Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2008-2016 Haulmont. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package com.haulmont.cuba.core; import; import com.haulmont.bali.db.QueryRunner; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.haulmont.cuba.testsupport.TestContainer; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.ClassRule; import org.junit.Test; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.UUID; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; public class DataManagerDistinctResultsTest { @ClassRule public static TestContainer cont = TestContainer.Common.INSTANCE; public static final int QTY = 17; public static final String QUERY = "select u from sec$User u left join u.userRoles r where = :groupId order by u.loginLowerCase"; public static final String DISTINCT_QUERY = "select distinct u from sec$User u left join u.userRoles r where = :groupId order by u.loginLowerCase"; private UUID groupId; private UUID role1Id; private UUID role2Id; @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { Transaction tx = cont.persistence().createTransaction(); try { EntityManager em = cont.persistence().getEntityManager(); Group group = new Group(); groupId = group.getId(); group.setName("testGroup"); em.persist(group); Role role1 = new Role(); role1Id = role1.getId(); role1.setName("role1"); em.persist(role1); Role role2 = new Role(); role2Id = role2.getId(); role2.setName("role2"); em.persist(role2); for (int i = 0; i < QTY; i++) { User user = new User(); user.setName("user" + StringUtils.leftPad(String.valueOf(i), 2, '0')); user.setLogin(user.getName()); user.setGroup(group); em.persist(user); UserRole userRole1 = new UserRole(); userRole1.setUser(user); userRole1.setRole(role1); em.persist(userRole1); UserRole userRole2 = new UserRole(); userRole2.setUser(user); userRole2.setRole(role2); em.persist(userRole2); } tx.commit(); } finally { tx.end(); } } @After public void tearDown() throws Exception { Transaction tx = cont.persistence().createTransaction(); try { QueryRunner runner = new QueryRunner(cont.persistence().getDataSource()); try { String sql = "delete from SEC_USER_ROLE where ROLE_ID = '" + role1Id.toString() + "'"; runner.update(sql); sql = "delete from SEC_USER_ROLE where ROLE_ID = '" + role2Id.toString() + "'"; runner.update(sql); sql = "delete from SEC_ROLE where ID = '" + role1Id.toString() + "'"; runner.update(sql); sql = "delete from SEC_ROLE where ID = '" + role2Id.toString() + "'"; runner.update(sql); sql = "delete from SEC_USER where GROUP_ID = '" + groupId.toString() + "'"; runner.update(sql); sql = "delete from SEC_GROUP where ID = '" + groupId.toString() + "'"; runner.update(sql); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } tx.commit(); } finally { tx.end(); } } @Test public void testDistinctResults() { checkSetup(); LinkedHashSet<User> set; AppBeans.get(Configuration.class).getConfig(ServerConfig.class).setInMemoryDistinct(false); set = load(0, 10, QUERY); assertEquals(5, set.size()); assertEquals("user00", Iterables.getFirst(set, null).getLoginLowerCase()); assertEquals("user04", Iterables.getLast(set, null).getLoginLowerCase()); set = load(0, 10, DISTINCT_QUERY); assertEquals(10, set.size()); assertEquals("user00", Iterables.getFirst(set, null).getLoginLowerCase()); assertEquals("user09", Iterables.getLast(set, null).getLoginLowerCase()); AppBeans.get(Configuration.class).getConfig(ServerConfig.class).setInMemoryDistinct(true); set = load(0, 10, QUERY); assertEquals(5, set.size()); assertEquals("user00", Iterables.getFirst(set, null).getLoginLowerCase()); assertEquals("user04", Iterables.getLast(set, null).getLoginLowerCase()); set = load(0, 10, DISTINCT_QUERY); assertEquals(10, set.size()); assertEquals("user00", Iterables.getFirst(set, null).getLoginLowerCase()); assertEquals("user09", Iterables.getLast(set, null).getLoginLowerCase()); set = load(0, 20, DISTINCT_QUERY); assertEquals(17, set.size()); assertEquals("user00", Iterables.getFirst(set, null).getLoginLowerCase()); assertEquals("user16", Iterables.getLast(set, null).getLoginLowerCase()); set = load(0, 17, DISTINCT_QUERY); assertEquals(17, set.size()); assertEquals("user00", Iterables.getFirst(set, null).getLoginLowerCase()); assertEquals("user16", Iterables.getLast(set, null).getLoginLowerCase()); set = load(5, 5, DISTINCT_QUERY); assertEquals(5, set.size()); assertEquals("user05", Iterables.getFirst(set, null).getLoginLowerCase()); assertEquals("user09", Iterables.getLast(set, null).getLoginLowerCase()); set = load(10, 5, DISTINCT_QUERY); assertEquals(5, set.size()); assertEquals("user10", Iterables.getFirst(set, null).getLoginLowerCase()); assertEquals("user14", Iterables.getLast(set, null).getLoginLowerCase()); set = load(15, 5, DISTINCT_QUERY); assertEquals(2, set.size()); assertEquals("user15", Iterables.getFirst(set, null).getLoginLowerCase()); assertEquals("user16", Iterables.getLast(set, null).getLoginLowerCase()); } private LinkedHashSet<User> load(int firstResult, int maxResults, String queryString) { DataManager ds = AppBeans.get(DataManager.NAME); LoadContext<User> lc = new LoadContext<>(User.class); LoadContext.Query q = lc.setQueryString(queryString); q.setParameter("groupId", groupId); q.setFirstResult(firstResult); q.setMaxResults(maxResults); List<User> list = ds.loadList(lc); return new LinkedHashSet<>(list); } private void checkSetup() { Transaction tx = cont.persistence().createTransaction(); try { EntityManager em = cont.persistence().getEntityManager(); Query query = em.createQuery("select u from sec$User u left join u.userRoles r where = ?1"); query.setParameter(1, groupId); List list = query.getResultList(); tx.commit(); assertEquals(QTY * 2, list.size()); } finally { tx.end(); } } }