Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package com.gst.infrastructure.dataqueries.service; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.*; import javax.persistence.PersistenceException; import javax.sql.DataSource; import org.apache.commons.lang.BooleanUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.exception.ExceptionUtils; import; import com.gst.infrastructure.configuration.domain.ConfigurationDomainService; import com.gst.infrastructure.core.api.JsonCommand; import; import; import; import; import com.gst.infrastructure.core.exception.GeneralPlatformDomainRuleException; import com.gst.infrastructure.core.exception.PlatformApiDataValidationException; import com.gst.infrastructure.core.exception.PlatformDataIntegrityException; import com.gst.infrastructure.core.exception.PlatformServiceUnavailableException; import com.gst.infrastructure.core.serialization.DatatableCommandFromApiJsonDeserializer; import com.gst.infrastructure.core.serialization.FromJsonHelper; import com.gst.infrastructure.core.serialization.JsonParserHelper; import com.gst.infrastructure.core.service.RoutingDataSource; import com.gst.infrastructure.dataqueries.api.DataTableApiConstant; import*; import com.gst.infrastructure.dataqueries.exception.DatatableEntryRequiredException; import com.gst.infrastructure.dataqueries.exception.DatatableNotFoundException; import com.gst.infrastructure.dataqueries.exception.DatatableSystemErrorException; import; import com.gst.useradministration.domain.AppUser; import org.joda.time.LocalDate; import org.joda.time.LocalDateTime; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.dao.DataAccessException; import org.springframework.dao.DataIntegrityViolationException; import org.springframework.dao.EmptyResultDataAccessException; import org.springframework.jdbc.BadSqlGrammarException; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate; import; import; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; import; import; import; import; @Service public class ReadWriteNonCoreDataServiceImpl implements ReadWriteNonCoreDataService { private final static String DATATABLE_NAME_REGEX_PATTERN = "^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9\\-_\\s]{0,48}[a-zA-Z0-9]$"; private final static String CODE_VALUES_TABLE = "m_code_value"; private final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ReadWriteNonCoreDataServiceImpl.class); private final static HashMap<String, String> apiTypeToMySQL = new HashMap<String, String>() { { put("string", "VARCHAR"); put("number", "INT"); put("boolean", "BIT"); put("decimal", "DECIMAL"); put("date", "DATE"); put("datetime", "DATETIME"); put("text", "TEXT"); put("dropdown", "INT"); } }; private final static List<String> stringDataTypes = Arrays.asList("char", "varchar", "blob", "text", "tinyblob", "tinytext", "mediumblob", "mediumtext", "longblob", "longtext"); private final JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate; private final DataSource dataSource; private final PlatformSecurityContext context; private final FromJsonHelper fromJsonHelper; private final JsonParserHelper helper; private final GenericDataService genericDataService; private final DatatableCommandFromApiJsonDeserializer fromApiJsonDeserializer; private final ConfigurationDomainService configurationDomainService; private final CodeReadPlatformService codeReadPlatformService; private final DataTableValidator dataTableValidator; // private final GlobalConfigurationWritePlatformServiceJpaRepositoryImpl // configurationWriteService; @Autowired(required = true) public ReadWriteNonCoreDataServiceImpl(final RoutingDataSource dataSource, final PlatformSecurityContext context, final FromJsonHelper fromJsonHelper, final GenericDataService genericDataService, final DatatableCommandFromApiJsonDeserializer fromApiJsonDeserializer, final CodeReadPlatformService codeReadPlatformService, final ConfigurationDomainService configurationDomainService, final DataTableValidator dataTableValidator) { this.dataSource = dataSource; this.jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(this.dataSource); this.context = context; this.fromJsonHelper = fromJsonHelper; this.helper = new JsonParserHelper(); this.genericDataService = genericDataService; this.fromApiJsonDeserializer = fromApiJsonDeserializer; this.codeReadPlatformService = codeReadPlatformService; this.configurationDomainService = configurationDomainService; this.dataTableValidator = dataTableValidator; // this.configurationWriteService = configurationWriteService; } @Override public List<DatatableData> retrieveDatatableNames(final String appTable) { String andClause; if (appTable == null) { andClause = ""; } else { andClause = " and application_table_name = '" + appTable + "'"; } // PERMITTED datatables final String sql = "select application_table_name, registered_table_name" + " from x_registered_table " + " where exists" + " (select 'f'" + " from m_appuser_role ur " + " join m_role r on = ur.role_id" + " left join m_role_permission rp on rp.role_id =" + " left join m_permission p on = rp.permission_id" + " where ur.appuser_id = " + this.context.authenticatedUser().getId() + " and (p.code in ('ALL_FUNCTIONS', 'ALL_FUNCTIONS_READ') or p.code = concat('READ_', registered_table_name))) " + andClause + " order by application_table_name, registered_table_name"; final SqlRowSet rs = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForRowSet(sql); final List<DatatableData> datatables = new ArrayList<>(); while ( { final String appTableName = rs.getString("application_table_name"); final String registeredDatatableName = rs.getString("registered_table_name"); final List<ResultsetColumnHeaderData> columnHeaderData = this.genericDataService .fillResultsetColumnHeaders(registeredDatatableName); datatables.add(DatatableData.create(appTableName, registeredDatatableName, columnHeaderData)); } return datatables; } @Override public DatatableData retrieveDatatable(final String datatable) { // PERMITTED datatables final String sql = "select application_table_name, registered_table_name" + " from x_registered_table " + " where exists" + " (select 'f'" + " from m_appuser_role ur " + " join m_role r on = ur.role_id" + " left join m_role_permission rp on rp.role_id =" + " left join m_permission p on = rp.permission_id" + " where ur.appuser_id = " + this.context.authenticatedUser().getId() + " and registered_table_name='" + datatable + "'" + " and (p.code in ('ALL_FUNCTIONS', 'ALL_FUNCTIONS_READ') or p.code = concat('READ_', registered_table_name))) " + " order by application_table_name, registered_table_name"; final SqlRowSet rs = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForRowSet(sql); DatatableData datatableData = null; while ( { final String appTableName = rs.getString("application_table_name"); final String registeredDatatableName = rs.getString("registered_table_name"); final List<ResultsetColumnHeaderData> columnHeaderData = this.genericDataService .fillResultsetColumnHeaders(registeredDatatableName); datatableData = DatatableData.create(appTableName, registeredDatatableName, columnHeaderData); } return datatableData; } private void logAsErrorUnexpectedDataIntegrityException(final Exception dve) { logger.error(dve.getMessage(), dve); } @Transactional @Override public void registerDatatable(final String dataTableName, final String applicationTableName) { Integer category = DataTableApiConstant.CATEGORY_DEFAULT; final String permissionSql = this._getPermissionSql(dataTableName); this._registerDataTable(applicationTableName, dataTableName, category, permissionSql); } @Transactional @Override public void registerDatatable(final JsonCommand command) { final String applicationTableName = this.getTableName(command.getUrl()); final String dataTableName = this.getDataTableName(command.getUrl()); Integer category = this.getCategory(command); this.dataTableValidator.validateDataTableRegistration(command.json()); final String permissionSql = this._getPermissionSql(dataTableName); this._registerDataTable(applicationTableName, dataTableName, category, permissionSql); } @Transactional @Override public void registerDatatable(final JsonCommand command, final String permissionSql) { final String applicationTableName = this.getTableName(command.getUrl()); final String dataTableName = this.getDataTableName(command.getUrl()); Integer category = this.getCategory(command); this.dataTableValidator.validateDataTableRegistration(command.json()); this._registerDataTable(applicationTableName, dataTableName, category, permissionSql); } @Transactional private void _registerDataTable(final String applicationTableName, final String dataTableName, final Integer category, final String permissionsSql) { validateAppTable(applicationTableName); assertDataTableExists(dataTableName); final String registerDatatableSql = "insert into x_registered_table (registered_table_name, application_table_name,category) values ('" + dataTableName + "', '" + applicationTableName + "', '" + category + "')"; try { final String[] sqlArray = { registerDatatableSql, permissionsSql }; this.jdbcTemplate.batchUpdate(sqlArray); // add the registered table to