Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2008-2016 Haulmont. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package; import; import; import; import; import com.haulmont.cuba.core.entity.ScheduledTask; import com.haulmont.cuba.core.entity.SchedulingType; import; import; import com.haulmont.cuba.core.sys.AppContext; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.BooleanUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.perf4j.StopWatch; import org.perf4j.slf4j.Slf4JStopWatch; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import javax.inject.Inject; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; /** * Class that manages {@link ScheduledTask}s in distributed environment. */ @Component(SchedulingAPI.NAME) public class Scheduling implements SchedulingAPI { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Scheduling.class); @Inject protected Configuration configuration; @Inject protected ServerInfoAPI serverInfo; @Inject protected ClusterManagerAPI clusterManager; @Inject protected TimeSource timeSource; @Inject protected Authentication authentication; @Inject protected Coordinator coordinator; @Inject protected Runner runner; @Inject protected UserSessionsAPI userSessions; @Inject protected ServerInfoService serverInfoService; protected ConcurrentMap<ScheduledTask, Long> runningTasks = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); protected Map<ScheduledTask, Long> lastStartCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); protected Map<ScheduledTask, Long> lastFinishCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); protected volatile long schedulingStartTime; @Override public void processScheduledTasks() { if (AppContext.isStarted()) { processScheduledTasks(true); } } @Override public void processScheduledTasks(boolean onlyIfActive) { if (onlyIfActive && !isActive()) return; log.debug("Processing scheduled tasks"); if (schedulingStartTime == 0) schedulingStartTime = timeSource.currentTimeMillis(); authentication.begin(); try { StopWatch sw = new Slf4JStopWatch("Scheduling.processTasks"); Coordinator.Context context = coordinator.begin(); try { for (ScheduledTask task : context.getTasks()) { processTask(task); } } finally { coordinator.end(context); } sw.stop(); } finally { authentication.end(); } } @Override public boolean setRunning(ScheduledTask task, boolean running) { log.trace(task + ": mark running=" + running); if (running) { task.setCurrentStartTimestamp(timeSource.currentTimeMillis()); Long prev = runningTasks.putIfAbsent(task, task.getCurrentStartTimestamp()); return prev != null; } else { Long startTime = runningTasks.get(task); if (Objects.equals(task.getCurrentStartTimestamp(), startTime)) { runningTasks.remove(task); } return false; } } @Override public void setFinished(ScheduledTask task) { lastFinishCache.put(task, timeSource.currentTimeMillis()); } @Override public boolean isActive() { try { return configuration.getConfig(ServerConfig.class).getSchedulingActive(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Unable to find out if scheduling is active: {}", e.toString()); return false; } } @Override public void setActive(boolean value) { configuration.getConfig(ServerConfig.class).setSchedulingActive(value); } @Override public List<ScheduledTask> getActiveTasks() { Coordinator.Context context = coordinator.begin(); coordinator.end(context); List<ScheduledTask> tasks = context.getTasks(); for (ScheduledTask task : tasks) { if (!BooleanUtils.isTrue(task.getSingleton())) { Long time = lastStartCache.get(task); if (time != null) task.setLastStartTime(new Date(time)); } } return tasks; } protected long getSchedulingInterval() { return configuration.getConfig(ServerConfig.class).getSchedulingInterval(); } protected void processTask(ScheduledTask task) { if (isRunning(task)) { log.trace("{} is running", task); return; } try { long now = timeSource.currentTimeMillis(); String me = serverInfo.getServerId(); Integer serverPriority = getServerPriority(task, me); if (!checkFirst(task, serverPriority, now)) return; long period = task.getPeriod() != null ? task.getPeriod() * 1000 : 0; long frame = task.getTimeFrame() != null ? task.getTimeFrame() * 1000 : period / 2; if (frame == 0) {//for cron tasks, where period is null we set default frame as scheduling interval frame = getSchedulingInterval(); } if (BooleanUtils.isTrue(task.getSingleton())) { if (task.getStartDate() != null || SchedulingType.CRON == task.getSchedulingType()) { long currentStart; if (SchedulingType.FIXED_DELAY == task.getSchedulingType()) { currentStart = calculateNextDelayDate(task, task.getLastStart(), coordinator.getLastFinished(task), now, frame, period); } else if (SchedulingType.CRON == task.getSchedulingType()) { currentStart = calculateNextCronDate(task, task.getLastStart(), now, frame); } else { currentStart = calculateNextPeriodDate(task, task.getLastStart(), now, frame, period); } if (needToStartInTimeFrame(now, frame, task.getLastStart(), currentStart)) { runSingletonTask(task, now, me); } else { log.trace("{}\n not in time frame to start", task); } } else { Integer lastServerPriority = task.getLastStartServer() == null ? null : getServerPriority(task, task.getLastStartServer()); // We should switch to me if the last server wasn't me and I have higher priority boolean shouldSwitch = lastServerWasNotMe(task, me) && (lastServerPriority == null || serverPriority.compareTo(lastServerPriority) < 0); // The last server wasn't me and it has higher priority boolean giveChanceToPreviousHost = lastServerWasNotMe(task, me) && (lastServerPriority != null && serverPriority.compareTo(lastServerPriority) > 0); log.trace("{}\n now={} lastStart={} lastServer={} shouldSwitch={} giveChanceToPreviousHost={}", task, now, task.getLastStart(), task.getLastStartServer(), shouldSwitch, giveChanceToPreviousHost); if (task.getLastStart() == 0 || shouldSwitch) { runSingletonTask(task, now, me); } else { long delay = giveChanceToPreviousHost ? period + period / 2 : period; if (SchedulingType.FIXED_DELAY == task.getSchedulingType()) { long lastFinish = coordinator.getLastFinished(task); if ((task.getLastStart() < lastFinish || !lastFinishCache.containsKey(task)) && lastFinish + delay < now) { runSingletonTask(task, now, me); } else { log.trace("{}\n time has not come and we shouldn't switch", task); } } else if (task.getLastStart() + delay <= now) { runSingletonTask(task, now, me); } else { log.trace("{}\n time has not come and we shouldn't switch", task); } } } } else { Long lastStart = lastStartCache.getOrDefault(task, 0L); Long lastFinish = lastFinishCache.getOrDefault(task, 0L); if (task.getStartDate() != null || SchedulingType.CRON == task.getSchedulingType()) { long currentStart; if (SchedulingType.FIXED_DELAY == task.getSchedulingType()) { currentStart = calculateNextDelayDate(task, lastStart, lastFinish, now, frame, period); } else if (SchedulingType.CRON == task.getSchedulingType()) { currentStart = calculateNextCronDate(task, lastStart, now, frame); } else { currentStart = calculateNextPeriodDate(task, lastStart, now, frame, period); } if (needToStartInTimeFrame(now, frame, lastStart, currentStart)) { runTask(task, now); } else { log.trace("{}\n not in time frame to start", task); } } else { log.trace("{}\n now={} lastStart={} lastFinish={}", task, now, lastStart, lastFinish); if (SchedulingType.FIXED_DELAY == task.getSchedulingType()) { if ((lastStart == 0 || lastStart < lastFinish) && now >= lastFinish + period) { runTask(task, now); } else { log.trace("{}\n time has not come", task); } } else if (now >= lastStart + period) { runTask(task, now); } else { log.trace("{}\n time has not come", task); } } } } catch (Throwable throwable) { log.error("Unable to process " + task, throwable); } } protected boolean needToStartInTimeFrame(long now, long frame, long lastStart, long currentStart) { return currentStart <= now && now < currentStart + frame && lastStart < currentStart; } protected long calculateNextCronDate(ScheduledTask task, long date, long currentDate, long frame) { StopWatch sw = new Slf4JStopWatch("Cron next date calculations"); CronSequenceGenerator cronSequenceGenerator = new CronSequenceGenerator(task.getCron(), getCurrentTimeZone()); //if last start = 0 (task never has run) or to far in the past, we use (NOW - FRAME) timestamp for pivot time //this approach should work fine cause cron works with absolute