Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2008-2016 Haulmont. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package com.haulmont.cuba.desktop.sys.layout; import com.haulmont.cuba.desktop.gui.components.AutoExpanding; import com.haulmont.cuba.gui.components.AbstractFrame; import com.haulmont.cuba.gui.components.Component; import net.miginfocom.layout.CC; import net.miginfocom.layout.UnitValue; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; public class MigLayoutHelper { public static UnitValue[] makeInsets(boolean[] margins) { UnitValue[] unitValues = new UnitValue[4]; // at cuba it's top, right, bottom, left // at MigLayout it's top, left, bottom, right unitValues[0] = makeInsetValue(margins[0]); unitValues[1] = makeInsetValue(margins[3]); unitValues[2] = makeInsetValue(margins[2]); unitValues[3] = makeInsetValue(margins[1]); return unitValues; } private static UnitValue makeInsetValue(boolean margin) { return margin ? null : new UnitValue(0); } public static CC getExpandConstraints(String width, String height, BoxLayoutAdapter.FlowDirection direction) { CC cc = new CC(); if (direction == null || direction == BoxLayoutAdapter.FlowDirection.X && (StringUtils.isEmpty(height) || "-1px".equals(height) || height.endsWith("%"))) { applyWidth(cc, 100, Component.UNITS_PERCENTAGE, true); } if (direction == null || direction == BoxLayoutAdapter.FlowDirection.Y && (StringUtils.isEmpty(width) || "-1px".equals(width) || width.endsWith("%"))) { applyHeight(cc, 100, Component.UNITS_PERCENTAGE, true); } return cc; } public static CC getConstraints(Component component) { boolean expandX = false; boolean expandY = false; // for latter comparing with AutoExpanding if (component instanceof AbstractFrame) { component = (Component) ((AbstractFrame) component).getComponent(); } if (component instanceof AutoExpanding) { expandX = ((AutoExpanding) component).expandsWidth(); expandY = ((AutoExpanding) component).expandsHeight(); } int width = (int) component.getWidth(); int widthUnits = component.getWidthUnits(); int height = (int) component.getHeight(); int heightUnits = component.getHeightUnits(); CC cc = new CC(); applyWidth(cc, width, widthUnits, expandX); applyHeight(cc, height, heightUnits, expandY); applyAlignment(cc, component.getAlignment()); return cc; } public static void applyAlignment(CC cc, Component.Alignment align) { if (align == null) { align = Component.Alignment.TOP_LEFT; // same as for web } switch (align) { case TOP_RIGHT: cc.alignX("right").alignY("top"); break; case TOP_LEFT: cc.alignX("left").alignY("top"); break; case TOP_CENTER: cc.alignX("50%").alignY("top"); break; case MIDDLE_RIGHT: cc.alignX("right").alignY("50%"); break; case MIDDLE_LEFT: cc.alignX("left").alignY("50%"); break; case MIDDLE_CENTER: cc.alignX("50%").alignY("50%"); break; case BOTTOM_RIGHT: cc.alignX("right").alignY("bottom"); break; case BOTTOM_LEFT: cc.alignX("left").alignY("bottom"); break; case BOTTOM_CENTER: cc.alignX("50%").alignY("bottom"); break; } } public static void applyHeight(CC constraints, int height, int heightUnits, boolean expand) { if (height == -1) { // own size constraints.growY(0.0f); } else if (heightUnits == Component.UNITS_PERCENTAGE) { constraints.height(height + "%"); } else if (height != 0 && heightUnits == Component.UNITS_PIXELS) { constraints.growY(0.0f); constraints.height(height + "!"); // min, pref, max size as specified } else { if (expand) { constraints.growY(); constraints.growPrioY(99); // lower grow priority constraints.height("100%"); // preffered size to full container } else { constraints.growY(0.0f); } } } public static void applyWidth(CC constraints, int width, int widthUnits, boolean expand) { if (width == -1) { // own size constraints.growX(0); } else if (widthUnits == Component.UNITS_PERCENTAGE) { constraints.width(width + "%"); } else if (width != 0 && widthUnits == Component.UNITS_PIXELS) { constraints.growX(0); constraints.width(width + "!"); // min, pref, max size as specified } else { if (expand) { constraints.growX(); constraints.growPrioX(99); // lower grow priority constraints.width("100%"); // preffered size to full container } else { constraints.growX(0); } } } }