the config if it is a ppi if (this.isSurveyCategory(category)) { this.jdbcTemplate.execute("insert into c_configuration (name, value, enabled ) values('" + dataTableName + "', '0','0')"); } } catch (final DataIntegrityViolationException dve) { final Throwable cause = dve.getCause(); final Throwable realCause = dve.getMostSpecificCause(); // even if duplicate is only due to permission duplicate, okay to // show duplicate datatable error msg if (realCause.getMessage().contains("Duplicate entry") || cause.getMessage().contains("Duplicate entry")) { throw new PlatformDataIntegrityException("error.msg.datatable.registered", "Datatable `" + dataTableName + "` is already registered against an application table.", "dataTableName", dataTableName); } logAsErrorUnexpectedDataIntegrityException(dve); throw new PlatformDataIntegrityException("", "Unknown data integrity issue with resource."); } catch (final PersistenceException dve) { final Throwable cause = dve.getCause(); if (cause.getMessage().contains("Duplicate entry")) { throw new PlatformDataIntegrityException("error.msg.datatable.registered", "Datatable `" + dataTableName + "` is already registered against an application table.", "dataTableName", dataTableName); } logAsErrorUnexpectedDataIntegrityException(dve); throw new PlatformDataIntegrityException("", "Unknown data integrity issue with resource."); } } private String _getPermissionSql(final String dataTableName) { final String createPermission = "'CREATE_" + dataTableName + "'"; final String createPermissionChecker = "'CREATE_" + dataTableName + "_CHECKER'"; final String readPermission = "'READ_" + dataTableName + "'"; final String updatePermission = "'UPDATE_" + dataTableName + "'"; final String updatePermissionChecker = "'UPDATE_" + dataTableName + "_CHECKER'"; final String deletePermission = "'DELETE_" + dataTableName + "'"; final String deletePermissionChecker = "'DELETE_" + dataTableName + "_CHECKER'"; return "insert into m_permission (grouping, code, action_name, entity_name, can_maker_checker) values " + "('datatable', " + createPermission + ", 'CREATE', '" + dataTableName + "', true)," + "('datatable', " + createPermissionChecker + ", 'CREATE', '" + dataTableName + "', false)," + "('datatable', " + readPermission + ", 'READ', '" + dataTableName + "', false)," + "('datatable', " + updatePermission + ", 'UPDATE', '" + dataTableName + "', true)," + "('datatable', " + updatePermissionChecker + ", 'UPDATE', '" + dataTableName + "', false)," + "('datatable', " + deletePermission + ", 'DELETE', '" + dataTableName + "', true)," + "('datatable', " + deletePermissionChecker + ", 'DELETE', '" + dataTableName + "', false)"; } private Integer getCategory(final JsonCommand command) { Integer category = command .integerValueOfParameterNamedDefaultToNullIfZero(DataTableApiConstant.categoryParamName); if (category == null) category = DataTableApiConstant.CATEGORY_DEFAULT; return category; } private boolean isSurveyCategory(final Integer category) { return category.equals(DataTableApiConstant.CATEGORY_PPI); } @Override public String getDataTableName(String url) { String[] urlParts = url.split("/"); return urlParts[3]; } @Override public String getTableName(String url) { String[] urlParts = url.split("/"); return urlParts[4]; } @Transactional @Override public void deregisterDatatable(final String datatable) { final String permissionList = "('CREATE_" + datatable + "', 'CREATE_" + datatable + "_CHECKER', 'READ_" + datatable + "', 'UPDATE_" + datatable + "', 'UPDATE_" + datatable + "_CHECKER', 'DELETE_" + datatable + "', 'DELETE_" + datatable + "_CHECKER')"; final String deleteRolePermissionsSql = "delete from m_role_permission where m_role_permission.permission_id in (select id from m_permission where code in " + permissionList + ")"; final String deletePermissionsSql = "delete from m_permission where code in " + permissionList; final String deleteRegisteredDatatableSql = "delete from x_registered_table where registered_table_name = '" + datatable + "'"; final String deleteFromConfigurationSql = "delete from c_configuration where name ='" + datatable + "'"; String[] sqlArray = new String[4]; sqlArray[0] = deleteRolePermissionsSql; sqlArray[1] = deletePermissionsSql; sqlArray[2] = deleteRegisteredDatatableSql; sqlArray[3] = deleteFromConfigurationSql; this.jdbcTemplate.batchUpdate(sqlArray); } @Transactional @Override public CommandProcessingResult createNewDatatableEntry(final String dataTableName, final Long appTableId, final JsonCommand command) { return createNewDatatableEntry(dataTableName, appTableId, command.json()); } @Transactional @Override public CommandProcessingResult createNewDatatableEntry(final String dataTableName, final Long appTableId, final String json) { try { final String appTable = queryForApplicationTableName(dataTableName); final CommandProcessingResult commandProcessingResult = checkMainResourceExistsWithinScope(appTable, appTableId); final List<ResultsetColumnHeaderData> columnHeaders = this.genericDataService .fillResultsetColumnHeaders(dataTableName); final Type typeOfMap = new TypeToken<Map<String, String>>() { }.getType(); final Map<String, String> dataParams = this.fromJsonHelper.extractDataMap(typeOfMap, json); final String sql = getAddSql(columnHeaders, dataTableName, getFKField(appTable), appTableId, dataParams); this.jdbcTemplate.update(sql); return commandProcessingResult; // } catch (final DataAccessException dve) { final Throwable cause = dve.getCause(); final Throwable realCause = dve.getMostSpecificCause(); if (realCause.getMessage().contains("Duplicate entry") || cause.getMessage().contains("Duplicate entry")) { throw new PlatformDataIntegrityException("error.msg.datatable.entry.duplicate", "An entry already exists for datatable `" + dataTableName + "` and application table with identifier `" + appTableId + "`.", "dataTableName", dataTableName, appTableId); } else if (realCause.getMessage().contains("doesn't have a default value") || cause.getMessage().contains("doesn't have a default value")) { throw new PlatformDataIntegrityException( "", "No values provided for the datatable `" + dataTableName + "` and application table with identifier `" + appTableId + "`.", "dataTableName", dataTableName, appTableId); } logAsErrorUnexpectedDataIntegrityException(dve); throw new PlatformDataIntegrityException("", "Unknown data integrity issue with resource."); } catch (final PersistenceException e) { final Throwable cause = e.getCause(); if (cause.getMessage().contains("Duplicate entry")) { throw new PlatformDataIntegrityException("error.msg.datatable.entry.duplicate", "An entry already exists for datatable `" + dataTableName + "` and application table with identifier `" + appTableId + "`.", "dataTableName", dataTableName, appTableId); } else if (cause.getMessage().contains("doesn't have a default value")) { throw new PlatformDataIntegrityException( "", "No values provided for the datatable `" + dataTableName + "` and application table with identifier `" + appTableId + "`.", "dataTableName", dataTableName, appTableId); } logAsErrorUnexpectedDataIntegrityException(e); throw new PlatformDataIntegrityException("", "Unknown data integrity issue with resource."); } } @Override public CommandProcessingResult createPPIEntry(final String dataTableName, final Long appTableId, final JsonCommand command) { try { final String appTable = queryForApplicationTableName(dataTableName); final CommandProcessingResult commandProcessingResult = checkMainResourceExistsWithinScope(appTable, appTableId); final List<ResultsetColumnHeaderData> columnHeaders = this.genericDataService .fillResultsetColumnHeaders(dataTableName); final Type typeOfMap = new TypeToken<Map<String, String>>() { }.getType(); final Map<String, String> dataParams = this.fromJsonHelper.extractDataMap(typeOfMap, command.json()); final String sql = getAddSqlWithScore(columnHeaders, dataTableName, getFKField(appTable), appTableId, dataParams); this.jdbcTemplate.update(sql); return commandProcessingResult; // } catch (final DataAccessException dve) { final Throwable cause = dve.getCause(); final Throwable realCause = dve.getMostSpecificCause(); if (realCause.getMessage().contains("Duplicate entry") || cause.getMessage().contains("Duplicate entry")) { throw new PlatformDataIntegrityException("error.msg.datatable.entry.duplicate", "An entry already exists for datatable `" + dataTableName + "` and application table with identifier `" + appTableId + "`.", "dataTableName", dataTableName, appTableId); } logAsErrorUnexpectedDataIntegrityException(dve); throw new PlatformDataIntegrityException("", "Unknown data integrity issue with resource."); } catch (final PersistenceException dve) { final Throwable cause = dve.getCause(); if (cause.getMessage().contains("Duplicate entry")) { throw new PlatformDataIntegrityException("error.msg.datatable.entry.duplicate", "An entry already exists for datatable `" + dataTableName + "` and application table with identifier `" + appTableId + "`.", "dataTableName", dataTableName, appTableId); } logAsErrorUnexpectedDataIntegrityException(dve); throw new PlatformDataIntegrityException("", "Unknown data integrity