Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2016, 2017, Ronald DeSantis * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import; import org.apache.poi.xssf.streaming.SXSSFWorkbook; import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFCellStyle; import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFColor; import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFFont; public class XlsxTargetBook extends XlsxBook { private FileOutputStream out; private SXSSFWorkbook book; Map<StylesWithFormatting, XSSFCellStyle> stylesUsed; Map<FontStyles, XSSFFont> fontsUsed; Map<Integer, XSSFColor> colorsUsed; public enum XlsxCellStyle { DATE, DATETIME, INTEGER, BIG_INTEGER, TWO_DECIMAL, BIG_TWO_DECIMAL, TWO_DECIMAL_ONLY, FOUR_DECIMAL, BIG_FOUR_DECIMAL, FOUR_DECIMAL_ONLY, OTHER_DECIMAL, BIG_OTHER_DECIMAL, OTHER_DECIMAL_ONLY }; private CellStyle[] cellStyles; private final String dateFormatString = "mm/dd/yyyy"; private final String datetimeFormatString = "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss AM/PM"; private final String integerFormatString = "0"; private final String bigIntegerFormatString = "#,##0"; private final String twoDecimalFormatString = "0.00"; private final String bigTwoDecimalFormatString = "#,##0.00"; private final String twoDecimalOnlyFormatString = ".00"; private final String fourDecimalFormatString = "0.0000"; private final String bigFourDecimalFormatString = "#,##0.0000"; private final String fourDecimalOnlyFormatString = ".0000"; private final String otherDecimalFormatString = "0.0#########"; private final String bigOtherDecimalFormatString = "#,##0.0#########"; private final String otherDecimalOnlyFormatString = ".0#########"; public XlsxTargetBook(Owner owner, Path path) { super(owner, path); out = null; book = null; stylesUsed = new HashMap<StylesWithFormatting, XSSFCellStyle>(); fontsUsed = new HashMap<FontStyles, XSSFFont>(); colorsUsed = new HashMap<Integer, XSSFColor>(); } public SXSSFWorkbook getBook() { return book; } public CellStyle getCellStyle(XlsxCellStyle style) { return cellStyles[style.ordinal()]; } // Node overrides @Override public void create() throws IOException { out = new FileOutputStream(getName()); book = new SXSSFWorkbook(); cellStyles = new CellStyle[XlsxCellStyle.values().length]; createCellStyle(XlsxCellStyle.DATE, dateFormatString); createCellStyle(XlsxCellStyle.DATETIME, datetimeFormatString); createCellStyle(XlsxCellStyle.INTEGER, integerFormatString); createCellStyle(XlsxCellStyle.BIG_INTEGER, bigIntegerFormatString); createCellStyle(XlsxCellStyle.TWO_DECIMAL, twoDecimalFormatString); createCellStyle(XlsxCellStyle.BIG_TWO_DECIMAL, bigTwoDecimalFormatString); createCellStyle(XlsxCellStyle.TWO_DECIMAL_ONLY, twoDecimalOnlyFormatString); createCellStyle(XlsxCellStyle.FOUR_DECIMAL, fourDecimalFormatString); createCellStyle(XlsxCellStyle.BIG_FOUR_DECIMAL, bigFourDecimalFormatString); createCellStyle(XlsxCellStyle.FOUR_DECIMAL_ONLY, fourDecimalOnlyFormatString); createCellStyle(XlsxCellStyle.OTHER_DECIMAL, otherDecimalFormatString); createCellStyle(XlsxCellStyle.BIG_OTHER_DECIMAL, bigOtherDecimalFormatString); createCellStyle(XlsxCellStyle.OTHER_DECIMAL_ONLY, otherDecimalOnlyFormatString); } private void createCellStyle(XlsxCellStyle style, String formatString) { int index = style.ordinal(); cellStyles[index] = book.createCellStyle(); cellStyles[index].setDataFormat(book.createDataFormat().getFormat(formatString)); } @Override public void append() throws IOException { // This will be called before adding a new sheet to the book. // No action is required at the book level. // If this is followed by an attempt to append to an existing sheet in a book // not currently open for writing that attempt will fail at the sheet level. } @Override public void close() throws IOException { // Close all sheets. for (Sheet sheet : sheets.values()) { sheet.close(); } // Close the book. book.write(out); out.close(); book.dispose(); } // Never called. @Override public void open() { } @Override public void load() { } }