Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2008-2016 Haulmont. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package com.haulmont.cuba.gui; import; import; import com.haulmont.bali.util.Preconditions; import com.haulmont.chile.core.model.MetaProperty; import com.haulmont.chile.core.model.MetaPropertyPath; import com.haulmont.chile.core.model.MetadataObject; import com.haulmont.cuba.core.entity.BaseGenericIdEntity; import com.haulmont.cuba.core.entity.Entity; import com.haulmont.cuba.core.entity.annotation.Lookup; import; import; import com.haulmont.cuba.gui.components.*; import com.haulmont.cuba.gui.components.actions.*; import com.haulmont.cuba.gui.components.mainwindow.AppWorkArea; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import java.util.*; import; import static com.haulmont.cuba.core.entity.BaseEntityInternalAccess.getFilteredAttributes; /** * Utility class working with GenericUI components. */ public abstract class ComponentsHelper { public static final String[] UNIT_SYMBOLS = { "px", "pt", "pc", "em", "ex", "mm", "cm", "in", "%" }; /** * Returns the collection of components within the specified container and all of its children. * * @param container container to start from * @return collection of components */ public static Collection<Component> getComponents(Component.Container container) { // do not return LinkedHashSet, it uses much more memory than ArrayList Collection<Component> res = new ArrayList<>(); fillChildComponents(container, res); if (res.isEmpty()) { return Collections.emptyList(); } return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(res); } @Nullable public static Component getWindowComponent(Window window, String id) { final String[] elements = ValuePathHelper.parse(id); if (elements.length == 1) { Component component = window.getRegisteredComponent(id); if (component != null) return component; else return window.getTimer(id); } else { Component innerComponent = window.getRegisteredComponent(elements[0]); if (innerComponent instanceof FieldGroup) { final List<String> subList = Arrays.asList(elements).subList(1, elements.length); String subPath = ValuePathHelper.format(subList.toArray(new String[subList.size()])); FieldGroup fieldGroup = (FieldGroup) innerComponent; FieldGroup.FieldConfig field = fieldGroup.getField(subPath); return field != null ? field.getComponent() : null; } else if (innerComponent instanceof Component.Container) { final List<String> subList = Arrays.asList(elements).subList(1, elements.length); String subPath = ValuePathHelper.format(subList.toArray(new String[subList.size()])); return ((Component.Container) innerComponent).getComponent(subPath); } else if (innerComponent instanceof Component.HasNamedComponents) { final List<String> subList = Arrays.asList(elements).subList(1, elements.length); String subPath = ValuePathHelper.format(subList.toArray(new String[subList.size()])); return ((Component.HasNamedComponents) innerComponent).getComponent(subPath); } return null; } } @Nullable public static Component getFrameComponent(Frame frame, String id) { final String[] elements = ValuePathHelper.parse(id); if (elements.length == 1) { Component component = frame.getRegisteredComponent(id); if (component == null && frame.getFrame() != null && frame.getFrame() != frame) { component = frame.getFrame().getComponent(id); } return component; } else { Component innerComponent = frame.getRegisteredComponent(elements[0]); if (innerComponent instanceof FieldGroup) { final List<String> subList = Arrays.asList(elements).subList(1, elements.length); String subPath = ValuePathHelper.format(subList.toArray(new String[subList.size()])); FieldGroup fieldGroup = (FieldGroup) innerComponent; FieldGroup.FieldConfig field = fieldGroup.getField(subPath); return field != null ? field.getComponent() : null; } else if (innerComponent instanceof Component.Container) { final List<String> subList = Arrays.asList(elements).subList(1, elements.length); String subPath = ValuePathHelper.format(subList.toArray(new String[subList.size()])); return ((Component.Container) innerComponent).getComponent(subPath); } else if (innerComponent instanceof Component.HasNamedComponents) { final List<String> subList = Arrays.asList(elements).subList(1, elements.length); String subPath = ValuePathHelper.format(subList.toArray(new String[subList.size()])); return ((Component.HasNamedComponents) innerComponent).getComponent(subPath); } return null; } } @Nullable public static Component getComponent(Component.Container container, String id) { final String[] elements = ValuePathHelper.parse(id); if (elements.length == 1) { final com.haulmont.cuba.gui.components.Component component = container.getOwnComponent(id); if (component == null) return getComponentByIteration(container, id); else return component; } else { Component