issue with resource."); } } private boolean isRegisteredDataTable(final String name) { // PERMITTED datatables final String sql = "select if((exists (select 1 from x_registered_table where registered_table_name = ?)) = 1, 'true', 'false')"; final String isRegisteredDataTable = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sql, String.class, new Object[] { name }); return new Boolean(isRegisteredDataTable); } private void assertDataTableExists(final String datatableName) { final String sql = "select if((exists (select 1 from information_schema.tables where table_schema = schema() and table_name = ?)) = 1, 'true', 'false')"; final String dataTableExistsString = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sql, String.class, new Object[] { datatableName }); final boolean dataTableExists = new Boolean(dataTableExistsString); if (!dataTableExists) { throw new PlatformDataIntegrityException("error.msg.invalid.datatable", "Invalid Data Table: " + datatableName, "name", datatableName); } } private void validateDatatableName(final String name) { if (name == null || name.isEmpty()) { throw new PlatformDataIntegrityException("", "Data table name must not be blank."); } else if (!name.matches(DATATABLE_NAME_REGEX_PATTERN)) { throw new PlatformDataIntegrityException("", "Invalid data table name.", name); } } private String datatableColumnNameToCodeValueName(final String columnName, final String code) { return (code + "_cd_" + columnName); } private void throwExceptionIfValidationWarningsExist(final List<ApiParameterError> dataValidationErrors) { if (!dataValidationErrors.isEmpty()) { throw new PlatformApiDataValidationException("validation.msg.validation.errors.exist", "Validation errors exist.", dataValidationErrors); } } private void parseDatatableColumnObjectForCreate(final JsonObject column, StringBuilder sqlBuilder, final StringBuilder constrainBuilder, final String dataTableNameAlias, final Map<String, Long> codeMappings, final boolean isConstraintApproach) { String name = (column.has("name")) ? column.get("name").getAsString() : null; final String type = (column.has("type")) ? column.get("type").getAsString().toLowerCase() : null; final Integer length = (column.has("length")) ? column.get("length").getAsInt() : null; final Boolean mandatory = (column.has("mandatory")) ? column.get("mandatory").getAsBoolean() : false; final String code = (column.has("code")) ? column.get("code").getAsString() : null; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(code)) { if (isConstraintApproach) { codeMappings.put(dataTableNameAlias + "_" + name, this.codeReadPlatformService.retriveCode(code).getCodeId()); constrainBuilder.append(", CONSTRAINT `fk_").append(dataTableNameAlias).append("_").append(name) .append("` ").append("FOREIGN KEY (`" + name + "`) ").append("REFERENCES `") .append(CODE_VALUES_TABLE).append("` (`id`)"); } else { name = datatableColumnNameToCodeValueName(name, code); } } final String mysqlType = apiTypeToMySQL.get(type); sqlBuilder = sqlBuilder.append("`" + name + "` " + mysqlType); if (type != null) { if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("String")) { sqlBuilder = sqlBuilder.append("(" + length + ")"); } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("Decimal")) { sqlBuilder = sqlBuilder.append("(19,6)"); } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("Dropdown")) { sqlBuilder = sqlBuilder.append("(11)"); } } if (mandatory) { sqlBuilder = sqlBuilder.append(" NOT NULL"); } else { sqlBuilder = sqlBuilder.append(" DEFAULT NULL"); } sqlBuilder = sqlBuilder.append(", "); } @Transactional @Override public CommandProcessingResult createDatatable(final JsonCommand command) { String datatableName = null; try { this.context.authenticatedUser(); this.fromApiJsonDeserializer.validateForCreate(command.json()); final JsonElement element = this.fromJsonHelper.parse(command.json()); final JsonArray columns = this.fromJsonHelper.extractJsonArrayNamed("columns", element); datatableName = this.fromJsonHelper.extractStringNamed("datatableName", element); final String apptableName = this.fromJsonHelper.extractStringNamed("apptableName", element); Boolean multiRow = this.fromJsonHelper.extractBooleanNamed("multiRow", element); /*** * In cases of tables storing hierarchical entities (like m_group), * different entities would end up being stored in the same table. * * Ex: Centers are a specific type of group, add abstractions for * the same ***/ final String actualAppTableName = mapToActualAppTable(apptableName); if (multiRow == null) { multiRow = false; } validateDatatableName(datatableName); validateAppTable(apptableName); final boolean isConstraintApproach = this.configurationDomainService .isConstraintApproachEnabledForDatatables(); final String fkColumnName = apptableName.substring(2) + "_id"; final String dataTableNameAlias = datatableName.toLowerCase().replaceAll("\\s", "_"); final String fkName = dataTableNameAlias + "_" + fkColumnName; StringBuilder sqlBuilder = new StringBuilder(); final StringBuilder constrainBuilder = new StringBuilder(); final Map<String, Long> codeMappings = new HashMap<>(); sqlBuilder = sqlBuilder.append("CREATE TABLE `" + datatableName + "` ("); if (multiRow) { sqlBuilder = sqlBuilder.append("`id` BIGINT(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, ") .append("`" + fkColumnName + "` BIGINT(20) NOT NULL, "); } else { sqlBuilder = sqlBuilder.append("`" + fkColumnName + "` BIGINT(20) NOT NULL, "); } for (final JsonElement column : columns) { parseDatatableColumnObjectForCreate(column.getAsJsonObject(), sqlBuilder, constrainBuilder, dataTableNameAlias, codeMappings, isConstraintApproach); } // Remove trailing comma and space sqlBuilder = sqlBuilder.delete(sqlBuilder.length() - 2, sqlBuilder.length()); if (multiRow) { sqlBuilder = sqlBuilder.append(", PRIMARY KEY (`id`)") .append(", KEY `fk_" + apptableName.substring(2) + "_id` (`" + fkColumnName + "`)") .append(", CONSTRAINT `fk_" + fkName + "` ").append("FOREIGN KEY (`" + fkColumnName + "`) ") .append("REFERENCES `" + actualAppTableName + "` (`id`)"); } else { sqlBuilder = sqlBuilder.append(", PRIMARY KEY (`" + fkColumnName + "`)") .append(", CONSTRAINT `fk_" + fkName + "` ").append("FOREIGN KEY (`" + fkColumnName + "`) ") .append("REFERENCES `" + actualAppTableName + "` (`id`)"); } sqlBuilder.append(constrainBuilder); sqlBuilder = sqlBuilder.append(") ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;"); this.jdbcTemplate.execute(sqlBuilder.toString()); registerDatatable(datatableName, apptableName); registerColumnCodeMapping(codeMappings); } catch (final DataIntegrityViolationException e) { final Throwable realCause = e.getCause(); final List<ApiParameterError> dataValidationErrors = new ArrayList<>(); final DataValidatorBuilder baseDataValidator = new DataValidatorBuilder(dataValidationErrors) .resource("datatable"); if (realCause.getMessage().toLowerCase().contains("duplicate column name")) { baseDataValidator.reset().parameter("name").failWithCode(""); } else if (realCause.getMessage().contains("Table") && realCause.getMessage().contains("already exists")) { baseDataValidator.reset().parameter("datatableName").value(datatableName) .failWithCode("datatable.already.exists"); } else if (realCause.getMessage().contains("Column") && realCause.getMessage().contains("big")) { baseDataValidator.reset().parameter("column").failWithCode("length.too.big"); } else if (realCause.getMessage().contains("Row") && realCause.getMessage().contains("large")) { baseDataValidator.reset().parameter("row").failWithCode("size.too.large"); } throwExceptionIfValidationWarningsExist(dataValidationErrors); } catch (final PersistenceException | BadSqlGrammarException ee) { Throwable realCause = ExceptionUtils.getRootCause(ee.getCause()); final List<ApiParameterError> dataValidationErrors = new ArrayList<>(); final DataValidatorBuilder baseDataValidator = new DataValidatorBuilder(dataValidationErrors) .resource("datatable"); if (realCause.getMessage().toLowerCase().contains("duplicate column name")) { baseDataValidator.reset().parameter("name").failWithCode(""); } else if (realCause.getMessage().contains("Table") && realCause.getMessage().contains("already exists")) { baseDataValidator.reset().parameter("datatableName").value(datatableName) .failWithCode("datatable.already.exists"); } else if (realCause.getMessage().contains("Column") && realCause.getMessage().contains("big")) { baseDataValidator.reset().parameter("column").failWithCode("length.too.big"); } else if (realCause.getMessage().contains("Row") && realCause.getMessage().contains("large")) { baseDataValidator.reset().parameter("row").failWithCode("size.too.large"); } throwExceptionIfValidationWarningsExist(dataValidationErrors); } return new CommandProcessingResultBuilder().withCommandId(command.commandId()) .withResourceIdAsString(datatableName).build(); } private void parseDatatableColumnForUpdate(final JsonObject column, final Map<String, ResultsetColumnHeaderData> mapColumnNameDefinition, StringBuilder sqlBuilder, final String datatableName, final StringBuilder constrainBuilder, final Map<String, Long> codeMappings, final