Java tutorial
/** ** This file is part of the project ** ** License is available here: ** ** PEREIRA Romain ** 4-----7 ** /| /| ** 0-----3 | ** | 5___|_6 ** |/ | / ** 1-----2 */ package; import java.nio.FloatBuffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Random; import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11; import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL15; import com.grillecube.engine.Taskable; import com.grillecube.engine.VoxelEngine; import com.grillecube.engine.geometry.GLGeometry; import com.grillecube.engine.geometry.Sphere; import com.grillecube.engine.maths.Vector3f; import com.grillecube.engine.maths.Vector4f; import com.grillecube.engine.opengl.GLH; import com.grillecube.engine.opengl.object.GLVertexArray; import com.grillecube.engine.opengl.object.GLVertexBuffer; import com.grillecube.engine.renderer.MainRenderer; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class SkyRenderer extends RendererWorld { private static final int SKYDOME_PRECISION = 4; private static final float SKYDOME_SIZE = 1.0f; /** program */ private ProgramSky _sky_program; /** vao for icosphere */ private GLVertexArray _vao; private GLVertexBuffer _vbo; public SkyRenderer(MainRenderer main_renderer) { super(main_renderer); } @Override public void initialize() { this._sky_program = new ProgramSky(); this._vao = GLH.glhGenVAO(); this._vbo = GLH.glhGenVBO(); this._vao.bind(); this._vbo.bind(GL15.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER); FloatBuffer floats = GLGeometry.generateSphere(SKYDOME_PRECISION, SKYDOME_SIZE); this._vbo.bufferData(GL15.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, floats, GL15.GL_STATIC_DRAW); this._vao.setAttribute(0, 3, GL11.GL_FLOAT, false, 4 * 3, 0); this._vao.enableAttribute(0); } @Override public void deinitialize() { GLH.glhDeleteObject(this._sky_program); this._sky_program = null; GLH.glhDeleteObject(this._vao); this._vao = null; GLH.glhDeleteObject(this._vbo); this._vbo = null; } @Override public void onWorldSet(World world) { } @Override public void onWorldUnset(World world) { } @Override public void preRender() { World world = this.getWorld(); this.ambientParticle(world); if (world.getWeather().isRaining()) { this.rainParticles(world, world.getWeather().getRainStrength()); } } @Override public void render() { this.render(super.getCamera()); } public void render(CameraProjectiveWorld camera) { World world = super.getWorld(); // GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_CULL_FACE); // GL11.glCullFace(GL11.GL_BACK); this._sky_program.useStart(); this._sky_program.loadUniforms(world.getWeather(), camera); this._vao.bind(); this._vao.draw(GL11.GL_TRIANGLES, 0, Sphere.getVertexCount(SKYDOME_PRECISION)); this._sky_program.useStop(); GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_CULL_FACE); } public void renderReflection(CameraProjectiveWorld camera, Vector4f clipplane) { // TODO : clip plane this.render(camera); } public void renderRefraction(CameraProjectiveWorld camera, Vector4f clipplane) { // TODO : cliplane this.render(camera); } /** testing particles system :D */ private void ambientParticle(World world) { Random rng = this.getParent().getRNG(); ParticleRenderer renderer = this.getParent().getWorldRenderer().getParticleRenderer(); ParticleCube cube = new ParticleCube(); Vector3f campos = this.getParent().getCamera().getPosition(); float x = (rng.nextInt(2) == 0) ? -rng.nextFloat() : rng.nextFloat(); float y = rng.nextFloat(); float z = (rng.nextInt(2) == 0) ? -rng.nextFloat() : rng.nextFloat(); cube.setPosition(campos.x + x * 16, campos.y + y * 16, campos.z + z * 16); float size = rng.nextFloat() * 0.1f; cube.setScale(size, size, size); cube.setHealth(120); Vector3f color = world.getWeather().getFogColor(); cube.setColor(color.x, color.y, color.z, 0.5f); float velx = (rng.nextInt(2) == 0) ? -rng.nextFloat() : rng.nextFloat(); float vely = -rng.nextFloat(); float velz = (rng.nextInt(2) == 0) ? -rng.nextFloat() : rng.nextFloat(); cube.setPositionVel(velx / 32.0f, vely / 32.0f, velz / 32.0f); renderer.spawnParticle(cube); } /** testing particles system :D */ private void rainParticles(World world, int strength) { float yfactor = strength / (3 * Weather.MID_RAIN_STRENGTH); for (int i = 0; i < strength; i++) { Random rng = this.getParent().getRNG(); ParticleRenderer renderer = this.getParent().getWorldRenderer().getParticleRenderer(); ParticleCubeBouncing cube = new ParticleCubeBouncing(); Vector3f campos = this.getParent().getCamera().getPosition(); float x = (rng.nextInt(2) == 0) ? -rng.nextFloat() : rng.nextFloat(); float y = rng.nextFloat(); float z = (rng.nextInt(2) == 0) ? -rng.nextFloat() : rng.nextFloat(); cube.setPosition(campos.x + x * 16, campos.y + y * 16, campos.z + z * 16); float size = 0.05f; cube.setScale(size, size, size); cube.setHealth(120); cube.setRotationVel(rng.nextFloat(), rng.nextFloat(), rng.nextFloat()); Vector3f color = world.getWeather().getFogColor(); cube.setColor(color.x, color.y, color.z, 0.5f); cube.setColor(0, 0.2f, 0.9f, 0.5f); float velx = 0;// (rng.nextInt(2) == 0) ? -rng.nextFloat() : // rng.nextFloat(); float vely = -rng.nextFloat() * yfactor; float velz = 0;// (rng.nextInt(2) == 0) ? -rng.nextFloat() : // rng.nextFloat(); cube.setPositionVel(velx, vely, velz); renderer.spawnParticle(cube); } } @Override public void renderShadow(ShadowCamera shadow_camera) { } // unused, sky doesnt cast shadow @Override public void getTasks(VoxelEngine engine, ArrayList<VoxelEngine.Callable<Taskable>> tasks, World world, CameraProjectiveWorld camera) { } }