Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package com.gumtreescraper.scraper; import com.gumtreescraper.model.Gumtree; import com.gumtreescraper.util.GumtreeUtils; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.apache.commons.lang.time.DateUtils; import org.jsoup.Jsoup; import org.jsoup.nodes.Document; import org.jsoup.nodes.Element; import; import org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.StaleElementReferenceException; import org.openqa.selenium.TimeoutException; import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement; import; import; import; /** * * @author duonghung1269 */ public class GumtreeScraper extends AbstractScraper { private String username; private String password; private String url; private String fileName; private Date lastEditedDate; private int timeout; private static final long SPECIAL_TIMEOUT = 30; private static final String BASE_URL = ""; private static final String LOGIN_URL = ""; private static final int NUMBER_OF_LINE_TO_SERIALIZE = 50; public GumtreeScraper(String userName, String password, String url, String fileName, Date lastEditedDate, int timeout) { super(); this.username = userName; this.password = password; this.url = url; this.fileName = fileName; this.lastEditedDate = lastEditedDate; this.timeout = timeout; this.webDriver = new ChromeDriver(); // add 100 result per page cookie // Cookie ck = new Cookie("up", "%7B%22ln%22%3A%22532176319%22%2C%22sps%22%3A%22100%22%2C%22ls%22%3A%22l%3D0%26c%3D20031%26r%3D0%26sv%3DLIST%26sf%3Ddate%22%2C%22lbh%22%3A%22l%3D0%26c%3D20031%26r%3D0%26sv%3DLIST%26sf%3Ddate%22%7D"); // webDriver.manage().addCookie(ck); } public boolean login() { openSite(LOGIN_URL); webDriver.findElement("login-email")).sendKeys(username); webDriver.findElement("login-password")).sendKeys(password); webDriver.findElement(By.className("login-form-submit")).findElement(By.tagName("button")).click(); // waitForSeconds(10); try { // if found then return true, otherwise return false (new WebDriverWait(this.webDriver, SPECIAL_TIMEOUT)) .until(ExpectedConditions.presenceOfElementLocated(By.className("item-sign-out"))); // webDriver.findElement(By.className("item-sign-out")); } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println(ex); return false; } return true; } public void updateGumtreeModel(List<Gumtree> gumtrees) { List<Gumtree> gumtreesNeedToWrite = new ArrayList<>(); int count = 0; int totalGumtreeLength = gumtrees.size(); for (int i = 0; i < totalGumtreeLength; i++) { // ad-attributes Gumtree gumtree = gumtrees.get(i); try { openSite(gumtree.getUrl()); waitForPageToLoad(); String content = (new WebDriverWait(this.webDriver, SPECIAL_TIMEOUT)) .until(ExpectedConditions.presenceOfElementLocated(By.xpath("//meta[@name='WT.cg_s']"))) .getAttribute("content").toLowerCase(); String type = content.contains("sale") ? "sale" : "rent"; gumtree.setType(type); String saleRentId = "forsaleby_s-wrapper"; if (type.equals("rent")) { saleRentId = "forrentby_s-wrapper"; } String saleRentBy = (new WebDriverWait(this.webDriver, SPECIAL_TIMEOUT)) .until(ExpectedConditions.presenceOfElementLocated( By.xpath("//div[@id='ad-attributes']/dl[contains(@id, '" + saleRentId + "')]/dd"))) .getText().trim(); System.out.append("===Sale/Rent by: " + saleRentBy); if (!"owner".equalsIgnoreCase(saleRentBy)) { continue; } String name = (new WebDriverWait(this.webDriver, SPECIAL_TIMEOUT)) .until(ExpectedConditions.presenceOfElementLocated( By.xpath("//div[@id='reply-form']//div[@class='reply-form-name']/a"))) .getText().trim(); gumtree.setName(name); gumtreesNeedToWrite.add(gumtree); if ((i > 0 && (count % NUMBER_OF_LINE_TO_SERIALIZE) == 0) || (i == totalGumtreeLength - 1)) { writeToCsvFile(gumtreesNeedToWrite, fileName); gumtreesNeedToWrite.clear(); } } catch (TimeoutException ex) { gumtree.setNotes("TIME_OUT"); System.out.print(ex.getMessage()); } } } public static void writeToCsvFile(List<Gumtree> gumtreesNeedToWrite, String outputCsvFileName) { try { boolean isAppend = true; FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(outputCsvFileName, isAppend); for (Gumtree gumtree : gumtreesNeedToWrite) { writer.append(gumtree.toString()).append("\n"); } writer.flush(); writer.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(GumtreeScraper.