List<String> removeMappings, final boolean isConstraintApproach) { String name = (column.has("name")) ? column.get("name").getAsString() : null; final String lengthStr = (column.has("length")) ? column.get("length").getAsString() : null; Integer length = (StringUtils.isNotBlank(lengthStr)) ? Integer.parseInt(lengthStr) : null; String newName = (column.has("newName")) ? column.get("newName").getAsString() : name; final Boolean mandatory = (column.has("mandatory")) ? column.get("mandatory").getAsBoolean() : false; final String after = (column.has("after")) ? column.get("after").getAsString() : null; final String code = (column.has("code")) ? column.get("code").getAsString() : null; final String newCode = (column.has("newCode")) ? column.get("newCode").getAsString() : null; final String dataTableNameAlias = datatableName.toLowerCase().replaceAll("\\s", "_"); if (isConstraintApproach) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(newName)) { newName = name; } if (!StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(code, newCode) || !StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(name, newName)) { if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(code, newCode)) { final int codeId = getCodeIdForColumn(dataTableNameAlias, name); if (codeId > 0) { removeMappings.add(dataTableNameAlias + "_" + name); constrainBuilder.append(", DROP FOREIGN KEY `fk_").append(dataTableNameAlias).append("_") .append(name).append("` "); codeMappings.put(dataTableNameAlias + "_" + newName, (long) codeId); constrainBuilder.append(",ADD CONSTRAINT `fk_").append(dataTableNameAlias).append("_") .append(newName).append("` ").append("FOREIGN KEY (`" + newName + "`) ") .append("REFERENCES `").append(CODE_VALUES_TABLE).append("` (`id`)"); } } else { if (code != null) { removeMappings.add(dataTableNameAlias + "_" + name); if (newCode == null || !StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(name, newName)) { constrainBuilder.append(", DROP FOREIGN KEY `fk_").append(dataTableNameAlias) .append("_").append(name).append("` "); } } if (newCode != null) { codeMappings.put(dataTableNameAlias + "_" + newName, this.codeReadPlatformService.retriveCode(newCode).getCodeId()); if (code == null || !StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(name, newName)) { constrainBuilder.append(",ADD CONSTRAINT `fk_").append(dataTableNameAlias).append("_") .append(newName).append("` ").append("FOREIGN KEY (`" + newName + "`) ") .append("REFERENCES `").append(CODE_VALUES_TABLE).append("` (`id`)"); } } } } } else { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(code)) { name = datatableColumnNameToCodeValueName(name, code); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(newCode)) { newName = datatableColumnNameToCodeValueName(newName, newCode); } else { newName = datatableColumnNameToCodeValueName(newName, code); } } } if (!mapColumnNameDefinition.containsKey(name)) { throw new PlatformDataIntegrityException("error.msg.datatable.column.missing.update.parse", "Column " + name + " does not exist.", name); } final String type = mapColumnNameDefinition.get(name).getColumnType(); if (length == null && type.toLowerCase().equals("varchar")) { length = mapColumnNameDefinition.get(name).getColumnLength().intValue(); } sqlBuilder = sqlBuilder.append(", CHANGE `" + name + "` `" + newName + "` " + type); if (length != null && length > 0) { if (type.toLowerCase().equals("decimal")) { sqlBuilder.append("(19,6)"); } else if (type.toLowerCase().equals("varchar")) { sqlBuilder.append("(" + length + ")"); } } if (mandatory) { sqlBuilder = sqlBuilder.append(" NOT NULL"); } else { sqlBuilder = sqlBuilder.append(" DEFAULT NULL"); } if (after != null) { sqlBuilder = sqlBuilder.append(" AFTER `" + after + "`"); } } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private int getCodeIdForColumn(final String dataTableNameAlias, final String name) { final StringBuilder checkColumnCodeMapping = new StringBuilder(); checkColumnCodeMapping .append("select ccm.code_id from x_table_column_code_mappings ccm where ccm.column_alias_name='") .append(dataTableNameAlias).append("_").append(name).append("'"); int codeId = 0; try { codeId = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForInt(checkColumnCodeMapping.toString()); } catch (final EmptyResultDataAccessException e) {; } return codeId; } private void parseDatatableColumnForAdd(final JsonObject column, StringBuilder sqlBuilder, final String dataTableNameAlias, final StringBuilder constrainBuilder, final Map<String, Long> codeMappings, final boolean isConstraintApproach) { String name = (column.has("name")) ? column.get("name").getAsString() : null; final String type = (column.has("type")) ? column.get("type").getAsString().toLowerCase() : null; final Integer length = (column.has("length")) ? column.get("length").getAsInt() : null; final Boolean mandatory = (column.has("mandatory")) ? column.get("mandatory").getAsBoolean() : false; final String after = (column.has("after")) ? column.get("after").getAsString() : null; final String code = (column.has("code")) ? column.get("code").getAsString() : null; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(code)) { if (isConstraintApproach) { codeMappings.put(dataTableNameAlias + "_" + name, this.codeReadPlatformService.retriveCode(code).getCodeId()); constrainBuilder.append(",ADD CONSTRAINT `fk_").append(dataTableNameAlias).append("_").append(name) .append("` ").append("FOREIGN KEY (`" + name + "`) ").append("REFERENCES `") .append(CODE_VALUES_TABLE).append("` (`id`)"); } else { name = datatableColumnNameToCodeValueName(name, code); } } final String mysqlType = apiTypeToMySQL.get(type); sqlBuilder = sqlBuilder.append(", ADD `" + name + "` " + mysqlType); if (type != null) { if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("String") && length != null) { sqlBuilder = sqlBuilder.append("(" + length + ")"); } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("Decimal")) { sqlBuilder = sqlBuilder.append("(19,6)"); } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("Dropdown")) { sqlBuilder = sqlBuilder.append("(11)"); } } if (mandatory) { sqlBuilder = sqlBuilder.append(" NOT NULL"); } else { sqlBuilder = sqlBuilder.append(" DEFAULT NULL"); } if (after != null) { sqlBuilder = sqlBuilder.append(" AFTER `" + after + "`"); } } private void parseDatatableColumnForDrop(final JsonObject column, StringBuilder sqlBuilder, final String datatableName, final StringBuilder constrainBuilder, final List<String> codeMappings) { final String datatableAlias = datatableName.toLowerCase().replaceAll("\\s", "_"); final String name = (column.has("name")) ? column.get("name").getAsString() : null; sqlBuilder = sqlBuilder.append(", DROP COLUMN `" + name + "`"); final StringBuilder findFKSql = new StringBuilder(); findFKSql.append("SELECT count(*)").append("FROM information_schema.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS i") .append(" WHERE i.CONSTRAINT_TYPE = 'FOREIGN KEY'").append(" AND i.TABLE_SCHEMA = DATABASE()") .append(" AND i.TABLE_NAME = '").append(datatableName).append("' AND i.CONSTRAINT_NAME = 'fk_") .append(datatableAlias).append("_").append(name).append("' "); @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") final int count = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForInt(findFKSql.toString()); if (count > 0) { codeMappings.add(datatableAlias + "_" + name); constrainBuilder.append(", DROP FOREIGN KEY `fk_").append(datatableAlias).append("_").append(name) .append("` "); } } private void registerColumnCodeMapping(final Map<String, Long> codeMappings) { if (codeMappings != null && !codeMappings.isEmpty()) { final String[] addSqlList = new String[codeMappings.size()]; int i = 0; for (final Map.Entry<String, Long> mapEntry : codeMappings.entrySet()) { addSqlList[i++] = "insert into x_table_column_code_mappings (column_alias_name, code_id) values ('" + mapEntry.getKey() + "'," + mapEntry.getValue() + ");"; } this.jdbcTemplate.batchUpdate(addSqlList); } } private void deleteColumnCodeMapping(final List<String> columnNames) { if (columnNames != null && !columnNames.isEmpty()) { final String[] deleteSqlList = new String[columnNames.size()]; int i = 0; for (final String columnName : columnNames) { deleteSqlList[i++] = "DELETE FROM x_table_column_code_mappings WHERE column_alias_name='" + columnName + "';"; } this.jdbcTemplate.batchUpdate(deleteSqlList); } } /** * Update data table, set column value to empty string where current value * is NULL. Run update SQL only if the "mandatory" property is set to true * * @param datatableName * Name of data table * @param column * JSON encoded array of column properties * @see **/ private void removeNullValuesFromStringColumn(final String datatableName, final JsonObject column, final Map<String, ResultsetColumnHeaderData> mapColumnNameDefinition) { final Boolean mandatory = (column.has("mandatory")) ? column.get("mandatory").getAsBoolean() : false; final String name = (column.has("name")) ? column.get("name").getAsString() : ""; final String type = (mapColumnNameDefinition.containsKey(name)) ? mapColumnNameDefinition.get(name).getColumnType() : ""; if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(type)) { if (mandatory && stringDataTypes.contains(type.toLowerCase())) { StringBuilder sqlBuilder = new StringBuilder(); sqlBuilder.append( "UPDATE `" + datatableName + "` SET `" + name + "` = '' WHERE `" + name + "` IS NULL"); this.jdbcTemplate.update(sqlBuilder.toString()); } } } @Transactional @Override public void updateDatatable(final String datatableName, final JsonCommand command) { try { this.context.authenticatedUser(); this.fromApiJsonDeserializer.validateForUpdate(command.json()); final JsonElement element = this.fromJsonHelper.parse(command.json()); final JsonArray changeColumns = this.fromJsonHelper.extractJsonArrayNamed("changeColumns", element); final JsonArray addColumns = this.fromJsonHelper.extractJsonArrayNamed("addColumns", element); final JsonArray dropColumns = this.fromJsonHelper.extractJsonArrayNamed("dropColumns", element); final String apptableName = this.fromJsonHelper.extractStringNamed("apptableName", element); validateDatatableName(datatableName); final List<ResultsetColumnHeaderData> columnHeaderData = this.genericDataService .fillResultsetColumnHeaders(datatableName); final Map<String, ResultsetColumnHeaderData> mapColumnNameDefinition = new HashMap<>(); for (final ResultsetColumnHeaderData columnHeader : columnHeaderData) { mapColumnNameDefinition.put(columnHeader.getColumnName(), columnHeader); } final boolean isConstraintApproach = this.configurationDomainService .isConstraintApproachEnabledForDatatables(); if (!StringUtils.isBlank(apptableName)) { validateAppTable(apptableName); final String oldApptableName = queryForApplicationTableName(datatableName); if (!StringUtils.equals(oldApptableName, apptableName)) { final String oldFKName = oldApptableName.substring(2) + "_id"; final String newFKName = apptableName.substring(2) + "_id"; final String actualAppTableName = mapToActualAppTable(apptableName); final String oldConstraintName = datatableName.toLowerCase().replaceAll("\\s", "_") + "_" + oldFKName; final String newConstraintName = datatableName.toLowerCase().replaceAll("\\s", "_") + "_" + newFKName; StringBuilder sqlBuilder = new StringBuilder(); if (mapColumnNameDefinition.containsKey("id")) { sqlBuilder = sqlBuilder.append("ALTER TABLE `" + datatableName + "` ") .append("DROP KEY `fk_" + oldFKName + "`,") .append("DROP FOREIGN KEY `fk_" + oldConstraintName + "`,") .append("CHANGE COLUMN `" + oldFKName + "` `" + newFKName + "` BIGINT(20) NOT NULL,") .append("ADD KEY `fk_" + newFKName + "` (`" + newFKName + "`),") .append("ADD CONSTRAINT `fk_" + newConstraintName + "` ") .append("FOREIGN KEY (`" + newFKName + "`) ") .append("REFERENCES `" + actualAppTableName + "` (`id`)"); } else { sqlBuilder = sqlBuilder.append("ALTER TABLE `" + datatableName + "` ") .append("DROP FOREIGN KEY `fk_" + oldConstraintName + "`,") .append("CHANGE COLUMN `" + oldFKName + "` `" + newFKName + "` BIGINT(20) NOT NULL,") .append("ADD CONSTRAINT `fk_" + newConstraintName + "` ") .append("FOREIGN KEY (`" + newFKName + "`) ") .append("REFERENCES `" + actualAppTableName + "` (`id`)"); } this.jdbcTemplate.execute(sqlBuilder.toString()); deregisterDatatable(datatableName); registerDatatable(datatableName, apptableName); } } if (changeColumns == null && addColumns == null && dropColumns == null) { return; } if (dropColumns != null) { StringBuilder sqlBuilder = new StringBuilder("ALTER TABLE `" + datatableName + "`"); final StringBuilder constrainBuilder = new StringBuilder(); final List<String> codeMappings = new ArrayList<>(); for (final JsonElement column : dropColumns) { parseDatatableColumnForDrop(column.getAsJsonObject(), sqlBuilder, datatableName, constrainBuilder, codeMappings); } // Remove the first comma, right after ALTER TABLE `datatable` final int indexOfFirstComma = sqlBuilder.indexOf(","); if (indexOfFirstComma != -1) { sqlBuilder = sqlBuilder.deleteCharAt(indexOfFirstComma); } sqlBuilder.append(constrainBuilder); this.jdbcTemplate.execute(sqlBuilder.toString()); deleteColumnCodeMapping(codeMappings); } if (addColumns != null) { StringBuilder sqlBuilder = new StringBuilder("ALTER TABLE `" + datatableName + "`"); final StringBuilder constrainBuilder = new StringBuilder(); final Map<String, Long> codeMappings = new HashMap<>(); for (final JsonElement column : addColumns) { parseDatatableColumnForAdd(column.getAsJsonObject(), sqlBuilder, datatableName.toLowerCase().replaceAll("\\s", "_"), constrainBuilder, codeMappings, isConstraintApproach); } // Remove the first comma, right after ALTER TABLE `datatable` final int indexOfFirstComma = sqlBuilder.indexOf(","); if (indexOfFirstComma != -1) { sqlBuilder = sqlBuilder.deleteCharAt(indexOfFirstComma); } sqlBuilder.append(constrainBuilder); this.jdbcTemplate.execute(sqlBuilder.toString()); registerColumnCodeMapping(codeMappings); } if (changeColumns != null) { StringBuilder sqlBuilder = new StringBuilder("ALTER TABLE `" + datatableName + "`"); final StringBuilder constrainBuilder = new StringBuilder(); final Map<String, Long> codeMappings = new HashMap<>(); final List<String> removeMappings = new ArrayList<>(); for (final JsonElement column : changeColumns) { // remove NULL values from column where mandatory is true removeNullValuesFromStringColumn(datatableName, column.getAsJsonObject(), mapColumnNameDefinition); parseDatatableColumnForUpdate(column.getAsJsonObject(), mapColumnNameDefinition, sqlBuilder, datatableName, constrainBuilder, codeMappings, removeMappings, isConstraintApproach); } // Remove the first comma, right after ALTER TABLE `datatable` final int indexOfFirstComma = sqlBuilder.indexOf(","); if (indexOfFirstComma != -1) { sqlBuilder = sqlBuilder.deleteCharAt(indexOfFirstComma); } sqlBuilder.append(constrainBuilder); try { this.jdbcTemplate.execute(sqlBuilder.toString()); deleteColumnCodeMapping(removeMappings); registerColumnCodeMapping(codeMappings); } catch (final Exception e) { if (e.getMessage().contains("Error on rename")) { throw new PlatformServiceUnavailableException( "error.msg.datatable.column.update.not.allowed", "One of the column name modification not allowed"); } // handle all other exceptions in here // check if exception message contains the // "invalid use of null value" SQL exception message // throw a 503 HTTP error - // PlatformServiceUnavailableException if (e.getMessage().toLowerCase().contains("invalid use of null value")) { throw new PlatformServiceUnavailableException( "error.msg.datatable.column.update.not.allowed", "One of the data table columns contains null values"); } } } } catch (final DataIntegrityViolationException e) { final Throwable realCause = e.getCause(); final List<ApiParameterError> dataValidationErrors = new ArrayList<>(); final DataValidatorBuilder baseDataValidator = new DataValidatorBuilder(dataValidationErrors) .resource("datatable"); if (realCause.getMessage().toLowerCase().contains("unknown column")) { baseDataValidator.reset().parameter("name").failWithCode("does.not.exist"); } else if (realCause.getMessage().toLowerCase().contains("can't drop")) { baseDataValidator.reset().parameter("name").failWithCode("does.not.exist"); } else if (realCause.getMessage().toLowerCase().contains("duplicate column")) { baseDataValidator.reset().parameter("name").failWithCode("column.already.exists"); } throwExceptionIfValidationWarningsExist(dataValidationErrors); } catch (final PersistenceException ee) { Throwable realCause = ExceptionUtils.getRootCause(ee.getCause()); final List<ApiParameterError> dataValidationErrors = new ArrayList<>(); final DataValidatorBuilder baseDataValidator = new DataValidatorBuilder(dataValidationErrors) .resource("datatable"); if (realCause.getMessage().toLowerCase().contains("duplicate column name")) { baseDataValidator.reset().parameter("name").failWithCode(""); } else if (realCause.getMessage().contains("Table") && realCause.getMessage().contains("already exists")) { baseDataValidator.reset().parameter("datatableName").value(datatableName) .failWithCode("datatable.already.exists"); } else if (realCause.getMessage().contains("Column") && realCause.getMessage().contains("big")) { baseDataValidator.reset().parameter("column").failWithCode("length.too.big"); } else if (realCause.getMessage().contains("Row") && realCause.getMessage().contains("large")) { baseDataValidator.reset().parameter("row").failWithCode("size.too.large"); } throwExceptionIfValidationWarningsExist(dataValidationErrors); } } @Transactional @Override public void deleteDatatable(final String datatableName) { try { this.context.authenticatedUser(); if (!isRegisteredDataTable(datatableName)) { throw new DatatableNotFoundException(datatableName); } validateDatatableName(datatableName); assertDataTableEmpty(datatableName); deregisterDatatable(datatableName); String[] sqlArray = null; if (this.configurationDomainService.isConstraintApproachEnabledForDatatables()) { final String deleteColumnCodeSql = "delete from x_table_column_code_mappings where column_alias_name like'" + datatableName.toLowerCase().replaceAll("\\s", "_") + "_%'"; sqlArray = new String[2]; sqlArray[1] = deleteColumnCodeSql; } else { sqlArray = new String[1]; } final String sql = "DROP