Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2013 hangum. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License v2.1 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * Contributors: * hangum - initial API and implementation ******************************************************************************/ package com.hangum.tadpole.mongodb.erd.core.relation; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList; import com.hangum.tadpole.engine.manager.TadpoleSQLManager; import com.hangum.tadpole.engine.query.dao.mysql.ReferencedTableDAO; import com.hangum.tadpole.engine.query.dao.system.UserDBDAO; import com.hangum.tadpole.mongodb.erd.core.utils.MongodbUtils; import com.hangum.tadpole.mongodb.model.Column; import com.hangum.tadpole.mongodb.model.DB; import com.hangum.tadpole.mongodb.model.MongodbFactory; import com.hangum.tadpole.mongodb.model.Relation; import com.hangum.tadpole.mongodb.model.RelationKind; import com.hangum.tadpole.mongodb.model.Table; import com.ibatis.sqlmap.client.SqlMapClient; /** * ERD Table relation * * <pre> constraint_name : ?? ? table_name : ? ? column_name : ? referenced_table_name : ? ? referenced_column_name : ? * </pre> * * @author hangum * */ public class RelationUtil { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(RelationUtil.class); /** * <pre> * ? . * * object type? org.bson.types.ObjectId ? field?? _id _id ?? ? ??. * </pre> * * @param userDB * @param mapDBTables * @param db * @param refTableNames * @throws Exception */ public static void calRelation(UserDBDAO userDB, Map<String, Table> mapDBTables, DB db, String refTableNames) throws Exception { List<ReferencedTableDAO> listRealRefTableDAO = new ArrayList<ReferencedTableDAO>(); Set<String> keySet = mapDBTables.keySet(); for (String keyTable : keySet) { Table table = mapDBTables.get(keyTable); EList<Column> listColumn = table.getColumns(); for (Column column : listColumn) { String strField = column.getField(); if (MongodbUtils.isReferenceKey(column.getType(), strField)) { String strRefName = StringUtils.remove(strField, "_id"); ReferencedTableDAO refTableDao = new ReferencedTableDAO(); refTableDao.setTable_name(table.getName()); refTableDao.setColumn_name(strRefName); refTableDao.setReferenced_table_name(strRefName); refTableDao.setReferenced_column_name(table.getName()); refTableDao.setConstraint_name(strRefName); listRealRefTableDAO.add(refTableDao); } } } calRelation(userDB, mapDBTables, db, listRealRefTableDAO); } /** * ?? . * * @param userDB * @param mapDBTables * @param db * @throws Exception */ public static void calRelation(UserDBDAO userDB, Map<String, Table> mapDBTables, DB db) throws Exception { List<ReferencedTableDAO> listRealRefTableDAO = new ArrayList<ReferencedTableDAO>(); Set<String> keySet = mapDBTables.keySet(); for (String keyTable : keySet) { Table table = mapDBTables.get(keyTable); EList<Column> listColumn = table.getColumns(); for (Column column : listColumn) { String strField = column.getField(); if (MongodbUtils.isReferenceKey(column.getType(), strField)) { ReferencedTableDAO refTableDao = new ReferencedTableDAO(); refTableDao.setTable_name(table.getName()); refTableDao.setColumn_name(strField); refTableDao.setReferenced_table_name(StringUtils.remove(strField, "_id")); refTableDao.setReferenced_column_name(strField); refTableDao.setConstraint_name(strField); listRealRefTableDAO.add(refTableDao); } } } calRelation(userDB, mapDBTables, db, listRealRefTableDAO); } /** * ? . * * @param userDB * @param mapDBTables * @param db * @throws Exception */ public static void calRelation(UserDBDAO userDB, Map<String, Table> mapDBTables, DB db, List<ReferencedTableDAO> referenceTableList) throws Exception { MongodbFactory tadpoleFactory = MongodbFactory.eINSTANCE; // ? . for (ReferencedTableDAO refTabDAO : referenceTableList) { Table soTabMod = mapDBTables.get(refTabDAO.getTable_name()); Table tarTabMod = mapDBTables.get(refTabDAO.getReferenced_table_name()); // ?? ?? , ?? . if (soTabMod != null && tarTabMod != null) { // ? ? relation? . boolean isAlrealyAppend = false; for (Relation relation : soTabMod.getOutgoingLinks()) { if (relation.getConstraint_name() != null && refTabDAO.getConstraint_name() != null) { if (relation.getConstraint_name().equals(refTabDAO.getConstraint_name())) { isAlrealyAppend = true; break; } } } for (Relation relation : soTabMod.getIncomingLinks()) { if (relation.getConstraint_name() != null && refTabDAO.getConstraint_name() != null) { if (relation.getConstraint_name().equals(refTabDAO.getConstraint_name())) { isAlrealyAppend = true; break; } } } // TODO ?? ?? ? ? ? ? ? . // java.lang.RuntimeException: Cycle detected in graph if (refTabDAO.getTable_name().equals(refTabDAO.getReferenced_table_name())) continue; // ? ? ? if (isAlrealyAppend) continue; // ? ?. Relation relation = tadpoleFactory.createRelation(); /* ? ? * ? ? * * org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource$IOWrappedException: * The object 'com.hangum.tadpole.model.impl.RelationImpl@5e44efa0 (source_kind: ONLY_ONE, target_kind: ONE_MANY, column_name: country_id, referenced_column_name: country_id, bendpoint: [], constraint_name: null)' * is not contained in a resource. */ relation.setDb(db); relation.setConstraint_name(refTabDAO.getConstraint_name()); relation.setColumn_name(refTabDAO.getColumn_name()); relation.setReferenced_column_name(refTabDAO.getReferenced_column_name()); relation.setSource_kind(RelationKind.ONLY_ONE); relation.setTarget_kind(RelationKind.ONLY_ONE); // soTabMod.getIncomingLinks().add(relation); tarTabMod.getOutgoingLinks().add(relation); relation.setSource(soTabMod); relation.setTarget(tarTabMod); } // if(souceModel != null && targetModel != null } // for } /** * ?? ? . * * @return * @throws Exception */ public static List<ReferencedTableDAO> getReferenceTable(UserDBDAO userDB) throws Exception { SqlMapClient sqlClient = TadpoleSQLManager.getInstance(userDB); return sqlClient.queryForList("referencedTableListALL"); } }