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } // private String getPhoneNumber() { // byte[] arrScreen = webDriver.ggetScreenshotAs(OutputType.BYTES); // BufferedImage imageScreen = ByteArrayInputStream(arrScreen)); // WebElement cap = driver.findElementById("captcha"); // Dimension capDimension = cap.getSize(); // Point capLocation = cap.getLocation(); // BufferedImage imgCap = imageScreen.getSubimage(capLocation.x, capLocation.y, capDimension.width, capDimension.height); // ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); // ImageIO.write(imgCap, "png", os); // } public void scrapeWithClick(List<Gumtree> gumtrees, String url) { openSite(url); waitForPageToLoad(); do { List<WebElement> gumtreeAds = (new WebDriverWait(this.webDriver, getTimeout())) .until(ExpectedConditions.presenceOfAllElementsLocatedBy( By.xpath("//ul[@id='srchrslt-adtable']/li//h6[@class='rs-ad-title']/a"))); for (WebElement ad : gumtreeAds) { // String adUrl = (new WebDriverWait(this.webDriver, 15)) // .until(ExpectedConditions.presenceOfElementLocated(By.xpath("//h6[@class='rs-ad-title']/a"))).getAttribute("href"); // String adUrl = ad.findElement(By.xpath("//h6[@class='rs-ad-title']/a")).getAttribute("href"); String adUrl = ad.getAttribute("href"); Gumtree gumtree = new Gumtree(); gumtree.setUrl(adUrl); gumtrees.add(gumtree); } List<WebElement> nextElements = webDriver.findElements(By.xpath("//a[@class='rs-paginator-btn next']")); if (nextElements.isEmpty()) { // no more next page break; } nextElements.get(0).click(); try { Thread.sleep(5000); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { Logger.getLogger(GumtreeScraper.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } while (true); } public void scrapeWithJSoup(List<Gumtree> gumtrees, String url) throws IOException { // openSite(url); // waitForPageToLoad(); String nextPageUrl = url; boolean needContinue = true; do { try { Document doc = Jsoup.connect(nextPageUrl).timeout(getTimeout() * 1000).userAgent("Mozilla") // .userAgent("Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2228.0 Safari/537.36") .get(); Elements adElements ="#srchrslt-adtable > li"); int size = adElements.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { Element ad = adElements.get(i); if (!isOwner(ad)) { continue; } Element linkElement =" > a").first(); if (linkElement == null) { System.out.print(ad); continue; } String adUrl = linkElement.attr("href"); Gumtree gumtree = new Gumtree(); gumtree.setUrl(BASE_URL + adUrl); gumtrees.add(gumtree); if (i == size - 1) { // last element Elements adDateElements =""); if (adDateElements.isEmpty()) { continue; } if (!needToScrapeNextPage(adDateElements.first().text().trim())) { needContinue = false; } } } Elements nextElements =""); if (nextElements.isEmpty()) { break; } nextPageUrl = BASE_URL + nextElements.first().attr("href"); System.out.println("next page: " + nextPageUrl); } catch (Exception oex) { System.out.println(oex); } } while (true && needContinue); } private boolean isOwner(Element adElement) { Elements forSaleByElements =""); Elements forRentByElements =""); // sometime if ads is owner then it does not display if (forSaleByElements.isEmpty() && forRentByElements.isEmpty()) { return true; } if (!forSaleByElements.isEmpty() && ("agency".equalsIgnoreCase(forSaleByElements.first().text().trim()) || "agent".equalsIgnoreCase(forSaleByElements.first().text().trim()))) { return false; } if (!forRentByElements.isEmpty() && ("agency".equalsIgnoreCase(forRentByElements.first().text().trim()) || "agent".equalsIgnoreCase(forRentByElements.first().text().trim()))) { return false; } return true; } private boolean needToScrapeNextPage(String dateStr) { Date today = new Date(); if (DateUtils.isSameDay(today, lastEditedDate)) { // check why lastEditedDate is null if (dateStr.toLowerCase().contains("minutes") || dateStr.toLowerCase().contains("hours")) { return true; } if (dateStr.toLowerCase().contains("yesterday")) { return false; } } Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTime(today); cal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, -1); Date yesterday = cal.getTime(); if (DateUtils.isSameDay(yesterday, lastEditedDate)) { if (dateStr.toLowerCase().contains("yesterday")) { return true; } } Date d = GumtreeUtils.convertStringToDate(dateStr); if (d == null) { return false; } return DateUtils.isSameDay(d, lastEditedDate); // return true; } public void scrape(List<Gumtree> gumtrees, String url) { // get total page int totalPage = getTotalPage(url); for (int i = 1; i <= totalPage; i++) { String newUrl = buildPageUrl(url, i); // openSiteWithoutTimeout(newUrl); openSite(newUrl); waitForPageToLoad(); if (i == 1) { try { Thread.sleep(20 * 1000); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { Logger.getLogger(GumtreeScraper.