TABLE `" + datatableName + "`"; sqlArray[0] = sql; this.jdbcTemplate.batchUpdate(sqlArray); } catch (final DataIntegrityViolationException e) { final Throwable realCause = e.getCause(); final List<ApiParameterError> dataValidationErrors = new ArrayList<>(); final DataValidatorBuilder baseDataValidator = new DataValidatorBuilder(dataValidationErrors) .resource("datatable"); if (realCause.getMessage().contains("Unknown table")) { baseDataValidator.reset().parameter("datatableName").failWithCode("does.not.exist"); } throwExceptionIfValidationWarningsExist(dataValidationErrors); } } private void assertDataTableEmpty(final String datatableName) { final String sql = "select count(*) from `" + datatableName + "`"; final int rowCount = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sql, Integer.class); if (rowCount != 0) { throw new GeneralPlatformDomainRuleException("", "Non-empty datatable cannot be deleted."); } } @Transactional @Override public CommandProcessingResult updateDatatableEntryOneToOne(final String dataTableName, final Long appTableId, final JsonCommand command) { return updateDatatableEntry(dataTableName, appTableId, null, command); } @Transactional @Override public CommandProcessingResult updateDatatableEntryOneToMany(final String dataTableName, final Long appTableId, final Long datatableId, final JsonCommand command) { return updateDatatableEntry(dataTableName, appTableId, datatableId, command); } private CommandProcessingResult updateDatatableEntry(final String dataTableName, final Long appTableId, final Long datatableId, final JsonCommand command) { final String appTable = queryForApplicationTableName(dataTableName); final CommandProcessingResult commandProcessingResult = checkMainResourceExistsWithinScope(appTable, appTableId); final GenericResultsetData grs = retrieveDataTableGenericResultSetForUpdate(appTable, dataTableName, appTableId, datatableId); if (grs.hasNoEntries()) { throw new DatatableNotFoundException(dataTableName, appTableId); } if (grs.hasMoreThanOneEntry()) { throw new PlatformDataIntegrityException("error.msg.attempting.multiple.update", "Application table: " + dataTableName + " Foreign key id: " + appTableId); } final Type typeOfMap = new TypeToken<Map<String, String>>() { }.getType(); final Map<String, String> dataParams = this.fromJsonHelper.extractDataMap(typeOfMap, command.json()); String pkName = "id"; // 1:M datatable if (datatableId == null) { pkName = getFKField(appTable); } // 1:1 datatable final Map<String, Object> changes = getAffectedAndChangedColumns(grs, dataParams, pkName); if (!changes.isEmpty()) { Long pkValue = appTableId; if (datatableId != null) { pkValue = datatableId; } final String sql = getUpdateSql(grs.getColumnHeaders(), dataTableName, pkName, pkValue, changes);"Update sql: " + sql); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(sql)) { this.jdbcTemplate.update(sql); changes.put("locale", dataParams.get("locale")); changes.put("dateFormat", "yyyy-MM-dd"); } else {"No Changes"); } } return new CommandProcessingResultBuilder() // .withOfficeId(commandProcessingResult.getOfficeId()) // .withGroupId(commandProcessingResult.getGroupId()) // .withClientId(commandProcessingResult.getClientId()) // .withSavingsId(commandProcessingResult.getSavingsId()) // .withLoanId(commandProcessingResult.getLoanId()) // .with(changes) // .build(); } @Transactional @Override public CommandProcessingResult deleteDatatableEntries(final String dataTableName, final Long appTableId) { if (isDatatableAttachedToEntityDatatableCheck(dataTableName)) { throw new DatatableEntryRequiredException(dataTableName, appTableId); } final String appTable = queryForApplicationTableName(dataTableName); final CommandProcessingResult commandProcessingResult = checkMainResourceExistsWithinScope(appTable, appTableId); final String deleteOneToOneEntrySql = getDeleteEntriesSql(dataTableName, getFKField(appTable), appTableId); final int rowsDeleted = this.jdbcTemplate.update(deleteOneToOneEntrySql); if (rowsDeleted < 1) { throw new DatatableNotFoundException(dataTableName, appTableId); } return commandProcessingResult; } @Transactional @Override public CommandProcessingResult deleteDatatableEntry(final String dataTableName, final Long appTableId, final Long datatableId) { if (isDatatableAttachedToEntityDatatableCheck(dataTableName)) { throw new DatatableEntryRequiredException(dataTableName, appTableId); } final String appTable = queryForApplicationTableName(dataTableName); final CommandProcessingResult commandProcessingResult = checkMainResourceExistsWithinScope(appTable, appTableId); final String sql = getDeleteEntrySql(dataTableName, datatableId); this.jdbcTemplate.update(sql); return commandProcessingResult; } @Override public GenericResultsetData retrieveDataTableGenericResultSet(final String dataTableName, final Long appTableId, final String order, final Long id) { final String appTable = queryForApplicationTableName(dataTableName); checkMainResourceExistsWithinScope(appTable, appTableId); final List<ResultsetColumnHeaderData> columnHeaders = this.genericDataService .fillResultsetColumnHeaders(dataTableName); String sql = ""; // id only used for reading a specific entry in a one to many datatable // (when updating) if (id == null) { sql = sql + "select * from `" + dataTableName + "` where " + getFKField(appTable) + " = " + appTableId; } else { sql = sql + "select * from `" + dataTableName + "` where id = " + id; } if (order != null) { sql = sql + " order by " + order; } final List<ResultsetRowData> result = fillDatatableResultSetDataRows(sql); return new GenericResultsetData(columnHeaders, result); } private GenericResultsetData retrieveDataTableGenericResultSetForUpdate(final String appTable, final String dataTableName, final Long appTableId, final Long id) { final List<ResultsetColumnHeaderData> columnHeaders = this.genericDataService .fillResultsetColumnHeaders(dataTableName); String sql = ""; // id only used for reading a specific entry in a one to many datatable // (when updating) if (id == null) { sql = sql + "select * from `" + dataTableName + "` where " + getFKField(appTable) + " = " + appTableId; } else { sql = sql + "select * from `" + dataTableName + "` where id = " + id; } final List<ResultsetRowData> result = fillDatatableResultSetDataRows(sql); return new GenericResultsetData(columnHeaders, result); } private CommandProcessingResult checkMainResourceExistsWithinScope(final String appTable, final Long appTableId) { final String sql = dataScopedSQL(appTable, appTableId);"data scoped sql: " + sql); final SqlRowSet rs = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForRowSet(sql); if (! { throw new DatatableNotFoundException(appTable, appTableId); } final Long officeId = getLongSqlRowSet(rs, "officeId"); final Long groupId = getLongSqlRowSet(rs, "groupId"); final Long clientId = getLongSqlRowSet(rs, "clientId"); final Long savingsId = getLongSqlRowSet(rs, "savingsId"); final Long LoanId = getLongSqlRowSet(rs, "loanId"); final Long entityId = getLongSqlRowSet(rs, "entityId"); if ( { throw new DatatableSystemErrorException( "System Error: More than one row returned from data scoping query"); } return new CommandProcessingResultBuilder() // .withOfficeId(officeId) // .withGroupId(groupId) // .withClientId(clientId) // .withSavingsId(savingsId) // .withLoanId(LoanId).withEntityId(entityId)// .build(); } private Long getLongSqlRowSet(final SqlRowSet rs, final String column) { Long val = rs.getLong(column); if (val == 0) { val = null; } return val; } private String dataScopedSQL(final String appTable, final Long appTableId) { /* * unfortunately have to, one way or another, be able to restrict data * to the users office hierarchy. Here, a few key tables are done. But * if additional fields are needed on other tables the same pattern * applies */ final AppUser currentUser = this.context.authenticatedUser(); String scopedSQL = null; /* * m_loan and m_savings_account are connected to an m_office thru either * an m_client or an m_group If both it means it relates to an m_client * that is in a group (still an m_client account) */ if (appTable.equalsIgnoreCase("m_loan")) { scopedSQL = "select distinctrow x.* from (" + " (select as officeId, l.group_id as groupId, l.client_id as clientId, null as savingsId, as loanId, null as entityId from m_loan l " + " join m_client c on = l.client_id " + " join m_office o on = c.office_id and o.hierarchy like '" + currentUser.getOffice().getHierarchy() + "%'" + " where = " + appTableId + ")" + " union all " + " (select as officeId, l.group_id as groupId, l.client_id as clientId, null as savingsId, as loanId, null as entityId from m_loan l " + " join m_group g on = l.group_id " + " join m_office o on = g.office_id and o.hierarchy like '" + currentUser.getOffice().getHierarchy() + "%'" + " where = " + appTableId + ")" + " ) x"; } if (appTable.equalsIgnoreCase("m_savings_account")) { scopedSQL = "select distinctrow x.