time long pivotPreviousTime = Math.max(date, currentDate - frame); Date currentStart = null; Date nextDate = Date(pivotPreviousTime)); while (nextDate.getTime() < currentDate) {//if next date is in past try to find next date nearest to now currentStart = nextDate; nextDate =; } if (currentStart == null) { currentStart = nextDate; } log.trace("{}\n now={} frame={} currentStart={} lastStart={} cron={}", task, currentDate, frame, currentStart, task.getCron()); sw.stop(); return currentStart.getTime(); } protected long calculateNextPeriodDate(ScheduledTask task, long date, long currentDate, long frame, long period) { long repetitions = (currentDate - task.getStartDate().getTime()) / period; long currentStart = task.getStartDate().getTime() + repetitions * period; log.trace("{}\n now={} frame={} repetitions={} currentStart={} lastStart={}", task, currentDate, frame, repetitions, currentStart, date); return currentStart; } protected long calculateNextDelayDate(ScheduledTask task, long lastStart, long lastFinish, long currentDate, long frame, long period) { long fromDate = lastFinish != 0 ? lastFinish : task.getStartDate().getTime(); long repetitions = (currentDate - fromDate) / period; long currentStart = fromDate + repetitions * period; log.trace("{}\n now={} frame={} repetitions={} currentStart={} lastStart={} lastFinish={}", task, currentDate, frame, repetitions, currentStart, lastStart, lastFinish); return currentStart; } protected TimeZone getCurrentTimeZone() { return serverInfoService.getTimeZone(); } protected boolean lastServerWasNotMe(ScheduledTask task, String me) { return task.getLastStartServer() != null && !task.getLastStartServer().equals(me); } protected void runSingletonTask(ScheduledTask task, long now, String server) throws LoginException { boolean finished = true; if (task.getLastStart() > 0 && lastServerWasNotMe(task, server)) { // Check whether the task is finished if the last execution was from another server finished = coordinator.isLastExecutionFinished(task, now); } if (finished) { task.setLastStartTime(new Date(now)); task.setLastStartServer(server); runner.runTask(task, now, getUserSession(task)); } else log.trace(task + "\n not finished"); } protected void runTask(ScheduledTask task, long time) throws LoginException { lastStartCache.put(task, time); runner.runTask(task, time, getUserSession(task)); } protected boolean checkFirst(ScheduledTask task, Integer serverPriority, long now) { if (serverPriority == null) { log.trace(task + ": not in permitted hosts or not a master"); return false; } if (task.getStartDelay() != null) { long startTimeMillis = schedulingStartTime + task.getStartDelay() * 1000; if (startTimeMillis > now) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace(task + ": delayed until {} due to startDelay={}", new Date(startTimeMillis), task.getStartDelay()); } return false; } } if (task.getStartDate() != null && task.getStartDate().getTime() > now) { log.trace(task + ": startDate is in the future"); return false; } return true; } protected Integer getServerPriority(ScheduledTask task, String serverId) { String permittedServers = task.getPermittedServers(); if (StringUtils.isBlank(permittedServers)) { if (BooleanUtils.isTrue(task.getSingleton()) && !clusterManager.isMaster()) return null; else return 0; } String[] parts = permittedServers.trim().split("[,;]"); for (int i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { if (serverId.equals(parts[i].trim())) { return i + 1; } } return null; } protected @Nullable UserSession getUserSession(ScheduledTask task) throws LoginException { if (StringUtils.isBlank(task.getUserName())) { return userSessions.getAndRefresh(AppContext.getSecurityContextNN().getSessionId()); } else { return null; } } protected boolean isRunning(ScheduledTask task) { Long startTime = runningTasks.get(task); if (startTime != null) { boolean timedOut; if (task.getTimeout() != null && task.getTimeout() != 0) { timedOut = (startTime + task.getTimeout() * 1000) < timeSource.currentTimeMillis(); } else { timedOut = (startTime + 1000 * 60 * 60 * 3) < timeSource.currentTimeMillis(); } if (timedOut) { runningTasks.remove(task); } else { return true; } } return false; } }