Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2012 - 2015 hangum. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License v2.1 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * Contributors: * hangum - initial API and implementation ******************************************************************************/ package; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.IDialogConstants; import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.MessageDialog; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import; import; import; import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridData; import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridLayout; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Label; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Text; import com.hangum.tadpole.commons.libs.core.message.CommonMessages; import com.hangum.tadpole.commons.otp.core.GetOTPCode; import com.hangum.tadpole.engine.Messages; import com.hangum.tadpole.engine.manager.TadpoleSQLManager; import com.hangum.tadpole.engine.query.dao.system.UserDBDAO; import com.hangum.tadpole.session.manager.SessionManager; /** * DB Lock Dialog * * * @author hangum * @version 1.6.1 * @since 2015. 3. 24. * */ public class DBPasswordAndOTPDialog extends PasswordDialog { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(DBPasswordAndOTPDialog.class); private Text textOTP; /** * Create the dialog. * @param parentShell */ public DBPasswordAndOTPDialog(Shell parentShell, UserDBDAO userDB) { super(parentShell, userDB); } @Override protected void configureShell(Shell newShell) { super.configureShell(newShell); newShell.setText(Messages.get().DBLockDialog_0); } /** * Create contents of the dialog. * @param parent */ @Override protected Control createDialogArea(Composite parent) { Composite container = (Composite) super.createDialogArea(parent); container.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, false)); Label lblDbPassword = new Label(container, SWT.NONE); lblDbPassword.setText(Messages.get().DBLockDialog_1); textPassword = new Text(container, SWT.BORDER | SWT.PASSWORD); textPassword.addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter() { @Override public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) { if (e.keyCode == SWT.Selection) { textOTP.setFocus(); } } }); textPassword.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.CENTER, true, false, 1, 1)); Label lblOtp = new Label(container, SWT.NONE); lblOtp.setText("OTP Code"); textOTP = new Text(container, SWT.BORDER); textOTP.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.CENTER, true, false, 1, 1)); textOTP.addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter() { @Override public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) { if (e.keyCode == SWT.Selection) { okPressed(); } } }); initUI(); textOTP.setFocus(); return container; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.Dialog#okPressed() */ @Override protected void okPressed() { String strOTPCode = textOTP.getText(); if ("".equals(strOTPCode)) { MessageDialog.openError(getShell(), CommonMessages.get().Error, Messages.get().OTPEmpty); textOTP.setFocus(); return; } try { GetOTPCode.isValidate(SessionManager.getEMAIL(), SessionManager.getOTPSecretKey(), strOTPCode); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("OTP check", e); MessageDialog.openError(getShell(), CommonMessages.get().Error, e.getMessage()); textOTP.setFocus(); return; } // ? ? . try { userDB.setPasswd(StringUtils.trim(textPassword.getText())); TadpoleSQLManager.getInstance(userDB); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Test Passwd+opt Connection error "); String msg = e.getMessage(); if (StringUtils.contains(msg, "No more data to read from socket")) { MessageDialog.openWarning(getShell(), CommonMessages.get().Warning, msg + CommonMessages.get().Check_DBAccessSystem); } else { MessageDialog.openWarning(getShell(), CommonMessages.get().Warning, msg); } textPassword.setFocus(); return; } super.okPressed(); } /** * Create contents of the button bar. * @param parent */ @Override protected void createButtonsForButtonBar(Composite parent) { createButton(parent, IDialogConstants.OK_ID, CommonMessages.get().Confirm, true); createButton(parent, IDialogConstants.CANCEL_ID, CommonMessages.get().Cancel, false); } /** * Return the initial size of the dialog. */ @Override protected Point getInitialSize() { return new Point(402, 148); } }