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } // List<WebElement> gumtreeAds = (new WebDriverWait(this.webDriver, 15)) // .until(ExpectedConditions.presenceOfAllElementsLocatedBy(By.xpath("//ul[@id='srchrslt-adtable']/li"))); List<WebElement> gumtreeAds = (new WebDriverWait(this.webDriver, SPECIAL_TIMEOUT)) .until(ExpectedConditions.presenceOfAllElementsLocatedBy( By.xpath("//ul[@id='srchrslt-adtable']/li//h6[@class='rs-ad-title']/a"))); for (WebElement ad : gumtreeAds) { // (new WebDriverWait(this.webDriver, 15)) // .until(ExpectedConditions.presenceOfElementLocated(By.xpath("//h6[@class='rs-ad-title']/a"))); try { // String adUrl = ad.findElement(By.xpath("//h6[@class='rs-ad-title']/a")).getAttribute("href"); String adUrl = ad.getAttribute("href"); Gumtree gumtree = new Gumtree(); gumtree.setUrl(adUrl); gumtrees.add(gumtree); } catch (StaleElementReferenceException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); String adUrl = ad.findElement(By.xpath("//h6[@class='rs-ad-title']/a")).getAttribute("href"); Gumtree gumtree = new Gumtree(); gumtree.setUrl(adUrl); gumtrees.add(gumtree); } } // List<WebElement> nextElements = webDriver.findElements(By.xpath("//a[@class='rs-paginator-btn next']")); // if (nextElements.isEmpty()) { // no more next page // break; // } // // nextElements.get(0).click(); } // List<WebElement> lastPageElements = webDriver.findElements(By.xpath("//a[@class='rs-paginator-btn last']")); // if (lastPageElements.isEmpty()) { // 1 page only // return; // } // // do { // List<WebElement> gumtreeAds = (new WebDriverWait(this.webDriver, 15)) // .until(ExpectedConditions.presenceOfAllElementsLocatedBy(By.xpath("//ul[@id='srchrslt-adtable']/li"))); // // for (WebElement ad : gumtreeAds) { // String adUrl = (new WebDriverWait(this.webDriver, 15)) // .until(ExpectedConditions.presenceOfElementLocated(By.xpath("//h6[@class='rs-ad-title']/a"))).getAttribute("href"); //// String adUrl = ad.findElement(By.xpath("//h6[@class='rs-ad-title']/a")).getAttribute("href"); // Gumtree gumtree = new Gumtree(); // gumtree.setUrl(adUrl); // gumtrees.add(gumtree); // } // // List<WebElement> nextElements = webDriver.findElements(By.xpath("//a[@class='rs-paginator-btn next']")); // if (nextElements.isEmpty()) { // no more next page // break; // } // // nextElements.get(0).click(); // //// scrape(gumtrees, nextPageUrl); // // } while(true); } private String buildPageUrl(String url, int pageNo) { // // int lastIndexOfSlash = url.lastIndexOf("/"); String newUrl = url.substring(0, lastIndexOfSlash) + "/page-" + pageNo + url.substring(lastIndexOfSlash); return newUrl; // String findString = "/page-"; // int fromIndex = url.indexOf(findString); // int toIndex = StringUtils.indexOf(url, "/", fromIndex + 1); // String newPage = findString + pageNo; // String newPageUrl = url.substring(0, fromIndex) + newPage + url.substring(toIndex); // return newPageUrl; } private int getTotalPage(String url) { openSiteWithoutTimeout(url); String lastPageUrl = (new WebDriverWait(this.webDriver, 15)) .until(ExpectedConditions.presenceOfElementLocated(By.xpath("//a[@class='rs-paginator-btn last']"))) .getAttribute("href"); // String findString = "/page-"; int indexPage = lastPageUrl.indexOf(findString); int lastIndexOfSlash = lastPageUrl.lastIndexOf("/"); String totalPageStr = lastPageUrl.substring(indexPage + findString.length(), lastIndexOfSlash); return Integer.parseInt(totalPageStr); } private void waitForSeconds(int seconds) { // sleep for 10 seconds try { Thread.sleep(seconds * 1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } @Override protected String getStartURL() { return url; } @Override protected String getDriverPath() { return "src/main/java/driver/chromedriver.exe"; } @Override protected int getTimeout() { return timeout; } }