProperty(metaClass)) && !property.getJavaType().equals(String.class)) { // skipping id for non-String-key entities continue; } Element fieldEl = instanceEl.addElement("field"); fieldEl.addAttribute("name", property.getName()); if (value != null) { fieldEl.setText(property.getRange().asDatatype().format(value)); } else if (!DynamicAttributesUtils.isDynamicAttribute(property.getName())) { encodeNull(fieldEl); } break; case ENUM: fieldEl = instanceEl.addElement("field"); fieldEl.addAttribute("name", property.getName()); if (value == null) { encodeNull(fieldEl); } else { fieldEl.setText(property.getRange().asEnumeration().format(value)); } break; case COMPOSITION: case ASSOCIATION: MetaClass meta = propertyMetaClass(property); //checks if the user permitted to read a property if (!readPermitted(meta)) { break; } View propertyView = null; if (view != null) { ViewProperty vp = view.getProperty(property.getName()); if (vp != null) propertyView = vp.getView(); } if (!property.getRange().getCardinality().isMany()) { Element referenceEl = instanceEl.addElement("reference"); referenceEl.addAttribute("name", property.getName()); encodeEntity((Entity) value, visited, propertyView, referenceEl); } else { Element collectionEl = instanceEl.addElement("collection"); collectionEl.addAttribute("name", property.getName()); if (value == null) { encodeNull(collectionEl); break; } for (Object childEntity : (Collection) value) { encodeEntity((Entity) childEntity, visited, propertyView, collectionEl); } } break; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown property type"); } } } protected boolean attrViewPermitted(MetaClass metaClass, String property) { return attrPermitted(metaClass, property, EntityAttrAccess.VIEW); } protected boolean attrModifyPermitted(MetaClass metaClass, String property) { return attrPermitted(metaClass, property, EntityAttrAccess.MODIFY); } protected boolean attrPermitted(MetaClass metaClass, String property, EntityAttrAccess entityAttrAccess) { Security security = AppBeans.get(Security.NAME); return security.isEntityAttrPermitted(metaClass, property, entityAttrAccess); } protected boolean readPermitted(MetaClass metaClass) { return entityOpPermitted(metaClass, EntityOp.READ); } protected boolean updatePermitted(MetaClass metaClass) { return entityOpPermitted(metaClass, EntityOp.UPDATE); } protected boolean entityOpPermitted(MetaClass metaClass, EntityOp entityOp) { Security security = AppBeans.get(Security.NAME); return security.isEntityOpPermitted(metaClass, entityOp); } protected MetaClass propertyMetaClass(MetaProperty property) { return property.getRange().asClass(); } protected boolean isPropertyIncluded(View view, MetaProperty metaProperty) { if (view == null) { return true; } ViewProperty viewProperty = view.getProperty(metaProperty.getName()); return (viewProperty != null); } protected void encodeNull(Element element) { element.addAttribute("null", "true"); } protected String documentToString(Document document) { try { OutputFormat format = OutputFormat.createPrettyPrint(); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); XMLWriter writer = new XMLWriter(sw, format); writer.write(document); return sw.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } }