Java tutorial
/* * GWT-Ext Widget Library * Copyright(c) 2007-2008, GWT-Ext. * * * */ package com.gwtextux.sample.showcase2.client.widgets; import; import com.gwtext.client.dd.DD; import com.gwtext.client.dd.DDProxy; import com.gwtext.client.widgets.Panel; import; import; import com.gwtextux.client.widgets.image.Image; import com.gwtextux.client.widgets.image.ImageListenerAdapter; import com.gwtextux.sample.showcase2.client.ShowcasePanel; import com.gwtext.client.core.EventObject; /** * Example that illustrates Image widget event handlers and Drag and Drop. * @author mlim1972 */ public class ImageDDSample extends ShowcasePanel { public String getSourceUrl() { return "source/widgets/"; } public Panel getViewPanel() { if (panel == null) { panel = new Panel(); HorizontalPanel horizontalPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); horizontalPanel.setSpacing(15); Image myImage = new Image("myImageid", "images/gwt-ext-logo.png"); myImage.addListener(new ImageListenerAdapter() { public void onClick(Image image, EventObject e) { log(EVENT, "Image1" + " clicked."); } public void onMouseOut(Image image, EventObject e) { log(EVENT, "Image1" + " mouse out."); } public void onMouseOver(Image image, EventObject e) { log(EVENT, "Image1" + " mouse over."); } }); Menu menu = new Menu(); Item item1 = new Item("Copy this fine Image"); menu.addItem(item1); myImage.setContextMenu(menu); Panel draggable = new Panel(); draggable.setBorder(true); draggable.setCollapsible(false); draggable.add(myImage); Image myImage2 = new Image("myImageid2", "images/gwt-ext-logo.png"); Panel proxy = new Panel(); proxy.setBorder(true); proxy.setCollapsible(false); proxy.add(myImage2); myImage2.addListener(new ImageListenerAdapter() { public void onClick(Image image, EventObject e) { log(EVENT, "Image2" + " clicked."); } public void onMouseOut(Image image, EventObject e) { log(EVENT, "Image2" + " mouse out."); } public void onMouseOver(Image image, EventObject e) { log(EVENT, "Image2" + " mouse over."); } }); Menu menu2 = new Menu(); Item item2 = new Item("Another fine Context Menu"); menu2.addItem(item2); myImage2.setContextMenu(menu2); DD dd = new DD(draggable); DD ddProxy = new DDProxy(proxy); horizontalPanel.add(draggable); horizontalPanel.add(proxy); panel.add(horizontalPanel); } return panel; } protected boolean showEvents() { return true; } public String getIntro() { return "<p>This is a simple example illustrating the Image widget, " + "Image events and drag/drop. The images can handle mouse events as well as " + "context menu.</p><p>This sample and widget was added by <b>Mario Lim</b></p>"; } }