* from (" + " (select as officeId, s.group_id as groupId, s.client_id as clientId, as savingsId, null as loanId, null as entityId from m_savings_account s " + " join m_client c on = s.client_id " + " join m_office o on = c.office_id and o.hierarchy like '" + currentUser.getOffice().getHierarchy() + "%'" + " where = " + appTableId + ")" + " union all " + " (select as officeId, s.group_id as groupId, s.client_id as clientId, as savingsId, null as loanId, null as entityId from m_savings_account s " + " join m_group g on = s.group_id " + " join m_office o on = g.office_id and o.hierarchy like '" + currentUser.getOffice().getHierarchy() + "%'" + " where = " + appTableId + ")" + " ) x"; } if (appTable.equalsIgnoreCase("m_client")) { scopedSQL = "select as officeId, null as groupId, as clientId, null as savingsId, null as loanId, null as entityId from m_client c " + " join m_office o on = c.office_id and o.hierarchy like '" + currentUser.getOffice().getHierarchy() + "%'" + " where = " + appTableId; } if (appTable.equalsIgnoreCase("m_group") || appTable.equalsIgnoreCase("m_center")) { scopedSQL = "select as officeId, as groupId, null as clientId, null as savingsId, null as loanId, null as entityId from m_group g " + " join m_office o on = g.office_id and o.hierarchy like '" + currentUser.getOffice().getHierarchy() + "%'" + " where = " + appTableId; } if (appTable.equalsIgnoreCase("m_office")) { scopedSQL = "select as officeId, null as groupId, null as clientId, null as savingsId, null as loanId, null as entityId from m_office o " + " where o.hierarchy like '" + currentUser.getOffice().getHierarchy() + "%'" + " and = " + appTableId; } if (appTable.equalsIgnoreCase("m_product_loan") || appTable.equalsIgnoreCase("m_savings_product")) { scopedSQL = "select null as officeId, null as groupId, null as clientId, null as savingsId, null as loanId, as entityId from " + appTable + " as p WHERE = " + appTableId; } if (scopedSQL == null) { throw new PlatformDataIntegrityException("error.msg.invalid.dataScopeCriteria", "Application Table: " + appTable + " not catered for in data Scoping"); } return scopedSQL; } private void validateAppTable(final String appTable) { if (appTable.equalsIgnoreCase("m_loan")) { return; } if (appTable.equalsIgnoreCase("m_savings_account")) { return; } if (appTable.equalsIgnoreCase("m_client")) { return; } if (appTable.equalsIgnoreCase("m_group")) { return; } if (appTable.equalsIgnoreCase("m_center")) { return; } if (appTable.equalsIgnoreCase("m_office")) { return; } if (appTable.equalsIgnoreCase("m_product_loan")) { return; } if (appTable.equalsIgnoreCase("m_savings_product")) { return; } throw new PlatformDataIntegrityException("error.msg.invalid.application.table", "Invalid Application Table: " + appTable, "name", appTable); } private String mapToActualAppTable(final String appTable) { if (appTable.equalsIgnoreCase("m_center")) { return "m_group"; } return appTable; } private List<ResultsetRowData> fillDatatableResultSetDataRows(final String sql) { final SqlRowSet rs = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForRowSet(sql); final List<ResultsetRowData> resultsetDataRows = new ArrayList<>(); final SqlRowSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData(); while ( { final List<String> columnValues = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < rsmd.getColumnCount(); i++) { final String columnName = rsmd.getColumnName(i + 1); final String columnValue = rs.getString(columnName); columnValues.add(columnValue); } final ResultsetRowData resultsetDataRow = ResultsetRowData.create(columnValues); resultsetDataRows.add(resultsetDataRow); } return resultsetDataRows; } private String queryForApplicationTableName(final String datatable) { final String sql = "SELECT application_table_name FROM x_registered_table where registered_table_name = '" + datatable + "'"; final SqlRowSet rs = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForRowSet(sql); String applicationTableName = null; if ( { applicationTableName = rs.getString("application_table_name"); } else { throw new DatatableNotFoundException(datatable); } return applicationTableName; } private String getFKField(final String applicationTableName) { return applicationTableName.substring(2) + "_id"; } private String getAddSql(final List<ResultsetColumnHeaderData> columnHeaders, final String datatable, final String fkName, final Long appTableId, final Map<String, String> queryParams) { final Map<String, String> affectedColumns = getAffectedColumns(columnHeaders, queryParams, fkName); String pValueWrite = ""; String addSql = ""; final String singleQuote = "'"; String insertColumns = ""; String selectColumns = ""; String columnName = ""; String pValue = null; for (final ResultsetColumnHeaderData pColumnHeader : columnHeaders) { final String key = pColumnHeader.getColumnName(); if (affectedColumns.containsKey(key)) { pValue = affectedColumns.get(key); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(pValue)) { pValueWrite = "null"; } else { if ("bit".equalsIgnoreCase(pColumnHeader.getColumnType())) { pValueWrite = BooleanUtils.toString(BooleanUtils.toBooleanObject(pValue), "1", "0", "null"); } else { pValueWrite = singleQuote + this.genericDataService.replace(pValue, singleQuote, singleQuote + singleQuote) + singleQuote; } } columnName = "`" + key + "`"; insertColumns += ", " + columnName; selectColumns += "," + pValueWrite + " as " + columnName; } } addSql = "insert into `" + datatable + "` (`" + fkName + "` " + insertColumns + ")" + " select " + appTableId + " as id" + selectColumns;; return addSql; } /** * This method is used special for ppi cases Where the score need to be * computed * * @param columnHeaders * @param datatable * @param fkName * @param appTableId * @param queryParams * @return */ public String getAddSqlWithScore(final List<ResultsetColumnHeaderData> columnHeaders, final String datatable, final String fkName, final Long appTableId, final Map<String, String> queryParams) { final Map<String, String> affectedColumns = getAffectedColumns(columnHeaders, queryParams, fkName); String pValueWrite = ""; String scoresId = " "; final String singleQuote = "'"; String insertColumns = ""; String selectColumns = ""; String columnName = ""; String pValue = null; for (final String key : affectedColumns.keySet()) { pValue = affectedColumns.get(key); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(pValue)) { pValueWrite = "null"; } else { pValueWrite = singleQuote + this.genericDataService.replace(pValue, singleQuote, singleQuote + singleQuote) + singleQuote; scoresId += pValueWrite + " ,"; } columnName = "`" + key + "`"; insertColumns += ", " + columnName; selectColumns += "," + pValueWrite + " as " + columnName; } scoresId = scoresId.replaceAll(" ,$", ""); String vaddSql = "insert into `" + datatable + "` (`" + fkName + "` " + insertColumns + ", `score` )" + " select " + appTableId + " as id" + selectColumns + " , ( SELECT SUM( code_score ) FROM m_code_value WHERE IN (" + scoresId + " ) ) as score";; return vaddSql; } private String getUpdateSql(List<ResultsetColumnHeaderData> columnHeaders, final String datatable, final String keyFieldName, final Long keyFieldValue, final Map<String, Object> changedColumns) { // just updating fields that have changed since pre-update read - though // its possible these values are different from the page the user was // looking at and even different from the current db values (if some // other update got in quick) - would need a version field for // completeness but its okay to take this risk with additional fields // data if (changedColumns.size() == 0) { return null; } String pValue = null; String pValueWrite = ""; final String singleQuote = "'"; boolean firstColumn = true; String sql = "update `" + datatable + "` "; for (final ResultsetColumnHeaderData pColumnHeader : columnHeaders) { final String key = pColumnHeader.getColumnName(); if (changedColumns.containsKey(key)) { if (firstColumn) { sql += " set "; firstColumn = false; } else { sql += ", "; } pValue = (String) changedColumns.get(key); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(pValue)) { pValueWrite = "null"; } else { if ("bit".equalsIgnoreCase(pColumnHeader.getColumnType())) { pValueWrite = BooleanUtils.toString(BooleanUtils.toBooleanObject(pValue), "1", "0", "null"); } else { pValueWrite = singleQuote + this.genericDataService.replace(pValue, singleQuote, singleQuote + singleQuote) + singleQuote; } } sql += "`" + key + "` = " + pValueWrite; } } sql += " where " + keyFieldName + " = " + keyFieldValue; return sql; } private Map<String, Object> getAffectedAndChangedColumns(final GenericResultsetData grs, final Map<String, String> queryParams, final String fkName) { final Map<String, String> affectedColumns = getAffectedColumns(grs.getColumnHeaders(), queryParams, fkName); final Map<String, Object> affectedAndChangedColumns = new HashMap<>(); for (final String key : affectedColumns.keySet()) { final String columnValue = affectedColumns.get(key); final String colType = grs.getColTypeOfColumnNamed(key); if (columnChanged(key, columnValue, colType, grs)) { affectedAndChangedColumns.put(key, columnValue); } } return affectedAndChangedColumns; } private boolean columnChanged(final String key, final String keyValue, final String colType, final GenericResultsetData grs) { final List<String> columnValues = grs.getData().get(0).getRow(); String columnValue = null; for (int i = 0; i < grs.getColumnHeaders().size(); i++) { if (key.equals(grs.getColumnHeaders().get(i).getColumnName())) { columnValue = columnValues.get(i); if (notTheSame(columnValue, keyValue, colType)) { return true; } return false; } } throw new PlatformDataIntegrityException("error.msg.invalid.columnName", "Parameter Column Name: " + key + " not found"); } public Map<String, String> getAffectedColumns(final List<ResultsetColumnHeaderData> columnHeaders, final Map<String, String> queryParams, final String keyFieldName) { final String dateFormat = queryParams.get("dateFormat"); Locale clientApplicationLocale = null; final String localeQueryParam = queryParams.get("locale"); if (!