innerComponent = container.getOwnComponent(elements[0]); if (innerComponent == null) { return getComponentByIteration(container, id); } else { if (innerComponent instanceof FieldGroup) { final List<String> subList = Arrays.asList(elements).subList(1, elements.length); String subPath = ValuePathHelper.format(subList.toArray(new String[subList.size()])); FieldGroup fieldGroup = (FieldGroup) innerComponent; FieldGroup.FieldConfig field = fieldGroup.getField(subPath); return field != null ? field.getComponent() : null; } else if (innerComponent instanceof Component.Container) { final List<String> subList = Arrays.asList(elements).subList(1, elements.length); String subPath = ValuePathHelper.format(subList.toArray(new String[subList.size()])); return ((com.haulmont.cuba.gui.components.Component.Container) innerComponent) .getComponent(subPath); } else if (innerComponent instanceof Component.HasNamedComponents) { final List<String> subList = Arrays.asList(elements).subList(1, elements.length); String subPath = ValuePathHelper.format(subList.toArray(new String[subList.size()])); return ((Component.HasNamedComponents) innerComponent).getComponent(subPath); } return null; } } } @Nullable private static Component getComponentByIteration(Component.Container container, String id) { for (Component component : container.getOwnComponents()) { if (id.equals(component.getId())) { return component; } else if (component instanceof Component.Container) { Component innerComponent = getComponentByIteration((Component.Container) component, id); if (innerComponent != null) { return innerComponent; } } } return null; } private static void fillChildComponents(Component.Container container, Collection<Component> components) { final Collection<Component> ownComponents = container.getOwnComponents(); components.addAll(ownComponents); for (Component component : ownComponents) { if (component instanceof Component.Container) { fillChildComponents((Component.Container) component, components); } } } /** * Searches for a component by identifier, down by the hierarchy of frames. * @param frame frame to start from * @param id component identifier * @return component instance or null if not found */ @Nullable public static Component findComponent(Frame frame, String id) { Component find = frame.getComponent(id); if (find != null) { return find; } else { for (Component c : frame.getComponents()) { if (c instanceof Frame) { Component comp = ((Frame) c).getComponent(id); if (comp != null) { return comp; } else { return findComponent((Frame) c, id); } } } } return null; } /** * Visit all components below the specified container. * @param container container to start from * @param visitor visitor instance */ public static void walkComponents(com.haulmont.cuba.gui.components.Component.Container container, ComponentVisitor visitor) { __walkComponents(container, visitor, ""); } private static void __walkComponents(com.haulmont.cuba.gui.components.Component.Container container, ComponentVisitor visitor, String path) { for (com.haulmont.cuba.gui.components.Component component : container.getOwnComponents()) { String id = component.getId(); if (id == null && component instanceof Component.ActionOwner && ((Component.ActionOwner) component).getAction() != null) { id = ((Component.ActionOwner) component).getAction().getId(); } if (id == null) { id = component.getClass().getSimpleName(); } visitor.visit(component, path + id); if (component instanceof com.haulmont.cuba.gui.components.Component.Container) { String p = component instanceof Frame ? path + id + "." : path; __walkComponents(((com.haulmont.cuba.gui.components.Component.Container) component), visitor, p); } else if (component instanceof AppWorkArea) { AppWorkArea workArea = (AppWorkArea) component; if (workArea.getState() == AppWorkArea.State.INITIAL_LAYOUT) { VBoxLayout initialLayout = workArea.getInitialLayout(); __walkComponents(initialLayout, visitor, path); } } } } /** * Find first component by predicate * * @param container container to start from * @param finder finder instance */ public static boolean walkComponents(com.haulmont.cuba.gui.components.Component.Container container, ComponentFinder finder) { return __walkComponents(container, finder); } private static boolean __walkComponents(com.haulmont.cuba.gui.components.Component.Container container, ComponentFinder finder) { for (com.haulmont.cuba.gui.components.Component component : container.getOwnComponents()) { if (finder.visit(component)) { return true; } if (component instanceof com.haulmont.cuba.gui.components.Component.Container) { if (__walkComponents(((com.haulmont.cuba.gui.components.Component.Container) component), finder)) { return true; } } } return false; } public static String getFilterComponentPath(Filter filter) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(filter.getId() != null ? filter.getId() : "filterWithoutId"); Frame frame = filter.getFrame(); while (frame != null) { sb.insert(0, "."); String s = frame.getId() != null ? frame.getId() : "frameWithoutId"; if (s.contains(".")) { s = "[" + s + "]"; } sb.insert(0, s); if (frame instanceof Window) { break; } frame = frame.getFrame(); } return sb.toString(); } /** * Get the topmost window for the specified component. * @param component component instance * @return topmost window in the hierarchy of frames for this component. * <br>If the window has a controller class, an instance of the controller is returned. * <br>Can be null only if the component wasn't properly initialized. */ @Nullable public static Window getWindow(Component.BelongToFrame component) { Frame frame = component.getFrame(); while (frame != null) { if (frame instanceof Window && frame.getFrame() == frame) { Window window = (Window) frame; return window instanceof WrappedWindow ? ((WrappedWindow) window).getWrapper() : window; } frame = frame.getFrame(); } return null; } /** * Get the topmost window for the specified component. * @param component component instance * @return topmost client specific window in the hierarchy of frames for this component. * * <br>Can be null only if the component wasn't properly initialized. */ @Nullable public static Window getWindowImplementation(Component.BelongToFrame component) { Frame frame = component.getFrame(); while (frame != null) { if (frame instanceof Window && frame.getFrame() == frame) { Window window = (Window) frame; return window instanceof Window.Wrapper ? ((Window.Wrapper) window).getWrappedWindow() : window; } frame = frame.getFrame(); } return null; } public static Frame getFrameController(Frame frame) { if (frame instanceof WrappedFrame) { return ((WrappedFrame) frame).getWrapper(); } else if (frame instanceof WrappedWindow) { return ((WrappedWindow) frame).getWrapper(); } else { return frame; } } public static String getFullFrameId(Frame frame) { LinkedList<String> frameIds = new LinkedList<>(); frameIds.addFirst(frame.getId()); while (frame != null && !(frame instanceof Window) && frame != frame.getFrame()) { frame = frame.getFrame(); if (frame != null) frameIds.addFirst(frame.getId()); } return StringUtils.join(frameIds, '.'); } /** * Searches for an action by name. * @param actionName action name, can be a path to an action contained in some {@link Component.ActionsHolder} * @param frame current frame * @return action instance or null if there is no action with the specified name * @throws IllegalStateException if the component denoted by the path doesn't exist or is not an ActionsHolder */ @Nullable public static Action findAction(String actionName, Frame frame) { String[] elements = ValuePathHelper.parse(actionName); if (elements.length > 1) { String id = elements[elements.length - 1]; String[] subPath = (String[]) ArrayUtils.subarray(elements, 0, elements.length - 1); Component component = frame.getComponent(ValuePathHelper.format(subPath)); if (component != null) { if (component instanceof Component.ActionsHolder) { return ((Component.ActionsHolder) component).getAction(id); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format("Component '%s' can't contain actions", Arrays.toString(subPath))); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format("Can't find component '%s'", Arrays.toString(subPath))); } } else if (elements.length == 1) { String id = elements[0]; return frame.getAction(id); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid action name: " + actionName); } } public static String getComponentPath(Component c) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(c.getId() == null ? "" : c.getId()); if (c instanceof Component.BelongToFrame) { Frame frame = ((Component.BelongToFrame) c).getFrame(); while (frame != null) { sb.insert(0, "."); String s = frame.getId(); if (s.contains(".")) s = "[" + s + "]"; sb.insert(0, s); if (frame instanceof Window) break; frame = frame.getFrame(); } } return sb.toString(); } public static String getComponentWidth(Component c) { float width = c.getWidth(); int widthUnit = c.getWidthUnits(); return width + UNIT_SYMBOLS[widthUnit]; } public static String getComponentHeigth(Component c) { float height = c.getHeight(); int heightUnit = c.getHeightUnits(); return height + UNIT_SYMBOLS[heightUnit]; } public static boolean hasFullWidth(Component c) { return (int) c.getWidth() == 100 && c.getWidthUnits() == Component.UNITS_PERCENTAGE; } public static boolean hasFullHeight(Component c) { return (int) c.getHeight() == 100 && c.getHeightUnits() == Component.UNITS_PERCENTAGE; } /** * Creates standard Create, Edit and Remove actions for the component * @param owner List, Table or Tree component */ public static void createActions(ListComponent