(StringUtils.isBlank(localeQueryParam))) { clientApplicationLocale = new Locale(queryParams.get("locale")); } final String underscore = "_"; final String space = " "; String pValue = null; String queryParamColumnUnderscored; String columnHeaderUnderscored; boolean notFound; final Map<String, String> affectedColumns = new HashMap<>(); final Set<String> keys = queryParams.keySet(); for (final String key : keys) { // ignores id and foreign key fields // also ignores locale and dateformat fields that are used for // validating numeric and date data if (!((key.equalsIgnoreCase("id")) || (key.equalsIgnoreCase(keyFieldName)) || (key.equals("locale")) || (key.equals("dateFormat")))) { notFound = true; // matches incoming fields with and without underscores (spaces // and underscores considered the same) queryParamColumnUnderscored = this.genericDataService.replace(key, space, underscore); for (final ResultsetColumnHeaderData columnHeader : columnHeaders) { if (notFound) { columnHeaderUnderscored = this.genericDataService.replace(columnHeader.getColumnName(), space, underscore); if (queryParamColumnUnderscored.equalsIgnoreCase(columnHeaderUnderscored)) { pValue = queryParams.get(key); pValue = validateColumn(columnHeader, pValue, dateFormat, clientApplicationLocale); affectedColumns.put(columnHeader.getColumnName(), pValue); notFound = false; } } } if (notFound) { throw new PlatformDataIntegrityException("error.msg.column.not.found", "Column: " + key + " Not Found"); } } } return affectedColumns; } private String validateColumn(final ResultsetColumnHeaderData columnHeader, final String pValue, final String dateFormat, final Locale clientApplicationLocale) { String paramValue = pValue; if (columnHeader.isDateDisplayType() || columnHeader.isDateTimeDisplayType() || columnHeader.isIntegerDisplayType() || columnHeader.isDecimalDisplayType() || columnHeader.isBooleanDisplayType()) { // only trim if string is not empty and is not null. // throws a NULL pointer exception if the check below is not applied paramValue = StringUtils.isNotEmpty(paramValue) ? paramValue.trim() : paramValue; } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(paramValue) && columnHeader.isMandatory()) { final List<ApiParameterError> dataValidationErrors = new ArrayList<>(); final ApiParameterError error = ApiParameterError.parameterError("error.msg.column.mandatory", "Mandatory", columnHeader.getColumnName()); dataValidationErrors.add(error); throw new PlatformApiDataValidationException("validation.msg.validation.errors.exist", "Validation errors exist.", dataValidationErrors); } if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(paramValue)) { if (columnHeader.hasColumnValues()) { if (columnHeader.isCodeValueDisplayType()) { if (columnHeader.isColumnValueNotAllowed(paramValue)) { final List<ApiParameterError> dataValidationErrors = new ArrayList<>(); final ApiParameterError error = ApiParameterError.parameterError( "error.msg.invalid.columnValue", "Value not found in Allowed Value list", columnHeader.getColumnName(), paramValue); dataValidationErrors.add(error); throw new PlatformApiDataValidationException("validation.msg.validation.errors.exist", "Validation errors exist.", dataValidationErrors); } return paramValue; } else if (columnHeader.isCodeLookupDisplayType()) { final Integer codeLookup = Integer.valueOf(paramValue); if (columnHeader.isColumnCodeNotAllowed(codeLookup)) { final List<ApiParameterError> dataValidationErrors = new ArrayList<>(); final ApiParameterError error = ApiParameterError.parameterError( "error.msg.invalid.columnValue", "Value not found in Allowed Value list", columnHeader.getColumnName(), paramValue); dataValidationErrors.add(error); throw new PlatformApiDataValidationException("validation.msg.validation.errors.exist", "Validation errors exist.", dataValidationErrors); } return paramValue; } else { throw new PlatformDataIntegrityException("error.msg.invalid.columnType.", "Code: " + columnHeader.getColumnName() + " - Invalid Type " + columnHeader.getColumnType() + " (neither varchar nor int)"); } } if (columnHeader.isDateDisplayType()) { final LocalDate tmpDate = JsonParserHelper.convertFrom(paramValue, columnHeader.getColumnName(), dateFormat, clientApplicationLocale); if (tmpDate == null) { paramValue = null; } else { paramValue = tmpDate.toString(); } } else if (columnHeader.isDateTimeDisplayType()) { final LocalDateTime tmpDateTime = JsonParserHelper.convertDateTimeFrom(paramValue, columnHeader.getColumnName(), dateFormat, clientApplicationLocale); if (tmpDateTime == null) { paramValue = null; } else { paramValue = tmpDateTime.toString(); } } else if (columnHeader.isIntegerDisplayType()) { final Integer tmpInt = this.helper.convertToInteger(paramValue, columnHeader.getColumnName(), clientApplicationLocale); if (tmpInt == null) { paramValue = null; } else { paramValue = tmpInt.toString(); } } else if (columnHeader.isDecimalDisplayType()) { final BigDecimal tmpDecimal = this.helper.convertFrom(paramValue, columnHeader.getColumnName(), clientApplicationLocale); if (tmpDecimal == null) { paramValue = null; } else { paramValue = tmpDecimal.toString(); } } else if (columnHeader.isBooleanDisplayType()) { final Boolean tmpBoolean = BooleanUtils.toBooleanObject(paramValue); if (tmpBoolean == null) { final ApiParameterError error = ApiParameterError.parameterError( "validation.msg.invalid.boolean.format", "The parameter " + columnHeader.getColumnName() + " has value: " + paramValue + " which is invalid boolean value.", columnHeader.getColumnName(), paramValue); final List<ApiParameterError> dataValidationErrors = new ArrayList<>(); dataValidationErrors.add(error); throw new PlatformApiDataValidationException("validation.msg.validation.errors.exist", "Validation errors exist.", dataValidationErrors); } paramValue = tmpBoolean.toString(); } else if (columnHeader.isString()) { if (paramValue.length() > columnHeader.getColumnLength()) { final ApiParameterError error = ApiParameterError.parameterError( "validation.msg.datatable.entry.column.exceeds.maxlength", "The column `" + columnHeader.getColumnName() + "` exceeds its defined max-length ", columnHeader.getColumnName(), paramValue); final List<ApiParameterError> dataValidationErrors = new ArrayList<>(); dataValidationErrors.add(error); throw new PlatformApiDataValidationException("validation.msg.validation.errors.exist", "Validation errors exist.", dataValidationErrors); } } } return paramValue; } private String getDeleteEntriesSql(final String datatable, final String FKField, final Long appTableId) { return "delete from `" + datatable + "` where `" + FKField + "` = " + appTableId; } private String getDeleteEntrySql(final String datatable, final Long datatableId) { return "delete from `" + datatable + "` where `id` = " + datatableId; } private boolean notTheSame(final String currValue, final String pValue, final String colType) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(currValue) && StringUtils.isEmpty(pValue)) { return false; } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(currValue)) { return true; } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(pValue)) { return true; } if ("DECIMAL".equalsIgnoreCase(colType)) { final BigDecimal currentDecimal = BigDecimal.valueOf(Double.valueOf(currValue)); final BigDecimal newDecimal = BigDecimal.valueOf(Double.valueOf(pValue)); return currentDecimal.compareTo(newDecimal) != 0; } if (currValue.equals(pValue)) { return false; } return true; } @Override public Long countDatatableEntries(final String datatableName, final Long appTableId, String foreignKeyColumn) { final String sqlString = "SELECT COUNT(`" + foreignKeyColumn + "`) FROM `" + datatableName + "` WHERE `" + foreignKeyColumn + "`=" + appTableId; final Long count = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sqlString, Long.class); return count; } public boolean isDatatableAttachedToEntityDatatableCheck(final String datatableName) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append(" SELECT COUNT(edc.`x_registered_table_name`) FROM `x_registered_table` xrt "); builder.append( " JOIN m_entity_datatable_check edc ON edc.`x_registered_table_name` = xrt.`registered_table_name`"); builder.append(" WHERE edc.`x_registered_table_name` = '" + datatableName + "'"); final Long count = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(builder.toString(), Long.class); return (count > 0) ? true : false; } }