owner) { createActions(owner, EnumSet.of(ListActionType.CREATE, ListActionType.EDIT, ListActionType.REMOVE)); } /** * Creates standard actions for the component * @param owner List, Table or Tree component * @param actions set of actions to create */ public static void createActions(ListComponent owner, EnumSet<ListActionType> actions) { if (actions.contains(ListActionType.CREATE)) owner.addAction(CreateAction.create(owner)); if (actions.contains(ListActionType.EDIT)) owner.addAction(EditAction.create(owner)); if (actions.contains(ListActionType.REMOVE)) owner.addAction(RemoveAction.create(owner)); if (actions.contains(ListActionType.REFRESH)) owner.addAction(RefreshAction.create(owner)); } /** * Converts \n and \t symbols to HTML form. * * @param message HTML text * @return HTML text or null if the input is null */ public static String preprocessHtmlMessage(String message) { if (message == null) return null; String html = StringUtils.replace(message, "\n", "<br/>"); html = StringUtils.replace(html, "\t", " "); return html; } /** * Place component with error message to validation errors container. * * @param component validatable component * @param e exception * @param errors errors container */ public static void fillErrorMessages(Component.Validatable component, ValidationException e, ValidationErrors errors) { if (e instanceof ValidationException.HasRelatedComponent) { errors.add(((ValidationException.HasRelatedComponent) e).getComponent(), e.getMessage()); } else if (e instanceof CompositeValidationException) { for (CompositeValidationException.ViolationCause cause : ((CompositeValidationException) e) .getCauses()) { errors.add((Component) component, cause.getMessage()); } } else if (e instanceof FieldGroup.FieldsValidationException) { FieldGroup.FieldsValidationException fve = (FieldGroup.FieldsValidationException) e; Map<Component.Validatable, ValidationException> fields = fve.getProblemFields(); for (Map.Entry<Component.Validatable, ValidationException> problem : fields.entrySet()) { ValidationException exception = problem.getValue(); fillErrorMessages(problem.getKey(), exception, errors); } } else { errors.add((Component) component, e.getMessage()); } } /** * @deprecated Use guava {@link Iterables#indexOf(Iterable, Predicate)} */ @Deprecated public static int indexOf(Iterable<Component> components, Component component) { Preconditions.checkNotNullArgument(components); Iterator<Component> iterator = components.iterator(); for (int i = 0; iterator.hasNext(); i++) { Component current =; if (current == component) { return i; } } return -1; } /** * Set field's "required" flag to false if the value has been filtered by Row Level Security * This is necessary to allow user to submit form with filtered attribute even if attribute is required */ public static void handleFilteredAttributes(Field component, Datasource datasource, MetaPropertyPath mpp) { if (component.isRequired() && datasource.getState() == Datasource.State.VALID && datasource.getItem() != null && mpp.getMetaProperty().getRange().isClass()) { Entity targetItem = datasource.getItem(); MetaProperty[] propertiesChain = mpp.getMetaProperties(); if (propertiesChain.length > 1) { String basePropertyItem = - 1) .map(MetadataObject::getName).collect(Collectors.joining(".")); targetItem = datasource.getItem().getValueEx(basePropertyItem); } if (targetItem instanceof BaseGenericIdEntity) { String metaPropertyName = mpp.getMetaProperty().getName(); Object value = targetItem.getValue(metaPropertyName); BaseGenericIdEntity baseGenericIdEntity = (BaseGenericIdEntity) targetItem; String[] filteredAttributes = getFilteredAttributes(baseGenericIdEntity); if (value == null && filteredAttributes != null && ArrayUtils.contains(filteredAttributes, metaPropertyName)) { component.setRequired(false); } } } } public static int findActionById(List<Action> actionList, String actionId) { int oldIndex = -1; for (int i = 0; i < actionList.size(); i++) { Action a = actionList.get(i); if (Objects.equals(a.getId(), actionId)) { oldIndex = i; break; } } return oldIndex; } /** * INTERNAL. * Adds actions specified in {@link Lookup} annotation on entity attribute to the given PickerField. */ public static boolean createActionsByMetaAnnotations(PickerField pickerField) { MetaPropertyPath mpp = pickerField.getMetaPropertyPath(); if (mpp == null) return false; String[] actions = (String[]) AppBeans.get(MetadataTools.class) .getMetaAnnotationAttributes(mpp.getMetaProperty().getAnnotations(), Lookup.class).get("actions"); if (actions != null && actions.length > 0) { for (String actionId : actions) { for (PickerField.ActionType actionType : PickerField.ActionType.values()) { if (actionType.getId().equals(actionId.trim())) { pickerField.addAction(actionType.createAction(pickerField)); break; } } } return true; } return false; } }